Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2728 Opening a Clinic

Chapter 2524 Opening a Clinic

Opening a clinic is a simple matter for them, and they don’t need any large equipment or instruments. At their age, they are less dependent on machines.

They prefer to trust their own eyes and experience. Instruments may be able to observe the lesions more intuitively.

But if a doctor cannot treat patients without instruments, what kind of doctor can he be?

As a Chinese medicine master said: "Nowadays, Western medicine is strictly speaking not a doctor, they are just repairmen, because they can't do anything without instruments. And I only rely on three fingers to treat patients!"

Although this statement is somewhat absolute, you can't help but say that it makes sense. If a doctor is too instrumental. Then the most basic diagnostic technology will be lost, and the cost of seeing a doctor will undoubtedly increase.

Just like when you go to see a doctor in the past, the doctor will ask about your symptoms and basically determine the medicine. This will undoubtedly increase efficiency a lot.

But as hospitals begin to generate income, you can arrange a lot of examinations for a cold, which can be cured by ten or eight yuan of medicine.

As a result, the examination fee cost hundreds or thousands, and even more excessively, it can cost you several thousand. This situation is everywhere.

This is a regression in itself, and Ye Wancheng and others strongly opposed it.

Therefore, the three old men opened a clinic not far from their residence. Because Chinese medicine is not easy to transport, Liu Xiangdong mainly uses acupuncture treatment, while Ye Wancheng and Old John use Western medicine.

The key is that they don’t charge for medical treatment, and they also give away medicine for free, which is amazing. Because of poverty, people here originally get sick and can only endure it if they can, and die if they can’t. Now that it’s free, they immediately line up like old ladies receiving eggs.

Liu Xiangdong has been refreshed recently. Decades of single life have made him completely lose the concept of home.

But now he suddenly has a woman, and she is a young and obedient woman. How can he not be happy physically and mentally?

Let’s not talk about backaches for now. After all, he is an old Chinese doctor. It’s no problem to adjust and give himself two injections.

However, because there are too many people, they are so busy as soon as the clinic opens that they don’t even have time to eat.

Seeing that this was not going to work, Ye Mei simply sent the police to maintain order and refused to let the restaurant open during mealtime.

Otherwise, according to the diligence of the three old men, they dared to work non-stop without eating, drinking, or sleeping.

Even so, they returned home every day with backaches and leg cramps. There was no way, there were too many people, and as long as they were at work, there was no time to rest.

Ye Wancheng was ultimately unable to go to the palace to rest, and Huaer and Yeer became his little nannies.

The two girls were very diligent, but it was a pity that they did not know a single word. Ye Wancheng simply sent them to a nearby school. Being illiterate in this era had no future.

What's more, Yeer was still so young, and she couldn't just live like this in a daze for the rest of her life.

Old John and Liu Xiangdong followed suit and sent their two women to study. As for the baby, they just found a nanny to look after it.

In fact, many of the illnesses of people here are minor illnesses, but they are just dragged on because of the lack of medical care and medicine.

Therefore, after the clinic opened, the conditions of most patients improved quickly.

However, as more and more patients were cured and more and more new patients came, they not only failed to relax, but became more and more tired.

However, the three old comrades were the kind of people who were tired and happy, and work made them happy physically and mentally.

Liu Xiangdong and Old John had to work overtime when they returned home at night. Ye Wancheng was always worried about their health, but was ridiculed by them.

"If you are envious, just say it directly, don't be sarcastic. If you don't fill up the gas at night, can you have power during the day?"

Ye Wancheng was speechless. These two old hooligans completely hit him.

In fact, he was more uncomfortable than anyone else. The two girls liked to stay with him when they slept, although they no longer hugged each other like before.

But they would not sleep in separate beds, just a little distance away.

Ye Wancheng understood that it was not because the girls liked him, but because they had no sense of security. After all, they were in a strange environment and relied on him for food, drink, defecation and urination. Once abandoned, they would probably have to live on the streets.

He didn't know how to give them a sense of security? After all, there is a language barrier. Although the two girls are working hard to learn Chinese, they are currently limited to simple communication.

He can only give them a guarantee of independent living before leaving according to his own ideas.

And this kind of guarantee is not to let someone support them, but to let them have the means to make a living on their own. As for what to let them do? Ye Wancheng has naturally thought about it.

He has taken many apprentices in Northern Xinjiang. Now, after class, the two girls are helping him in the clinic. If they do it more, they will know it.

In fact, any industry is like this. It is not so mysterious. It is just a matter of practice. If you do it more, you will know it.

For example, injections and infusions, the two girls have no problem.

Old John and Liu Xiangdong dare not let their women go, saying that it interferes with work too much. When they see them, they are always eager to move.

Ye Wancheng understands this. People get more coquettish as they get older, not to mention that they are newly married. If he changes, he will probably be like this.

The two girls are very well-behaved and hardworking. This may be because they have no parents since childhood, and they can only rely on hard work to survive.

Huaer is older. She not only works hard at school and the clinic, but also tries to cook Chinese food.

Northerners eat simply, with not many dishes, mainly staple food. Noodles, dumplings, steamed buns, etc. are not complicated.

Rice and noodles are now somewhat well made by Huaer, but dumplings and steamed buns still need practice.

Although the dough looks simple, it is still difficult to operate.

Meihua and Ye Ling would occasionally come to teach her, but every time they came, Ye Wancheng was very uneasy, and even Old John and Liu Xiangdong were nervous.

However, Meihua was like nothing happened, and she was natural. Not only did she bring them food, but she also asked about their well-being.

Huaer and Caoer had basically no concept of monogamy, because no man in the tribe had more than one wife.

So when they faced Meihua, they were never afraid, but just obeyed and flattered.

For what Meihua and Ye Ling taught them, they would only work hard to learn, probably because they were afraid of being beaten.

Ye Wancheng never understood what wife meant? He could only rely on hard work and self-discipline to restrain himself. There was no way, his wife was fierce.

Until one day, he couldn't hold it in any longer, so he stopped Meihua and asked when no one was around:

"What do you mean? Either divorce me or let me go home? You'll scare me to death sooner or later!"

Meihua smiled sweetly: "You have nothing to fear, right? Can I still eat you? Why don't you ask Sister Ye Ling?"

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