Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 288 Shocking running posture

Lao Wu was in an extremely unhappy mood, and he even looked at the whole boy with vicious eyes. Although my brother-in-law's results are not top-notch, he can still get the top six.

As a result, the chain fell off at the critical moment, which was unbearable. Thinking of this, Old Wu couldn't help but cursed:

"I usually spoil you so much just to make you look good on me at the critical moment. Now slap me in the face, just wait! Let's see if I can do anything to you!"

Naturally everyone heard what Lao Wu said and knew who he was scolding? But at this time, he was angry and no one touched his brow.

"Teacher Wu, how about I run for him? No need to change the name. It doesn't matter whether I can get the ranking or not. We can't leave it empty?"

Lao Wu was worried about this at this time. His name had already been reported, and he felt embarrassed that there was no one there.

He glanced at Ye Yuze and frowned slightly. He is not optimistic about Ye Yuze's 3,000-meter run. Although his results are not bad, they are nothing in the city.

If he could run the same result as he did the first time, he would still have hope of finishing in the top six, but he was never able to run that result again in subsequent training sessions.

Ye Yuze is now a person with no sense of presence in the class. Lao Wu doesn't pay attention to him, and the cultural teacher doesn't care either. He basically just lets him go.

"Teacher, just let him try. There is no suitable person anyway."

The famous man Hu Yajie said something helpful at this time. In fact, Hu Yajie has always been good to Ye Yuze, maybe because of Ye Yuze's young age.

But after meeting Wang Honghua that time, Hu Yajie looked at Ye Yuze in a strange way every time. She really couldn't figure out why this child had such a big child bride, and she was from Peking University.

Lao Wu finally made up his mind and stubbed out the cigarette he had just finished smoking.

"Okay, let's go to Ye Yuze. The 100-meter preliminaries seem to be the first event. The 100-meter hurdles will be around ten o'clock. The 3,000-meter preliminaries will be in the afternoon. Can you recover your strength?"

Ye Yuze nodded and hesitated before asking.

"Teacher Wu, if I help him get into the top six, can the teacher not punish him? Otherwise, my run will be in vain?"

Old Wu's expression froze. So this is what this kid is doing? But he is a rough guy, and he only cares about the collective honor. As for personal grievances, where does he have any personal grievances with a student?

"Okay! That's it."

After saying this, Old Wu walked towards the organizing committee. It turns out he didn't want to change his name.

Now that this kid is so generous in doing things, he doesn't want Ye Yuze to be an unsung hero. What if he wins? That Bai Lang doesn't deserve this honor.

This matter is very simple. After explaining the situation to the person in charge of the organizing committee, Bai Lang's name was changed to Ye Yuze.

Not long after the change, the names of the students participating in the 100-meter preliminaries began to be called on the radio. Only then did Ye Yuze discover a serious problem, that is, he had no spikes.

You don’t need to wear spikes for three thousand meters because you don’t need to sprint at full strength, but that’s not the case for one hundred meters. Without them, your speed might be two to three seconds slower. A distance of one hundred meters can determine victory or defeat in one second.

"Teacher Wu, I don't have spikes!"

At this time, Ye Yuze could only find a solution to the teacher. Lao Wu came from a sports background and naturally understood this, so he couldn't help but scolded his brother-in-law again.

But people have been called over there, and the boys who came with him are all a bit taller than Ye Yuze. Where are there any shoes for him to wear?

Old Wu was spinning in circles when Hu Yajie asked: "Ye Yuze, what size shoes do you wear?"

"No. 37!"

Hu Yajie laughed and threw him a pair of running shoes that he had not yet put on.

"I took this when I came here this morning. I was regretting not using it, but I didn't expect it was prepared for you."

Ye Yuze didn't care to talk nonsense with her. He changed his running shoes in a few seconds and hurried to the meeting point.

There were more than thirty contestants in the preliminaries, from different schools and sports schools. They must all be the top students in the school. Schools that can't reach the speed simply don't send anyone to participate in this project.

Ye Yuze was in the third group, the sixth track. Lao Wu and another teacher were following him. Hu Yajie and several other girls were also waiting to cheer him on.

Teacher Wu pointed to the third runway and said to Hu Yajie:

"When you are in your group, you keep an eye on the person on the third lane. As long as you can keep an eye on him, you may be able to enter the semi-finals. That person is very strong and can definitely enter the finals."

It was Ye Yuze's first time participating in this thing. How could he know who was capable? Even if I tell him now, he won't be able to remember it, but he remembers the third track firmly.

The first two groups finished running quickly, and it was Ye Yuze's turn. In the preliminaries, it was not whoever ran first would advance to the semi-finals, but whoever finished first in the preliminaries was selected based on the results.

Ye Yuze stared closely at the man on the third track. His sportswear said Tangcheng No. 8 Middle School, followed by a big "5".

He was very thin, but his arms and legs were relatively long. He looked a bit like Dao Lang. Ye Yuze stared at his long legs, which could reach his waist.

As the starting gun sounded, the six players shot out like arrows. The one running at the end was Ye Yuze, who was obviously shorter than others.

Old Wu sighed helplessly, regretting that he had changed his name just now. Just let Bai Lang be embarrassed, why do you have to hook up with one?

The distance of ten meters passed by in a flash. Because of his lack of experience, Ye Yuze had jumped ahead a beat and was left behind.

However, this guy was not discouraged. The upper half of his arms clamped tightly around his waist, and only his bent forearms swung rapidly. The steps under his feet are also half smaller than others.

This is really not just because of his short legs. This guy naturally likes to take small steps when running fast. This kind of strange running posture suddenly made the whole audience burst into laughter.

Everyone is good at sports. Even if they are not professional sportswear, they have received professional training. There are requirements for running posture. Who knew that a top ten traditional strong team would produce such a talent?

Hu Yajie and the others who were supposed to be his cheerleaders wanted to cover their faces. We don’t know this person, we really don’t. This is the standard pace of a small-foot detective team!

Soon, Ye Yuze used his unique little steps to slap the face of those who laughed at him. Although the steps are small, they are very fast! He went out with every step he took.

With this kind of high-speed movement, even if his legs were long, it would be impossible for him to take four steps at a time.

Everyone watched as the little short leg took small steps as if equipped with a motor, and began to overtake the people running in front of him one by one.

The moment he was approaching the red line, he jumped forward suddenly and hit the red line one moment ahead!

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