Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2730 Greed is a human nature

Chapter 2526 Greed is a human nature

They dragged the man out like a chicken. The man struggled and yelled:

"You must pay compensation. Do you know who I am? How dare a few foreigners be so arrogant here."

Several women also chased him out. They didn't want to fight for their husbands, but to divorce and demand compensation.

Liu Xiangdong shook his head: "It seems that the whole world is the same. There are medical disputes everywhere!"

This little thing is not worth their worry. Just continue to see patients.

Although they don't care about this matter, someone else does. It happened that the old queen and Ye Ling came to inspect and ran into it.

You know, the old queen was the first advocate of monogamy. Although she is old now, she doesn't like to take care of things, but how can she ignore it when she encounters it?

So she took people directly to the man's house, and then she understood the reason for this guy's rampant behavior. It turned out that he had a diamond mine at home.

Although the mine is not big, it is not a big problem to marry a few wives and bully the common people.

Meihua has always been fair in doing things. Isn't she rich? It was just right to distribute the property. The three wives were divided into four parts, one for each.

The man cursed loudly, but after five minutes, his face was swollen like a pig's head, and he couldn't curse anymore.

Then they divorced smoothly, and the property shrank by three quarters. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, because there was no pre-marital property at that time.

Ye Mei was a resolute person with tough means. She didn't like to adopt any conciliatory policies. She used high-pressure means to deal with troubled times.

Of course, her high pressure was actually for the good of the people. When they really tasted the sweetness, they would benefit.

Therefore, the largest number of people in Somalia are police officers. Many troops were transferred to police officers to help implement the new policy.

The new policy is similar to Marseille. The land and resources adopted are private property, but personal property is protected.

In other words, as long as you buy homesteads and commercial land, the ownership is definitely yours.

It also protects individual industrial and commercial households. After all, in this era, the development of society requires private enterprises, and they can adapt to the market more flexibly.

Because there is mature experience to learn from, it is not difficult to implement. Poor Ye Mao worked for his sister for two months, and it was free.

The school is about to start, and he is completely liberated. When he took the two women on the plane, Ye Mei saw him off in person.

Ye Mao was also reluctant to leave. After all, his sister solved a big problem for him. Look at Yun Feiyang standing next to his sister, his belly is already a little visible.

There is no way. The old queen has a principle that men in the Ye family cannot marry older women.

I don’t know why it is like this? But no one dared to violate it. Even Wang Honghua, who she loved so much at the beginning, did not compromise, let alone others.

Yun Feiyang was appointed as the Minister of Infrastructure and comprehensively planned all future construction projects in Suoguo.

Facts have proved that Ye Mei’s choice is undoubtedly correct. It’s just that Yun Feiyang never thought that one day he would come to such a small country and take such a position.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong have always been free and easy. The two never care about anything. Compared with their busy parents and children, the two drive around leisurely.

On this day, the two people arrived at a city that Liu Qinghua was in charge of. It was not him who was in charge, but he helped to plan and supervise the construction.

This is also a small town close to the neighboring country, but it is much larger than the place where Ye Wancheng and his team went.

Because it is located at the junction of three countries, the local trade has developed well.

However, this has nothing to do with the government, but the people spontaneously trade, and this market has been formed over the years.

The two neighboring countries blocked the border because of the war in Somalia. This blockade was not thorough. They only allowed their own people to trade in Somalia, but did not allow Somalia people to go there.

There was no way, there were too many refugees, and they could not afford to support them.

In fact, the two neighboring countries are not rich. One relies on agricultural products and the other relies on animal husbandry. They trade with Somalia, and most of the exchanges are seafood and daily necessities.

After all, Somalia is close to the sea, and the development of international trade is much better than theirs. Even in times of war, many things robbed by pirates are also urgently needed by them.

The Chinese are one of the most capable and hardworking people in the world.

The construction of Bula City has just begun, and more than a dozen people have come from Marseille. They are all second-generation immigrants. They basically cover more than a dozen industries.

Liu Qinghua has been the leader of the military reclamation city and is very sensitive to some things.

When these people came, some of the conditions they proposed caught his attention. Because although they looked very humble, they were arrogant everywhere.

For example, when they negotiated with the mayor, they not only wanted a protection period but also a tax exemption period.

You should know that the trade here is relatively developed. They can open the door to do business here directly. Such merchants should not have these treatments.

There are only two factories that Liu Qinghua thinks can be protected. One is Da Liu's soap factory and the other is Xiao Wang's instant noodle factory.

After all, building a factory is a real investment. They need to spend money to build a factory and purchase equipment. It is different from opening a shop and doing business.

However, the mayor agreed directly. After all, he is in awe of the Chinese, and this group of people can be said to have given great support to his work.

Liu Qinghua hesitated for a few days before he went to talk to the mayor about this matter. He was very objective.

"Mr. Mayor, I think you have given them too many preferential policies."

The mayor was confused and didn't know what this big guy was talking about? Shouldn't these people be treated preferentially?

Liu Qinghua told him the harm of tax exemption.

These businessmen are worth a lot of money. The reason they came here is because of the trade here.

Although with them, this place will soon prosper, but the protection period and tax exemption period they asked for add up to ten years.

This means that the government will not make a penny from them for ten years.

But with their wealth, it is easy to monopolize trade, which means that the government will have no tax revenue for ten years. If a government has no tax revenue, how can you survive?

The mayor broke out in a cold sweat. He really hadn't thought about these things. If that's the case, his mayorship will be over.

But now that the contract has been signed, he doesn't know what to do? After all, there is responsibility for breach of contract, and there is also liquidated damages.

Seeing the mayor at a loss, Liu Qinghua encouraged him:

"You have the right to refuse and deny some unreasonable contracts and conditions, otherwise what is the point of you being the mayor?"

The mayor nodded, indicating that he understood.

Don't be perfect, I rely on the votes of my comrades to maintain my ranking, give some face, and thank my friends at the bookstore for the reward

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