Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2352 The difference between animals and humans

Tian Qing looked at Mieko with a smile, feeling very satisfied. As expected, there is no island country movie that is free to watch. This little wild cat, which is rare in the island country, behaves like a pet cat at this time.

Tian Qing didn't suddenly show off his lust, he also did it intentionally, because he could see the rebelliousness in this woman from the moment he met her.

He can replace any employee in the company. Only these professional talents are rare.

Having been a company boss for so many years, he naturally knows how to employ people. Therefore, what happened today was accidental, but in fact it was inevitable.

The most thorough way to conquer a woman is to conquer her body and mind.

After putting on clothes, it was time to talk about business. This time Tian Qing became completely serious and was very interested in the direction of Mieko's research and development.

As the CEO of the Engine Corporation, he is quite keen on market demands. With the development of technology, autonomous driving has been put on the agenda of many companies.

Especially for drones, from model aircraft to aerial photography, there has been a blowout market, but currently there is really no decent drone engine production line.

Miezi explained things beyond his knowledge, such as drone spraying, drone fire extinguishing, and even military drones, which greatly moved Tian Qing.

If the company can develop such a production line, it will undoubtedly create another era-changing product.

Although some companies have begun production, they are not large-scale, and their power performance is still in the stage of large toys, and they cannot be called real drones yet.

After listening to what she said, she took the plan and found that the funding Miezi applied for was US$8 million. Tian Qing only glanced at it, and then approved it with 10 million US dollars in one stroke.

Junkencheng Enterprises has always had a tradition of heavily rewarding R\u0026D personnel. Tian Qing called the director of the R\u0026D Department in front of Miezi, saying that no matter which technical staff or group, once there is a major breakthrough, they will be rewarded with one million yuan.

Of course, it has to be converted into Japanese yen here, otherwise where can I spend it?

Miezi kissed Tian Qing and left happily. This is what career women are like, they are not clingy, their needs are needs, and of course they can also have love.

When he got off work in the evening, Tian Qing called Li Lindong again. He was tired of eating in the cafeteria and wanted to go out to eat. Li Lindong spent the night wandering around last night and naturally found a cool place. He wanted to go with him.

Li Lindong thought about this for a while but did not refuse. He asked Youxiang to wait for him for a while, and then he went to drive.

Li Sen wanted to follow, but in the end he didn't dare to move forward. Because the boss didn't call him.

Tian Qing came with Mieko. When he saw the cute and cute Youxiang, his eyes couldn't help but light up and he complained:

"Or do you know how to play?"

However, when I saw Mieko's murderous look, I automatically shrank, but I complained in my heart that there are such tigresses everywhere, and island country movies are also deceiving.

The four of them got in the car, and Youxiang showed the way, and went straight to grandma's shop. The car drove for an hour before they got there.

Tian Qing grinned when he saw this small shop. This old Li was so damn good at saving money.

But when I saw Youxiang going in and busy, I realized that she was taking care of her own business. Just shut up.

Because it was still early, they were the only three customers in the store. Although Youxiang also came together, they were the masters.

Li Lindong also walked into the kitchen. His grandma was very good to him. If he dared to come and commit murder in China, any other grandma would have to beat him up with a cane. After all, Youxiang is still so young.

However, Li Lindong had never done any housework, so there was no use going into the kitchen. But grandma was afraid of embarrassing him, so she made a basin of vegetables for him to wash.

Seeing Li Lindong busy, Tian Qing felt itchy for a moment. In fact, his cooking skills were pretty good. After all, he had been trained by that tigress Wang Lina for many years, so he was naturally good in the hall and in the kitchen.

Mainly because I brought Mieko here today. Which man doesn't want to show off his hand in front of his woman?

Entering the kitchen, Tian Qing found some beef and a handful of vegetables. This was the only thing he could cook.

The main reason is that the ingredients in island countries look similar to those in China, but in fact they are very different, especially seafood.

In China, most seafood is steamed whole, while people in Junken City, mainly the northern population, like braised seafood.

Although there are more seafood on the island country, most of them are processed very finely, so Tian Qing dare not cook it for fear of spoiling the ingredients. After all, he has never done it before.

The beef was sliced, smashed carefully with the back of a knife, then starched and marinated. He was going to make a pot of boiled meat slices.

This dish actually uses pork, but beef is more delicious, but the cost is high, so most stores don't use it.

Grandma's side dishes are exquisitely made, but they are all on small plates. Island people have small stomachs, so they just have to taste them.

Soon, the food was ready, and several people began to sit down to eat. Li Lindong also forced grandma out, and gave her a handful of money, saying that he would book the table today.

Despite her age, grandma is definitely very open-minded. When she saw the money, she immediately smiled and took off her apron without doing anything else.

I have to say that Tian Qing's cooking skills are very good. A large pot of boiled beef immediately won the favor of several islanders. His chopstick dance was so fast that Tian Qing and Li Lindong were embarrassed to start.

Mieko's eyes narrowed as she ate, while Yuxiang was sweating and her face was flushed. It was naturally spicy, but even so, the chopsticks couldn't stop at all.

Grandma tasted it carefully and asked questions from time to time. Naturally, she asked Mieko to translate, all about how to make this dish.

Before the meal was finished, the guests began to arrive. Grandma, who just promised not to do anything, immediately went to work in the kitchen again, completely forgetting that Li Lindong had already paid enough to book the venue.

Grandma was very smart. When she was busy, she quickly made a piece of boiled beef. The meat is equally tender, but the taste is a little lighter, which is also based on the eating habits of the islanders.

After the new guests tasted it, they praised it and asked for a portion. Now grandma was overwhelmed. Youxiang and Tian Qing came to help.

Looking at the busy figures of the three people, Miezi's eyes were a little blurry for a while, and she asked Li Lindong:

"Do you Chinese men know how to cook? Men here never enter the kitchen."

Li Lindong scratched his head: "I don't even go into the kitchen because I don't know how to do anything."

Miezi looked at him and said, "It's enough if you have Xiang Hui. You are a person who can do great things."

During the conversation just now, Miezi already knew about Youxiang's family situation, so she took the opportunity to tell Li Lindong.

Only then did Li Lindong realize that he was only eighteen years old, his parents were both dead, and he had to work part-time to earn college tuition.

The original guilt became even heavier. He asked Miezi to take him to the bank. He wanted to give Yuxiang some money. At least he couldn't let the girl be so tired.

Miezi agreed, said hello to Tian Qing and took him out. Before coming here, Li Lindong naturally exchanged a large amount of Japanese yen. After all, he was going to live here for a while.

Withdrawing one million yen, which was enough for Yuxiang's renewal and living expenses, Mieko looked at the Chinese man with approval, with a fire in her eyes.

The rest of them stayed busy until closing time, and then accompanied Youxiang and the others back home. Li Lindong took out his bag and stuffed it into Youxiang's hand.

There is a fragrance and I don’t know what it is at first? When she opened it and saw that it was all money, she was a little dazed. Miezi quickly helped explain that this was the tuition fee given to her by Li Lindong.

Youxiang's tears fell, and her grandma also wiped her tears. But soon, Youxiang firmly pushed the money back:

"Li Sang, I love you, but we can't trade with money, otherwise this relationship will change. I can earn money by myself, and I can earn money to support you when we have a family in the future. You just need to be good Just be my man and love me."

Miezi hugged Youxiang and translated her words with choked sobs. Li Lindong and Tian Qing looked at each other, their hearts are full of flesh. Who can be emotionless in the face of such a woman?

In the end, Youxiang didn't ask for the money, but just promised that when she really needed it, she would talk to Li Lindong.

But can we still have this time?

On the way back, Li Lindong was silent and Tian Qing didn't say anything. This girl moved both old Chinese men.

Life is so hard, but I still live with self-respect and self-reliance, and I am still so happy. I have never complained about the unfairness of life. Who wouldn't like such a girl?

Tian Qing couldn't help but sigh: "Old Li, you started too quickly."

Li Lindong felt even more guilty, but it was too pale to say anything now. If he had known earlier, he would not have drank so much that day, and would have raised this girl as his daughter.

Mieko, who was also from the island country, was not so emotional and even advised the two men:

"There is no tuition fee before high school, so grandma just raised her up. She worked so hard, and it was easier to work during college, so there is no need to worry."

Tian Qing glared at her: "There is no emotion at all. Didn't you cry just now? You are so calm now."

Mieko glared at him and said angrily:

"Do you think my life before was better than hers? Not to mention university, even my living expenses and tuition fees for studying abroad were earned by myself!"

"If I hadn't received a full scholarship later, I don't know if I could have persisted. Have you ever lived with only two hours of sleep a day?"

Tian Qing was silent, and Li Lindong had always been silent. It seems that the so-called high welfare cannot cover everyone...

After returning home, Li Lindong went upstairs to sleep by himself, while Tian Qingze and Miezi stayed downstairs. The two of them were too loud for fear of disturbing Li Lindong.

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, Tian Qing lay there and didn't want to move. After all, his age was there, he had already worked hard during the day, and he was timid.

Mieko's eyes flashed with fire: "Can you do it? Where is the majesty of the day? If you can't do it, I will go upstairs to find Li Sang."

Tian Qing waved his hand: "Go, go, whoever the hell do you want to find, I don't want to move anyway."

Miezi got out of bed and walked outside without putting on any clothes.

Tian Qing looked angry and muttered: "Old Li still has the vision, Youxiang definitely can't do this."

He really didn't care about Mieko's behavior. Although everyone has jealousy, it just doesn't matter to a woman he doesn't want to have. Anyway, he doesn't want to be responsible. This is actually better.

Li Lindong didn't fall asleep either. The noise downstairs was too loud just now, which made his heart restless, and something indescribable was about to move.

At this time, the door creaked open, and a naked Mieko appeared at the door.

Because it was a full moon day, although the lights were turned off, the view in the room was still good, and Mieko's beautiful figure magnified in front of his eyes.

Li Lindong was startled: "Why did you come up here? Where is Lao Tian?"

Miezi curled her lips: "He's not good anymore. I want to see if all of you Chinese men are as good at fighting as him?"

Li Lindong suddenly became angry and said that there was nothing else, but he couldn't bear it anymore and must be killed!

Just the moment she grabbed Mieko's chest, her desire receded like a tide, and a voice shouted in her heart:

"You are a human being, not an animal. You can't do what this woman just did to your brother!"

Li Lindong grabbed Mieko's arm and carried her to the door:

"Chinese men never touch their brothers' women. If you do this again, I won't allow you to associate with Tian Qing. You are a human being, not an animal!"

Looking at the closed door, Miezi was stunned for a long time. This was the first time she had encountered such a thing. She had been invincible before.

She hasn't taken this kind of thing seriously since middle school. It's just like urinating and defecating. She just does it when necessary.

But why did this Chinese man react so fiercely? Why do you become a beast when you go to Tian Qing after you finish it? She didn't understand. It seemed that it was too difficult to popularize the concept of chastity here.

Mieko stood at the door for a while. Not only was she not angry, but she suddenly felt a different feeling in her heart...

Youxiang slept with her grandma in her arms, and grandma caressed her soft body. He said lovingly:

"Silly girl, why don't you want such a big sum of money? As long as you take it, you won't have to do anything in the past few years, just study hard."

Youxiang shook her head firmly: "Grandma, this man is so good. I don't want money to complicate our relationship."

Grandma sighed: "No matter how good a man is, the flowering season of a woman is short. Every day there will be a woman younger and more beautiful than you next to him. Who knows how long he can love you?"

Youxiang put her head into her grandma's arms and muttered sweetly:

"He only loved me for one day, and I was satisfied. Didn't you see how angry he got when he saw me being bullied? And knowing that I worked hard to make money, he immediately gave me a sum of money. Have you ever met such a man? ?"

Grandma was silent for a while, then shook her head:

"It is said that Chinese men are good. This is the first time I have seen them. Cherish them. It is really not easy for a woman to meet a good man."

Tian Qing looked at Miezi with joking eyes:

"So fast? Is he worse than me?"

Mieko glared at him: "They called me a beast and kicked me out. Why are you Chinese men so weird?"

Has the monthly ticket arrived at the end of the month? Brothers, stand up and blow the charge horn

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