Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2365 Stubborn Woman

At the same time, in the old Toyota Villa, Oshima Shigeru knelt on the ground and kept shouting sorry, with both sides of his face swollen.

Ten thousand horses had already drifted through his mind. You were the one who contacted me, and you asked someone to check the blueprints. Why should I take the blame?

But he didn't dare to say this. To be a dog, you have to have the awareness of a dog. If you are unhappy, you will be kicked twice. If you are happy, you will be chewed on the bones.

As for reasoning? Just think about it, what owner would reason with a dog?

Old Toyota was angry and fell into deep thought. He was not only the president, but also the patriarch. The entire Toyota family was under his control.

But because he has been in control for too long, there are already some voices opposing him. After all, the children have grown up and have the right to speak. Not as obedient as I was when I was a kid!

In particular, his eldest son Toyoda Taro is a thoughtful guy. Because there is no hope of taking over, he has been secretly competing with his biological father.

Especially for Tian Qing's matter this time, Toyoda Taro expressed opposition from the beginning. His point of view is that if a company can steal core technology so easily, then they will not be able to do this.

As a result, the old Toyota insisted on being arbitrary, which led to the current situation.

Now the media doesn't know how to explain it, but 20% of the shares have been given away. How much is that?

The key point is that every penny of the 20% is taken out from the teeth of shareholders. This is tantamount to public outrage.

Although the old Toyota has always been domineering, the company is now a joint-stock company. If everyone unites to confront him, there is nothing he can do.

Today he called Oshima Shigeru over to solve this matter completely. It was all because he was too careless and got carried away by greed.

Otherwise, for such a thing, the product experiment must be successful before the shares can be transferred!

But it’s also Tian Qing’s fault. If he hadn’t insisted on handing over the money and delivering the goods, things wouldn’t be where they are today.

Shigeru Oshima looked at the old Toyota and stopped talking, and quickly added fuel to the fire:

"President, this Tian Qing must know that this drawing is fake, otherwise he would not persist like this."

Old Toyota shook his head: "That's not the case. If that were the case, he wouldn't be so anxious to naturalize. Wouldn't it be better for him to return to China? Any lawsuit like that is an international lawsuit, and there won't be any results in a few years."

Oshima Shigeru smiled "hehe", then gritted his teeth:

"This is his insidiousness. He has become an island citizen so that he can exclusively enjoy this benefit. Otherwise, how could Ye Yuze give him such a big piece of pie after knowing about it?"

Old Toyota was suddenly startled, and then a cold look flashed in his eyes:

"In this case, don't blame me for being unkind."

Old Toyota took out his phone and called a friend in the police department. This man held a high position, but his success today was inseparable from Old Toyota's help.

Shigeru Oshima listened to their phone call, his eyes changing from shock to ecstasy. It seemed that Jiang was still old and hot. The transfer of shares was a civil lawsuit and could only be resolved through the courts.

But if Tian Qing deceived them with fake drawings, this would be a criminal case. If this matter is characterized as fraud, then the contract will definitely not be established.

Of course, the premise is that Tian Qing must admit that he is a fraud, otherwise the matter cannot be classified as a criminal case.

This kind of thing is naturally handled by people from the police station, and Lao Toyota sends people to take action. Once Tian Qing goes back on his word when he goes in, it might be counterproductive, although Lao Toyota can ask people to kill him in minutes.

But the shares can also be inherited by family members. Even if his wife and children are killed, he must have other relatives, and the old Toyota does not want to take this risk.

The main reason is that Qiang’s family members are all in China. If he goes to China to kill people, isn’t that like a rat licking a cat’s butt and seeking death?

After hanging up the phone, Oshima Shigeru asked curiously: "President, when will they take action?"

The old Toyota looked at his watch: "If nothing else happens, the police car is already on the way."

A hint of surprise appeared on Oshima Shigeru's face, but he hid it immediately. Then say goodbye as if nothing happened.

Old Toyota glared at him and cursed: "You can't sit still like a monkey? Wait until there are results before leaving!"

Oshima Shigeru sat down again, but he was very anxious. He already had his own plan, but he just couldn't tell the old Toyota.

When Tian Qing returned home, he felt much more at ease. Facing his wife's resentful eyes, he comforted her with:

"Go to sleep. It's okay. I've already found someone to think of a solution."

But at this moment, his wife no longer believed him at all, insisting on looking for Ye Yuze and asking him to give her Ye Yuze's mobile phone number in the island country.

How could Tian Qing do such a stupid thing, but he didn't dare to make a loud noise for fear of waking up the child. He could only ignore her silently.

The two were in a stalemate for more than an hour. Suddenly, a loud siren sounded outside, startling the two of them and looking outside together.

Several policemen were standing at the door of their courtyard, trying to climb over the wall to get in.

Tian Qing nervously asked his wife to go out and take a look, while he started to get dressed. He felt particularly bad, thinking that these police were here to arrest him. He wants to escape.

His house has a back window and a back door, and the police are in front. He can deal with it while his wife is in front, and he takes the opportunity to escape.

However, his wishful thinking was obviously wrong. Just as he walked out of the back door, two policemen suddenly appeared from the shadows and pushed him to the ground.

At this time, his wife had already led the police into the house, but she saw two policemen escorting him in from the back.

His wife suddenly became anxious and shouted:

"Who are you? Why do you arrest people at will?"

Although Tian Qing's wife was angry with her husband, now that she saw Tian Qing being arrested, she went crazy and wanted to rush to save him.

But how could a bunch of police officers let her succeed? In the end, he was stopped, and Tian Qing was put into a police car and taken away.

Tian Qing's wife was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but she had no relatives here. Even if she wanted to find Ye Yuze, she didn't know where to look?

At this time, he suddenly remembered the person who left him a phone number. She put the note in her makeup box. At this time, he couldn't help but seek medical treatment urgently. He took it out, picked up the phone and made a call.

The phone rang twice and was picked up. The person didn't waste any words and asked him directly if he needed help?

She told her what had just happened, and that she was looking for Ye Yuze, and asked him if he could help?

Unexpectedly, someone else suddenly answered the phone, and it was Ye Yuze's voice. She couldn't help but burst into tears.

Ye Yuze did not comfort her, but calmly asked her if she needed help?

At a time like this, a woman has already lost her sense of propriety and doesn't care about hiding anything anymore? Tell Ye Yuze everything.

Then, he said in a pleading tone: "Mr. Ye, I know Tian Qing is nothing, but please save my child. I can stay with him whether he is dead or alive, but the child is innocent."

Ye Yuze pondered for a while, and then said calmly:

"Someone will pick you up in a moment, and I will send you and the child to a safe place."

The woman cried and thanked her profusely, but Ye Yuze had already hung up the phone.

He hates evil, but he is not a hard-hearted person. Although he has the intention to cut Tian Qing into pieces at the moment, the woman and child are innocent.

He told Henglu Keiji to quickly go to Tian Qing's house. They knew that place well since Tian Qing's family moved in.

The car arrived within ten minutes after the woman made the call, and Keiji Yokoji took the driver to pick him up in person.

But after arriving, the woman refused to leave and insisted on staying here to wait for news about the man. She just asked Henglu Keiji to bring the child to Ye Yuze.

Hengji Keiji was not in the habit of reasoning with anyone. Since the woman made this decision, he came back with the child. What does the life and death of a woman have to do with him?

Seeing the two children, Ye Yuze also sighed:

"What a good woman, why did you meet such a scumbag?"

Yang Geyong and Li Lindong suddenly saw the two children with different faces, and quickly asked what was going on?

They knew something was going on with Tian Qing, but Ye Yuze didn't tell them, and they didn't dare to ask, especially Yang Geyong. Ye Yuze rarely hid things from him. If he hid it, it would definitely be a big deal.

Ye Yuze ordered people to send the two children back to the country overnight. As for Tian Qing's wife, since they made that decision, he didn't care.

Everyone has the right to choose, and there is nothing wrong with couples being deeply affectionate.

Yang Geyong gritted his teeth, and Li Lindong was stunned. They couldn't even imagine that this Tian Qing could do such a thing?

Ye Yuze glanced at Yang Geyong and said in his heart that if it hadn't been for the matter between you and Wang Lina, this person would really not be like this.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no need to pursue the responsibility. There is no reason in the world for you to do things that deceive your master and destroy your ancestors. Since you have done it, then you must bear it yourself.

As for the two children, Ye Yuze thought about it and called Wang Lina again.

It is probably difficult for Tian Qing to go back. What will happen to his wife? Ye Yuze didn't know either, but Wang Lina was undoubtedly the best person to take care of the child.

Although that woman has a strong and violent personality, no one understands her better than Ye Yuze. There are very few people who are truly kinder than her. She will definitely treat her two children as her own.

After arranging all this, Ye Yuze breathed a long sigh of relief. In fact, he could have stopped this matter, but he still chose to let nature take its course.

It's not that he is cruel, but that some hidden dangers must be eliminated. He is not generous enough to forgive a traitor without any grudges.

After sending away the child, Tian Qing's wife suddenly felt relaxed. What is the future? She no longer cared. She had an inexplicable trust in Ye Yuze and knew that the child would definitely have a good future in his hands.

She didn't know that Tian Qing was looking for Xiaoquan. Even if she knew, she wouldn't contact that person. She is a person with clear grudges and should bear the consequences if she does something wrong.

When it was almost dawn, there was a knock on the door. She hurriedly opened the door and found that it was Oshima Shigeru standing at the door, and her face sank.

"What are you here for?"

She was very disgusted with this ugly islander, and always felt that his eyes were like hooks when looking at her. It seemed like a piece of flesh was about to be cut out.

Oshima Shigeru smiled "hehe": "I'm here to save you and the child."

The woman's eyes flashed: "You don't need to save me and the child. Did you ask someone to arrest Tian Qing?"

Oshima Shigeru ignored her, pushed her away and walked towards the house. The woman failed to catch her and had to follow her into the house.

Oshima Shigeru entered the room, looked at the layout of the room, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, you have managed to arrange your home like this in such a short period of time. You are a virtuous woman."

Tian Qing's wife had no intention of listening to his nonsense and asked without any emotion:

"What are you going to do with Tian Qing?"

Oshima Shigeru looked at her with a lewd smile and said: "Don't think about that person, but I will find an opportunity for you to meet him. You must tell him not to admit that he knows that the drawing is fake."

The woman looked wary: "What do you mean?"

Oshima Shigeru suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted the woman's chin: "He will definitely not be able to come out, but as long as you listen to me, I will give you a huge amount of wealth."

The woman opened his hand and said, "Don't move your hands or feet, or I'll call someone!"

Oshima Shigeru shrugged: "It doesn't matter, just shout, unless you are not interested in money, otherwise you want Tian Qing to die. At worst, I will leave."

The woman was stunned for a moment, and then asked eagerly: "How to save him?"

Oshima Shigeru's hand reached out again and rubbed her chin again:

"Let me prick it, and I'll tell you after it's done!"

The woman slapped his hand open again: "You are dreaming! Unless you tell me first, if you can really save him, I can consider it."

Oshima Shigeru directly stretched out his big mouth with bad breath:

"Then let me charge some interest first, otherwise I won't tell you."

The woman suppressed her nausea and let him kiss her, then pushed him away:

"You say it, or I'll call someone."

Oshima Shigeru smashed his mouth, with a look of intoxication on his face: "It smells so damn good, Tian Qingyan is so blessed!"

The woman stared at him sharply, waiting for the next step, as if she would kill him if she didn't get a satisfactory answer.

Oshima Shigeru also became serious and said in a serious tone:

"Old Toyota wants the police to charge him with fraud, so that the share transfer contract will be invalid. But if he can bite him to death without knowing that the drawings are fake, this crime will not be established."

The woman's eyes lit up: "Can you let me see him?"

Oshima Shigeru's eyes wandered around her body, his eyes were lewd, and seemed to be able to penetrate all her clothes.

The woman pretended not to know, and looked at him. She couldn't flinch at this time, otherwise she would easily suffer a loss and get nothing.

Oshima Shigeru suddenly thought of a question: "Where are your two daughters?"

The woman shook her head: "They went to a friend's house tonight and won't come back."

Oshima Shigeru looked disappointed, but quickly turned his attention back to the woman.

"If you can serve me well tonight, I will definitely let you see Tian Qing."

Happy New Year to all comrades, I may have to stop updating for two days. After all, it is the Chinese New Year. It is a day for family reunion. You have to eat and drink and put on a few pounds. I also wish you all the best and all your wishes come true.

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