Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2359 Tian Qing’s choice

Jingzi took out his small wallet and asked Ye Yuze:

"Ye Sang, I wonder how much I should pay you for your consultation?"

Ye Yuze smiled and waved his hand: "I'm not a doctor here, what kind of money can you give me? If you want, just give it to Mr. Zhong."

Ye Yuze didn't like the surname Ma Tian very much, so he still called Zhong Zhentao by his original name.

Zhong Zhentao was not pretentious. He accepted 10,000 yen from Jingzi, which made Ye Yuze speechless. This was equivalent to 500 yuan, right? It only took ten minutes.

But think about it, I still lost money. Thinking about the people he saved, Soros gave 100 million, and Helen was almost the same. That's still US dollars.

Seeing Jingzi about to leave, Ye Yuze called to her and left his phone number with her:

"I can cure your dysmenorrhea problem. I've been here recently. If you have time, come to me and I'll give you acupuncture for a few days."

Jingzi looked surprised and kept thanking her. The patients, on the other hand, looked at Ye Yuze with complicated expressions and wanted to ask him to prick him, but they were obviously worried.

Ye Yuze has no intention of giving them acupuncture. The little girl Jingzi is beautiful and has a well-behaved personality. Although her physical resources are not enough, Ye Yuze is willing to do good things.

As for these people? He had no interest at all, and they couldn't afford the consultation fee.

Mr. Zhong had a straightforward personality and sent several patients away. He wanted to take time to have a good talk with Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze really didn't understand the island country's medical system, but he was interested in hearing what he had to say, especially about traditional Chinese medicine.

As a result, after Zhong Zhentao explained the situation of traditional Chinese medicine in the island country, Ye Yuze couldn't help but be disappointed.

"Traditional Chinese medicine" is the Chinese name for traditional Chinese medicine. This kind of medicine was still very advanced in ancient times, so it was also spread to the island country and was called "Imperial Han Medicine" or "Hehan Medicine".

But when foreign medicine was introduced to the island country, the islanders called the medicine introduced by the Dutch "Nanman Medicine" or "Red Hair Medicine", also called "Lan Fang" or "Foreign Medicine". In this way, the medicine from China It was called "Kampo medicine".

After the Meiji Restoration, the island nation intensified its comprehensive Westernization. By 1874, the island nation's government clearly stipulated that only those who studied Western medicine could take the national qualification examination for doctors.

Since 1883, there has never been any content related to traditional Chinese medicine in the national medical qualification examination of the island country.

The island country’s university medical education has not included any traditional Chinese medicine courses for at least 100 years.

In this way, people who obtain medical licenses in island countries cannot be educated in Chinese medicine, let alone be Chinese medicine practitioners.

Only those who have passed the medical qualification examination can obtain a medical license and become doctors, while those who have not obtained a medical license are not doctors. This organizationally ensures that there is no traditional Chinese medicine in Japan.

In the island country, medicine other than Western medicine is not recognized. Whether it is Chinese medicine, Korean medicine, Tibetan medicine or witch doctors from Africa, they are all treated equally.

After 2001, the teaching syllabus of the medical school of the island country added a line "can explain Kampo medicine", so that the medical school has some courses to explain Kampo medicine.

This provision reflects the island country's choice and abandonment of traditional Chinese medicine, which is the so-called "waste medicine and experimental medicine".

Abolition of traditional Chinese medicine, which has neither anatomy nor physiology scientific support, and uses the metaphysical witchcraft of Yin and Yang Bagua to deceive people. However, traditional Chinese medicine and other medical technologies that are indeed effective are accepted after being standardized and scientific. This has formed the current Japanese Unique "Kampo Medicine".

However, in fact, Kampo medicine in the island country is a discipline that organizes the traditional Chinese medicine dictionary. It mainly looks for serious opinions from the two works, Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Synopsis of the Golden Chamber, which originated from Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases. prescriptions and prescriptions.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "Shameless."

It's obvious that useful things have been taken away, but it doesn't admit that there is Chinese medicine. This is what this country can do.

The key thing is that there is an even weirder thing, that is, the island country has a national health insurance, but Kampo medicine cannot be used for medical insurance at the beginning.

After enrolling in medical insurance in 1999, the variety of Kampo medicines has continued to increase, and now there are a total of 148 kinds of patent medicines and 200 kinds of medicinal materials that can be covered by medical insurance.

However, there are restrictions on Kampo medicine prescriptions in the island country. First of all, you can only choose from these 148 kinds of patent medicines and 200 kinds of medicinal materials, and you cannot freely configure them.

For example, there cannot be a "dialectical prescription" such as "Atractylodes two cents, one ounce of red flowers, and a pair of original crickets, decoction and taken".

Secondly, Kampo prescription drugs can only be used for medical purposes. The definition of so-called "medical behavior" is that "doctors with medical licenses can prescribe Kampo medicines to patients only after they have diagnosed the patient's disease."

In other words, in the island country, we cannot talk about "yin and yang imbalance, Qi and blood deficiency, kidney deficiency and essence deficiency". We must have a serious name for the disease.

People with medical licenses in the island countries have received Western medicine education and know how to make diagnoses. They cannot use purely subjective assumptions like traditional Chinese medicine, which is based on "looking, smelling, asking and feeling". Only after the disease is diagnosed can the patient be prescribed a prescription.

And those prescription Kampo medicines have been confirmed to have efficacy through clinical trials. This is the so-called "Kampo treatment" of the island country, which is completely different from the traditional Chinese medicine treatment in China.

Ye Yuze's mind was filled with 10,000 grass and mud horses. This is to take the ready-made prescriptions from Chinese medicine, prescribe medicine through the diagnosis of Western medicine, and finally get something that has nothing to do with your Chinese medicine.

Don’t you think about it, before there was Western medicine, how many people in your island country were cured of their diseases by relying on sight, hearing, hearing, asking, and inquiring?

In fact, there is an even more bizarre rule, which is that it is legal for Western doctors who have obtained a medical license to learn Chinese medicine, and go to China to learn Chinese medicine, and then return to Japan to treat people. This kind of medical practice is legal.

Moreover, this kind of Chinese medicine doctor can also prescribe unreliable prescriptions of authentic Chinese medicine, but that kind of doctor cannot be covered by insurance.

For example, Kitasato University has an "Institute of Oriental Medicine", which is actually Chinese medicine, but it cannot use health insurance, so not many people patronize it.

After hearing these words, Ye Yuze had the urge to scold his mother. Seeing his bad expression, Mr. Zhong also let out a long sigh:

I became an island citizen just to get a medical license, and I already have a Chinese medicine license, so I opened this clinic.

Seeing the vicissitudes of life on Mr. Zhong's face and his old body, Ye Yuze couldn't help but stand in awe.

Although he did not say any bold words such as promoting Chinese martial arts, he has been doing this silently, because the signboard of "Kampo Clinic" is the best proof.

Ye Yuze asked with concern: "Is your business okay here?"

Mr. Zhong nodded: "It's not bad. It's just because I'm old and in poor health, so the number of patients I see every day is regulated. It's a pity that there is no successor!"

Ye Yuze looked confused: "Don't you have any descendants?"

Mr. Zhong sighed: "My son is a businessman, and I only have a granddaughter who likes this business. However, after graduating from medical school, I never had the opportunity to study in China, so I have no successor."

Ye Yuze's heart moved: "Has your granddaughter learned Chinese medicine from you?"

Mr. Zhong nodded: "I have been studying with me since I was a child, but I couldn't go out because I couldn't find a suitable school."

Ye Yuze patted his chest and promised: "If you don't worry, old man, leave this matter to me. As long as she can pass the exam, I can let her get her diploma directly."

Ye Yuze really wasn't bragging about this. Whether it was Tangcheng Medical College or Military Reclamation University, to him, a diploma was really nothing.

Zhong Zhentao was overjoyed and immediately called his granddaughter. In fact, his granddaughter usually helps here, but today she went elsewhere because of other things.

After receiving a call from her grandfather, Fang Nai rushed back. Naturally, Ye Yuze couldn't irresponsibly ask her for a diploma, but conducted a test.

Unexpectedly, Yoshino answered questions fluently and was very proficient in Chinese. This was naturally inseparable from her grandfather's words and deeds.

Feeling confident, he made a call to the leader of Tangcheng Medical College. It was already summer vacation, and he planned to let Yoshino go to Tangcheng Medical College to study on September 1st.

Naturally, they agreed. You must know that this school became famous because of Ye Yuze, and it has already become one of the national key universities.

Moreover, Junken Pharmaceutical still has a small share of their shares. Although the shares are not large, it is enough to make the school wealthy.

Although the current school leaders have almost been replaced due to the replacement of old and new ones, it is impossible for any of them not to know about Ye Yuze. He is the pride of the school.

Yoshino is not pretty, has a rigorous personality, and has the basic qualities to be a doctor. She is just right to inherit her grandfather's mantle and pass on traditional Chinese medicine.

After finishing this matter, the grandfather and grandson were naturally very grateful to Ye Yuze. They insisted that Ye Yuze stay for dinner, but Ye Yuze did not refuse.

He is Chinese. Although Zhong Zhentao's family has changed their nationality, Ye Yuze doesn't have any opinions on this matter? After all, most of his children are American citizens from birth.

In fact, nationality is not important. At least it is much better than those traitors who wear Chinese skin but worship foreign countries.

Because it was eaten at home, and Zhong Zhentao was from Lu Province, the food was very suitable to Ye Yuze's appetite. The guests and hosts enjoy a meal together.

Zhong Zhentao invited him to come to the clinic the next day, and Ye Yuze agreed after thinking about it. It was not that his doctor was addicted, but that he felt that Jingzi would definitely come to him again. Since he agreed, he should get it done.

When I got home in the evening, because Tian Qing left, Yang Geyong was left alone downstairs. This guy kept playing and singing every night and had a great time.

I have to say that Mieko is really a stunner, and she is even more fun to play than Yang Geyong, mainly because this country is rich in these things.

Looking at Youxiang and Miezi, Ye Yuze couldn't help but feel dumb. The difference was so huge that he couldn't figure out how these two extreme cultures could appear in the same room at the same time.

Today, Ye Yuze declined Miezi's help in arranging a bed. This was the first time Ye Yuze encountered a female researcher who was so keen on this kind of enjoyment.

However, Ye Yuze is an enlightened leader and rarely interferes in matters other than work. And Yang Geyong's return to his true nature also made him feel much more comfortable.

That's right. Animals are animals. When it comes to love, the key is to recruit people more than yourself. This is absolutely unscientific.

When Tian Qing rushed back to Junken City, it was already very late because he had called before coming back and his wife had already applied for visas for her and her children.

Many people may think this is too fast. How can a visa be so simple?

Don't be ridiculous about this. You can apply directly for Junken City, and Toyota has already informed the embassy, ​​so everything will naturally fall into place.

Tian Qing called Ivan and said that it was urgent and he had to obtain the design drawings of the warrior engine and the parameters of various parts.

The two had always had a good relationship, so Ivan agreed without hesitation. After all, he is also the boss of the engine group, and he also contributes to the funding of the research laboratory.

After copying the things into the USB flash drive, Tian Qing also discussed the drone engine in detail with Ivan. Ivan acted a little cold.

He is an engine expert, and he is not just involved in car engines. He and Lao San are proficient in all engines in the entire institute.

Therefore, he really has little interest in such simple things. But we can talk to Yelena.

The German woman also became a Chinese citizen and obtained a marriage certificate with the third child. Now he has become the top aviation development talent in the country, and his daughter is about to graduate from college. Several inventions she made in school have caused a sensation in the aviation development community. The third child and Yelena will definitely have successors.

It's just a pity that the daughter did not inherit the typical characteristics of the Ye family, but followed her mother. He is tall and has a square face.

If she hadn't been living in Junken City, the old lady probably wouldn't have recognized this child. Mainly because she is too much like her mother.

Tian Qing did not agree with Ivan's suggestion. He felt a little guilty. After so many years of contact, he has always been afraid of that bitch Yelena.

The main reason is that he is very serious. Now that he went to Yelena to ask for these information, the woman dared him to call Ye Yuze. After Ye Yuze agreed, he had to find Ivan to sign before he could take it away.

Now that I have all the information, I am crazy enough to touch that brow. After a few perfunctory words with Ivan, Tian Qing left. There were many things to do when he returned home, such as the family fortune accumulated over the years, which must be dealt with.

There is also a house, which is also a lot of money. Even though I went to the island country and gained wealth, I no longer care about this thing at all, but I still can't part with it.

After all, this is what I have worked hard for myself, and everyone is very nostalgic for these.

When I get home, my wife and children have already finished packing. They will rush to the capital overnight and fly away from there.

My wife's expression is very complicated. She is just an ordinary little woman, virtuous and virtuous, who loves Tian Qing very much.

From primary school to Fuzheng, I have no regrets for so many years. The two daughters are now in junior high school and have good grades. One is named Tian Tian and the other is Tian Yuan. They are not only beautiful but also well-behaved.

But their father suddenly came back and asked them to go to the island country. The two children were very reluctant, but they were used to being obedient, so they did not resist.

Their mother forbade them to say goodbye to anyone and said they would leave quietly, so they could only resign themselves to their fate. Tian Tian and Tian Yuan set foot on the last flight with tears in their eyes. They have lived here for seven years, and almost all their memories are with them. There is naturally a lot of reluctance here.

Come on, come on, salute

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