Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2381 The idealistic Yuanfang

Libo is really a good place. It’s extremely hot in the mainland right now, but you can still get a cool breeze here.

The Tang monk played by Ye Mao closed his eyes and said, "Boom, bang, bang, bang." The Tang monk, played by Monkey, rolled on the ground holding his head.

Ye Mao's handsome appearance basically requires no makeup. Therefore, once this film is released, Ye Mao will become the Tang Monk of all people.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong rushed to the set after a long journey. Ye Mao couldn't help curling his lips when he saw his old father:

"Dad, have you gone to seek Buddhist scriptures? It took a long time to go."

Ye Yuze glared at his son angrily:

"Recite your sutra carefully. If you don't recite until all four elements are empty, you have not entered the role."

Pan Hongling had just arrived at the set to deliver water, and when she saw Ye Mao, she couldn't help but throw herself at him. Ma Xiao and Zhao Liying immediately pulled Yang Geyong's arm and were overjoyed.

The two comforted their respective women and then followed Pan Hongling to put their luggage. Ye Mao shouted from behind:

"You've missed a lot of scenes. Be more conscious, change your clothes and prepare to work overtime for a few days."

Pan Hongling pouted. In fact, she also wanted Ye Yuze to work overtime, after all, she hadn't seen him for so long.

However, she was a woman who took the overall situation into consideration and understood the importance of importance, so she put away her luggage, waited on them for a while, and sent them to the set.

In fact, most of the remaining scenes are fighting scenes. Although Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong have many roles, they are basically fighting scenes because of their martial arts background.

Because they don't show their faces in other scenes, Ye Mao has already arranged for others to act. Therefore, although the two of them have enough scenes, the audience doesn't know who they are at all?

For example, Benboerba and Babolben, who knows who played them?

I was busy all afternoon, taking photos after dark, and by the time I finished, it was already midnight. After dragging his somewhat tired body back home, Pan Hongling boiled a pot of herbal tea and was waiting for him.

After taking another bath, Pan Hongling brought over some steamed bacon. Each ethnic group has its own dietary characteristics. People here are used to drying and eating various meats.

To be honest, this kind of bacon is relatively hard. Even if it has been steamed, people with bad teeth really can't eat it.

However, Ye Yuze didn't care about this and ate with gusto. Yang Geyong didn't come over today because he had to deal with two women at the same time, so he simply went to the city. Otherwise, it will have a bad influence on the crew.

After eating and drinking enough, looking at Pan Hongling's wolf-like eyes, I lamented in my heart, animals are so ferocious!

In fact, most men have this bad habit. They get tired of the things they usually eat and always like to try new things, even if the "freshness" is not as good as what they usually eat.

However, after returning from the trip, Ye Yuze still had the consciousness to pay public food. Compared with Pan Hongling's bravery, Ye Yuze really missed Japanese goods for a while. Jingzi was so gentle.

That kind of tenderness was down to every detail, and it would be difficult for Ye Yuze to forget it for a long time.

I have to admire the education of that nation, it is so awesome.

After a fierce battle, I was sweating profusely. Now Ye Yuze's only comfort is that he is better than Yang Geyong in this aspect.

When facing Yang Geyong in this aspect, I had always felt a little inferior. As he gets older, Yang Geyong has begun to rely on drugs as an aid, but he is still active and vigorous.

Women who work for a long time have soft and flexible bodies. Ye Yuze admitted that he was still greedy for this body.

But he couldn't figure out why Pan Hongling couldn't conceive a child. He also understood that this woman was very caring and would work overtime just for the sake of the child.

After thinking about it, Jingzi seemed to have no reaction? Could it be that I am really old? Bullets no longer have penetrating power?

The new version of Westward Journey has received very good responses in Europe and the United States, so Yuanfang is pursuing the filming more closely. The ten films she shot there have received good responses. Although they are not huge hits, they are all profitable.

The most amazing film is of course A Havoc in Heaven. After dominating the charts for a month, it is still being released in many places.

Therefore, Yuanfang wants to take advantage of this popularity to completely ingrain this Eastern myth into the hearts of Western people.

With the broadcast of the TV series, the ratings once hit a new high.

Westerners are different from Chinese people in that they don't like to work overtime and socialize.

After get off work, most people choose to stay at home to spend time with their wives and children. Especially for men, taking care of their children has almost become their top priority.

This resulted in the habit of sitting at home and watching TV together after dinner. Parents are more concerned about their children's preferences.

Therefore, Journey to the West quickly occupied this market at a fierce speed.

During this period, the media criticized this TV series, because there is an essential difference between Eastern mythology and Western mythology.

Chinese gods all have very noble moral qualities, and most of them have a spirit of selfless dedication.

The value of Western mythological stories focuses on seeking good.

For example, Odin, the god of knowledge and wisdom in "Norse Mythology", was willing to sacrifice one of his eyes in order to drink from the "spring of wisdom".

Another example is Oedipus the King's passion for knowledge, solving the mystery of the Sphinx, and his heroic pursuit of his terrible life experience.

Chinese myths and stories are collective. The protagonist of the mythical story regards saving the Chinese nation as his own duty.

Western mythological stories are personal. The protagonist of the story often pursues the liberation of his personality.

For example, Hercules in Greek mythology used his own will to uphold justice and fight against monsters.

Chinese mythological stories embody the spiritual connotation of "the unity of heaven and man, the unity of things and myself". Most of the mythical characters eat wind and drink dew, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

For example, Pangu created the world, and Pangu was both human and divine, embodying the concept of "the unity of heaven and man." Pangu transformed the world with his own body, embodying the concept of "one thing and one person" that Pangu is the world, and heaven and earth are also Pangu.

Many images of gods in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" retain a strong "natural" flavor, and most of them are half-human and half-animal. Nuwa has the head of a human and the body of a snake, Shennong Yandi has the head of an ox and the body of a bull, the God of Fire Zhurong has the face of an animal and the God of Rivers has the face of a human and the body of a fish.

The concept of "dichotomy between heaven and man" is reflected in Western myths and stories. For example, the God of Genesis created Adam and Eve, but there is an absolute boundary between Him and human beings.

She also created human beings. Nuwa created humans based on her own image. Nuwa is regarded as the first mother goddess.

Western myths and stories also reflect the concept of "separation of things and ourselves". Many myths convey the exploration, development and conquest of nature.

For example, Jason went through all kinds of hardships and traveled across the ocean to obtain the Golden Fleece. Another example is the story of Odysseus fighting against the sky and the sea. These are spiritual portrayals of God conquering and controlling nature.

In Chinese mythology, human beings are essentially good. God exists to save mankind from suffering and devotes himself to helping mankind overcome natural disasters.

For example, the myth of Mazu is to help fishermen defeat the waves. Nuwa's efforts to mend the sky and Dayu's efforts to control the floods all embody God's spiritual essence of saving mankind. Human beings themselves are simple and kind-hearted and deserve to be saved.

In Western mythology, human beings have original sin. In Genesis, Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden because Eve was tempted by the snake and ate the forbidden fruit.

In addition, in Greek flood mythology, the cause of floods in the world was the moral degradation of mankind. The god Zeus was angry and summoned floods to flood the earth in an attempt to wipe out mankind.

Therefore, in Western mythology, people only pray to the oracle after the flood, and life, death, and the future are completely at the mercy of the gods.

Gods in Chinese mythology are restrained. God appears as a savior. If the world is singing and dancing, God will remain hidden.

For example, Mazu always comes out to protect the fishermen when they encounter strong winds and waves. If the weather is calm, Mazu does not need to appear.

In Western mythology, God is expanding.

In particular, the gods in Greek mythology often stage power struggles, which are full of a strong smell of blood and sometimes even violate human ethics. Western mythology also particularly worships power, and the powerful one is the king of the gods.

Therefore, myths often contain descriptions of gods’ physical appearance and physical strength. For example, Hercules, the description of his appearance is as follows: He was more than ten feet tall, with piercing eyes, and he could shoot arrows with perfect accuracy. At the age of 18, he had become the most handsome and strongest warrior in Greece.

The gods in Chinese mythology are the embodiment of rationality. They often do not eat the fireworks of the world, have restrained emotions, and have no love. They are the purest existences in the world.

Especially the immortal system established by Taoism, most of the immortals experienced giving up human love before they finally became true.

Such as Lu Dongbin. If a god touches a mortal's heart and falls in love with a mortal, he may violate the laws of heaven and be severely punished.

For example, Seven Fairies and Three Holy Mothers are both love tragedies in the end.

The gods in Western mythology have emotional qualities. For example, Dionysus, the god of wine, symbolizes instinct, passion, enjoyment and indulgence in Western culture.

The gods in ancient Greek mythology have families just like mortals, have seven emotions and six desires, can talk about love, and can be jealous.

For example, the god Zeus has sex with women everywhere and has countless affairs. Zeus's wife Hera is jealous.

At this point, Ye Mao has made some changes. There are many love stories interspersed throughout Journey to the West.

Between gods and gods, between gods and humans, between humans and demons, and between gods and demons.

Although these stories are not allowed by heaven's rules, Ye Mao also tried his best to maintain his perfection.

You must know that Chinese Buddhism is ascetic. Although there are many dual cultivation techniques in Tibetan Buddhism, the Pure Sect in the mainland will never allow these things to exist.

The love described by Ye Mao is naturally completely contrary to these teachings. Let me ask, Monk Tang, Sun Wukong, Bajie, and Monk Sha all fell in love one by one. Doesn’t that violate the commandments?

How can these guys who violate the rules and regulations get the true scriptures?

This is also the reason why they are unwilling to broadcast it domestically. Afraid of being sprayed to death.

There are no such troubles abroad, and you will definitely be criticized, but the debate will definitely be on other topics.

In fact, there are great differences between the goddesses in Chinese mythology and Western goddesses.

The goddesses in Chinese mythology are often very virtuous, and most of them have no obvious personality. They are submissive, take care of their husbands, teach their children, and take care of the housework. The most typical one is the snail girl.

Even if a deity comes down to earth, she still fulfills her duties as a wife and takes her husband as the guideline. Like the Seven Fairies marrying Dong Yong.

Goddesses in Western mythology tend to be more independent, more proactive and free in love and marriage.

For example, the Queen Hera in Greek mythology dared to fight in order to maintain her status, and the King Zeus was also afraid of her. Therefore, Hera is known as the patron saint of Western families.

These differences make many Western women dislike it. You know, the idea of ​​female boxing there is more serious.

However, Yuanfang still plans to penetrate some things in Chinese culture into the West. Why can they engage in cultural aggression? Why can’t I strategically counterattack?

Everyone knows that war is terrible, but cultural invasion is actually even more terrible. It can change people's thinking and make you involuntarily influenced by them.

At present, these phenomena are becoming more and more serious in China, especially among the younger generation. Many people think that the moon in the West is rounder than that in China.

What Yuanfang wants to do is also what those public intellectuals are doing. Popularize Chinese cultural system and cognition among Westerners so that they can have a sense of identity.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be done by one or two movies or TV series, but Yuanfang doesn't care.

China has thousands of years of complete cultural inheritance, and myths and stories are like carps crossing the river. If I continue to bombard them step by step, I don’t believe that I can’t cultivate a group of public intellectuals?

After all, education starts with the children, and she has plenty of time. For this reason, she joined the American nationality so that some things would not become sensitive.

After all, I am an American, so what if I shoot some foreign cartoons? This country of immigrants has no heritage to begin with, it’s all pieced together here and there.

Yuanfang is very smart and sometimes deliberately provokes some arguments. Anyway, Fox News Group has plenty of resources.

Why wouldn't she use such a powerful tool? Promote whatever you want to promote.

The success of Journey to the West has given her a lot of confidence. She has read a lot of Chinese mythological stories and is ready to decide what to film next?

But there was one thing she was in a bit of trouble with, and that was her brother-in-law Ye Mao.

She naturally understands what kind of family the Ye family is. Although Ye Mao is extremely talented in this area, if he is allowed to professionally engage in this industry in the future, I am afraid that his parents-in-law will not be happy.

Recently, Yuanfang is planning to return to China to recruit a group of talents, and she has also paid attention to the emerging online novels in China. The imagination of those writers often makes her stunned. What if she holds an essay contest or something? It is estimated that a group of geniuses will definitely be found.

Therefore, after the reserves of Journey to the West were sufficient, she took her child back to China. After all, her daughter had only seen her grandma and grandma.

She didn't even meet the old Queen Mother Kai of the Ye family, but she knew better than anyone else the status of Queen Mother Kai in the hearts of her father-in-law and husband.

It can be said that without the approval of the old queen mother, the child would not be a serious member of the Ye family. This is not something Yuanfang can bear.

Several people returned to the capital. Yuanfang did not return to Junken City, but directly found Shanda Network because Qidian Chinese Network belonged to this company.

Thank you guys for your monthly votes. I am moved to tears. Come on.

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