Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2672: Moment of Crisis

Chapter 2468 Crisis moment

As soon as I entered the hall, I was so angry that I almost jumped up and cursed.

It turned out that these guys had drunk too much and called in a group of women. The entire hall became a place of prostitution and was unsightly.

It’s not that Coconut is a very upright person? It's just the wrong time, right? Damn, just a moment ago we were discussing overthrowing the regime, and now it looks like this in the blink of an eye. Can we succeed in cooperating with such a person?

Coconut sighed, suppressing his anger, he finally found the seal among a group of white-striped pigs. This guy was sleeping soundly with two strong women in his arms, and Coconut almost vomited out due to the smell of alcohol.

The matter was urgent, Coconut suppressed his anger and pushed Seal hard, but Seal didn't know how much wine he drank and couldn't push him awake at all.

In the end, Coconut had no choice but to go to Mad Dog. The final action depended on this guy. In fact, he could do it independently.

After all, Ye Yuze and the others only have three people, and Lighter doesn't even have a bodyguard.

However, he would not take this risk, because Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze were too famous, especially Yang Geyong, and he had personally watched him march forward bravely on the battlefield.

Such a person can be an enemy, but he can never directly compete with him. This is his bottom line.

As for the mad dog, isn’t he dissatisfied seven times and angry at the other eight? Just enough for them to touch. He had seen the bravery of these two men.

If you ask him to compare, Yang Geyong is a lion, and the mad dog is also worthy of its name, and dares to bite anyone it sees. As for who wins and who loses? This is hard to say.

After all, Yang Geyong was already over fifty, while Mad Dog was only in his early twenties. In addition, Mad Dog had many people, but Yang Geyong and the others only had three people.

But Coconut believes that even if Yang Geyong is alone, a mad dog cannot easily attack him. This is a consciousness engraved in the bones of those who have followed Yang Geyong.

After searching for a long time, Coconut couldn't find the mad dog. Could it be that this guy returned to the military camp? Coconut didn't believe it.

Even if there is only one person left to accompany the seals to eat, drink and have fun, then this person must be a mad dog.

He took out his cell phone and started to call Mad Dog's cell phone. A ringtone rang, and when he heard it, the sound came from the bedroom upstairs.

Coconut quickly searched for it. There were many bedrooms upstairs, but these were the houses of Seal's wife. Although Marseille is a monogamous society, Seal didn't care about this at all.

It’s just that you don’t get a certificate. How can you be rich and powerful and not have a woman? He is not afraid of being sued, so there are more than a dozen women in his mansion.

It's just that he only has one official wife, the daughter of a congressman. She is very beautiful, and it is said that he used some means to force her away from her.

No matter what happened, Lighter came forward in the end anyway, and Seal could only marry this woman named Daisy as his wife. This incident caused a lot of fuss at the beginning.

And this woman's father could only hold his nose and admit it. After all, Seal is also the favorite to become president.

The room where the phone rang was Daisy's. This was the master bedroom. Although there were many seal women, no one could challenge Daisy's position as mistress.

Coconut is a little strange. I wonder why the mad dog is in Daisy's house?

However, because the matter was urgent, Coconut couldn't think about it. He opened the door and rushed in. Then he saw Mad Dog and Daisy entangled together like a snake.

Coconut is a little confused, what's going on? He was used to whatever Seal did, because he wasn't a human being in the strict sense of the word.

But what happened to this Daisy? Is this mad dog so bold? How dare anyone get in there?

But Coconut soon discovered that something was wrong, because at this moment Daisy looked charming, and the sounds coming out of her mouth were so ecstatic that his little pepper, which had been sluggish for a long time, was moved.

He quickly calmed down and shouted: "Mad Dog, I have already prepared the arrangements over there, please act quickly!"

Mad Dog ignored him at all and continued his pounding action. The intensity made Coconut worry about whether this bed could withstand it?

But let alone the bed, even Daisy was enjoying it. It seems that women are indeed made of water, and can overcome strength with softness!

Seeing that the two people ignored him at all, Coconut was so anxious that he stepped forward and grabbed Mad Dog:

"Did you hear what I said? We can't delay any longer!"

The mad dog kicked him away: "Get out, no one can give me orders except the boss. You tell the seal to call me!"

Coconut's pupils instantly dilated: "Are you sure you want Seal to come here to give you orders?"

Mad Dog ignored him at all, but Daisy frowned slightly:

"General Coconut, do you want to come with us?"

Coconut fled. He was old and couldn't bear the stimulation.

In desperation, he could only go downstairs and start shaking the seal as hard as he could. It was getting dawn. When Yang Geyong and the others woke up at dawn, things might change.


He tried his best to shake Seal awake, but Seal just opened his eyes and pushed him over with his hand:

"Go away, if you have anything to do, wait until I wake up to talk about it!"

Coconut looked up to the sky and sighed. Sure enough, it’s up to God to make things happen!

Lighter's breath began to weaken, and several doctors were helpless. Ye Yuze inserted a few needles, and Lighter's eyes opened slightly.

His eyes scanned the faces of Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong several times, and then he said to Ye Yuze with difficulty:

"Brother, buy me some time, I still have things to do."

Ye Yuze nodded and added a few more needles. It was already bright, and the morning sun was scorching the earth like fire, and the fresh and tender grass was starting to curl up in the sun.

Lawmakers received calls early in the morning to convene a meeting at 8 a.m., to be chaired by the president himself.

Everyone got up early and started dressing up. This must be something important happening, and no one dared to ignore it.

Lighter's energy seemed to be better, the silver needle had been pulled out, and he started to get dressed and prepare to go to the venue.

At this time, the door was suddenly kicked open, and a group of soldiers armed with sophisticated weapons rushed in. The leader was a heavily armed mad dog.

"Don't move, anyone who moves will be beaten to death!"

Mad Dog, who had been tired all night, not only did not show any signs of fatigue, but felt as if he had taken Shiquan Dabu Pills and was full of energy.

Yang Geyong's face turned cold and he was about to take action when he was grabbed by Ye Yuze. With so many gun barrels pointing at him, Ye Yuze was afraid that he would be hurt.

Lighter looked at the mad dog with a cold look: "Who are you? Who gave you the courage to break into the presidential palace with weapons?"

Mad Dog smiled proudly: "In my eyes, I only have Big Seal, and others are nothing!"

But before he could finish his words, a leg had already hit him hard in the face.

Mad Dog raised his gun and was about to shoot, but the angle of his leg changed and kicked his gun away.

The mad dog lowered his head and slammed forward. Before Yang Geyong's legs could fall down, his center of gravity was unstable, and the mad dog's head had already hit his lower abdomen.

Just as his head came into contact with Yang Geyong's lower abdomen, Yang Geyong bent his knees fiercely, and his knees came into close contact with the mad dog's face.

Yaya is mighty, worship her. The bosses are domineering and arrogant, hahaha


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