Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2349 Two bosses in the island country

What impressed Li Lindong the most during his visit to the island country was the women here. They were generally very gentle in character and rarely had the image of tomboys that has been popular in China recently.

According to Li Lindong's thinking, the women here all have the image of being bullied. They have to apologize to others when they are beaten and beaten, and they can't even speak loudly.

The more this happened, the more Li Lindong felt pity and a desire to protect him. Otherwise, given his character, he would not be as impulsive as he is today.

After all, this is a foreign country and he is the head of a company. The image will be affected.

"My name is Youxiang, please take care of me!"

Youxiang's facial features are very delicate, and she is as small as her figure. She didn't dare to look at Li Lindong with her red phoenix eyes, she just bowed her head and saluted.

People from the company came out and welcomed Li Lindong in. The company's lawyers also arrived. They needed to handle follow-up matters. After all, the person was injured, and this is also a criminal case.

After the matter was settled, Li Lindong breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that he was hungry and might have lost some strength from beating someone.

Originally, the company leaders all ate in the cafeteria, and the company's three meals a day were pretty good. But today, Li Lindong suddenly didn't want to eat in the company, but walked out.

When he came to the yard, he didn't drive, mainly because he didn't have a Japanese driver's license, and he didn't know if the domestic one could be used here.

He stopped a taxi with his hand and told the driver that he was going to eat. He said nothing more, mainly because he didn't speak many languages. "Missi Missi" was learned in Anti-Japanese War movies.

The driver was also a wonderful person and didn't ask him anything in detail. He drove a long way and came to a street in the city with some old buildings.

One advantage of the island country is that the environmental sanitation is relatively good. This is not due to the number of cleaners, but to the residents voluntarily maintaining the sanitation of the surrounding environment.

Most of the people you see picking up garbage and sweeping the floors on the street are doing voluntary work. You can hardly see professional cleaning staff.

The small street is very narrow, with shops on both sides, antique, somewhat similar to the antique buildings being built in China.

In fact, the characters of the island country are similar to Chinese characters, and their characters were originally passed down from the Tang Dynasty. So, the pronunciation may be different, but the meaning is still the same.

This street is almost full of pubs and bars, and there are street girls in kimonos at some doors, inviting customers to come in for a drink from time to time.

Li Lindong has no interest in such a place. He just wants to try the food here, not the specious island cuisine in China.

A signboard caught his attention because there was a flag hanging at the door with the traditional Chinese character "面" on it. Just like the front of the store in ancient times.

After pushing the door open and entering, Li Lindong was stunned because his eyes met a pair of familiar eyes. It turned out to be Youxiang.

She was still wearing the same work clothes, but now she was wearing an apron and sleeves, and her hat was replaced by a white catering hat.

When she saw someone coming in, she habitually bent down to salute and said, "You're here, please sit down."

But before he finished speaking, he was stunned when he discovered that it was Li Lindong who came in.

This noodle shop is very small, only 20 square meters at most. Outside the kitchen, there is only a row of tables placed against the kitchen partition.

There are about a dozen stools attached to the edge of the table, which means that only this many people can sit at most. If it were normal, Li Lindong would have turned around and left when he saw such a narrow place.

After all, a restaurant was set up like a bar, with people eating around the bar. He wasn't used to this style, it was too cramped.

But with Xiang here, he was too embarrassed to leave. After all, they had already greeted him again.

Li Lindong nodded and was welcomed in by her to sit on a stool. The stools were all round stools with very small surfaces. If there were chairs here, it would be inconvenient to get in and out. The place is too small.

There were a lot of people in the room at this time, and the dozen or so stools were almost full. At least there was still some distance between the stools, otherwise my neighbor would probably have to fight with his arms while holding chopsticks while eating.

"Hey, I want you to drink!"

Li Lindong was thinking about what to eat. Youxiang had already brought a glass of beer and placed it on his table.

Li Lindong happened to be thirsty, so he drank it in one gulp. The people around him looked at him with some differences, and he realized that they were all sipping their mouths.

Li Lindong was a little dumbfounded. He could actually taste this thing. He was originally from the Northeast and had stayed in Junken City for decades. To him, beer was just water, used to quench his thirst.

Just as he was ordering, Youxiang had already brought over two plates of side dishes, one plate of beef and one plate of vegetable salad. Li Lindong grinned. Isn't this too exquisite? It only adds up to a big mouthful.

But he was too embarrassed to ask. Youxiang took away the beer glass, then brought another glass of wine and bowed in the same way:

"Hey, I want you to drink!"

Because there was no bottle, Li Lindong didn't know what kind of wine it was, but judging from the color, it must be white wine.

I had a piece of beef and it tasted good, but it was a little bland and didn't taste like sauced beef. The meat was relatively tender.

As for the lettuce salad, it was definitely not mixed with salad dressing, and it basically had no taste. It’s no different from eating plain water vegetables.

Li Lindong picked up the wine glass and took a sip like others did, and then he knew what kind of wine it was, the white wine of the island country, sake.

To him, this thing was no different from beer, so he drank it all in one gulp. It didn't taste as good as beer.

Youxiang seemed to have been paying attention to him. Seeing this guy finish a glass of wine in one gulp, his mouth opened in surprise.

People around him also looked at him in surprise. How much alcohol does this guy have? Dare you drink like this?

After finishing the two plates of food in a few mouthfuls, he felt his stomach and found no reaction. It was almost the same as not eating. Li Lindong was a little depressed. He had been here for so many days and because he was busy, he ate in the cafeteria. He could fill it up and measure it by himself. A large number of small ones are meaningless.

Seeing that several people around him were drinking, sipping food and drinking, but not communicating with each other, and looking content and content, Li Lindong felt that the islanders were a bit withdrawn.

Drinking is a lively event in China. Without relatives and friends, who would go to a restaurant to blow a bottle? Unless something sad happens. It seems that there are a lot of sad people here!

There was an old lady working in the kitchen. She glanced at Li Lindong from time to time and whispered something to Youxiang. Youxiang's little face suddenly turned red.

After a while, she came out again, carrying a plate of salmon sashimi and a small plate of sashimi.

Li Lindong looked worried. As a group boss, he had never seen sashimi, but he really couldn't accept eating raw fish.

But since they brought it over, you can’t refuse it, right? I'm still muttering in my mind, isn't this a noodle shop? What about noodles? No one around has anything to eat? All drinking.

Youxiang took out another bottle of wine from his pocket. Although the bottle is not big, it is better than grabbing it by the glass, right? Li Lindong was somewhat comforted by this person.

Youxiang went to get the cup, and Li Lindong unscrewed the cap and took a sip, then coughed a few times.

Isn't this a bit unscientific? Why does Japan still have such strong alcohol? The taste is still very familiar, similar to domestic high-quality liquor.

Li Lindong is a cadre who is tested by alcohol. This feels right, and he is happy inside. Yes, this is wine.

He picked up the wine bottle and took another big sip, letting out a sigh of relief, feeling comfortable.

Youxiang came back with the wine glass and couldn't laugh or cry. Half of the bottle was gone. What's the use of this glass? But at this time, Li Lindong was handling the salmon fillets carefully. With the help of smoothie, the pink fish fillets were emitting white water vapor, which was quite beautiful.

Carefully pick up a piece, dip it in some sauce, and put it in your mouth. It's cool, a little sweet, and has the salty taste of the seasoning, which seems to be acceptable.

I took another sip of wine, it was spicy, it felt a little interesting. Just why are things in island countries so small? How can this small bottle be enough to drink?

He waved to Youxiang: "Three more bottles."

He saw that this was only three or four taels in a bottle, and one kilogram should be about the same. After all, the purity was still lower than that of sorghum.

He is a little tired these days. Once he gets here, he works day and night. As a boss, he can't show any signs of lethargy.

Now that things have finally come to an end, he wants to relax, not to be seen by his men, to go to a strange place and face a group of strange people. Don't worry about showing any timidity.

Youxiang glanced at her grandma. Youxiang's parents died young and she was raised by her grandma. This girl is sensible and has taken care of herself since high school.

Although grandma opened this small shop, because the shop was small and the prices were not high, she could only earn a living expenses.

This year Youxiang was admitted to the University of Tokyo, and the tuition and living expenses were not cheap. Therefore, she worked as a cleaner at Honda during the day and helped her grandma open a store at night. She was very tired at the end of the day.

Hearing that Li Lindong asked for three bottles of soju, Youxiang stuck out her tongue and looked at her grandma. In fact, people in the island country are under great pressure at work. Many men are unwilling to go home after get off work and often drink too much in pubs.

Grandma Youxiang is kind-hearted. When meeting such customers, she will not continue to sell them wine and patiently persuade them to go home.

As soon as Li Lindong came in today, Youxiang told her what happened during the day. Grandma Youxiang didn't ask Li Lindong to order the food and served it directly to him. She just wanted to ask him to repay her for saving her granddaughter during the day.

Although Li Lindong is over fifty, he has a handsome appearance. Not only does he not have the greasiness of a middle-aged man, but he has a sense of maturity and wisdom.

Grandma Youxiang likes him at first sight. This country doesn’t pay too much attention to age issues. Love between grandparents and grandchildren is very common, not to mention someone like Li Lindong, so she teases her granddaughter to be brave and not to be soft-hearted when she sees a man she likes.

Li Lindong asked for wine, but Youxiang didn't dare to bring it to him, mainly because there was too much. Grandma nudged her with her elbow:

"Send it over. If a man doesn't get drunk, a woman won't have a chance."

Youxiang's face was so red that she looked like she was about to bleed. She didn't dare to look at Li Lindong while holding three bottles of wine, so she put it down and ran away.

Seeing the little girl like this, Li Lindong felt a surge in his heart. His feelings, which had not fluctuated since his marriage, seemed to be awakened by the wind of the island country.

Seeing him drinking like this, several people around him started chatting with him. Although the language was awkward, they could make gestures!

They drink just as much as they eat. They like to drink, but they don't drink much.

Li Lindong is a generous person. Although he cannot communicate happily with words, is it okay to communicate over drinks?

So he took the wine bottle and started pouring wine for the people around him. Isn't it just drinking? Smoking and drinking are not separated from each other.

In fact, friends here in the island country are always AA when they go out to eat and drink. Where have I seen such generous people? This is obviously a treat, and there is no way A can do A.

When they found out he was Chinese, everyone gave him a thumbs up and started praising him.

Seeing this, Li Lindong also drank happily. He drinks generously, pours down a glass, and drinks with his neck raised. Where have the islanders seen drinking like this? I was in admiration for a moment.

How can I resist drinking three bottles of wine? After a while, it bottomed out. Looking at the other people's glasses of wine and their ink stains, Li Lindong became impatient and started to ask for wine again.

Grandma stopped talking this time and was a little unhappy. She thought that I was right to invite you. You can't take my wine and borrow flowers to offer to Buddha, right?

Youxiang looked at her grandma and said nothing, while Li Lindong kept waving. Beiqi bit her lower lip, picked up two bottles of soju and walked over.

Seeing her bringing the wine, Li Lindong smiled, took out a wad of yen from his pocket and handed it to her:

"I bought all these people's orders today."

Youxiang didn't understand what he meant at first, but she was very smart. When she saw him taking out so much money and pointing to other people, she repeated it.

The people around her also understood the Japanese she spoke. Why did she have the nerve to let someone pay for the meal when she had already drank from her? They all paid for it, and one of the generous friends also paid for Li Lindong's bill.

Although the money is a bit too much, my heart aches and my heart aches. But we can’t disgrace the people of the island nation, they are such crooked people!

Li Lindong didn't understand what they were doing? He insisted on putting the money into Youxiang's hand and started drinking again.

The noodles finally arrived. The portion was not too small, but Li Lindong's appetite was not enough. But drinking too much wine is enough.

At this time, he had already started to get drunk, mainly because the wine tasted nothing but strong, and Li Lindong was not used to it.

After eating and drinking, a group of people said hello and left. They were all old customers. They would have nodded at most when they met, but because of Li Lindong's few bottles of wine, they broke through the boundaries today and chatted very speculatively.

Men in island countries are tired. In this era, as soon as they get married, women become housewives. Men have to pay for the support of their wives and children and dare not slack off.

When work is not going well and they have conflicts with their bosses, they don't dare go home and talk to their wives. They only go back after having a few drinks somewhere to calm down.

And Grandma Youxiang’s prices are low and the taste is good, so this is a place they like to come.

Youxiang stood at the door and watched Li Lindong leave. She felt that he was staggering a little and chased him for a few steps, but stopped when she saw that he was far away.

Grandma followed her out, looked at her silly granddaughter, shook her head and smiled before going back. Another customer came to the door.

Li Lindong walked for a while. He didn't know the way back, so he wanted to take a taxi, but he stood on the roadside for a while, and there was no one. He was so drunk that he sat on a bench by the roadside.

After just sitting for a while, his head became more and more dizzy, so he simply lay down.


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