Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 253 The actions of two fathers

Yang Yulin and Zhao Dengxuan came to the regiment headquarters and went directly to the guard company. Everyone had their own way of doing things.

Soon, the two of them got the addresses of Da Beitou and his accomplices.

At night, Curly Hair opened the courtyard door and looked outside, finding no one there. Then he ran out sneakily.

He was warned not to go out, and no one was allowed to tell anyone what happened that night. He just said he had been sleeping at home.

As a little gangster, he was really scared of being beaten that night! He swore that he would never get involved in a fight again in his life.

Just for a damn drink, and now my leg is still lame. The key is that the wine hasn’t been drunk yet!

He coughed when he went out, and soon the neighbor's door opened with a "squeak!" The little flat head also sneaked out.

The two grew up together, basically born together, skipping school together, fighting together, and then being beaten together.

Curly handed Xiao Pingtou a cigarette, and Xiao Pingtou took a long puff. Then he blew out a big puff of smoke.

"It's so damn comfortable, I'm going to vomit when I smoke that Mohe cigarette!"

Curly sighed. "I'm almost suffocated. I don't know when this will be finished?"

Xiao Pingtou shook his head: "I heard that Wang Hongwei used a gun, and the guy who paid the money was accidentally injured and is still being rescued!"

Curly Hair spit out the cigarette butt from his mouth and cursed.

"This is none of our business! I can just have a fight."

Before they finished speaking, the two people's necks tightened. They were each strangled from behind.

Just as they were about to struggle, a voice shouted coldly:

"Be honest, or I'll kill you!"

The two people immediately fell silent and were taken away honestly.

He was taken to a room blindfolded, and then the cloth was untied.

The two people shook their heads and saw that they were being taken into a room.

Paper and pen were stuffed into their hands and they were asked to write down what happened that day.

The two were taken to opposite sides of the room and warned that if they wrote differently they would become unrecognizable to their mother.

These words sounded so familiar. Wasn't this what the kid named Ye Yuze said that day?

Thinking of the devil-like child, the two of them immediately peeed urgently. I quickly picked up my pen and started writing.

Overnight, each of the eight men involved in the fight was forced to write a confession. The last one was written when someone took me out of bed while I was sleeping soundly.

Song Weibing's injury was so serious that the county hospital could not perform such an operation. He has been transferred to the provincial capital.

The regiment hospital sent an ambulance and medical staff there.

Song Weibing's father, Deputy Commander Song, naturally went with him.

As the best doctor in the regiment, Dr. Li had no choice but to accompany him at the repeated request of Deputy Commander Song.

"Dad, it hurts!"

Song Weibing's consciousness was obviously awake, and his face was distorted by pain.

"Dr. Li, do you think there is any way to alleviate the child's pain?"

At this moment, Deputy Commander Song also put down his usual dignity and looked at him with prayer. No parent can harden his heart in front of his children.

Dr. Li looked troubled: "You can inject him with morphine, but this injection is not good for the wound."

Deputy Captain Song hesitated for a moment, then looked at his son whose teeth were clenching and made up his mind.

"You give him an injection. Let's go to the provincial capital. The hospital there will be able to help!"

Dr. Li nodded, and the accompanying nurse immediately opened the iron box, took out a syringe and gave Song Weibing an injection of morphine.

Song Weibing's screams finally stopped, and his father took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his face.

"Dad, I was wrong, I shouldn't have provoked that Ye Yuze!"

Deputy Captain Song shook his head. "It still happened, so don't think about it so much. Let's focus on treatment and try to get better as soon as possible."

Song Weibing looked at Dr. Li: "Uncle Li, is my injury going to heal?"

Dr. Li hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say? The lumbar spine is one of the most important parts of the human body.

Now Song Weibing's lumbar spine has been severely damaged. The best outcome is that he can survive, but he will never stand up again in this life.

He glanced at Deputy Commander Song, who was staring at him. Apparently not happy with his hesitation.

Dr. Li had no choice but to shake his head: "Don't think so much. When we get to the provincial capital, all the equipment is well-equipped and the doctors have superb medical skills. There will be a solution."

Tears flowed from the corners of Song Weibing's eyes and he kept mumbling:

"I really regret it. Why did I have to deal with Ye Yuze? Who knew that Wang Hongwei had a gun? But why did he hit me when he fired? Shouldn't he hit Ye Yuze and the others?"

Dr. Li's heart moved and he looked at the nurse. The two drivers driving the ambulance also looked at Dr. Li in the rearview mirror.

"Shut up! That gun belongs to Ma Guoping! You are drinking with Wang Hongwei. Ye Yuze's matter has nothing to do with you!"

"Dad, you know it's not like that! I liked Zhao Ling'er, and Ye Yuze and Zhao Ling'er got too close, so I went to deal with him!"

Song Weibing's mood fell into a state of madness. He kept mumbling to himself.

A little girl has been squatting at the door of the county bureau's detention room for three days. As soon as the door of the Public Security Bureau opened, she stood here until it was closed at night and she was kicked out.

Director Wang finally came forward and looked at the little girl seriously.

"Zhao Ling'er, don't think that because your father is the deputy division commander, we dare not do anything to you? Do you know that a prince who breaks the law is guilty of the same crime as the common people?"

Zhao Ling'er looked at him coldly. "Why am I messing around? I am Ye Yuze's co-defendant. I was also involved in the beating that day. Why are they being imprisoned but not me?"

"You!" Director Wang was filled with anger.

But he really didn't dare to lock up Zhao Ling'er. If it were a child from an ordinary family, it would be closed, and girls would not enjoy any preferential treatment.

But after all, this is the daughter of Deputy Master Zhao. If she is really locked up and forced to force the old Zhao Yu to die, then things will be really difficult to handle!

"Call her home!"

He ordered his men and returned to the office!

The two men looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and left.

They made this call frequently, whether it was to Zhao Ling'er's home or Deputy Teacher Zhao's office. The response was the same.

"Since she is an accomplice, just lock her up. Don't treat her differently because of her status!"

Director Wang lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

Although his uncle came to support him last time, the county is much calmer now.

But he still felt like he was sitting on top of a volcano. These people in the Corps are hard to deal with!

Just such a little girl is already in such a mess!

"Ling'er, go back! We're fine in there!"

Ye Yuze whispered.

"No, I want to stay with you until you come out! Or I go in!"

The little girl's tone was as stubborn as stones, and she was throwing them away one by one!

The iron door is very tight, and there is a small window on the door, but it is usually closed, so they cannot see each other.

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