Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2409 Love without self

Wang Xiaomeng bought groceries on the way when he got off work. Compared with before, Yang Wei has changed a lot since then. At least he likes to eat at home except for necessary social activities.

Wang Xiaomeng bought half a lamb, the kind of unmarried sheep. This kind of meat is very tender and delicious whether it is cooked as hand meat or barbecued.

Yang Wei likes meat, basically all kinds of meat. Wang Xiaomeng has good cooking skills because he has done housework since he was a child.

What attracts Yang Wei most about Wang Xiaomeng is her virtuousness and kindness. Only when she is around, Yang Wei feels that it is home.

Due to family reasons, his father has not been very involved in the family since he was born. Yang Wei's growth basically did not involve his father.

Although everyone knows who his father is? But he is the one who knows the least about his father.

His mother is even more fickle. Although she loves him very much, she is not a very good communicator. When he was growing up, his grandparents were the most profound people in his memory.

It's just that both old people have passed away, and his grandparents just doted on him. Although he was close in his heart, he really didn't remember what they taught him?

Perhaps it was this lack of emotion that caused Yang Wei to have a natural affinity for women like Wang Xiaomeng.

Although he has been in contact with many women, he doesn't care much about his chastity. Especially when he was in Africa, for him, women were just tools.

But Wang Xiaomeng made him feel like home. Although Wang Xiaomeng was younger than him, the maternal element in her character really made him unable to let go.

Ye Qianqian is not bad, Yang Wei also knows that she loves him very much and will never mess around with others. But the strength and dominance in her character were not what he liked.

When we were young, the dominance of beautiful girls easily conquered the unruly boys.

But as age and experience increase, the arrogance in a man's bones will also increase. At this time, if a woman is overbearing, it will easily make the man resentful.

Especially for men who are strong from the core, the older they get, the stronger their self-awareness becomes. This is how the conflict between Ye Qianqian and Yang Wei actually arose.

The intervention of the opposite sex is just a trigger.

After all, their personalities are too strong and they won't compromise or be tolerant. Even if there is no one else, there will eventually be a breakout between two people.

When he opened the door and saw Yang Wei at home, Wang Xiaomeng's eyes immediately narrowed into crescent moons.

This man is everything to her, she can give everything for him, even her life. Wang Xiaomeng dared to swear on his life for this.

It is precisely because of this determination that Wang Xiaomeng did not compromise when faced with such great pressure from Zhao Ling'er and his gang.

What she loves is Yang Wei as a person, not anything attached to him. If Yang Wei had nothing at the moment, she could accompany him around the world at any time.

"Husband, didn't you go see your son? Why are you back so early?"

Wang Xiaomeng was a little excited. She didn't care if Yang Wei went to Ye Qianqian's place. After all, he had his flesh and blood there. If Yang Wei was ruthless, she would feel uncomfortable.

Yang Wei smiled: "I went there in the morning and came back in the afternoon."

Wang Xiaomeng stepped forward and hugged him, and then went to arrange cooking. Although, when he hugged Yang Wei, he could already smell the perfume on his body.

For dinner, we had finger meat and poached meat, which is Yang Wei’s favorite thing. As for naan, only the one made from the earthen ovens of the Uighur people has the most authentic taste.

Yang Wei eats very well, and he is now close to thirty. The older he gets, the more he feels that having a family and having home-cooked meals every day is a blessing.

It is true that money can give you a lot of things, at least it can improve your food, clothing, housing and transportation.

But one day you will suddenly discover that a bowl of hot millet porridge at home is more fragrant than any delicacy.

Wang Xiaomeng's rice is very delicious, although she doesn't know how to put it on the plate or make a big meal. But in her hands, home-cooked meals will become particularly delicious.

This gave Yang Wei a sense of belonging, a feeling of home. This is also the reason why he can't live without Wang Xiaomeng.

Everyone has true feelings. Yang Wei is not a man who can't play with others, and he also does a lot of things to make fun of. But when facing Wang Xiaomeng, he really couldn't play.

This woman filled him with protectiveness and gave him a home that he would always miss.

So when facing her, thinking about what he did with Ye Qianqian at noon, he actually felt guilty.

He was a little surprised. Didn't he feel this way only when he faced Ye Qianqian? How could you be like this?

The lamb cooked quickly. When Yang Wei ate, Wang Xiaomeng was a little stunned. He liked the way this man looked like he was in a hurry.

She has no ideals, and she has never thought about being rich or wealthy. She only needs a stable job and a warm family.

Therefore, she kept all the money Yang Wei gave her on the card and never touched it. All the expenses at home were spent on her own salary.

The salary of high-speed rail conductors is not low and is enough for them to live. Now my brother has also improved and lives with his mother without her having to worry about him.

She just wanted to guard this man, and she didn't want anything else. She just wanted to guard him for the rest of her life and support him for the rest of her life.

When resting at night, Yang Wei nervously told Ye Qianqian what happened during the day. I thought Wang Xiaomeng would have a hard time surviving.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaomeng kissed him and said: "How can I fully own a man like you? As long as you don't forget me in this life. As for who you like, I will accept it."

Yang Wei was a little confused. He had never encountered such a woman before. This is the case in Africa, because women have no human rights and can marry as many as they want.

But Wang Xiaomeng's behavior was definitely not a sign of weakness in her character. He had seen her fight with her life.

Then there is only one reason, and that is that she loves him so much that she loses herself.

Yang Wei felt hot in his heart and eyes. He didn't know what to say to this silly woman. I just want to hold her in my arms and cherish her.

But at this moment, Wang Xiaomeng was arching in his arms, making Yang Wei couldn't help but whip her.

When the wind stopped and the rain stopped, Yang Wei held the boneless woman in his arms and said solemnly:

"Let's get married and give me a child."

Wang Xiaomeng's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again, and he shook his head firmly:

"I can be your woman, I can give you children. But I will not marry you."

Yang Wei was stunned and looked at her in disbelief: "What did you say? Why don't you marry me? Don't you like me?"

Wang Xiaomeng shook his head firmly: "I like you. You are everything in my life, but I don't deserve it. Your wife should be like Qianqian..."

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