Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2427 Wang Lina’s ambition

A group of people were divided into three groups to conduct research and development according to their own ideas. As for funding, that is a problem that does not need to be considered.

Ning would rather form a group with Wang Nannan and add another girl.

Their group has the smallest number of people. It's not that they are exclusive, but that most people don't agree with their idea. They want to use the lithium batteries currently used in mobile phones into storage batteries.

Of course, this is an almost impossible problem. You must know that lithium batteries are a new type of battery, compared with traditional lead-acid batteries.

It is lightweight and small. To recharge the same amount of electricity, the weight and volume are even one third of that of a lead-acid battery.

Moreover, the number of uses and durability are simply not comparable to lead-acid batteries.

Moreover, it also has one of the most important advantages of lead-acid batteries, which is that it can be charged quickly.

Older people know that it used to be normal for a mobile phone to charge for seven or eight hours, but later on, the time became shorter and shorter.

This is the biggest advantage that comes with the use of lithium batteries. In the past, it was normal for old mobile phones to last for two hours of play and eight hours of charging.

So much so that for a long time, mobile phone power has become one of the main selling points.

However, such high-quality battery raw materials will naturally not go unnoticed.

Several leading battery companies have long seen huge business opportunities in it, especially the famous European Vata Company, which can be called the leader in the battery industry.

Nowadays, even warrior cars use batteries produced by them.

Many businessmen in later generations regarded patriotism as a business, and used this name to sell less than outstanding products out of sentiment.

The key is that the quality is much worse than others, but the price is higher than others. Purely treating the feelings of the common people as leeks.

Warrior Cars can become the leader in the automotive industry, but it has never used this sign.

They have very strict requirements on parts manufacturers. If the quality of domestic parts and imported parts is the same, they will naturally choose domestic parts.

On the contrary, they will definitely not fool consumers for the sake of sentiment.

The sales price of Warrior cars in China is one-third cheaper than abroad. This is the feeling of the military reclamation people.

Wang Lina naturally knew that Watta Company was also conducting research and development on lithium batteries and had made some achievements, but it would naturally take some time for them to be widely used.

But Wang Lina doesn't care about this. Dare to be the first for the world has always been the motto of the military reclamation people. If others are in front, just overtake them!

It's just that their generation is very different from Lao Junken. Lao Junken can give his life just for the sake of feelings at a single command.

And they give not only feelings, but also sufficient material rewards. After all, everyone has to survive.

Knowing that Ye Yuze was back, Wang Lina immediately came to Ye's house regardless of what time it was.

Today, she is the mother of three children. In addition to her biological daughter Wang Xue, she also has Tian Qing's two daughters.

In order not to leave a shadow on the children's hearts, Wang Lina resolutely changed the names of Tian Qing's two children.

The eldest daughter Wang Yu, the second daughter Wang Shuang, and the youngest daughter Wang Xue.

It is easy for children to forget some things. Today, Wang Yu and Wang Shuang are living very happily with Wang Lina. Wang Lina also impresses everyone because of this incident.

After all, no woman in this world would be so generous as to raise a child born to someone else after her husband cheated on her.

Ye Yuze and Yu'e had just entered the house. In fact, Yu'e was not really angry with Ye Yuze. They had been married for decades and knew each other better than he did himself.

But which woman can have no temper? Especially women after the age of forty are more or less extreme in character.

When men reach this age, most of them know how to give in to their wives, so that most of the old couples have strong women and weak men.

The same is true for the Ye family. Although Ye Yuze looks majestic outside, he is more honest than anyone else when he enters the house.

There is no way, the old lady suppresses him above, and his wife below has a strong foundation. If he dares to glare at Yu'e, the old queen will definitely be a feather duster when she finds out.

Coupled with the group of wives and children behind him, he couldn't help but feel guilty when he faced Yu'e, so every time he entered the house, he acted like a docile kitten.

He also understood just now that when he was educating the little kid and his son, he had touched his wife's sensitivity. As soon as Yu'e left, he didn't even dare to brag anymore and hurried back to coax her.

However, just as she hugged Yu'e and kissed her, she was still angry. Wang Lina, a woman with no eyesight, came to the door.

When Yu'e saw Wang Lina coming, she quickly poured tea and water. She always saved enough face for her husband in front of outsiders.

Of course, except for just now, the main reason is that this guy is too arrogant and doesn't care about her feelings at all.

Wang Lina was also straight-tempered, and she directly stated the purpose of her visit, which shocked Ye Yuze.

As a reborn person, he naturally understands the development of later generations, but when he came here, there was no such thing as trams, so he was a little surprised by Wang Lina's thoughts.

He knew about the establishment of the project department, and originally thought it was to improve the quality of batteries and turn them from imports from Watta Company into self-produced ones.

But she didn't expect that Wang Lina's ambition would be so great and she wanted to develop new energy vehicles.

Moreover, some achievements have been made so far. For example, the dining car that Ye Yuze saw was actually the result of Wang Lina and the others.

Ye Yuze frowned and thought for a long time. This really subverted his cognition.

Having been making cars for so many years, even though he has not participated in the specific production, how can he not understand anything about cars?

He is the first to know about every upgrade of the warrior car and has to allow it.

But once this electric car comes out, it will be a revolution for the traditional automobile industry.

The most important thing about a good car is the engine. The engine is like the heart of a car, once the heart is healed. Then this car must be excellent.

Of course, other supporting facilities will naturally have to keep up.

But something like a tram does not need an engine. But in today's Warrior cars, the engine is the real flagship product.

If the electric train is successfully developed, it will actually be equivalent to abolishing martial arts. Where should engine companies go from here?

Wang Lina naturally understands Ye Yuze's concerns. After all, she is now the boss of the engine company.

She had given full consideration before deciding to pursue this project. Therefore, she did not call Ye Yuze because the matter was of great importance and required an interview.

"Yuze, every industry will face reform, and reform will naturally cause pain. We should not be people who stick to the old rules."

"Kodak, Nokia, and Motorola, which one didn't learn a bloody lesson?"

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