Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 272 Physical Education Class

Ye Yuze was startled and rushed to hug him. Otherwise, if this guy's head was stuck on the ground, his head would definitely not be able to touch the cement.

Who would have thought that he was tumbling in the air, but his legs were firmly on the ground. Ye Yuze was stunned. Are there so many talents here?

After the guy landed, he just glanced at Ye Yuze and walked away without saying a word.

The class bell rang, and Ye Yuze also walked back to the classroom. This class is an English class, and the English teacher is a very young girl. He must be a few years older than the students.

The female teacher’s surname is Tian. She is not pretty, which may have something to do with the acne on her face. There are too many acne, and the whole face appears red. She walked up to the podium and said it again in English:

"Hello, students!"

The students in the classroom also stood up and shouted together:

"Hello Teacher!"

Ye Yuze mechanically stood up and sat down after his classmates. I don't understand what they are talking about. It’s just that I’m beating a drum in my heart.

"Although I'm an ordinary person, I can't be a bad student. What should I do if someone teaches me in English?"

Did you know what Russian to learn? Can’t you just learn English well? Sister Huahua’s English proficiency teaches me how to be rich! But there's no point regretting it at this point.

Fortunately, what Teacher Tian said next was all in Chinese. It's just that he couldn't understand the English words when he read them. He opened the textbook with his classmates, and felt his scalp numb as he read each text.

He knew every letter of this thing when it was taken apart, but when it was put together, he didn't recognize any of them.

Unfortunately, the sixth volume of English no longer contains the most basic scales and words, so even if he wanted to learn it, he would not be able to start. I could only look at Teacher Tian's face in a daze.

He became curious as he looked at it. He couldn't figure out why such dense pimples were so concentrated in the same place.

After all, Teacher Tian is an irresponsible teacher and doesn't care whether the students have learned or not. He just lectured at his own pace, picked up the textbook and left after finishing the lecture.

Students will usually give face to such a teacher, and no matter how naughty the student is, they will quietly let her finish her lecture.

The last two classes in the morning are physical education classes. Since it is a physical education class, the teaching of physical education classes will definitely focus on it. This class was naturally given by the head teacher Wu Tianfang.

Wu Tianfang has a more bold style. As soon as the bell rings, the students put on their sportswear and stand neatly in four rows.

There are a total of forty students in the class, and the male to female ratio is exactly the same. Ye Yuze now understood a little bit why he was recruited, and he just made up the numbers. However, Ye Yuze didn't have any sportswear and was still wearing ordinary clothes.

But Ye Yuze suddenly felt inferior because he was the first man standing in the third row. But she is obviously shorter than the girls in front of her. There was a girl who was not much taller than her, but her body was as stocky as a stone.

After the queue was established, the squad leader returned to the front of the queue. The squad leader is Chen Xiumei, who is also on the basketball team. Like Hu Yajie, she is a direct descendant of Wu Tianfang.

The women's basketball team of Tangcheng No. 10 Middle School is very famous in Tangcheng. It has never fallen out of the top three in all previous sports games. Even coach Wu Tianfang is a registered figure in the Tangcheng Sports Committee.

Of course, the Tangcheng women's basketball team refers to the high school women's basketball team. However, the junior high school students who are on the reserve team also make the school leaders take a high look.

Wu Tianfang walked to the front of the team and blew the whistle.

"First run three thousand meters around the playground, and then conduct professional training based on your own strengths!"

The students had already become accustomed to his teaching methods. They entered the track neatly and started running.

Three thousand meters is enough to kill most of the students in an average school. But for students in the physical education class, it is just an appetizer. From the moment they entered the runway, everyone started to let themselves go.

This is not jogging with small steps as everyone understands. Even the female students threw away their long legs and started running wildly.

Girls aged fifteen or sixteen have already begun to grow, and those who have grown earlier are beginning to show off their curves. As I ran, some parts started to tremble, which was very spectacular.

Ye Yuze ran at the back. This was not because he was really weak in physical strength and speed. But most of the people behind are girls. In terms of explosive power, girls are obviously weaker than boys.

After Teacher Wu's whistle blew, the boys basically rushed to the front like a swarm of swarms. It's as if it's embarrassing to be among the girls.

Ye Yuze didn't feel embarrassed at all and kept running behind the girls. He didn't want to pass them. The scenery here is great! How do you write a poem?

"Looking at it from the side, it looks like a ridge and a side looks like a peak, with different heights and distances!" Ye Yuze felt that the last sentence should be changed to "different in size and height!"

Ye Yuze was running leisurely behind him. Although he couldn't bear to look directly at him, the corner of his eye could not bear to leave the scenery for a moment.

Wu Tianfang kept following the students while blowing his whistle. At this time, I also saw Ye Yuze following the team without any pressure.

Originally, he hated going through the back door the most. He was very dissatisfied with Ye Yuze, a transfer student, being thrust into the physical education class.

Such a small man must not be good at studies or sports, right? It has lowered the purity of the physical education class as a whole. At this moment, seeing Ye Yuze running effortlessly, he became a little curious and shouted:

"Ye Yuze, run with me!"

Ye Yuze was fascinated by the scenery. He was startled by Wu Tianfang's loud shout. Thinking that the teacher had discovered his behavior, the old man blushed, lowered his head and ran away with Wu Tianfang.

At this time, he was really not focused on anything else, just watching Wu Tianfang's footsteps. Wu Tianfang was taller, and Ye Yuze found that it took a few steps with his short legs to keep up with him. Unknowingly, I accelerated.

Wu Tianfang saw that Ye Yuze was still struggling and started to speed up. Ye Yuze counted other people's steps. If they took one step, he would take two steps. Unknowingly, the two people had surpassed most of the people.

There were only a few athletes left in front who specialized in track and field. One of them looked back and saw Teacher Wu chasing after him. He shouted something and they started to speed up.

What a joke, these people are all people who have placed in the city sports meeting. How could he be caught up by a teacher who was several dozen years old, and there was a short-legged guy next to the teacher.

By this time most of the students had run four laps. The distance of a circle is four hundred meters. In other words, it will take nearly four laps to complete the task.

At this length, some athletes with poor physical fitness and non-track and field athletes have slowly been thrown away.

By the time the women's basketball players Hu Yajie and Chen Xiumei were not left behind at all, they had been following the track and field athletes. Their physical fitness is very good, and they are also tall. Otherwise, how could he be selected for the school team?

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Yesterday's vote was really impressive, thank you Daqiang. I will try my best to write the best story for you.

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