Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2698 Let them fight each other

Chapter 2494 Let them eat dog

Himmler dusted off the dirt on his body and answered confidently:

"Because I am the prime minister of Suoguo, and because of my prestige among the tribes, as long as I live, you can become the president."

Yang San smacked his lips: "What about the current president and the orangutan general?"

Himmler spread his hands: "You can only deal with them. I don't have any soldiers left. You have killed them all."

Seeing Himmler's disapproving look, Yang San was immediately angry. They all said that politicians are shameless, and that's true!

I just don’t know if I will become like this in the future?

But this is not the time to talk about this. Yang San calmly ordered, get on my armored vehicle and lead the way for me to see what they are doing?

Himmler had a different look on his face: "Is General Yang planning to negotiate peace with them?"

Himmler looked at the various weapons being unloaded from the ship one after another, and shook his head solemnly:

"I think the general should go all out and eliminate all the armed forces in one fell swoop while they are losing both sides. This way you can be the only one in power and there will be no more armed forces that can compete with you."

Yang San nodded. This is indeed true. When his illness kills him and only his troops are left wandering on the street, who dares to disobey?

As for the Prime Minister, let’s talk about it later. It seems to be of some use at the moment.

The Presidential Guards and the Gorilla General's troops, who had rested at this time, were all awakened. We have been fighting for several days, we have lost countless people, and we are exhausted.

The sound of gunfire just now frightened both of them. I wonder where there is such a powerful armed force in Suo Country?

Could it be that he is here to deal with himself? Both the president and the gorilla felt uneasy. After all, there would have been calls from allies, but they didn't.

The soldiers could only be told to be more vigilant, but a firefight between the two sides was obviously impossible. There is no way, what if the enemy comes?

But the enemy is coming, can they fight it together? Obviously it's impossible, but it's certain that the two sides will no longer consume each other.

Under the leadership of Himmler, Yang San and Iron Hammer led the team towards the city center in a mighty manner. The Presidential Palace is located in the central square. This road is very easy to walk.

Citizens have obviously adapted to the constant rhythm of war. When nothing happens, the cat stays at home and doesn't come out.

There is no way, there is a risk of being hit by a stray bullet as soon as you go out. This kind of thing has become the norm, no one wants to die.

As for whether someone will be bombed by a shell at home, no one considers this question, because that is really bad luck.

The president got smarter and suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that Yang San led someone to rescue him?

After all, the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is attractive to everyone. So I made the call.

Yang San answered the call, and the president sounded anxious.

"Yang San, how have you considered what I said the day before yesterday?"

Yang San was very sincere: "Mr. President, I have already led the team to walk on the streets of the capital!"

The president was overjoyed: "Are you agreeing to my conditions?"

Yang San disagreed: "What else? I'm not stupid. I don't deserve such a big official. Who will I give it to?"

"Okay, okay, how many troops do you bring? Can you annihilate General Xingxing's team in one sentence?"

Yang San said firmly: "There are 15,000 people in total, 50 tanks, 50 armored vehicles, and 30 armed helicopters."

The president took a breath. This kind of equipment is enough to run rampant in Somalia. Is it really right to recruit him yourself?

However, this thought only flashed in my mind, and then I put it down. The enemy was facing a big enemy, so I had to get over the crisis first. The worst I could do was give him a few more titles in the future, and that thing was worthless.

At this time, Yang San suddenly said: "We will arrive at your position soon. Once we arrive, you will launch a general attack. Then we will attack from inside and outside. General Orangutan's team will definitely be defeated in one blow."

The President's head is nodding like a chicken pecking at rice. Sure enough, everyone's success is not a fluke. This guy has military capabilities.

The two parties agreed, and Yang San immediately called the gorilla:

"General Orangutan, I will arrive at the position in fifteen minutes, but during this period you must make a gesture and start attacking, otherwise they will definitely be on guard when we arrive."

"If you attack in advance, our arrival will be silent. In this way, surprise troops will descend from the sky and catch them by surprise. Then the certainty of success will be much greater."

The gorilla laughed "haha", it seems it is a pity that you are not a general, okay, let's do it, I will order the team to launch a strong attack now! "

Yang San warned: "You must pay attention to safety. When we arrive, various heavy weapons will be used together. Be careful not to be affected."

The gorilla is very sure: I am in the underground headquarters, and the battle on the ground cannot affect me.

Yang San nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then we look forward to our meeting!"

Himmler looked at Yang San in astonishment. Just now, he thought that this young man was easy to handle. After he fooled him, his status in the country would definitely not change.

But he has connections with the president and the commander, and now he has a clear attitude of driving the tiger to devour the wolf. Is this person really easy to fool?

Thinking of this, he broke into cold sweat. It was already hot inside the tank, but now it was even hotter. The sheep around him suddenly turned into lions. What would be his fate?

I dare not think about it, I really dare not think about it! Himmler felt that he was the lamb, and as for being eaten by others or roasted, he didn't even have the right to make suggestions.

The sound of gunfire rang out without any warning, and Yang San showed a curve at the corner of his mouth. He was really obedient, I wonder if my son would be so obedient?

Thinking of this, the figure of Ye Mei suddenly appeared in his mind. Thinking about Uncle Ye saying that he could only guarantee that she would not die, Yang San felt a little heavy in his heart.

Thinking about her being shot in the face, maybe that beautiful girl would definitely not have a delicate face from now on, and he relaxed a little.

In the past, he was still a little inferior in front of that girl, but after being disfigured, these emotions no longer existed.

But Ye Mei was his wife, and it was useless for anyone to disagree. Even if Uncle Ye opposed it, as long as he didn't kill himself, he would never give up.

After figuring it out, Yang San asked Tiechui:

"Did Sora Aoi give birth?"

Tiechui opened his mouth and said proudly: "Yes, and they are twins, both sons!"

"Damn it, you actually hid such a big thing, I will beat you up later!"

Tiechui shook his head honestly: "You can't beat me, how can you beat me?"

Yang San shut up, there was no one who would chat.

Because both sides were confident, the battle entered a white-hot state at the beginning, because the bosses of both sides told the soldiers that strong reinforcements would arrive soon, don't care about the losses, and reward them according to their merits.


These soldiers, like taking drugs, went crazy, and rewarding according to merits was the only way for soldiers to be promoted. Anyway, it was the last fight.

The presidential guards were well-equipped with weapons and cannons, but they were not cannons, and the gorillas had a large number of people, so their strength was basically equal.

And both sides started a stranglehold war at the beginning, that is, they both started to counterattack and fight with bayonets.

This time, the Presidential Guard obviously suffered a loss. After all, the number of people is not at the same level. If they continue to fight like this, they will fight one by one. You are strong in combat power, and you will be finished in a while!

The president was furious, and he personally rushed up with a submachine gun, and fired at the enemy.

The Presidential Guard, who was just at a disadvantage, immediately understood what he meant and immediately followed suit. I have plenty of submachine guns and bullets, so why fight with bayonets?

So, they started to charge with fire from the muzzles, and they were invincible.

The short and fat general watched his team being pressed back by others, and he was furious. A regiment of people was chased by a company of others. This was too embarrassing.

So he personally picked up a machine gun and howled to meet him. Who is afraid of whom? Isn't it just death?

In fact, there is a very strange phenomenon on the battlefield, that is, the more afraid of death, the easier it is to die. Once you are not afraid of death, you can't die.

At this moment, the short and fat general was like a god of war. The enemy's bullets kept sweeping past him, but none of them hit him.

Seeing the commander like this, the soldiers naturally regained their courage, howling like wolves and following the general to counterattack.

The enemy had no martial ethics and fired with submachine guns. They had no submachine guns and could only fight back with rifles.

But at least there were more people and more rifles, which could form combat effectiveness. However, no matter what they used, death was inevitable, so the crowds on both sides fell like wheat being cut.

Because the gorilla general's team was surrounded on all sides, the presidential guard could only fight on all sides. As the battle continued, the number of soldiers became fewer and fewer, and it was already dwarfed.

The president had a gloomy face and personally supervised the battle. His men were already red-eyed and ready to fight to the death. But why hadn't Yang San arrived yet?

However, the president was unwilling to call to urge him. He understood that once he urged him, it would show that he was already at a disadvantage. Yang San could break out of such a large territory, so he was naturally not a mediocre person.

What would be the consequences if he was despised by him? It was really unpredictable. Therefore, even if the team was wiped out, they could not lose their momentum in front of Yang San, otherwise how would they get along in the future?

Roars, screams, gunshots, one after another, more intense.

If humans get angry, they are really more brutal than beasts. Some of the people who were strangled together, the guns had lost their effect.

They used gun handles, fists, feet, and teeth to start biting.

Yang San stood on a high place and watched all this. In the past, he always led the charge and rarely observed a battle calmly. At this time, he couldn't help but sigh secretly, human life is as cheap as a dog!

However, when he saw the defeated soldiers. Yang San acted as a law enforcement officer without hesitation and ordered the soldiers to be shot on the spot.

There is no way, I don't care which side you are on, there is no retreat in the war.

At the end of the battle, everyone was strangled together. Although the weapons were poor, the gorilla army with an absolute advantage in numbers finally broke into the presidential palace.

The gunfight turned into a hand-to-hand fight. Almost all the presidential guards were killed or wounded, and there were few people left on this side except for the wounded.

The short and fat general took his last men and finally caught the wounded president after sacrificing countless lives.

After a round of punching and kicking, he proudly grabbed the president and stood on the balcony waving. He was the biggest hero in this war.

"Fire, leave no one alive!"

Yang San's voice was cold and emotionless. He didn't want to leave a force that could compete with him.

Dozens of tanks and howitzers bombarded together, making the originally small battlefield instantly filled with smoke.

Several helicopters soared into the sky, all carrying surface-to-air missiles. They were constantly patrolling in the air, and when they saw places where the crowds were slightly denser, they fired at them.

As for the pudgy general holding the president, his cheers stopped abruptly just as he started.

A missile hit him directly, and he, the president, and the roof of the presidential palace were instantly shattered into pieces.

If the battlefield just now was a meat grinder, then the current battlefield is a cleaning machine, cleaning up all living objects.

Some soldiers began to rush out, but they were all shot and killed by Yang San's troops. Iron Hammer himself kept running with a machine gun. The shark follows closely behind. Like two killing gods.

The gorilla that had emerged from the underground bunker looked at all this in astonishment, went straight to Yang San, grabbed his collar and asked:

"What the hell are you doing again?"

Looking at the gorilla with split-eyed eyes, Yang San gently pulled his hand away and brushed off the dust on his grasp.

"There will be no need for war in Suo Country in the future, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment, so these unstable factors must be eliminated!"

The gorilla cursed angrily: "But what did you promise me just now?"

Yang San smiled slightly: "Do you want to know what I promised the president?"

The gorilla's heart sank. He had already seen what happened to the president just now. In the end, he shut up.

Although there are so many unwillingnesses, what are these compared to life?

Looking at the gorilla with his head lowered, and then at the frightened Himmler, Yang San only said:

I have to go to Marseille for something. The army will stay here. I hope that when I come back, I can become the president of Somalia.

The gorilla and Himmler looked at each other and smiled bitterly together. This was their last value. Once they couldn't do it, there was only one way left.

Of course Tie Zhui can't stay here. His relationship with Ye Mei and Ye Rou is deeper than that of Yang San. After all, they grew up playing together.

At any rate, the army was well organized, so it was enough to leave the matter to the officers. Yang San and Tie Zhui didn't even have time to take a look at the capital, and returned in a hurry.

In the hospital, the two girls were finally transferred to the general ward.

It's just that Ye Mei's head was covered with gauze, leaving only one eye and mouth exposed. Ye Rou's upper body was also wrapped in gauze.

They had woken up and looked at each other without speaking. Now that things have reached this point, what else is there to say?

After looking at the relatives around them, they both fell asleep at the same time. Perhaps their mood at the moment was that they wanted to sleep forever.

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