Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2706: Solidification is a serious disease

Chapter 2502 Solidification is a vicious disease

Yang Geyong naturally understood that Ye Yuze was right. Although it was just a security company, its influence spread all over the world. No one could do anything about it.

The strength of a country and its military can determine many things, just like us ordinary people. The stronger ones can naturally bully the weak.

Although with the development of human civilization, many laws and regulations have been introduced, and some weak ones have indeed been protected.

But don't forget that the people who make these rules are actually those powerful forces. Is their purpose really just to help the weak?

Human nature is selfish. No matter what system, it can only be established on the premise of protecting their interests before talking about other things.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong did not make it difficult for Johnson. To put it bluntly, this is just a person who was spoiled by the big cake.

This battle has completely demonstrated his talent. This is really not a one-shot kill. You know, you need talent to do anything.

Even if he is like Eddie, shooting at a distance where the artillery can't reach, Yang Geyong will not look down on him. At least, he knows his strengths.

Eddie's troops finally fled back to the country of Suo. Yang San and his men were too few and had no ability to carry out a large-scale encirclement and suppression.

Johnson returned to the ant tribe alone, and Ye Yuze gave him a car. In fact, he understood that this man's life would probably stop at this age.

Sergei was insidious and cunning. Ye Yuze felt that Johnson did not have that kind of IQ to survive under him.

Since Sergei had come here, Ye Yuze would naturally not despise him. In fact, he was different from Yang Geyong and really didn't like fighting and killing.

What era is it? Do we still need this kind of lowest level of behavior? An economic crisis can send a country from heaven to hell.

Yang San and Tiechui obviously lack experience in governing the country. This is not a big problem. Marseille officials are experts in this area.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the first batch of officials were almost at retirement age. These people were not of high rank and were employed after intensive training.

This age is most appropriate for supporting the country of Suo. They should be given higher salaries and more power to make full use of their remaining heat.

As a result, the energy displayed by this group of old comrades made Yang San and Tiechui dumbfounded.

When they got angry, they didn't even give face to Yang San and Tiechui. They were very principled. In fact, every regime needs a large number of such people in the early stage of its establishment.

As the saying goes, the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoyed the shade. Did the generation of the founding of the country have no chance to enjoy anything? They have been building all their lives, making the country they have built rich and beautiful.

Even if they were given the opportunity to indulge in luxury, they would not be willing to do so, because what supported them to this time was ideals and beliefs, which were much more attractive than material things.

However, with the change of time, this generation itself will definitely change, plus the change of the environment and social environment of their children.

Everything will be different. What kind of beliefs will eventually be vulnerable in a materialistic society.

Ye Yuze is not good at politics, let alone Yang Geyong, but they all overlooked two people, that is, the queen who had just been crowned.

Because it did not affect her appearance, Ye Mei soon came out. She naturally would not use the name Ye Mei, not because she was afraid of leaking something? But to be close to the habits of the locals.

Ye Mei's name is called the Snow Lotus Queen in Sogo. In fact, the snow lotus is a flower that Africans are very unfamiliar with, but the name of the queen is naturally not so popular.

Queen Xuelian is very knowledgeable. The series of state governance principles and policies she introduced are extremely practical, especially the policies and regulations for improving the status of women, which are implemented most thoroughly and strictly.

Those male officials, while cursing, are meticulous. For them, the law enforcement process is not allowed to have any deviation.

You can resign, but before resigning, you are not allowed to make mistakes in your work, otherwise you will be held accountable at any time, even if you have resigned at this time.

Officials from Marseille and newly selected officials in the country of lock-up are deeply implementing every system at the grassroots level.

As small as a village or a settlement.

For the form of tribe, Ye Mei's approach is not to cancel it. After all, the way of survival formed over thousands of years cannot be completely destroyed at once.

She just started to implement the education system, sending a large number of schools and teachers to teach children to read and popularize legal knowledge to adults.

Try not to change people's living habits, but there is one thing that will never be tolerated.

For example, all kinds of unfair treatment of women, once found, resolutely deal with it, even if it arouses public anger, sending troops will completely solve it.

In fact, it is like this in any era. You can be civilized with civilized people, but you have to have the courage to pick up the whip with barbarians.

Because your starting point is not to harm them, but to let them learn to respect others and respect themselves.

Of course, when implementing this series of policies, Ye Mei did not talk about the equality of all beings.

Because in the long river of human development, "God" is a very special existence.

No one has seen God, but countless people are desperately maintaining her existence. What does this show?

It shows that humans need God, not God needs humans. To put it bluntly, God is a belief in the hearts of humans, a realm that humans cannot reach.

Human beings need this kind of state to improve themselves and restrain themselves, so as to reach a consensus and allow countless people to unite together.

The name "Snow Lotus" means that its petals are white and flawless, and the flowers are tall and proud. They are hidden deep in the cold mountains, giving people a noble and mysterious feeling. Therefore, they are endowed with noble qualities, symbolizing purity and harmony. noble.

Therefore, since Ye Mei came to power, she did not adopt a soft and gentle attitude, but a combination of firmness and softness.

As for the series of methods adopted by some tribal chiefs to resist Tasuo, the worst case scenario is violence and the removal of their own gods.

Ye Mei has never been afraid of this. I am more violent than you, and I am also a god. How do you, a god of a tribe, compare with the goddesses of the entire Suo Kingdom?

It was at this time that Ye Mao came to Suo Country. As a college student, his horizons would naturally not be blocked.

Therefore, he didn't bring any women with him when he came. Although his women had experienced war, he would not let them experience any risks again.

He thought he could make great achievements here. After all, every boy has a dream of being a hero. But after he came, he couldn't do anything. He could only stay with his sister all day long and couldn't go anywhere.

Even when I met my eldest sister, I met her in Marseille when I came by plane. Then there is no going back.

The second sister is a devil. She has absolute dominance not only over Suo Kingdom, but also over Yang San and him.

Now Ye Mao's daily task is to immerse himself in various documents, extract and collect a lot of useful things for his second sister, so that he can apply what he has learned.

Ye Mao wanted to run away, but the guards kept a close eye on him. Even his mobile phone was in the evening. Give him a while and Ye Mei would have to send a message while he was there.

An anxious Ye Mao went to complain to his father. Unexpectedly, Ye Yuze pretended to be deaf and dumb this time. In the end, Ye Mao had no choice but to give in.

There is also that boy Yang San, who always disobeyed him when he was in Junken City. Now that he is his brother-in-law, he is even more arrogant.

Ye Mao had long wanted to beat him, but he was always suppressed by his sister, and this suppression came from his bloodline, so he was unable to resist at all.

Poor Ye Mao, a young man who prided himself on being elegant and talented, could only sit in the harem doing hard work for his sister.

I can't help but look at that idiot Yang San's face, and sometimes I really want to go up and beat him to pieces.

Compared to Ye Mei's combination of hardness and softness, Ye Rou's methods are much softer, mainly because the national conditions of the two sides are different.

Marseille is already a relatively developed and mature country with great influence in the surrounding areas. The reason why Ye Rou became the queen was actually through the use of the Lion Family.

Now that family of lions has become the lion king family of Marseille. They can roam around the city of Marseille, and they will automatically kneel down when they see the people.

This is not a feudal superstition, but something deeply rooted in their bones. This world needs to be respected.

It is also for this reason that compared to Ye Rou and Ye Mei, she basically has nothing to do. Because her responsibility is the appointment and removal of ministers and system approval.

In fact, how could Ye Rou refute something that was documented? It's just a formality.

Of course, if there are really problematic people and things, she can't just let them go. After all, she has veto power.

In the past few days, she had been wanting her brother to come and stay with her for a few days. After all, she hadn't seen him for a long time, but that damn girl Ye Mei refused to let him go.

Ye Mao didn't ask her for help, but his phone was confiscated in the blink of an eye.

Ye Rou and Ye Mei have been inseparable since they were born. They thought it would be okay to get together after marriage. After all, the first thing they thought of was that there was something wrong with them that would affect their meeting.

Unexpectedly, things turned out to be nothing like that once they got married. First of all, Ye Mei was very busy.

The two sisters also talk on the phone every day, but the conversations are all about state affairs, and there is basically no nonsense.

Ye Rou's initial busyness was actually all for her sister. Yang Da really didn't have to worry about her.

A man's character determines a woman's life. She is stable and methodical. Because she has been practicing with Lighter for several years, there is basically no transition period after taking office.

He also implemented a series of reforms, mainly in terms of employment. The younger generation is gradually withdrawing from the stage, but the remaining problems are also serious.

In fact, it doesn't matter who controls rights, what is needed is relative fairness. Because there will never be absolute fairness in this world.

But the problem Marseille is currently facing is precisely this problem. The first generation of rulers has formed a circle.

If a person opposes anything, he may be acting out of a public spirit, but if a group of people oppose one thing, it may not necessarily be a public spirit.

This is the power of a group. Forming an alliance to curb the rise of some people is actually suppressing dissidents.

If this continues, such a group will have no power to suppress it. And people are selfish.

After they master too many things, they will make profits for themselves. Once such a group expands, it is likely to be a cancer that will destroy everything.

Since the feudal dynasty, kings have been suppressing these things, but they have never been able to completely suppress them.

Many people clamor that democratic system is the only way to solve these problems. Because parties can supervise each other.

but? People will subconsciously ignore what the so-called democracy is actually based on?

Capital, on the other hand, is the most bottomless existence. It is undoubtedly a fantasy to expect them to be fair.

This is a social disease. The formation and fall of every regime are closely related to these things.

Yang Da is very smart and capable. He has grasped the key to the problem since he took office. We must work hard in this regard.

He even discriminated against those children with backgrounds and created some obstacles as much as possible.

There are ways to solve these problems, such as assessment, performance-based salary, and any profession that is not a stable job will have a higher degree of control.

There is also an examination system for the selection of grassroots officials. No matter what your background is, you must go through the selection.

There will definitely be some omissions in this process, but it will definitely block most of the opportunism.

This work is a bit difficult to implement. Yang Da’s original good reputation must have been affected and he has been scolded a lot.

But there are also happy people, such as those students from ordinary families, who suddenly have a big road.

This policy has been difficult from planning to implementation, until the queen ascended the throne and waved her hand, it became the law of Marseille.

If it weren’t for Ye Rou, Yang Da would not dare to guarantee whether he could implement this decree before he was dismissed.

That night, Yang Da was having dinner with Ye Rou when he suddenly received a strange phone call.

In fact, most people would not know their private phone numbers, and this call came from Zangguo, which made him curious.

After all, this position is very sensitive and rarely contacts outsiders, especially foreigners. Who could he be?

"Mr. Prime Minister, my name is Lion, and I am the leader of the Tuva tribe in Zangguo."

Lion did not say his other identity, but in fact, it was clear as soon as the name was said.

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