Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2303 If you want to get rich, build roads first

Although Pan Hongming, who had been trying to get married outside for a while, firmly refused, Pan Hongxiu, under Ye Yuze's persuasion, also changed his mind and decided not to marry his cousin.

It's just that they can't change the opinions of the old people in the village. Some old people are willing to risk their lives to maintain the thousands of years of traditions and customs.

Therefore, the two young people finally gave in. They decided to hold a wedding with Pan Hongling so that they could save some money. Of course, Pan Hongling's family agreed to this.

Naturally, their family cannot compare with Pan Hongling's family. This is not accurate. It should be said that there is no way to compare with Ye Yuze.

It's hard for people in the mountains to make money. After a year of hard work, it's good to have enough to eat. The main reason is that there is too little land, and the food grown is simply not enough to eat.

Can only rely on sweet potatoes. Things like potatoes that don’t require much land but are highly productive are enough to sustain a living.

As for pocket money, rely on medicinal materials and game, and take them to the market to exchange for money. But the road is too long, so we can only rely on the young and strong to do it.

These mountain products and medicinal materials are sold in nearby markets at very low prices. The so-called low price of grain hurts farmers, but they have nothing to do.

Therefore, these people will always struggle on the poverty line for generations, and have long been out of touch with today's society.

But if the road is built, it will be different. Transportation can take them out of the mountains. Just like Pan Hongming and others, after seeing everything outside, they will try to change when they come back here. When there are more people like this, everything will naturally change.

The road construction went smoothly, and the people in the village were even more enthusiastic. Maybe they didn't want to change anything in their hearts, but they just saw so many things that they couldn't help it.

The entire village has a population of more than a thousand, which is considered a very large village in the local area. After all, due to the terrain, there is no particularly suitable gathering place.

Now because of this road, everyone in the village has taken action, helping to build the road, women cooking, and even the dolls are doing what they can under the command of adults.

Pan Hongling is sitting at home. Nowadays, the consumption of poultry and livestock in the village is very high. More than 500 people from the brother company have come, and all the people in the village are mobilized. The consumption is not ordinary high!

But no one cared about it. Although they were inevitably distressed, they had to pretend to be generous on the surface, for fear of being laughed at by the people in the village.

Pan Hongling directed the women to put pots of meat into the pot and mix it with various vegetables. There is no shortage of vegetables here because they can grow all year round.

For them, white rice cannot be eaten casually because there is too little land, and most of the food to satisfy their hunger is potatoes and sweet potatoes.

But Yang Geyong refused. Road construction is a strenuous work, and you must eat something to resist hunger. So, a helicopter nearby delivered rice again.

The villagers have long been numb to this. It used to be that cars were rarely seen, but now helicopters land in the village at every turn, but so what? This was all obtained by the son-in-law of his own village. When he thought about it, he was relieved. Those who have the ability are not outsiders.

At this moment, Ye Yuze had arrived at Huangguoshu Waterfall. Looking at this spectacular waterfall, Ye Yuze felt a little emotional.

The reason why this waterfall is famous is actually not because of the media, but because of smoke. Huangguoshu cigarettes were also famous in China.

Ye Yuze still remembers holding this kind of cigarette for a long time when he was a child. At that time, there was no TV and no news. For the first time, he understood what a waterfall was.

It turned out to be a river left from the cliff. Unfortunately, there was no such scenery where he lived.

Lili has always been very quiet. This woman has had this kind of personality since she was a little girl. Even when she is doing sales, she will not introduce anything to others.

She just uses her sincerity and kindness to impress people, and they can't help but listen to her arrangements.

Now that she is a mother and has been the vice president of Brother Real Estate for several years, this temperament has not faded. On the contrary, it adds an intellectual beauty.

Lili is very beautiful. After giving birth to a child, she is like a flower in full bloom, becoming more and more beautiful.

It's just that men like the new and hate the old. It's not that Ye Yuze doesn't like her, it's just that she is too familiar with her. They have been together these days, and there is a lack of passion. A physical urge.

But he likes Lili's character very much and likes her quiet look. Every time he comes home, this woman is doing things quietly and cooking his favorite meals. He believes that if he comes home on time for the rest of his life, this woman will stay like this for the rest of his life.

Compared with Yu'e, Lili obviously lacks the virtuousness of traditional women. This is actually due to age.

Yu'e's spirit of respecting the elderly, caring for the young, and dedicating everything to her family actually comes from traditional education.

But Lili and her generation could not do that. Her selflessness was limited to Ye Yuze and her children. She could only respect the Queen Mother and Ye Wancheng, but could not talk about other feelings.

Han Xiaojing is more out-of-the-box. She is obviously a woman not suitable for family, and it is difficult for her to be restrained by anything.

She gave birth to Han Ye just because she felt sorry for her younger brother and gave him something to rely on. If it was just for herself, it was really impossible for her to tie up a child for what?

She has never used Ye Yuze's money because she has no shortage of material things, not to mention what her family is like? her own income. It is enough for her to have enough food and clothing.

For Ye Yuze, she was purely out of love. If Ye Yuze wanted to marry her, she would definitely not agree.

She won't share a man with anyone because it belongs only to herself.

Of course, there is no burden in sharing other people's men. After all, it is mutual love.

As we grow older, desire has begun to fade, and the relationship between two people is like that of an old couple. They don't have to stay together, but they will always have a place in their hearts.

When she heard that Ye Yuze was getting married this time, she was the one who dragged Lili along. Otherwise, Lili's character would never dare to be as tough as Ye Yuze.

Han Xiaojing was actually not angry when she came over, but more out of curiosity. She couldn't figure out what kind of woman could make this man rejuvenate?

After arriving, she was disappointed when she saw Pan Hongling. Although she can no longer compare her appearance with a young girl, she is really not inferior to her. Lili, on the other hand, was completely crushed.

Women are like this. Whenever they meet a love rival, they will be the first to compare their figure, appearance, and even their clothing.

They don't understand at all that the reason why men cheat is completely random and animalistic. Of course, it could also be because of emotion!

In other words, most men's cheating is not due to feelings. But most of women's cheating stems from feelings, so they are used to using their own thinking to analyze men.

The two of them only pulled Ye Yuze farther and farther because they were instigated by Yang Geyong. I thought a house was going to be built there, but later a road was going to be built.

The two of them resisted at first. No matter how virtuous they were, they could not help their men marry other women.

In ancient times, the kind of wife who said to her husband, "Ms. sir, you should take a concubine and come back, has long been drowned in the long river of history."

However, after some discussion, the two of them agreed. How much more happiness can Ye Yuze have at this age?

Anyway, he's not just the two of them, there's no point in making him unhappy because of something like this and affecting their relationship.

So, the two people pulled him out, wanting to see this and that. But the two of them were happy that Ye Yuze was very obedient to them and showed no impatience. This proved that he liked them.

After coming out of Huangguoshu Scenic Area, Han Xiaojing wanted to drink Maotai liquor again, and asked her to go to the Maotai Distillery. Ye Yuze agreed without hesitation.

Now that the wedding has been postponed, there is no pressure on him.

In fact, Ye Yuze didn't agree with this wedding in his heart, but he always did something wrong for no reason, so he had to take responsibility. As a man, you can make mistakes, but you don’t need to correct them. You just have to do everything you need to do.

Because we had been playing in the scenic spot for a long time, it got dark not long after we came out. However, the road here is obviously better than that of Libo, so it is not stressful to drive. After all, it is much wider, so there is no problem in getting on the wrong bus.

The mountain road is more secluded than the plain, because when you turn a corner, you never know what the scenery is in front of you.

In addition, the scenery here is indeed beautiful, and what you see will never let you down.

Han Xiaojing suddenly became interested and wanted to drive. Ye Yuze was a little worried. The mountain road was too steep and had many twists and turns. Han Xiaojing's silly character has never been stable.

But Han Xiaojing insisted, and Ye Yuze had nothing to do. He had always doted on women.

Maybe my luck had run out. Not far from the car, I saw a big log lying on the side of the road. It looked like it had rolled down the mountain.

The mountains in many places here are unstable, so during the rainy season, landslides and the like often occur.

This piece of wood was a bit big, and Ye Yuze definitely couldn't move it by himself. The three of them had to get out of the car together and move the wood away.

Although it is not far from the scenic spot, there are still very few vehicles. At least they are the only one who is blocked by a log.

The three of them walked to the wood. Ye Yuze bent down and hugged one end, and he was able to lift it. So he shouted:

"You two, get out of the way, I can do it myself."

After saying that, he hugged his own end and moved towards the roadside. Han Xiaojing was not convinced and picked up the other end by herself. Even though she had to use all her strength to suck the milk, she couldn't move it at all.

Lili quickly ran over to help, but her little strength was almost useless. It has no effect on such a thick piece of wood.

Ye Yuze told them to hide aside and just do it by themselves. The two women naturally refused to agree, but they couldn't move it, so Lili had an idea and raised the same head as Ye Yuze.

In this way, Ye Yuze will feel more relaxed, and the wood will be moved much faster.

At this time, a bright flashlight light suddenly shone from a cave on the roadside, piercing the three of them and unable to open their eyes at all.

Ye Yuze blocked his eyes and cursed: "Stop fucking taking photos, who are you?"

But the flashlight light did not go out, but shone directly on his face. Ye Yuze suddenly became blind and could not see anything.

Then there was a burst of chaotic footsteps, and when Ye Yuze regained his sight, he found that he was surrounded by a group of people.

The worst thing is that because Lili is relatively outside, a knife has been pressed against her neck, and her beauty has turned pale.

Han Xiaojing, on the other hand, was alert and moved to the edge of the cliff to confront a gangster.

There were five people in front of Ye Yuze. If there were just a lot of people, Ye Yuze really wouldn't be afraid of them. But what's terrible is that two of them have guns in their hands.

The so-called soil gun is the kind of homemade shotgun from the past, filled with gunpowder and iron sand, and can shoot a piece when blasted, similar to a shotgun.

Ye Yuze naturally understood this, so he did not dare to act rashly. At such a close distance, no matter how capable he is, he has to be beaten into a sieve.

His throat was a little dry, and he naturally understood that he had met robbers. In fact, they were mountain people nearby. He just hoped that they were just looking for money.

Ye Yuze relaxed his body: "You want money, right? This is easy to talk about. I have some in the car. I'll get it for you."

A thin guy shook the hatchet in his hand:

"It's not like we don't have long hands, we can get it ourselves!"

After saying that, the guy walked to the car, opened the door and started rummaging around.

After a while, there was an exclamation: "F*ck, so many?"

Soon, he came over with a bag of money and said to Ye Yuze with a wicked smile:

"Where else? Tell me and I'll let you go!"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "There is only so much cash. If it is not enough, I will give you the card and tell you the password. You can just go and get it yourself."

Ye Yuze said this to satisfy their demands as much as possible and prevent himself and others from being put in danger.

Unexpectedly, this guy shook his head: "I have been a lone wolf for decades, and you can't hide this trick from me."

"Let's do this. If you want to survive, just leave the two women here, and you can go with us to get the money. Don't worry, they won't be in any danger. At most, they can do what women should do."

At this point, his eyes pierced Lili's body hard, as if he wanted to swallow Lili.

Ye Yuze shook his head: "That will definitely not work. I will not leave my women alone. I give money to protect them. If I can't even protect them, why should I give you money?"

The lone wolf yelled, "Are you looking for death? Beat him to death!"

He didn't finish his words. The muzzles of the two soil guns were aimed at Ye Yuze's chest. Shooting from such a close distance would make a big hole in Ye Yuze's chest.

"No! Yuze, go with them and leave me alone."

Lili cried loudly. Her psychological quality was not that strong, and she had not experienced these things, so her heart began to collapse.

Han Xiaojing is much calmer. She has a gun on her, but the trouble is that the enemy has a gun, so she can't put Ye Yuze in danger.

And there were only five bullets in her gun. There were more than a dozen robbers. There was no way she could kill them all. Once she fired, Ye Yuze and Lili would all die. She didn't dare to take the risk.

Here we go, come on, comrades

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