Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2725 No one should say anything about anyone

Chapter 2521 Don’t say anything to anyone

After hearing this, Old John laughed "haha" and waved his hand carelessly:

"Love between men and women is a matter of course, why are you so confused? The only thing you need to worry about is whether you have satisfied others? Nothing else matters."

Liu Xiangdong's face was sore. I didn't even know if I had done anything, but I was so satisfied? How to satisfy people?

But seeing the girl and the mother murmuring and pointing at him from time to time, especially the girl's shy look, his old face suddenly turned red.

It seems that I really made a mistake, otherwise this girl wouldn't be like this, how can I fix it?

He raised his head and glanced at the girl secretly. Both girls had cool upper bodies and a few palm leaves on their lower bodies. Although they had black spots, they couldn't hide their youthful aura, which made him, an old bachelor of decades, suddenly feel... Feel.

Confucius said, the nature of food and sex, the ancients really did not deceive me.

Looking at Old John, he was also looking at the mother with a look of fascination. Liu Xiangdong felt a chill in his heart. It turned out that this old guy liked this style, and they were all in extra-large sizes.

But looking at the child in his arms, Liu Xiangdong was a little confused:

"Which kid do you like too?"

The reason why I ask that is because Chinese men are very concerned about such things. If you find a woman and she gives birth to someone else's child, you will naturally not accept it.

Unexpectedly, Old John nodded happily:

"It doesn't take any effort. I already have a wife and children. It's so cheap. I don't need to make it anymore!"

Liu Xiangdong didn't want to pay attention to him. This foreigner really had different tastes and was not picky about food!

When Liu Xiangdong talked about what he had just seen Ye Wancheng, Old John suddenly became excited, asked the girl to help light the fire, and then happily took Liu Xiangdong to observe.

I haven’t forgotten to bring my mobile phone. Although there is no signal here, it is still no problem to use it as a camera.

The old guy always looks serious. This must be exposed to kill his arrogance.

The two people arrived at Hua'er's house and found that Ye Wancheng was not awake yet, but the two girls were awake. One of them was holding Ye Wancheng, with extremely happy expressions.

Old John was in high spirits, directing the two girls to pose in various poses as if taking pictures.

Hua'er and Cao'er were at a loss, but they didn't dare to disobey. After all, these were gods who could save the dead.

Ye Wancheng was finally woken up by the noise, and looked at Old John and Liu Xiangdong in confusion, wondering what they were going to do again.

Old John shouted to him at this time: "Come on, let's compete!"

Only then did Ye Wancheng realize that these two guys were here to secretly take pictures. Looking at his image, with a small panty and two beauties hugging him tightly, he suddenly panicked.

He quickly wanted to get up, but he couldn't get up due to her tight hug, and suddenly fell into Hua'er's arms again.

Old John laughed "haha" and would never miss this wonderful scene.

After finally breaking free from the restraints, Ye Wancheng sat there panting. Since the incident with He Yeling, he has been very careful about his behavior, after all, he hurt his wife so deeply.

But why is it like this once we get to this damn place? I can’t bear to look at it!

Old John observed with satisfaction on his phone, and then nodded:

"Okay, among the three of us, I am the only one who sticks to my original intention and just serves the confinement. You two have failed to keep your virginity. You can't call me a stud anymore in the future."

It turns out that this old guy came to clear his name. But who allowed himself to be caught?

Ye Wancheng put on his clothes with a depressed look on his face. His reputation over the past few decades was ruined in one fell swoop.

The two girls didn't take it seriously and helped him get dressed shyly. Ye Wancheng couldn't refuse no matter what.

Three old men sat together and discussed what to do next? Because the soldiers were already urging to set off.

Even the translator who had been wandering around all night came out and shouted for them to leave.

Old John shook his head firmly: "No, I can't leave. The baby is still very unhealthy. I am responsible for his life!"

The translator had no choice but to offend none of these old men. He really couldn't force them, so he could only comfort them tactfully:

"There are plenty of high-quality girls out there. This village is too small and not worth lingering on."

Seeing the fellow-minded expression on this guy's face, Ye Wancheng couldn't help but feel angry:

"I just like small villages and don't want to leave. What do you think I should do?"

The translator had a grimace on his face: "Okay, let's not leave then. Let's study the development here, okay? But is there any development value here?"

The three people were stunned by the words of the translator. Their mission was to investigate the sentiments of the people, and it was really meaningless to stay in such a small village.

But obviously they don't want to admit defeat, because what this guy said is so irritating. Which woman in front is better? Are grandpas like that?

But there has to be a reason to refute it, right? But what to say? You can’t imitate Old John and fight for human life, right?

Seeing that the three old men stopped talking, the translator quickly climbed up the pole:

"Well, let's do this. If you don't worry about it, we can take it with you. We can't delay the main business for some trivial matters, right?"

Liu Xiangdong's face was red. One of them was taking care of his mother and son, and the other was wearing underwear. He was the only one who met each other sincerely. He felt guilty!

In the end, Ye Wancheng sighed: "Then let's go. The translator is right, business matters are more important."

Then the three people packed up and prepared to set off, but a few little tails held their clothes tightly and refused to let go.

The translator was a well-rounded person and let them get on the boat directly. They could fit in the boat anyway, so it didn’t matter if they brought a few more!

After coming out of the river, they continued to take the car. Generally speaking, few people live in the swamp, and the living environment is too harsh. This village exists because people who were hunted long ago escaped into it.

In fact, the land road is not as easy to travel as the water road. At least the river will not be bumpy, but this is not the case on land.

Their destination was originally just a small city, not large in area, so there were not many villages along the way.

Where did a place like this come from? The car only drove along the grass to find a flatter place, and it was very bumpy.

Ye Wancheng and the others were originally only three people in a jeep, but now there were four more women and a baby, and they would definitely not be able to fit in.

So, they changed to a van. These women had never been in a van before, and they were so excited to ride all the way in the van.

The mother was named Ye Ye'er, and Liu Xiangdong's girl was called Butterfly. Their tribe also chose names very casually, basically calling them whatever they saw.

After all, the tribe is small and has no writing, so culture has nothing to do with them.

We passed several more villages along the way, all of which were larger than Hua'er's village. However, the translator learned his lesson and just got out of the car to take a look and left.

There was no way, the three old comrades couldn't stand the test. As long as they were in the first-class company, there would probably be many more people in the car.

The translator is not only a translator, he is also responsible for the safety of the veteran comrades, and is also responsible for recording the situation along the way, which is a heavy responsibility.

After driving for more than a long time, the convoy finally arrived at a small town called Bordeaux. It had a population of only more than 20,000, which was not comparable to a town in China.

Although it is said to be a city, it is actually just one street, but this street is a cement road. This road was built by a warlord who was entrenched here at that time.

Now that the warlords have long been eliminated, the officials dispatched by Yang San and others have taken office and begun to perform their duties.

Seeing Ye Wancheng and the others arriving, and hearing the translator introduce their identities, they naturally received them warmly, but when they saw the woman wearing the headband of the third old man, they were dumbfounded again. What is going on? Not to mention they brought it from China, this is obviously a local variety.

The three people were arranged to stay in the only luxury hotel in the city. They could have stayed in the city lord's mansion, but now it was occupied by the officials who came.

Ye Wancheng found it troublesome and volunteered to stay in the hotel.

The so-called luxury hotel is a wooden two-story building. Don't even think about having a bathroom in the room. There is only a public toilet in the courtyard downstairs.

Taking a bath is also simple. Ye Wancheng saw several people bathing in the yard, holding a basin and pouring water over their heads. It was quite enjoyable to watch.

I originally wanted several women to live in one house, but it was a Datong shop anyway, but they didn't do anything the women's class said, so in the end they had to live with their own women.

Ye Wancheng cried out in his heart, is this crazy? What to do next? I have to go to the capital, what should I do if my wife finds out? Ye Ling was also there.

But now he has no choice but to take it one step at a time. Anyway, he didn't do anything.

Old John was very satisfied. Although he had to go out to the yard to cook, it was still a complete house and there were mosquito coils, so the child would not need to be bitten.

Only Liu Xiangdong was extremely troubled. He asked the translator to ask Butterfly, what did he do last night?

Butterfly shyly told the translator that she would be Liu Xiangdong's from now on, and he would die if he didn't want to!

Liu Xiangdong was stunned for a moment. What will happen next? I have a good reputation in this life, how will I meet people in the future? He is only sixteen years old.

Dinner was hosted by the mayor of this city. This guy was in his twenties and was originally a soldier in Yang San's team.

It’s just that those with some culture and clever minds were promoted.

The small town is not close to the sea, but belongs to the border between Soochow and Al. The geographical environment is already a typical grassland zone.

Although this is a city, the people in the city are no different from farmers. They also rely on farming and animal husbandry to make a living.

There are very few shops in the small town, only two restaurants, a blacksmith shop, and a store selling general merchandise.

When Ye Wancheng and the others went shopping, they were surprised to find that the boss was actually Chinese and a fellow countryman of Ye Wancheng.

After asking, I found out that the boss was a descendant of the first batch of immigrants from Suoguo. His father came here with Ye Lizuan.

But because there were too many children, and the industry I chose after coming here was not very good, it never developed.

Later, when he got old and the children separated, the youngest child came here with a sum of money.

Although this place is remote and unsafe, Boss Xu is able to thrive here thanks to his good relationship with Suo Guo.

Even the warlords entrenched here treat him as a guest. There is no other way, many supplies must be obtained through Boss Xu.

After Yang San's team destroyed the warlords, it was impossible to target the Chinese. Boss Xu was even more at ease and had a very good relationship with the new officials.

Ye Wancheng is a nostalgic person. When he heard that he was from his hometown, he immediately struck up a conversation. However, because there was a difference of two generations and Boss Xu was not very old when he left his hometown, he had no memory.

Ye Wancheng and the other two bought a lot of things. When they were about to leave, he suddenly asked:

"Xiao Xu, what do you think this small town needs most right now?"

Boss Xu didn't know what he meant by asking this? But when a fellow countryman meets a fellow countryman, he naturally tells the truth:

"School, the people here, what needs to be changed most is ignorance. Poverty is not terrible, but ignorance is the root of their poverty."

Ye Wancheng looked at Boss Xu in surprise. This young man in his twenties has a lot of experience.

But he doesn't know much about this place at present. Let's visit for a few days.

There are only three officials sent from the small town, the mayor, the police chief, and a principal.

There is no hospital in this place. In the past, the treatment relied on witch doctors, dancing and making unknown paste to drink. As for whether to live or die, it depends on fate.

The most terrible thing is that there is no electricity here. In order to be able to work, the mayor and others got a generator, which is gasoline. Otherwise, mobile phones and computers can't be used.

Several officials have not been in office for a long time. Now they are organizing the people to clean up the streets. This is the requirement of Queen Ye Mei, that is, the sanitation of each town must meet the standards. This is the most basic standard for testing the performance of officials.

The reason for this is also a helpless move. The most obvious shortcoming here is that it is dirty and messy. There is no good way to deal with it in the countryside, but the city must be governed.

Those who urinate and defecate anywhere and litter everywhere have become one of the key targets for governance.

For this kind of people, the newly promulgated law of the country of Suo will be sentenced. As the saying goes, heavy punishments are used in troubled times, otherwise it will be impossible to control them.

The big infrastructure of the small town has not started yet, but the mayor has recruited some young and strong people to start the construction of infrastructure.

There is no way, there are no sewers, no public toilets, no garbage stations, you have to let people solve basic problems.

This small town actually has a good natural environment, a mild climate, and fruits all year round. This is why although it is not developed here, few people are hungry.

But it is also for this reason that people here are very lazy. The mayor recruited young and strong people, and he wanted to recruit them like a conscripted man, and only then did he get a group of people together.

The only one who was successfully recruited was the police. It seems that this uniform and gun have a fatal temptation to young people.

Originally, only 30 people were planned to be recruited, but as soon as the notice was posted, hundreds of people signed up in an instant.

The police chief carefully screened and held a cultural examination, and finally recruited 30 people with a relatively high level of education.

After rigorous training, this group of people successfully took up their posts and are now performing their duties.

The principal is at a loss. He has been here for so many days, not to mention the school, he hasn't even found a teacher. But there were so many educated people when recruiting police officers!

It's the last day, brothers, please spend your monthly tickets. If you don't, it will be a waste. Before 12 o'clock

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