Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2691 Yang San has become a popular figure

Chapter 2487 Yang San has become a hot commodity

Yang San cursed as soon as he opened his mouth: "Why should I listen to you? I will fight for what I want, do I need you to give it to me?"

"I am the president, I have the power, I only need to open my mouth, and I will make you rise to the top."

Because the phone was loud, Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze heard it, and Ye Yuze quickly signaled and agreed to him.

Although Yang San was puzzled, he still changed his tone:

"I can lead troops to maintain law and order, I hope you keep your word, otherwise what will be the consequences? You will know."

There was silence on the other side for a long time, and finally answered with one word:


After hanging up the phone, the president seemed to have drained all his strength. Although the current situation was dangerous, he was not afraid at all.

On the contrary, this Yang San from Marseille made him feel an inexplicable fear. He was too much like himself at the beginning...

But things have come to this point, and it is definitely not possible without reinforcements. He is confident that he can stop the gorilla, but there is Himmler behind him. It is said that he has already summoned the First Division.

The reason why he used Himmler was, on the one hand, because of his talent, and on the other hand, because that guy had a special relationship with Whitewater.

Whitewater was famous in Africa, with a strong background, and no country dared to despise it.

To be honest, Himmler helped him a lot politically, but he also understood that he was a wolf, ready to bite off a piece of his meat at any time.

So, at this critical moment, he would rather choose to cooperate with Yang San than to believe Himmler. After all, compared with the wolf cub and the old fox, the fox is more dangerous.

Just after he finished the call, his cell phone rang. He saw that it was Himmler's call. After hesitating for a while, he still answered it.

Himmler said anxiously, "Mr. President, I heard that General Gorilla's troops are attacking the presidential palace. What's going on?"

The president hesitated for a moment and explained the reason: "The big general broke into the presidential palace and was killed by a company commander of my guard. They are coming to kill me."

Himmler exclaimed in surprise, and then said with regret:

"Mr. President, although the big general is wrong, he is not guilty of death. Otherwise, I will be a peacemaker and you hand over the company commander. I think the gorilla will be relieved."

The president hesitated for a moment. The gunfire outside was fierce. Although he had made plans to convict the company commander, it must not be at this time.

He was afraid of death, but as a person who climbed to this position through the hail of bullets, he also understood that if he gave in now, it would have a great impact on the morale of the troops.

So, he laughed heartily:

"Himmler, you don't have to worry about me. If anyone dared to break into the presidential palace, I would have been killed long ago. I will give him an explanation for this matter, but not now!"

Himmler's expression froze. He had planted some people in the presidential guard. If the president handed over the company commander now, he could make a big fuss.

A leader who doesn't protect his own people will not be supported by the soldiers. Politicians can make things happen in peacetime, but wartime is always the era of generals.

The conspiracy was thwarted, and Himmler was helpless, so he had to say politely:

"Mr. President, I have re-armed the First Division. It is still your unit. As long as you need it, it will be by your side at the first time."


The president laughed "Haha": "Thank you, Mr. Himmler, it is not needed yet. These chickens and dogs are not enough for my guards to deal with. You wait for good news!"

After hanging up the phone, Himmler lit a cigarette. He liked the taste of Cuban cigars, which were thick and had a unique stench.

He took a deep breath, let the thick smoke circulate in his lungs for a week, and then exhaled, and his heart suddenly felt much more comfortable.

Many people smoke this thing, just pretending to pass it in their mouths, but he is not that kind of person. If this does not penetrate into the body, there is no way to experience that kind of happiness.

After finishing the cigarette, he picked up the phone and called. The gorilla picked up the phone. His tone was not excited, but he just asked in frustration:

"Mr. Himmler, is there anything? I'm busy here, let's make it short!"

Himmler smiled and said, "General, I have incorporated the First Division, which is equipped with the latest American equipment. If you need me, I can help you!"

The gorilla was stunned and wiped the sweat off his head. The battle was not going smoothly. Although his troops were much larger than the presidential guard, after several attacks, only corpses were left, and he could not move forward at all.

The gorilla understood that his troops were too weak in combat and their weapons were extremely backward. In front of the other party's sophisticated weapons and fortifications, it was like a group of people holding rifles to fight tanks with bayonets.

In the end, even if they won, the losses would be extremely heavy, and they would basically not gain any advantage.

Himmler's words naturally moved him, but thinking about this person, he backed off again. He would rather be in collusion with the president than deal with this sinister politician.

But now he and the president are already at loggerheads, with no room for maneuver, so he can only try to ask:

"What are your conditions?"

This time, Himmler gave up his usual innuendo and answered very straightforwardly:

"I am the president and you are the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, but I can promise you that I will give you enough funds to arm the troops."

The gorilla felt a tremor in his heart. If he could fulfill his promise, although he would still be the same official, as long as he had funds, his strength would be really different.

As for the president, he really didn't have much interest. Governing a country is too troublesome. Even a strong president often gets overwhelmed, let alone someone like him who has no IQ?

However, although he was stupid, he still lacked trust in Himmler. So he didn't dare to agree rashly.

After all, Himmler was not only scary as a person, but also the Whitewater Company behind him. Everyone knew the background of that company, and they really couldn't afford to offend them.

The key point was that this company was not a charity. If they helped you one point, they would ask for ten points in return, which could bankrupt a country.

At present, they just didn't dare to mess around because of international conventions, otherwise they didn't know how many countries were controlled by them.

Although they now have an opponent, Bayonet Security, but Bayonet Security only does its own thing and never interferes like Whitewater Company.

Thinking of this, the gorilla's eyes suddenly lit up. How about contacting Yang San?

As a professional soldier, he admired the little guy very much. He controlled the entire Gulf of Aden by himself.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, he did not dare to touch his tiger whiskers at sea. Wouldn't it be safer to cooperate with him?

It's the end of the month, and I'm going to play with the money. Thank you, Shuchi Xiong

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