Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 29 It turns out that the cliff can also be climbed down

Seeing that he couldn't control it, Ye Yuze simply gave up the resistance. Isn't it just a fall? Who wants to ride a horse without having the experience of being thrown off a few times?

So Ye Yuze simply gave up the reins and hugged the horse's neck tightly. The two short legs worked hard to tighten the horse's belly.

But the horse's belly is a bit big, and his legs are a bit short. I can’t hold it!

But whether it can be clamped or not is God's will. Whether to clip or not is a matter of human nature.

Anyway, Ye Yuze tried his best to sit upright. Keep your body balanced. Gradually, he actually adapted.

Not only was he not thrown off, he actually experienced the feeling of galloping. It seems that the whole person is floating in the air! So this is how horses are ridden?


With a long hiss. The horse suddenly stopped. It turned out that the horse had already caught up with Han Dao.

It was originally chasing its master. When you come to me now, you will naturally stop.

Dao Dehan didn't expect the horse to chase him. He stepped forward and touched the horse's head.

Then he said a few words in Kazakh into the horse's ears. Then he pulled the reins and turned his head.

Ye Yuze couldn't understand what he said. I just want to get off my horse. He was afraid that the horse would go crazy again.

Dao Dehan smiled. Wave,

"You go ahead and ride it! I made an agreement with it to pick it up in two days!"

Ye Yuze cursed: "I believe you, you idiot! If the horse can understand you, then I will dare to give it wine and meat."

But something that surprised him actually happened.

The horse actually carried him and trotted away. Walking in the opposite direction, Han didn't even look at the sword again!

Ye Yuze couldn't think of his sister. Can horses really understand human speech?

So he also learned the way of Han Dao. He leaned close to the horse's ear and said:

"Pony, run well. Don't throw me away. I'll give you something delicious to eat when I get home!"

However, the horse is still trotting according to its rhythm. Nothing has changed.

Ye Yuze sighed, it turns out this guy can't understand Chinese!

At this time, we also arrived at the place where Yang Geyong stood. This guy didn't even use stirrups and jumped onto the horse's back.

On the horse, Yang Geyong carefully taught him the tricks of riding.

In fact, the so-called secret is to relax. Go with the horse's rhythm. Don't compete.

Often the less capable a person is of riding, the more desperately they want to control the horse. Actually that is a big mistake!

It's like when you're learning to ride a bicycle and you try desperately to hold the handlebars steady, but you can't. It is the same reason that you can ride with ease after you become proficient.

After listening to Yang Geyong's words, Ye Yuze's body began to relax. He was sitting behind him anyway.

Ye Yuze also tried to relax. Experience how to let your body fit naturally with the horse's rhythm when running.

Sure enough, this way. Feel relaxed immediately. The two stiff and tired calves gradually regained consciousness.

But that little butt still hurts!

Wood method, mastery of every skill. You have to pay the price by harming your identity!

The two men ran west along the path for a while. So he took the horse back.

Yang Geyong said that if we go further we will reach the border. There's an enemy outpost over there.

In fact, Ye Yuze was very interested in arriving at the enemy outpost. But he didn't dare to take risks, after all, his life was still at stake.

Back in the company, it’s still early for dinner. Yang Geyong simply went home and got a ponytail condom. The two decided to set up another trap.

But this time Yang Geyong also brought a bundle of rope. Ye Yuze asked him what it was for. He smiled and didn't answer.

He already knew Yang Geyong's character very well. He is a typical type of person who is ruthless and doesn't talk much. I didn’t ask again.

Because of the horses, the two men did not go up the steep mountain from the company side. Instead, we came to the place where we went down the mountain last time.

Horses can also follow here. Of course, it is impossible to ride on it. But it’s not a big problem to lead him around!

This mountain is about seven or eight hundred meters high. So it's quick to get up. Even the horse didn't seem to exert any effort.

The two people walked to the cliff again. Maybe boys have been interested in more dangerous things since childhood!

Just like all boys have a heroic plot in their hearts.

Since last time. Ye Yuze was very interested in this cliff. He couldn't figure out why nature had such miraculous craftsmanship.

Such a high cliff was flattened in such a straight line!

On that smooth stone wall, there was almost no place to stay.

It is impossible for a naturally formed mountain to have such a spectacle! Are there really gods? Split the mountain in half with one knife?

But what about the other half? Ye Yuze couldn't understand. Could it be that the other half was moved home by the gods to serve as a bench?

Don't look at the top of the mountain, look around. There are mountains everywhere.

The hilltop where Ye Yuze stood was just a small spot among the mountains.

Looking at the peak reaching into the clouds in the distance. Ye Yuze felt a little overwhelmed. What would that top of the mountain look like?

People say that when you are at the top of the mountain, you can see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance. But why did I climb for a long time and be the smallest one in the eyes of others?

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore! Ye Yuze patted his head. Tell yourself.

"I'm only eight years old, I'm still a child. I can't be too idealistic!"

Yang Geyong was startled by his inexplicable behavior.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Yuze quickly shook his head. "Nothing, the wind hurts a little!"

Yang Geyong stretched out his hand and raised it high to try. Even stranger. "Is there no wind?"

Quickly change the subject. "Can you tell me now? Why did you bring the rope?"

Yang Geyong smiled. Walk to the edge of the cliff and look down. Then we walked back and forth a few more times.

Then he took the rope off the horse. I found a poplar tree and tied the rope.

When tying the rope, he also carefully taught Ye Yuze how to tie the knot.

In Ye Yuze's opinion, only the dead knot is the most reliable tying method. After some operations by Yang Geyong, he finally understood.

It turns out that slipknot is the safest way to tie a rope. And it’s easy to understand.

After tying the rope, Yang Geyong tied the other end directly around his waist. Just walk towards the cliff.

Ye Yuze was shocked. Grab him quickly.

"Boss, why are you going to such a dangerous place?"

Yang Geyong patted the rope around his waist.

"Don't be afraid, such a thick rope can't be broken! But you have to pull me up when I come up later. Otherwise, I won't be able to come up because I have no strength!"

Ye Yuze nodded numbly, this matter was completely beyond his understanding. Haven't reacted yet.

Yang Geyong put down the extra rope first. Then he grabbed one end and started to slide slowly down.

Yang Geyong slid down more than ten meters and suddenly shouted to Ye Yuze:

"When you pull me up later, you have to stand at the tree. Wrap the rope up around the tree. Otherwise you won't be able to pull me up!"

Ye Yuze nodded desperately. After all, this small body also contained a soul of more than 20 years old. He understands this.

Yang Geyong had a cloth bag hanging on his waist. Just pretend to be white-faced.

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