Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2313 Bacchus

Yang Geyong's eyes were shining. This was the first time he had seen this way of drinking, and he couldn't help but become interested. Although he didn't have a good impression of this unreliable girl, drinking like this was satisfactory.

Seeing Nao Nao scooping it up with a tea cup in the basin, he felt even more happy. Is this the correct way to drink alcohol? He also scooped up a cup.

Everyone on the table began to follow suit. After seven glasses of wine, the wine in the basin was instantly reduced.

Only Hayama didn't drink. Since he was transferred to the special department, he has stopped drinking. People like them have to stay awake at all times.

He just returned home yesterday to report on his work, and he might have to leave again at any time. He didn't dare to indulge. People of their status, in a sense, no longer have freedom. Heed the call at all times.

In addition, these people don't seem to be returning home until they are drunk, so there must be one sober person left to carry them back, right?

Minnie puffed her mouth and began to pour wine into her mouth desperately.

She knew that Yang Geyong liked to drink, but she couldn't drink well. Now that her man was surrounded by two women who looked like goblins and drank, she naturally refused to accept it.

Even though she knew she couldn't drink much? But if you drink one more drink, your man will naturally drink one less drink. It doesn't matter whether he is drunk or not, what matters is that he tried his best.

Wang Luodan, who came in a hurry, was stunned when he saw Yang Geyong. Then he saw Nao Nao and Yingying gearing up, and instantly understood what was going on. This was fratricide.

She shook her head with a wry smile. She had no control over this matter. She took out her mobile phone and called Batu, asking him to come over. She also told the table at the bar that they were not allowed to charge money for all the drinks in the bar today. Then went home.

It wasn't that she was indifferent. If they hadn't been drinking like this, Wang Luodan would have stepped forward to say hello, but this occasion was obviously inappropriate.

Batu, who hurried back from the inquiry, was also overjoyed to see Yang Geyong. Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze helped their mother so much, so of course he knew about it. Now it’s so easy to come here by yourself, how could you not do your best?

In addition, since Ye Mao came to the capital, the two of them had never had a meal together, mainly because they were different ages. Although Batu had mentioned it several times, Ye Mao had always rejected him.

Nao Nao is a really big drinker, and Yingying is actually very good as well. There is a popular saying in the wine shop, there are two kinds of people you should be afraid of when drinking. The one with red cheeks and the one with pigtails.

The latter refers to women. Once a woman can drink, she is really not comparable to ordinary men. This is related to absorption and metabolism, and is a natural talent.

Once a person wears a gift, he or she becomes a supernormal existence, and there is no way to accept it.

Batu naturally knows how much the two girls can drink, but he can also drink. Although he is not as good as Yang Geyong, he is not much different.

The first pot of wine was finished quickly, and several girls became drunk quickly. Even Ye Mao was so drunk that he often couldn't find his mouth when holding the cup.

Yang Geyong waved his hand and ordered Ye Shan: "Send them all back first."

Minnie held Yang Geyong's arm and refused to leave. Yang Geyong had no choice but to let him stay, and Ye Mao and the three had no choice but to leave.

Before leaving, Naonao pointed his thumb down at Ye Mao:

"As long as you're good at beating women, I'll cripple you next time Uncle Yang isn't around!"

Liu Ling, who had already staggered out, stopped when he heard this:

"Say a time."

Nao Nao glanced at Yang Geyong and shook his head: "I have to drink with Uncle Yang for a few days. I'll wait until I have free time. I'll take care of you weaklings after I have fun."

Liu Ling was unhappy for a moment and said to Ye Shan:

"Send them back. If I don't beat them down today, I will die in peace!"

"Holy shit!"

Ye Shan's tiger body trembled. There are many drunkards here. Are all the girls now so tough?

When Ouyang Xue heard Liu Ling's words in a daze, she stopped leaving immediately. shouted:

"Ye Mao, you are not allowed to leave either. The three of us cannot be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day!"

Ye Mao shook his head like a rattle: "I won't die, I want to drink."

Next, no one in the entire bar was drinking, the band no longer cared about the performance, and everyone was watching the drinking competition.

The wine was filled up one after another and disappeared one after another. In the end, there were only three protagonists left, Liu Ling, Nao Nao and Yang Geyong.

No one was surprised by Yang Geyong. After all, he was tall and a man.

But Nao Nao and Liu Ling, who were so lean, turned their wine into water, so who are you talking to?

You must know that although the wine in the basin is relatively mixed, there is absolutely no beer. A lot of strong alcohol is mixed in it. This way of drinking is actually the easiest way to get intoxicated.

Look, Yingying is now lying on Yang Geyong's lap. Minnie can't push her away, so she simply lies on top of her. Both of them are sleeping soundly.

Ouyang Xue held one of Ye Mao's arms, and the two of them were lying on Liu Ling's body, one on the left and the other on the right, snoring loudly.

Only Nao Naoguangguan was really lonely after drinking, so he shouted:

"Uncle, lend me a shoulder to lean on!"

Helpless Ye Shan had to sit next to her. Xiao Nizi seemed to have mental support and began to shoot left and right again, challenging Liu Ling and Yang Geyong.

Batu is relatively rational and understands that drinking too much wine can easily lead to trouble. He was already late, so he gave the waiter a look at the end.

The waiter was also smart. Later, when he was pouring wine, he stopped bringing the bottles up and poured the wine. Instead, he greeted us in the warehouse.

In the small warehouse, Coke, orange juice, and Sprite bottles piled up into a hill in a short time. Of course, you still need to add a little wine, but it can’t be full of flavor, right?

Originally, the three of them had reached the end of their strength, but after drinking several bottles of drinks, they became more and more sober.

Nao Nao waved his little arms and shouted: "Batu, your wine is not strong, it is all fake wine!"

Liu Ling also frowned, but didn't say anything. She knew she couldn't ruin her own business.

Only Yang Geyong was completely confused. After all, he was getting older. Although he still had a good drinking capacity, he was just a little worse physically as he got older. He was still swallowing the mixed drink with difficulty.

At the end of the drink, Batu apologized with a sad face:

"Everyone, the bar is out of stock. How about we drink again tomorrow?"

Nao Nao shook his head firmly and asked Yang Geyong:

"Uncle Yang, are you convinced?"

Yang Geyong naturally shook his head: "You can count ten people like you."

Nao Nao stood up and walked out: "Come on, let's drink somewhere else."

Just as Liu Ling was about to stand up, Ye Mao and Ouyang Xue, who were leaning on him, immediately wanted to slip down, and sat down helplessly:

"Let's change the day. There are too many family members today. Another day it will be just the three of us. We won't come home until we get drunk."

Yang Geyong nodded quickly: "You're right, on another day, it would be too late today."

Of course you are not willing to make noise, so what else can you say? When he found that Ye Shan was looking at him with a puzzled expression, he had no choice but to agree.

Ye Shan looked at this bunch of drunkards and felt worried. Naturally, he couldn't send them to Beihai. If his uncle saw them, he wouldn't be able to beat them up?

After discussing with Batu, we could only send him to the nearest hotel, regardless of the quality. There happened to be an express hotel nearby.

The bar finally closed, but videos spread like crazy, showing new ways to drink alcohol from all over the world.

The God of Bacchus was born, and the beautiful girl challenged the wine king of the Western Regions to one another. After more than a dozen pots of wine, nothing came out.

Huaqing top students are sober in the world, and they are not only good at talent, but also good looks and drinking capacity, referred to as the three highs!

As public opinion fermented, experts and professors began to comment on these videos.

At first everyone suspected that they did not drink that much and suspected that the video was a fake.

But there are too many videos with different angles and voices, and you can’t help but believe it, because this proves that it was filmed by many people on the spot.

Immediately, someone else questioned the authenticity of the wine, but they unsealed and opened the bottle on the spot. The Brotherhood Bar has always had a reputation for never selling fake alcohol there. This doubt soon disappeared.

As for the basins at the back bringing out drinks from the warehouse, no one questioned it. After all, the first ones were all real, and there was no need to fake the second ones.

Although some people were a little confused about the change in the color of the drinks, they were quickly reassured by professionals. After all, there are all kinds of drinks, and it is normal to have different colors.

For a while, the selection of the Dionysian spontaneously started on the Internet, because at the end of the video, Yang Geyong moved slowly and his eyes were dull, and he was the first one to be photoshopped.

After a comparison between Nao Nao and Liu Ling, Liu Ling finally won. There was no other way, this girl was too calm.

Although he pretended to be drunk at first and almost got sent back, everyone could naturally see that.

Although Nao Nao drank a lot, at the end of the day he was speechless and very arrogant. Naturally defeated.

There is no way around this. One of the most important things in the Dionysus selection is to be sober in the world. It is a person who drinks until the end, like Liu Ling, as if he had not drank at all. This is a Chinese habit.

A total of fifteen bottles of wine were drunk that day. Because there were so many people at the beginning, it was impossible to count how much each person drank?

Anyway, some attentive netizens observed the different videos together and came to an astonishing result, that is, the last three people each drank no less than fifteen kilograms of wine.

As a result, this drinking method quickly became popular all over the world, and people in the capital liked to go to brothers' bars to drink.

There is no other way. As the reputation goes, Chinese people like to be lively and check in. Why not go to the birthplace of Bacchus? But that table is a must!

The business of Brothers Bar suddenly became more prosperous. Unlike the people who occupied tables in the past, the guests who come now really spend money.

Going to a brother bar, it would be a shame not to drink.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, the waiter has an extra job, that is, he needs to pick up drunk guests to the hotel from time to time. By the way, the business of the nearby express hotel is also booming.

Now there are two more guests in Ye Yuze's courtyard, namely Nao Nao and Ying Ying. It turned out that they knew Ye Yuze, but because of their seniority, they were more reserved and embarrassed to come.

Now that we have Ye Mao and Yang Geyong, we basically come whenever we have time.

In the past, Ye Shan could fool them with his cooking skills. After eating the food cooked by Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong, he immediately abandoned it.

When Liu Ling and Ouyang Xue found out that these two girls actually talked about being students of Renmin University, they were also shocked. Although the two girls were still standard beauties without makeup, the way they dressed that night could not be forgotten in their minds. .

Yang Geyong, on the other hand, liked these two girls very much. From time to time, he would prepare some delicious food and take them to drink together.

As for Liu Ling, Yang Geyong didn't dare to scream, not because of his seniority, but because this girl looked so calm and calm when drinking, it was so scary.

The auction on the first floor went smoothly, and the price was getting higher and higher. In fact, Yang Geyong's original intention was not to sell it. He was not willing to give up on such a thing that made him famous.

But the pressure was too great and Ouyang Xue couldn't bear it. When you are in the capital, you naturally have to give face to a lot of people. Even Mr. Han, Wang Honghua and Ye Yufan say hello from time to time.

Of course, they must still keep some in their hands. At the very least, they will definitely not give the top floor to others. If they reach out and reach for the stars, how can they give this opportunity to others?

On this day, Lili was dealing with things in the office. The door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and then two men came in. Her secretary looked panicked and kept explaining what?

Both men have very strong auras. The older one is about forty years old and has a calm demeanor. The younger one is about twenty-seven or eighty-year-old, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and extraordinary appearance.

Lili frowned and did not stand up. After so many years of experience, she was no longer a poor child from an ordinary family. Because of Ye Yuze's relationship, her connections in the capital were not as wide as usual.

Therefore, she would not make excuses for such rude customers who barged in.

Seeing Lili's cold attitude, the middle-aged man quickly introduced himself:

"Mr. Li, right? My surname is Liu, and I am the secretary of Comrade So-and-so. I want to talk to you about something."

Lili was shocked. The name of Comrade So-and-so was naturally familiar to her. She had lived in the capital for a long time, so she naturally had heard about some high-level affairs.

It is said that this Comrade So-and-so may still have hope of reaching a higher level. Such a person is naturally not someone she can offend.

He stood up and shook hands with his secretary: "Hello, Secretary Liu, what are your instructions for coming to our company despite your busy schedule?"

When Secretary Liu saw Lili's modest attitude, he nodded with satisfaction and pointed at the young man:

"His name is Guo Yang. He is the nephew of the leader. He has something to discuss with you."

Lili's heart sank, knowing that something bad was definitely going to happen. These people were the most difficult to get rid of in the capital.

No matter what happens to people in the system, they still have a bottom line when doing things. During the contact process, if you decline inappropriate things, it will generally not be a big problem.

Even if the other party is unhappy, what will happen? Even if we come into contact with him in the future, it will be awkward at most and we won’t dare to go too far.

But these disciples are different. Some of them really dare to do anything without any scruples.

"The phenomenon that my father is Li Gang is actually not just an isolated case. There are many such phenomena. After all, cheating on one's father is sometimes a trend."

Lili nodded towards Guo Yang: "Young Master Guo will give you orders if you have anything to do. Why come here in person?"

Come on, brothers

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