Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2703 Conspiracy

Chapter 2499 Conspiracy

Yang San was also very angry when he received the call. This Baishui Company has been causing trouble repeatedly. This time, they didn't hurt!

My father has fought with them many times, but they have never taken advantage of them. It seems that this time they must be ruthless, otherwise they really don't know that the horse king has three eyes.

Generally speaking, such large-scale transportation can only be done at the port, because air transportation is costly and the transportation volume is small.

But Eddie will definitely not tell you about this problem. The reason why he is guarding the border line is that the receiving location designated by the Baishui Company must be nearby.

Yang San took out the map to check, but he was puzzled. There is neither a port nor an airport here. How can a large amount of military equipment be transported in?

Although he was newly married, this matter was a bit big. He really couldn't stay. He said to his wife and took people to meet Tiechui.

The terrain of the border between the two countries is not flat. It belongs to the hilly area. According to Eddie, there will be heavy weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles. If they are transported by plane, it will definitely be too troublesome.

The main reason is that this kind of large transport plane has no good airport and can't land at all. What's going on? Is it a smoke bomb set by Eddie?

Yang San took a helicopter to Tiechui's base in the middle of the night, and his nose was almost crooked when he entered the tent.

There were wine bottles all over the floor, and two women were almost naked and feeding him wine.

Yang San kicked Tiechui off the bed and cursed:

"Commander of the First Army, you are still having fun in the middle of the night. If the soldiers all follow you, do we still need to fight this war? Just surrender directly."

Tiechui was not angry, but just sighed and shook his head:

"Do you think I look drunk? I drank beer, I was just thirsty. These two women are maids, I didn't do anything? But you, why did you leave my senior sister here?"

Looking at Tiechui's calm eyes, Yang San realized that he really blamed him wrongly. This kid really loves to drink, but he is not greedy.

As for women, he has no interest in them. Sora Aoi can make him behave well. Even Yang San admires him for this.

Yang San told Tiechui the reason why he came. Tiechui studied the map for a long time, but he couldn't figure out how the enemy transported the weapons in?

The two were confused for a long time, but they had no clue. They couldn't help but call Ye Yuze.

There was no way. If you have any difficulties, find Uncle Ye. This is always right.

Ye Yuze went to bed early at this time. He was also tired. Erhong and Dasha had been with him recently.

Although they are an old couple, they have been apart for a long time. They have to make up for it. And he didn't want to favor one over the other, so they planted the two plots of land together.

He worked hard every night. Although he was in good health, he was a little tired, so he went to bed early.

Yang Geyong didn't bother him about the things on the front line, so he was happy to be idle.

Yang San's phone call woke him up from his dream. He listened to him in a daze, then woke up. He jumped up without even putting on his clothes and ran to the map to check.

After studying for a long time, he was at a loss. I wonder what this Baishui company is planning next?

The nearest airport in Zan is about 80 kilometers away from Yang San and his team. It is a border airport, which is used by both the military and civilians. Because of the open terrain, large transport aircraft can take off and land without any problems.

But the zebra asked the lion to go to fight the enemy, which obviously could not land at this airport, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

"A waste of effort, a waste of effort."

Ye Yuze muttered to himself, trying to find a flaw on the map again, but to no avail.

Then his eyes stayed on the airport again, his eyes suddenly condensed, and then he didn't move.

In the middle of the night, Johnson got up and packed himself up. Outside, an elite group of ant warriors had gathered and were waiting for him.

For three years, Johnson has been working diligently for the tribe like a dedicated patriarch, dressed like a farmer, and looked much older.

After staying here for more than a year, his wife and children returned to the United States. This place is too backward. The couple discussed for a long time and decided that his wife would take the children back to school first.

With the rapid improvement of the economy, Johnson's reputation has now surpassed that of the old patriarch and is above the entire tribe.

The reason why the old patriarch has prestige is that he has lived a long time and is careful in everything, so he did not let the ant tribe suffer any disaster.

Johnson really made the ant tribe stronger.

Although Zebra is the president, he is only in name, and those who support him are only because he is the representative of the ant tribe. Once there is no tribe, he is nothing.

Therefore, with the rise of Johnson, he has consciously put himself very low and will consult Johnson on everything.

The lion allowed Eddie to stay for three days. Zebra notified Johnson as soon as possible, and Johnson said nothing.

In fact, he was playing a big game. If he won, he would have a smooth journey, but if he lost, he would be doomed.

The elite of this regiment were his direct line. As the patriarch, he could have his own armed forces, but he disbanded the team the day he took over as the patriarch.

According to him, the ant tribe was originally his own armed forces, defending the capital, and he himself did not need protection, so why did he need a private army?

What everyone did not know was that he had secretly formed his own private army a long time ago. He personally selected them one by one, and they were strong and brave. He has been working as a mercenary outside for the past year.

This is why we all rushed back after receiving the order today. Looking at the heroic soldiers, Johnson was very satisfied. Waved his hand: "Let's go!"

These are all special forces. Although they do not have heavy weapons or tanks, they are the most elite troops. The small weapons in their hands are enough to destroy the strongest tanks and helicopters.

Sitting in the tank, Johnson called the garrison guarding the airport, who was also his confidant.

"Bauer, you take everyone and evacuate the airport. Don't tell anyone. I'll ask someone to take over for you. You will return to the defense on time at 12 noon tomorrow."

"Yes, clan leader, I will take the people to evacuate now, just to give them half a day off!"

Ball didn't say a word nonsense, and he really followed Johnson's words.

Johnson is very satisfied. It seems that the efforts of the past few years have been in vain, and the ant tribe has been truly controlled by him.

Sergey was very angry. Thirty tanks disappeared silently, and it was the bayonet security guard who did it again.

Although the pirates were the ones who appeared, this kind of thing could not be hidden from the people of Whitewater Company, because they had done a lot of gangsterism.

Colleagues are enemies, and Whitewater Company suffered too much from bayonet security. Unexpectedly, Sergey decided to take action personally this time and play a big game, and Johnson was his hidden gem.

Ye Yuze frowned. He hadn't used his brain like this for a long time. Although he couldn't see anything wrong, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged.

What's wrong? His eyes were anxiously scanning the map, and all the muscles in his body were tense. Suddenly, his eyes still stayed on the airport and never left.

"Brother, is this lion reliable?"

He suddenly asked this question.

Yang Geyong nodded: "Everything he has today is given by me. I dare not say that he will go through life and death, but he will definitely not lie to me."

Ye Yuze slammed his fist on the wall: "Then tell him to move the camp to the edge of the airport, immediately, immediately!"

Hearing Ye Yuze's solemn tone, Yang Geyong didn't dare to hesitate for a moment and immediately made a call.

Although the lion was not happy after hearing this, it was already midnight, but this was the first time Yang Geyong asked him to do something like this, so he could only urgently gather the troops and set off immediately.

Yang Geyong didn't tell him what to do? He was just asked to report anything unusual at the airport immediately.

Lions are not stupid. Yang Geyong was so nervous. He must have noticed something? In fact, he has been wondering how the arms were transported here. Is it really possible to use the airport in Tanzania?

He was shocked. If he really used this airport and didn't tell him about the commander-in-chief, then it would be self-evident.

Zanguo has no relationship with this White Water Company, because this company is notorious. Which country among the countries it has dealt with has not had its blood sucked?

If it was Yang Geyong who ordered him to go and take a look at the beginning, then now he is the one who is eager to take a look.

The wheels rolled, making a loud roar in the night. Eddie was suddenly awakened from his sleep, and he immediately asked his men to check.

His subordinates soon came to report that the lion was moving towards the airport. Eddie immediately gathered together urgently and asked his team to move towards the airport.

Yang San and Tie Chui also stayed awake, studying all the possibilities on the map. In the end, the two of them also focused on the airport.

Finally, they decided to send someone to take a look. Even if it was just a helicopter, they couldn't relax.

Just as the helicopter took off, Eddie's team was found to be setting off. Because it was a defeated army, there were not many vehicles, and the soldiers were walking sparsely on the road. Morale is not high.

Iron Hammer immediately called and ordered all the soldiers to gather immediately, cross the border, and march towards the airport in Tanzania.

Iron Hammer's troops were the first to set off, because they were all traveling by car, and they were still twenty kilometers away from the airport.

At this time, the airport was brightly lit, large transport planes were constantly landing, and it was very busy.

Tanks drove out of the cabin one after another and quickly drove into the shadows outside the airport in a very orderly manner.

Several helicopters kept patrolling the night sky, but they did not travel far, they were just protecting these tanks.

Johnson opened his mouth and smiled proudly. There were fifty tanks, and they were all the latest models. They could travel sideways in Africa.

There are not enough personnel in the tank, and the rest are supplemented by Johnson's people, not to mention the special forces.

The soldiers quickly got into the tanks, including Johnson.

After unloading the cargo, the transport plane quickly took off, as if it had never been there. After the last one flew away, the airport quickly fell silent, with only a few helicopters still patrolling the night sky.

Suddenly, a pilot reported to Johnson:

"Chief, the lion's team is heading towards the airport. Do you want to order them to stop immediately?"

Johnson grinned and gave an order: "I will give you this order. You follow me and destroy everyone who tries to stop us."

The roar of fifty tanks rang out in the night sky, so powerful that it tore the entire night sky into pieces.

We were about to arrive at the airport. The lion kept observing with a telescope. Just now, the planes were taking off and landing non-stop. Why did it become quiet now?

Along the way, he reported to Yang Geyong that a total of five large planes had taken off, and it seemed that a lot of things had been unloaded.

The lion is not stupid, this is something that the zebra is hiding from him. He wants to rush over and take a look. If it is really arms, I'm sorry, don't blame him for doing it himself. He doesn't like to be deceived.

Besides, if it was a weapon given to Eddie, it would really be a waste. As for those guys, it would be a waste to give them any weapons.

The team sped up and started heading straight to the airport, while several helicopters in the night sky were heading straight for them.

The lion cursed a few times: "You bastard, set up the machine gun and fire a few shots to scare these little birds."

But as soon as the soldiers here started taking action, the torrent of tanks in front of them had already appeared in front of them. They didn't fire at all and rushed towards their team.


The lion cursed loudly and began to order the soldiers to turn around, but they were too close. The car at the front had already collided with the tank before it had turned.

Although they are all model objects, this car is really vulnerable in front of a tank. In just one move, it becomes scrap metal, and if the soldiers on it fall down, they will be directly crushed into mud if they can't run away in time.

The elephant panicked and shouted to Yang Geyong:

"There are so many tanks and we are under attack! We just threw down our cell phones and started directing the team to flee."

There is no way, it is not of the same level at all, it will collapse at the first touch, the tank still does not fire, it seems to be just toying with them.

Just like that, cars began to be smashed, and then the soldiers dispersed and began to flee crazily in the wilderness.

The lion was furious. He didn't have a tank, and the weapons he carried actually included rocket launchers. At this time, some soldiers spontaneously opened fire on the tank.

It's just that this indestructible armor-piercing bullet cannot penetrate the tank shell, so after the explosion, it does no harm to the tank at all.

The lion was dumbfounded, what kind of tank is this? Armor-piercing bullets are useless? So he desperately directed the soldiers to flee.

The tanks finally opened fire, and the cars were like targets in front of them, quickly turning into balls of fire.

Although the lion doesn't know who they are? But he was sure that the people inside were definitely Tan soldiers or ant tribesmen, because the guard group here was gone.

Without orders, they did not dare to leave the station without permission.

Finally, a car turned around and ran away. The tank was slower after all. After blowing up more than 20 cars, a dozen cars finally escaped.

The lion wiped his sweat and wanted to call Yang Geyong again, but he didn't know where the phone was thrown?

I haven't been able to subscribe very well these days. I've already started a big chapter. What's up? Brothers, come on.

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