Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2750 About the surname Ye

The management team recruited by Ye Feng is quite professional and serious about their work.

But if you ask them to sort out these relationships, it will obviously not work.

Although Ye Tieshuan and Ye Lishuan have completely delegated their power, many things are not that simple.

For example, if the management team changes to a middle-level manager, that middle-level manager may dare to scold the boss. There is no way, he is a relative of the Ye family!

The new boss is Hu Kaifeng, who graduated from a prestigious university, has studied abroad, and has held an important position in a state-owned enterprise.

Such a person still can't play here.

So he decided to replace Liu Xuenong, the manager of the purchasing department, but Liu Xuenong found his office and scolded him.

Hu Kaifeng had no choice but to complain to Ye Feng. Ye Feng went to talk to Liu Xuenong, and Liu Xuenong arrogantly slammed the table and scolded:

"You fake foreign devil, your father didn't dare to talk to me like this, what kind of person are you? Fire me, dream on!"

Ye Feng was so angry that he punched him directly. He didn't care who was his relative, he would beat him if he scolded him.

This caused trouble. Liu Xuenong's relatives all came to the company and insisted on beating Ye Feng.

Although Ye Feng was not afraid, he did not want the matter to get out of hand. Finally, the two brothers Ye Tieshuan and Ye Lishuan came forward in person to suppress the matter.

In the end, Ye Feng simply pushed all the things to the two grandfathers, that is, all the middle-level and above leaders must be taken down, otherwise he could not take over the company.

The two brothers were also in trouble about this matter, but Ye Feng insisted, and they had no choice but to do the work one by one.

And Ye Feng took advantage of this opportunity to decide to go to find his roots and find the real ancestral land of the old Ye family.

Because it was only a dozen kilometers away, Ye Feng drove a relatively low-key car to Lugongbao Town.

This town is also composed of several natural villages, and the surname Ye is concentrated in Beiguan Village.

People in the village are more sensitive, especially the old ladies who stay on the street to bask in the sun.

Ye Feng did not dare to ask rashly because it was easy to be watched.

There happened to be a big pancake roll donkey meat here, which is a century-old brand.

Ye Feng went in and asked for half a pancake, and then added twenty donkey meat. The boss also gave him some stewed meat. Without stewed meat, the meat is tasteless.

The thin ones are millet porridge and old tofu. There are many snacks of tofu in China, and the old tofu here is actually tofu brain.

The smooth and tender tofu is poured with garlic paste, sesame paste, and chili oil, which is so refreshing.

A bite of pancake wrapped with meat and a spoonful of old tofu make Ye Feng, who is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, feel satisfied.

The boss is an old man in his eighties, very talkative.

The first time he saw Ye Feng, he asked: "You are not a local, how did you find this place?"

It turned out that the boss thought he was a customer who came to eat his pancakes.

In recent years, there are indeed some famous people who come to eat, making his small shop hidden in the village more and more famous.

Ye Feng took advantage of the situation and talked to the boss about this village. As a result, he hit the mark. The boss's name is Ye Shaoquan, who is from Beiguan Village.

Ye Feng was overjoyed, but he remained calm and talked to him about the origin of the surname Ye.

In fact, the legend of each major surname is quite complicated, and there are many versions, but the elderly only believe in one, that is, under the big locust tree in Hongtong County, Shanxi.

This origin is naturally clear, and most of the elderly people now insist on this statement.

In fact, this statement is not wrong. This incident can be traced back to a poem "Su San left Hongtong County", and I don't know how many people have been tracing back to history.

The name Hongtong County was carefully explored by netizens. The history of Hongtong County can be counted from the period of Zhu Yuanzhang.

From the period of Zhu Yuanzhang to the period of Yongle, Hongtong County organized a total of 8 large-scale relocation activities.

It is well known that any large-scale relocation activities must be during wars, such as two population migrations to the south, one in the Three Kingdoms, the Jin Dynasty, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the other in the Song Dynasty.

The background of these two times was when there were continuous wars in the north.

Under the historical background of the Three Kingdoms, the chaos of the Five Barbarians and the Sixteen Kingdoms, and the Jingkang Change, the background of population migration to the south was carried out under powerlessness.

The eight large-scale migrations in Hongtong County were carried out in an orderly manner under the command of the government.

Relocation is not a good thing for anyone. After all, no one wants to leave the place where they were born and raised.

This is because at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the people were deeply oppressed by the Mongols. At this time, the four disasters of flood, drought, locusts and epidemics emerged, and the people were hungry.

Under such circumstances, uprisings continued in various places. In other words, the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty was caused by lack of food.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, the lives of the people did not change fundamentally, and this would not work.

For this reason, Zhu Yuanzhang decided to migrate the people of Hongtong County, Shanxi, which had a relatively dense population, in a regular and purposeful manner.

At that time, the migration of Hongtong County was an inevitable trend in line with the times.

However, the older generation always had a common idea of ​​"returning to their roots". Migration means that they may not be able to return to their hometown in this lifetime, so many people are very resistant.

Because the migration was carried out at Guangji Temple under the big locust tree in Shanxi, the people of Hongtong County used the locust tree as a symbol to warn their descendants not to forget their hometown.

The rulers knew that the resistance encountered during the migration was unprecedented, because the government stipulated at that time that the purpose of migration was "keep one person in a family of four, two in a family of six, and three in a family of eight."

Would such explicit regulations cause a lot of resistance? If not handled properly, the newly established regime of the Ming Dynasty would collapse in an instant.

Therefore, the government stipulated that anyone who participated in the migration and registered under the big locust tree could receive some monetary compensation.

Even such a generous reward could not satisfy the people of Hongtong County, and many people still ran back from the migration.

For those who disobeyed, they were severely punished. Under the threat of criminal law, these people slowly regained their hearts.

It is reported that 812 surnames were exiled from Hongtong County. Just think about it, hundreds of years have passed, how many people have these migrated people multiplied?

But Ye Feng knew more deeply. It can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty. It is said that the surname Ye originated from the surname Ji, and is the descendant of the son of King Wu Jifa.

Because the names of fiefs are changed to surnames, there are many. So from the eight ancient surnames, more than 800 surnames have been multiplied.

After Ye Shaoquan finished talking about history, Bu Shiren took the opportunity to ask about the current distribution of their branch.

Ye Shaoquan knew them all, and even remembered how many families there were in each village.

There weren't many people with the surname Ye in the town, and most of them were concentrated in Beiguan.

A few families went to the city for work, and the rest were distributed in two villages, with not many people.

Hearing that he knew the names of every family who went out, but didn't mention his own family, Ye Feng couldn't help himself...

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