Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2295 A person’s journey

The screams finally stopped when the police arrived. Ye Yuze was very calm, did not get up at all, and sat leisurely on the laps of the two people.

The policeman was a young man, who might have just started working. After listening to what the two people said, he asked seriously:

"Why are you on someone's lap?"

Ye Yuze didn't take it seriously and answered confidently:

"Because this is my seat!"

The man with the deer head and rat eyes protested seriously: "Uncle policeman, this is not his seat, that girl is sitting here!"

The sturdy man maintained his height and strength and tried to push Ye Yuze away several times, but it was in vain. Although he tried his best, Ye Yuze could not move an inch. This time he was completely honest.

Although he is a local tycoon, he is a discerning person. Those unscrupulous owners have already gone in to eat steamed buns.

You can be domineering, you can bully men and women, but you have to differentiate between people. There are some people you can never offend.

Therefore, although he wanted to sit more comfortably along the way, he pretended to be asleep and unconscious.

The policeman looked at the girl. The girl looked embarrassed and her eyes were full of fear. But she looked at Ye Yuze and gritted her teeth and said:

"This uncle saw that my seat was occupied by them, so he changed seats with me."

The policeman looked at the two men suspiciously, and the man with the deer-headed and rat-eyed man quickly explained:

"The girl went to the toilet, and we both fell asleep. We may have occupied the girl's seat, but you can just call us when you come back. Is it necessary to change seats with others?"

The policeman nodded in agreement and turned to look at Ye Yuze:

"Comrade, this matter has nothing to do with you. If you bully like this, I will hold you accountable. Please hurry up."

Ye Yuze nodded: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it. I was obsessed with thinking about something just now. After I changed seats with the girl just now, I really didn't notice that there was something underneath."

The deer-headed and rat-eyed man was furious: "Don't you open your mouth and talk nonsense? How come you didn't hear us after we called for so long?"

Ye Yuze picked his ears: "What did you say? Loud, I can't hear you!"

At this time, the policeman also reacted, but the matter was not serious, and he wanted to make peace with it.

The honest look of the girl just now, combined with the appearance of a man with a deer head and rat eyes, made her appear to be a cunning person at first glance, and anyone with a discerning eye would understand what was going on.

"Okay, since it's a misunderstanding, let's leave it like that. Comrade, you are hard of hearing, and you fell asleep and unintentionally occupied someone else's seat. Please step back when you are out."

The sturdy man nodded in agreement and expressed his gratitude to the policeman again and again.

The man with the deer head and rat eyes opened his mouth and said what else? But the police officer looked at him with a somewhat unkind look, and he responded to the situation and quickly expressed his gratitude.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the police officer left, Ye Yuze pushed in hard, and the deer-headed and rat-eyed man cried out in pain.

Ye Yuze asked loudly: "What are you talking about, please speak louder, I can't hear you!"

The deer-headed and rat-eyed man had a look of despair on his face. He was so arrogant just now, but now he is so depressed. But the difference in strength was so huge that I really couldn't beat them, so I had to stand up when I was angry and go smoke.

The sturdy man also nodded and went to the bathroom. Ye Yuze felt comfortable now and simply turned his body sideways and lay down to sleep.

When the little girl saw Ye Yuze like this, she also acted coquettishly with her mother: "Mom, I want to sleep too!"

The little mother was helpless: "Come and sleep, lie on mother's lap."

The little girl pouted and protested: "I want to sleep in a seat by myself just like my uncle!"

The little mother looked at her daughter dumbfounded. She didn't know what to do for a moment.

Ye Yuze smiled: "Come on, girl, sleep here with uncle."

The little girl had just received so much food from Ye Yuze and was very close to him. After hearing this, she ran over without any hesitation.

So Ye Yuze sat on the outside, and the little girl lay inside. The two of them occupied a whole row of seats.

The little girl seemed to be really sleepy from playing, and she fell asleep after lying down for a while. Ye Yuze asked for a piece of clothing to cover him, and closed his eyes to sleep.

About half an hour later, the burly man and the deer-headed man with rat eyes came back together. Seeing this scene, they didn’t even have the courage to ask for their seats, so they went back to the car connection to continue smoking.

The deer-headed and rat-eyed man gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't we call the police? This kid is such a bully."

The sturdy man smiled bitterly: "What did you say to the police? Did you say that a child occupied our place? What do you think the police would say?"

The deer-headed and rat-eyed man was speechless. He also knew that this would be useless, so he could only grit his teeth and continue smoking.

Fortunately, we ate quickly. The loudspeaker in the carriage began to announce the types of lunch in the restaurant, and the sturdy man raised his legs and left.

The man with the deer head and rat eyes asked: "What are you going to do?"

The sturdy man said in a loud voice: "When you go to a restaurant to eat, it's not a problem to stand like this all the time, right?"

The man with the deer head and rat eyes immediately followed, walking through the crowded carriage. When he passed by Ye Yuze and the others, he didn't even look sideways.

The little mother glanced at their backs worriedly and wanted to say something. She found that Ye Yuze was sleeping. After all, she was too embarrassed to disturb her because her daughter was still sleeping on his lap.

When the food delivery truck arrived, Ye Yuze bought a box. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had eaten the box lunch on the train.

When I was a kid, I still remember the aluminum lunch boxes. The food tasted very good, but now they have been replaced with disposable tableware. I just don’t know if it tastes good or not?

Opening it, he saw that it was a box of rice and three vegetables. Ye Yuze felt pretty good, so he took a few bites, and then clicked his tongue in disappointment. It didn't taste like that at all.

But he wasn't a picky person, so he thought maybe it was because he was being naughty, and he couldn't eat these ordinary meals.

Seeing that the two women did not buy food, he asked:

"Why don't you eat?"

The little mother opened her schoolbag: "This is too expensive. I will bring my own food."

Seeing her take out a few sesame seed cakes and a bag of pickles, Ye Yuze didn't say anything.

But the girl said coyly: "I'm not hungry, and I don't want to eat yet."

After I finished speaking, my stomach rumbled a few times.

Ye Yuze smiled and said nothing. When the dining car came back, he bought a box for each of them.

After finishing her portion, the little girl woke up. When she saw the adults eating, she immediately complained that she was hungry.

Ye Yuze looked at this little thing helplessly, and wondered who had eaten that pile of food just now?

The sturdy man ordered two dishes and opened a bottle of wine. The man with the deer head and rat eyes immediately looked happy:

"Brother, do you want me to have a drink with you? How boring is it to drink by yourself?"

The burly man glanced at his empty table with disdain, knowing that he had met a freeloader. However, the two of them had been complaining for a long time, so they were considered close friends, so they nodded and poured him a glass.

According to the ancients, there are four great joys in life: "A long drought brings sweet rain, meeting an old friend in a foreign land, the night of flowers and candles in the wedding room, and the inscription on the gold medal list."

After all, the two of them had a common enemy and were from the same hometown, so they met old friends in a foreign land, so the conversation became heated after a while.

Speaking of which, both of them are from Guizhou and their hometowns are in Libo, which is an unexpected surprise.

The sturdy man contracted some boats on the Xiaoqikong water. Of course, he was competing for work with the scenic spot.

It is said that the cruise ships are operated by the scenic spot itself, and private boats are not allowed to enter.

However, there are always some local people who use their familiarity with the terrain to sneak into the scenic spots and solicit and rip off tourists privately, which also gives the scenic spots a headache.

However, there are many such things and they exist in most scenic spots, so they just turn a blind eye.

Hearing that the big man was a boat owner, the deer-headed and rat-eyed man was immediately surprised:

"Brother, are you traveling with me? I am soliciting customers at the station and helping tourists take photos of the hotel. We can definitely cooperate."

The sturdy man hesitated: "Are you going to solicit customers every day?"

Naturally, their group of burly men knew that if they saw a person coming out of a backpack and pulled him away, they wouldn't be able to make much money in a day.

The man with the deer head and rat eyes smiled proudly: "The people soliciting customers in the entire train station are my people. They even went to the hospital to grab food from me."

The sturdy man was overjoyed and raised his hands: "My little brother Fan Debiao, what do you call me?"

The deer-headed man with rat eyes returned the favor: "Brother Tan feeds the sheep."

Two people laughed "haha" at the same time. How can a bottle of wine be enough? I asked for another bottle.

The more the two talked, the more speculative they became. One bottle of wine was not enough, so they simply asked for another bottle. They planned their cooperation plan in detail. A beautiful business territory is presented in front of you.

Qin Shiyang was responsible for soliciting customers, and then sent them to Fan Debiao. Food and accommodation were arranged by two people at the same time. This is considered a partnership.

Fan Debiao has more than a dozen boats, and Qin Sheyang has several small hotels and a restaurant, so that he can eat, drink and play all at once.

We talked about speculation and had a lot of fun, and unknowingly drank too much, and then fell asleep on the seat.

Ye Yuze was in high spirits all afternoon and kept talking to the people around him. Although he had been low-key for so many years, how could the people around him treat him as an ordinary person?

Even the women around him, no one dared to go against his will, and unknowingly, he gradually became isolated from the crowd.

In fact, this was not his original intention. Ye Yuze was a free and easy person, no matter how big his career was? I also just want to be an ordinary person, with the same emotions.

The feeling of being superior is not pleasant. After all, he is just an ordinary person. He has all the problems that ordinary men have. How uncomfortable is it to sit there all day long?

The reason why he doesn't like to go back to Junken City is for this reason. He must pay attention to the impact of everything he does. Same in Boston.

After the neighbors learned about his background, their attitudes gradually changed. They all said that foreigners did not care about status, which was nonsense. At Ye Yuze's level, few people can care less.

On the contrary, in the capital or other places, Ye Yuze immediately felt extremely relaxed physically and mentally, and he felt at ease interacting with ordinary people.

Different from those big shots, those people like to feel aloof and in control of everything, including Lao Si and Ye Feng, some of them are like this now.

But Ye Yuze has never liked this. He thinks that ordinary people feel the best. They can cry when they want to cry, laugh when they want to laugh, scold their mother when they are anxious, and drink when they are happy. It's okay to pick up a girl and brag about it. This is the most comfortable way.

Therefore, this afternoon was his happiest moment, and his phone had already run out of battery by the end of the day. He didn't care either, it would be better if he didn't have that thing.

In fact, one thing he didn't pay attention to was that as soon as the sales car came over, he wanted to wrap it up and give it to everyone to eat.

If it weren't for this, people wouldn't be so enthusiastic about him!

What is an ordinary person? In fact, if you put him in the crowd, you won't be able to find him immediately, and he has no way to go back to being an ordinary person.

It was already dark when Fan Debiao and Qin came back from feeding the sheep. Because they were in a happy mood, they greeted Ye Yuze with a smile.

Ye Yuze was not a grudge-bearing person, he was just aggrieved. He took over other people's work for a long time, and they still greeted him with a smile. How could he have the nerve to fall out?

The two people asked him to sit by the window. Ye Yuze refused and sat at the edge so that he could talk to the people around him more easily.

So next, the people around here were as close to Ye Yuze as if they were a family, chatting about everything.

The salesperson has now become a delivery person. No matter what he is pushing, it is gone here. I wish I could make more trips.

The little girl simply stopped guarding her mother and snuggled directly into Ye Yuze's arms. This position was the best for her to be the first to choose whatever was delivered.

Looking at this scene, Fan Debiao and Qin were surprised and happy. What a fat sheep? What fight? Why don't you go to Libo and make a fortune? Forget about occupying a seat, just let him lie down and sleep all night, and let them wait on you.

Qin Weiyang quickly asked: "Brother Ye, why are you going to Guiyang this time?"

Ye Yuze thought for a moment, but actually he didn't know what he was going to do? Then he shook his head:

"Nothing specific, just walking around casually."

Qin Weiyang's eyes lit up: "Is that so? Brother Ye, is this okay? Fan Debiao and I are both in the tourism industry. The scenery in Libo is beautiful, and there are several 5A-level scenic spots."

Although Ye Yuze has traveled a lot in recent years, he really doesn't know much about the scenery in various places, except for the 219 section.

In fact, as a child from northern Xinjiang, he is not too interested in the scenery in the south. Mainly because she is so beautiful, like a woman.

He likes the towering snow-capped mountains, the endless deserts and the Gobi Desert. And of course there is the sea. This kind of scenery belongs to men, to the sons and daughters of Northern Xinjiang.

However, he was not in a position to refuse people's kindness and nodded:

"Okay, it's up to the host and guest, you'll have to look at the arrangements when the time comes."

Seeing that Ye Yuze was a little sleepy, Qin Weiyang stood up quickly:

"Brother Ye, why don't you take a nap first while Lao Fan and I go somewhere else to squeeze in."

Ye Yuze was indeed sleepy. After chatting all day, he was a little too excited. Now that everyone was asleep, he suddenly felt sleepy and tired. It seemed that bragging also consumed energy.

He nodded, lay down on the seat given by the two of them, and hummed softly. It seemed that he had not had this experience, and he didn't know that being able to lie down was actually a kind of happiness!

In Beihai Siheyuan, Yang Geyong was a little embarrassed. As soon as Ye Yuze left, Lili and Han Xiaojing stopped coming, leaving only his brother.

Free monthly pass at the beginning of the month, start using it, comrades, we were very powerful last month, salute!

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