Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2717 Return to Marseille

Ye Wancheng also had a gloomy face, saying nothing, and not even looking at Ye Yuze. These two granddaughters were his favorites.

They didn't see each other normally, and it was even harder to meet now, so he naturally felt resentful. At least there was Ye Ling, the peacemaker, who kept livening up the atmosphere, so that the family could get back to the dinner table.

Today, Ye Ling has become the non-staff director of the sanatorium. In fact, according to the actual situation, Ruyi has already reached retirement age, but the old comrades didn't let her go.

Therefore, the sanatorium has never appointed a new director, and Ruyi has always been in charge. After Ye Ling went there, the two people had similar ideas, so the entire sanatorium was two retired old ladies managing a group of older old comrades.

Don't see that Ye Ling has been suppressed by the old lady at home, but in the sanatorium, she really listens to Ye Ling.

Even the disobedient Ye Wancheng spent much less time in the laboratory, and obediently led the two old men back to the nursing home every day.

After getting married, Old John took his wife back to the United States, and then came back, and then divorced again, saying that their personalities were incompatible.

He was often ridiculed by Ye Wancheng and Liu Xiangdong for this, but the old man was thick-skinned and didn't care about these things at all.

In fact, everyone understood that they would have to divorce sooner or later. Putting aside their different nationalities, the cultural literacy and cognition of the two people were completely different.

However, Old John was particular about his work and directly gave the old lady 500,000 yuan in alimony. It is said that this is an American habit.

The old queen vented her anger, but she couldn't help feeling sad. She liked girls, but she had given birth to four sons in a row.

It was not easy to have a daughter, but it was her husband's daughter with someone else. Although they were close, she always felt a layer of separation.

She finally had a granddaughter, but she had never come back from the United States, and she couldn't do anything about it.

But now she couldn't see her two living granddaughters. How could she accept it? The old queen was already in her seventies, and her health had been declining. When people reach this age, they will miss people.

She hoped that all her relatives could be with her, because she didn't know when she might be gone.

Seeing the old lady crying, Ye Yuze panicked, and then the whole family panicked. Ye Yuze quickly promised to let his two daughters come back to see her.

The family coaxed for a long time before the old lady calmed down, and then shook her head helplessly:

"Grown up, all fly away, when I die, I don't know how many people will be by my side."

These words made Ye Yuze's eyes sore, and he felt extremely guilty.

He was originally most worried about his father, because half of his lungs were removed in lung cancer surgery. Since then, he has not had enough breath to climb the stairs and is out of breath.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, although the old man looks thin, he has never had any disease again.

And after retirement, he has made such great achievements and became a Nobel Prize winner.

Several new drugs they developed are now selling very well all over the world, which is originally a matter of national prestige.

But he is indifferent to fame and fortune, never attends various commendation meetings, and does not accept media interviews. If they really can't push it away, they will send Liu Xiangdong as the representative.

Liu Xiangdong is a little vain. He was happy to do it at the beginning, but he has obviously lost interest in the past two years. If he has that time, he might as well stay in the laboratory and do something practical.

Only Old John is different from them. He is 80 years old and still pursuing love. This time he has set his eyes on a teacher at the Military Reclamation University and is launching an offensive.

The key is that the teacher is only in his 40s. Every time he sees him, he is as scared as a snake and scorpion. He can't avoid it, so he takes out a mirror and lets him look at it.

Old John is obedient. He looked for a long time but didn't see anything? He asked doubtfully:

"What do you want to say?"

The woman looked at him with disdain: "The wrinkles on your face can kill a fly. Don't you feel ashamed when facing me?"

Old John shook his head: "I am a world-renowned thoracic surgeon and a Nobel Prize winner. I think I am a good match for you. The main thing is that I still love you very much."

The woman was helpless: "You are already 80 years old, and I am only in my 40s. If we get married, what should I do if you die early?"

Old John was confident: "That's perfect. I have a lot of savings. When the time comes, you can use the money to live the life you want, and you can work less for many years."

The woman was so angry that she swung her backpack and hit Old John on the head:

"Get out, you shameless old man. If it weren't for your age, I would beat you to death!"

Because the corner of the backpack was hard, it hit Old John's head and caused his forehead to bleed. The woman panicked and hurried forward to check.

Old John covered his wound and said firmly: "I will love you until I die. Don't think you can scare me off like this!"

The woman's name is Guo Aiai. She looks ordinary. Because she was very ambitious when she was young, she delayed her marriage.

She is also a backbone in the Military Reclamation University. She is highly appreciated by Zheng Lanzhi and is now the dean of the School of Literature.

Seeing Old John like this, Guo Aiai was also angry and anxious. After all, at this age, she couldn't afford any accidents.

So she pulled him to the infirmary. Don't underestimate the infirmary of the Military Reclamation University. The staff on duty are all highly educated doctors with rich clinical experience.

Everyone knows Old John. He is an honorary professor of the school, a famous expert, and a Nobel Prize winner. Seeing that he was injured, several people hurried to get busy.

Old John stared at Guo Aiai stubbornly: "Don't leave, I'm fine, I have something to say to you."

Guo Aiai was angry and anxious, but had no choice but to wait for him to finish the examination and then send him to the institute.

After staying in Junken City for so many years, the old man has already spoken a standard Jiangpu, and there was no problem in communication at all, and he kept chattering along the way.

Guo Aiai could only listen to him patiently, after all, she was the one who beat him up.

When he arrived at the research institute, Ye Wancheng saw his virtue and immediately glared:

"Who hit you? Tell me!"

Guo Aiai was frightened. Who wouldn't be afraid of the old secretary? He is the founder and soul of Junken City. If he gets angry, the entire Junken City will be shaken.

Just when Guo Aiai was about to admit her mistake, Old John waved his hand:

"I just hit the wall while walking. Ai Ai saw it, took me to bandage, and sent me back."

Ye Wancheng nodded, no longer anxious, and expressed his gratitude to Guo Aiai.

Liu Xiangdong looked confused: "Tell me, how did you hit it? Can you hit it close to the top of your head?"

Old John pulled him away impatiently: "Can't I lower my head and hit him hard? You get out of the way."

Old John directly took Guo Aiai's hand into his lounge and made her a cup of coffee himself.

This is Old John's favorite. The coffee beans are all from Brazil and are full of aroma.

Guo Aiai is also a bit bourgeois. After all, she is engaged in literature and likes coffee very much, and this old John is really good at making coffee.

Guo Aiai fell in love with it after just one sip. Originally, she didn't bother to talk to Old John, but just because of this coffee, the two of them suddenly had more topics to talk about.

Liu Xiangdong probed his head and said to Ye Wancheng:

"The stallion is in heat again."

Ye Wancheng disagreed: "I have a good physique, but you, who was named a national athlete, do you still have that function?"

Liu Xiangdong's face flushed: "Who are you looking down on? I will still fight for 300 rounds now!"

Ye Wancheng shook his head: "Who are you fighting with? Are you poking the bed board?"

Liu Xiangdong suddenly withered. It had been so long since his wife had passed away. In fact, he also wanted to have a companion. However, at his age, he was afraid of being laughed at, so he kept enduring it.

Guo Aiai stayed for nearly two hours before leaving, and Old John kept sending her to the gate.

"When are you coming for coffee again?"

Guo loves the coffee in Yangyang's hand: "Didn't you give it to me? If you want to drink it, I'll make it myself."

Old John looked proud: "You can't taste the taste of mine, just try it and you will know."

Guo Aiai snorted and left with an unconvinced look.

Old John smiled cunningly and watched her go away before returning to the house.

Liu Xiangdong mocked: "Are you having sex again?"

Old John looked proud: "Are you envious? My goddess is so beautiful."

Liu Xiangdong scorned: "What's so beautiful about small eyes with single eyelids and such thick glasses?"

Old John dismissed it: "Why don't you become a bachelor? You lack a pair of eyes to discover beauty."

Ye Wancheng was too lazy to pay attention to them, so he had to interrupt at this time:

"Get to work quickly. The clinical report of the new drug is out and some ingredient adjustments need to be made."

Ye Yuze didn't go out for several days, and the old lady didn't go to a nursing home. She seemed to be in very bad spirits.

Seeing this, Yu'e and Ye Ling didn't dare to go out, and even Yifei asked for leave to stay at home.

But the old queen never recovered. Only when Ye Guigen came back from kindergarten did a smile appear on her face.

Ye Yuze was naturally anxious and called his two daughters. Ye Mei and Ye Rou became anxious when they heard this and wanted to fly back to have a look.

But now that they have a special status, even if they go home, it is equivalent to a visit abroad. The procedures are very cumbersome, and there seems to be no interest in the two queens in China.

Originally, Ye Yuze could help, but he didn't want to cause trouble for something like this. After all, they are all his biological daughters.

In desperation, I could only discuss with the old lady a trip to Marseille.

When the old queen heard this, she immediately became happy and shouted to pack her luggage and leave immediately.

Ye Yuze thought for a moment and discussed with the Queen Mother: "Mom, you see, Uncle Yang and the others were not able to attend the wedding. How about our two families go together?"

The old queen nodded: "This is necessary, everyone should go. A marriage without the blessing of relatives will not be happy."

Who would have thought that when the old comrades talked to Yang Yulin about it, the old comrades suddenly became unhappy. Why should only you two go? That's where we sweat. We all have to go back and see.

Ye Yuze had no choice but to agree, and finally chartered a plane, and the old comrades rushed to Marseille collectively.

In addition to waiters and medical staff, Jinhua personally led the team to ensure the safety of the veteran comrades.

Old John and Liu Xiangdong also insisted on coming this time. They haven't been to Africa yet. Before leaving, I made coffee for Guo Aiai again.

The relationship between the two people has risen to a new level. At least Guo Aiai has regarded old John as a friend and no longer resists.

As for whether I love it or not, that's another matter. I'm afraid of the wrinkles on my face.

The flight takes about eight hours, which is a test for the old comrades, after all, age is there.

However, the old comrades are in good health. Even at this age, their legs and feet are still pretty good. It’s just that after sitting for a long time, their legs will become numb.

Ye Yuze naturally took this into consideration and did not choose to fly directly. Instead, he landed halfway, rested for a night, and started flying again the next morning.

Because of this incident, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were scolded a lot, and they thought they were spendthrifts, and it cost a lot of money to land.

Zhao Linger also came this time, and she has been guarding her mother. It's a pity that her old father passed away, otherwise, how happy would she be to see her two grandsons get married?

When the plane landed at Marseille Airport, the airport was cleared. Ye Mei and Ye Rou were in the lead, followed by Yang Da and Yang San, and then the honor guard, which was very grand.

The old comrades had never seen such a scene before, and they stood straight, and they didn't forget to return the salute, which was naturally a formal military salute.

Then the motorcade drove into the airport, all of which were convertibles, and took them around Marseille City.

The old comrades' eyes were straight, they had been to this place before, but why couldn't they see any shadow of the past?

In addition to sighing, thinking about the changes in the military reclamation city, they felt lost.

When they started their business, a shovel and a hoe were all their belongings. But in this era, it is estimated that those things can no longer be seen.

The convoy brought them to the former farm, which was dug out by the old comrades and local people with hoes.

But now it has become the largest farm in Marseille, with not only planting but also breeding, and the scale has expanded ten times compared with the past.

Touching the corn that is about to mature, some old comrades couldn't help crying. Ma Quanyi clamored to see the director.

At the beginning, this was his general commander, and Liu Qinghua didn't come at that time.

As a result, when the director came, everyone was dumbfounded. It turned out to be Yang Geyong's youngest son, Yang Twelve. A group of old comrades looked serious and gave him a profound education and entrustment.

Yang Twelve kept nodding with a smile, indicating that he would be obedient, which made the old comrades feel very comfortable and only praised the child for being sensible.

Then they came to the textile factory, which was founded by the old queen herself, but now it is several times larger and is one of the key enterprises in Marseille.

It's just that the female workers at the time have all retired, but the factory still called them back and held a tea party.

The old ladies were filled with emotion when they saw that the young girls had all become old ladies. Time really spares no one.

Women are like this when they meet. They talk about family matters endlessly. The old comrades waited in the hotel banquet hall for a long time before they went back.

They came not to eat and drink, but to discuss holding a Chinese wedding for their children.

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