Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2720 Treating prisoners well

Chapter 2516 Treating Captives Well

Pirates never bring idle people with them when they go out to sea. Only the captain and the pirate leader were left on the mother ship. Both of them were observing the battle with binoculars. As a result, they were blown to pieces as soon as they saw the rain of bullets.

The mother ship lost control and began to run rampant on the sea. Two of the four speedboats were directly sunk, and the remaining two were also half-filled with water.

The wind was strong and the waves were big. One of the speedboats was directly overturned by a wave.

In this kind of weather, don’t even mention who can swim. Those who can swim will be drowned.

The last one finally drove to the mother ship and was about to board the ship, but the mother ship was hit by a wave and hit them directly.


Before they could even scream, the speedboat was directly pressed under the mother ship. Four of the five pirates were crushed into pieces, and the remaining one only uttered:

"Boss, I'm going to die!"

He was sucked into a whirlpool below. He didn't see it until he died. It wasn't the boss who hit them, because the boss died earlier than them.

A bunch of old comrades were still not satisfied. This was too much. The firepower was not fully opened, and the enemy was gone.

The old ladies were also attracted by the sound of gunfire. Meihua even picked up the gun and aimed, then pulled the trigger.

As a result, it had been too long since I touched the gun, and I even forgot to shoot in bursts, and a volley of bullets was fired directly.

Then a scream came, and it turned out that a pirate struggling in the water was hit. He sank into the sea instantly.

Liu Qinghua's face was serious: "Quick, save people!"

He was used to treating prisoners well. Since the battle was over, the enemy also had the right to survive.

It was just a ten-meter-high ship's side, and the wind and waves were so strong, how to save them? Not to mention their age, even if they were good at swimming, they would die!

Yang San turned around and was about to run, but Liu Qinghua grabbed him:

"Save him!"

Yang San looked bitter: "If I can't save him, I'll die if I go down."

Yang Yulin picked up the rope and tied it around his grandson's waist:

"You'll be fine like this, we'll pull you up."

Ye Mei was unhappy: "What are you doing? My husband's life is much more valuable than theirs!"

The old comrades looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment?

Although they also understood this truth, it was their tradition to not kill prisoners who surrendered their guns and to treat prisoners well.

Everyone looked at Ye Wancheng, and Ye Wancheng looked at his wife. He asked himself that he was definitely not as influential as his wife on this granddaughter.

Tiechu volunteered at this time: "I'll go down, I'm a good swimmer in the swimming pool!"

Ye Wancheng kicked him away: "Get out, in this kind of wind and waves, your swimming pool skills are useless!"

Ye Mei glared at her grandfather angrily, isn't this too double standard?

Meihua sighed: "Yang San, go down. There is a rope tied to you. It's not a big problem. If the situation is not right, pull it up."

Yang San didn't look at Ye Mei anymore, and dived down. Ye Mei's face was gloomy, and suddenly she didn't want to care about anyone.

Meihua stroked her hair and said softly: "There are many things you can't understand. Grandma knows, but our generation also has our own persistence."

Ye Mei seemed to understand, but she didn't say anything else? After all, her husband jumped into the sea. She didn't care about anything else and lay on the side of the boat to watch.

Yang San is very good at swimming. The moment he touched the water, he dived to the bottom of the water. In fact, no matter how big the wind and waves on the water are, people in the water will not be affected.

He remembered the place where the pirate fell into the water just now, so he dived down with a clear goal.

Sure enough, the diving depth was not deep, and he saw the pirate struggling in the water. Meihua's shot hit his shoulder, and his right hand couldn't work, so he couldn't float up.

Yang San grabbed his hair and floated up directly. There were few pirates who were not good at swimming. At this moment, this guy was still clear-headed. He did not hug Yang San as soon as he came up, but obediently kicked the water with his feet to cooperate with Yang San.

The two of them floated to the surface quickly. Just as the person on the top was about to pull the rope, he suddenly found a guy lying on the wreckage of the speedboat and shouting for help.

Liu Qinghua and others shouted on the top, asking Yang San to rescue him together.

Ye Mei was anxious: "Save ass, who wants to save whoever jumps down!"

As a result, before the voice fell, a figure had already jumped into the water. Meihua exclaimed:

"Old man, are you looking for death?"

It turned out that Ye Wancheng jumped down. Ye Mei was shocked. She had just said something angry, but her grandfather actually jumped down.

What else can she say at this time? If her grandfather had an accident, she would not live either. She didn't even bother to take off her clothes and jumped down.

Ye Wancheng can swim, but how can he swim in such a turbulent sea with the water skills he learned in the creek?

After just a few strokes, a wave hit him and Ye Wancheng lost his strength. He only had half a lung, so how could he withstand such a strong movement? His whole face turned purple.

Then, his legs cramped and he sank into the water like a machine that had lost power.

At least Ye Mei followed closely and grabbed him. At this time, the people above threw down a rope. Ye Mei wrapped the rope around her grandfather's waist, and the people above pulled Ye Wancheng up.

Ye Mei glanced at Yang San, who was holding the pirate and letting the people above pull him up, but she found that Ye Mei suddenly swam towards the remaining pirate and became anxious.

She took out a dagger, cut the rope around her waist in two strokes, and then wrapped it around the pirate's waist and chased after Ye Mei.

Ye Mei swam to the pirate, feeling angry. For this guy, she almost picked up her grandfather and punched the pirate in the face.

The pirate was waiting for rescue, showing a smile in despair. Then he was punched into the sea water, bubbled a few times and then disappeared.

Ye Mei dived into the water, grabbed his hair, and kicked him with two feet, but the buoyancy in the water was too great, and the two feet couldn't exert enough force to kick him.

So he lifted him to the water again and punched him in the face twice. At this time, Yang San also arrived and saw his wife beating him. Although he didn't know why?

But he also kicked him twice, and the pirate's face instantly swelled into a pig's head, and he was kicked unconscious by Yang San again.

But the moment he passed out, he was still wailing: "Can you give me a good time?"

After fighting enough and being tired, the two men took the pirates to swim to the ship. The old comrades on the ship were still shouting:

"Treat prisoners preferentially, and don't kill them if you surrender your guns!"

Ye Mei had no expression on her face and first pulled the pirate up, then let Yang San hold her, and the two of them were pulled on board with a rope.

Liu Qinghua looked angry: "There is no organization and no discipline. Didn't you hear what I shouted?"

Ye Mei ignored him at all, but Yang San smiled with him:

"Grandpa Liu, the wind and waves are too strong to hear."

Ma Quanyi followed suit: "I don't believe that with so many people shouting, you can't hear me?"

Ye Mei finally couldn't help it anymore: "This is Suo Country, my words are the law, why should I listen to you? Aren't you supposed to abide by the rules here?"

Ma Quanyi was speechless, making sense.

Ye Wancheng was wrapped in a blanket at this moment. Although his face was still a little bad, his breathing was normal.

Ye Mei walked over with a straight face, tears falling like raindrops, and then cried:

"None of you will come here again. Just pretend that there is no such granddaughter. After saying this, you turned around and ran back to the cabin and never came out again."

Yang San had a smile on his face and didn't know what to say? I feel like I'm chasing you.

Yang Yulin complained: "Why did the two pirates save him? They made my granddaughter-in-law unhappy, and they almost got Lao Ye."

Liu Qinghua said earnestly: "No matter where we are? We are all members of the Corps and soldiers, and we must abide by military discipline!"

Everyone was silent, and Yang Yulin didn't say anything else? Instead, Meihua muttered:

"The lives of several pirates are not as valuable as the lives of my old man and granddaughter."

Liu Qinghua opened his mouth but said nothing. He couldn't refute this, but he confirmed that it was wrong. He just didn't want to be like a woman.

If Ye Wancheng said it, he would definitely criticize it seriously, because something has been engraved in his bones.

The two pirates were huddled on the deck, tied into a ball. Ma Quanyi was giving an education. It didn't matter if they didn't understand the language. There was a translator.

There is no shortage of Chinese translators in Marseille today, because when Marseille was founded, the first batch of Chinese businessmen have now become leaders in various fields, and many have begun to monopolize industries.

This has resulted in Chinese becoming Marseille’s second language. And this situation has penetrated into the Tuva tribe.

With the surrender of the Tuva tribe, Chinese will definitely become their second language.

The Chinese are one of the most viable ethnic groups in the world. They can be found wherever there are humans.

They are hard-working and tenacious and will survive well no matter where they are.

This nation has a strong sense of worry. Compared with those races with a high sense of happiness, they live a very tiring life.

This kind of tiredness is the desire and pursuit for tomorrow, which is nothing more than making your own future and your descendants live better.

The so-called high sense of happiness is nothing more than muddle along without thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

Ma Quanyi's educational words were so serious that the two captives' eyes rolled wildly as they listened. Later, a pirate asked:

"I'm very hungry. Can you let me have something to eat?"

Ma Quanyi agreed without hesitation and asked for bread and water.

Another pirate took two bites of bread and frowned: "Is there any wine? This has no taste."

Just as Ma Quanyi was about to ask someone to get it, two of his teeth were knocked out with a slap from the hammer. Then he stared at a pair of bull's eyes and asked:

"What else do you want to do?"

The pirate picked up the bread on the ground and gnawed it, completely ignoring the blood in his mouth.

Iron Hammer asked again: "Does it smell like it?"

The pirate's mouth was full of bread and he couldn't speak at all. He just nodded desperately, kicked the hammer again and left.

In Ye Mei's room, she was crying like a tearful person. Yang San was so distressed that he didn't know what to do.

Ye Mei cried and complained: "A bunch of old antiques, why do you treat prisoners preferentially? I don't believe those two damn guys are more important than the lives of grandpa, you and me?"

"How good they are. They are all so upright. Don't you think, if we die and exchange the lives of two pirates, they will be comfortable?"

Yang San didn't know how to explain it? After all, he has stayed in Junken City for many years, and he still understands the big rules there.

But for a child like Ye Mei who has been living in the United States, these principles definitely don't make sense. I can only comfort:

"They are all old kids and they like to establish their presence. We can't get angry with them, right?"

Ye Mei was originally filled with indignation, but these words suddenly stunned her for a moment, and then she suddenly laughed.

"They are just like grandparents, right?"

Yang San nodded quickly: "Absolutely. They coaxed us when we were young. Now that they are old, we have to coax them."

"Look at Uncle Ye, look at my dad, they are much better than us, right? Grandpa and grandma beat them and scold them whenever they want."

Ye Mei wiped her tears embarrassedly: "I am ignorant."

Yang San quickly explained: "How can my wife be ignorant? It is because my grandfather and I are the closest to you that you are anxious. If it was just you who went down to save people, you would definitely not be angry."

Ye Mei snuggled into Yang San's arms: "How can you talk so well?"

Yang San looked bitter: "It's easy to get beaten if you can't talk!"

Ye Mei stretched out her hand and twisted the soft flesh on his waist: "Say another word?"

Yang San quickly surrendered: "It was a slip of the tongue. I said my dad beat me, how could my wife beat me?"

Ye Mei rolled her eyes at him: "You know what's good for you!"

The two of them left the cabin fighting and playing. Meihua had already taken Ye Wancheng to rest. Old John and Liu Xiangdong did not dare to come out. They were afraid of death in this situation.

Liu Qinghua, Ma Quanyi, Xi Dehe, and Yang Yulin gathered together. What happened just now gave them a blow.

They treated them well for a long time, but they were so arrogant that they were not satisfied with the food they were given. They also wanted wine, which annoyed Silly Hammer. Are they wrong?

Yang Yulin concluded: "It is our policy to treat prisoners well, but it probably does not apply here."

Xi Dehe agreed: "Some people have to use violence, and appeasement will only make them worse!"

Liu Qinghua sighed: "Although I don't think I'm wrong, I still apologize to Ye Mei girl. She is the queen after all, and we are just guests."

Yu Laogui nodded and said in a muffled voice:

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do. We are just guests."

After saying this, they quickly immersed themselves in the joy of victory with everyone else.

Although they were soldiers of the Corps, few of them had ever fought in a war. I didn't expect that the first battle in their lives was to fight pirates on a ship, and it was effortless.

Carpenter Li raised his hand: "Report to the company commander, why don't we not go to the Sogo country first? How much fun is this ship? We can also fight pirates by the way."

Yang Yulin said to him rudely: "Did you fire a shot? You hid behind and loaded the bullets, and you didn't dare to open your eyes. If another group comes, you will be so scared that you will hide in the cabin!"

Everyone laughed, and Carpenter Li muttered: "It's not just me. Liu An can't even load the bullets."

Everyone couldn't help laughing again. At this time, there was a roar in the sky, and a helicopter hovered over them.

Then the rope ladder was sent down, and Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze slid down from it. Seeing that everyone was safe, they breathed a sigh of relief.

It's the end of the month, where are the tickets?

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