Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 26 Ye Yuze brand wine

In fact, in northern Xinjiang, there is the most obvious difference between the corps people and the ethnic people. That's drinking.

This matter has always been criticized by ethnic people. That's drinking.

You know, in the consciousness of local ethnic people. When friends come, be sure to entertain them with the best wine and the best food.

So, every time I go to their place as a guest. If you lie down and fall asleep without drinking, then you have not been entertained well.

The XJ herdsmen’s yurt is called a yurt, or “Keyi Zaiyu” in Kazakh. Basically all are white.

This Keyi Zaiyu has two meanings, one is a house on horseback. The other one is the White Palace.

Think of the endless grassland. There is a white palace standing there, what a beautiful artistic conception.

The yurt is covered with carpets. So you have to take off your shoes when entering.

The guest drank too much and could just lie down and fall asleep. So, even though the yurt is not big. But there are plenty of places to sleep.

The Han people are used to sleeping on beds. Moreover, there are very few wealthy people with this bed.

If the guest is drunk. It's okay to lie on the bed for a while during the day. If they stay overnight, the family will have no place to stay.

A few people started drinking more reservedly. Because they respect Dr. Ye from the bottom of their hearts.

Each of them raised a glass of wine and toasted to Dr. Ye. And express my sincere gratitude and blessings.

But after a few bowls of wine, I sat down for a while. I couldn't hide it anymore.

They are not willing to drink from wine glasses because they think they are too small. So they come every time. Dr. Ye simply poured wine from his rice bowl.

That one bowl is basically half a catty.

Amir picked up the wine bowl and started singing a toast.

They sang and danced. They usually shouted that at this time, basically no one could stop them.

Ye Yuze watched with interest. Not to mention, their songs and dances are very beautiful.

After dancing for a while, he stopped. Pointing at Dr. Ye, he said:

"You are good at everything, but you are too stingy. You don't give me a good drink every time you come here. If you don't drink well, you can't make good friends."

Although Amir speaks Chinese very well, he is also a bit unfamiliar. After all, there is no professional study. Many words have local characteristics.

Hearing Amir say this, Dr. Ye could only smile.

After all, he is a doctor and does not agree with drinking himself down every time he drinks. You know, there are quite a few accidents that happen after drinking.

But there is no excuse at this time, we can only let them drink!

By this time, three bottles of wine had been finished. Four of them came. Originally, Dr. Ye meant that it would be almost done after drinking.

Unexpectedly, people just got excited after drinking. It seems that this drink is likely to be drank directly into the evening.

Doctor Ye asked Ye Yuze to go to the south room to get wine. Amir yelled.

"If you want good wine, bring out your father's good wine. Don't want this boring one!"

Ye Yuze had no choice but to go to the south room to get them wine. At this time, my mother had already taken my brother to someone else's house.

There is no shortage of wine at home, and there is a box of Tacheng Baigan in the south room. They are all 68-degree grain wine.

Ye Yuze just wanted to take a few bottles back. But suddenly I saw several barrels of alcohol standing next to me.

These alcohols are medical alcohol from health rooms.

Ye Yuze had an idea. He understood that the good wine Amir and the others talked about was strong alcohol.

Because of the cold weather in northern Xinjiang, herdsmen like spirits. If you take the 30 to 40 degree white wine of later generations to the grassland. It's probably guaranteed to be thrown by them. And he will say:

"Hey, Erdasi. You use this water-like thing to deceive people! Do you treat us as spoons?"

Erdaxi is a Kazakh comrade.

After Ye Yuze hesitated for a moment, he picked up an empty bottle. I poured over half a bottle of alcohol.

This is 75 percent. Then add water. Then I took another bottle of Tacheng Baigan.

He wanted to give them a taste of the alcohol first, and then switch to white wine if it didn't work. Don’t you always find wine boring? Alcohol is always powerful, right?

Back in the house, several people were impatient to wait. Amir joked towards Ye Yuze.

"Hey, Balangzi. I asked you to get wine, did you go drink milk?"

Several people laughed. Ye Yuze ignored him. Secretly slandering. "Will you still laugh after a while?"

Ye Yuze was the first to pour wine for Amir, and then poured it for them respectively.

Several guys have been impatient for a long time. They picked up the wine and gave in to each other. Then he took a big sip.

Then, their expressions froze. Amir even choked and coughed loudly. And those few people were simply speechless.

Ye Yuze felt guilty. He wants to run. If dad knows about this. He will definitely be beaten!

Unexpectedly, after Amir finished coughing, he suddenly grabbed Dr. Ye's shoulder and patted him hard several times.

"Good friends, good friends. I should have brought out this wine a long time ago!"

Seeing his father's doubtful eyes, Ye Yuze lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

But those men drank happily.

A bottle of wine is shared among four people, and each person is not short of half a bowl. Where can I have a refreshing drink? Ye Yuze quickly opened Tacheng Baigan and poured it for them.

Unexpectedly, a few people just tasted it. Then he was dissatisfied. Amir looked at Ye Yuze.

"Ba Langzi, your father asked you to get good wine, why did you just take out a bottle? We are all your father's best friends. Good wine must be given to us."

Ye Yuze was helpless and complained in his heart. "I really don't want to give you alcohol! You want to drink it yourself, so don't blame me!"

So he packed up the wine bottles on the ground and took them out directly.

There is no way, there are no empty bottles in the south room. They drink so much. There are ten bottles of alcohol that can’t be put down!

So, Ye Yuze came to the south room and quickly started blending the wine.

He arranged several bottles and tried to pour as much alcohol into them as possible. He was afraid that if he poured too much of any one of them, the taste would be different. That guy Amir is causing trouble for him again.

Soon, six bottles of Ye Yuze brand wine were released.

Ye Yuze didn't forget to put a cap on each bottle.

Then he returned to the house triumphantly.

Dad hardly ever drinks, so the first time he poured the wine into the bowl, he didn’t finish it yet.

Therefore, Ye Yuze doesn't have to worry about being discovered by his father.

Seeing Ye Yuze coming back, the guys drank all the wine in the bowl in one gulp. Ye Yuze started pouring wine again.

At this time, Dad finally realized something was wrong. Because grain wine has some fragrance.

But what Ye Yuze brought just had a strong smell of alcohol. He glared at Ye Yuze. He didn't say anything.

Emil and others were finally satisfied. I really enjoyed this meal. Although they didn't eat more than a few bites of meat.

By about two o'clock in the afternoon. Finally no one drank anymore.

There was no drop left in the ten-pound bucket of alcohol in the south room.

Amir stood up unsteadily and said goodbye. Dad let him sleep for a while before leaving.

But he shook his head. "You Corps people have no place to sleep in your house."

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