Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2289 Don’t talk until you are afraid of fighting

Through the infrared telescope, Heizi could clearly see the situation of the enemy's position. The tanks were placed at the outermost position, and the gun barrels were all pointed in their direction. It seemed that they were preparing to fire all the guns in case of a surprise attack.

Outside the position, several sentries were sitting in a group, apparently eating. At this time, Yang Geyong also put down his telescope and asked several proud disciples:

"With one bow and one person, are you sure you can hit the target with one strike?"

Several people nodded excitedly, and one of them muttered:

"It's best to get closer."

Yang Geyong kicked him over: "Nonsense, I didn't let you shoot here."

Several people spread out and approached the sentry from different directions. After arriving at the designated location, Yang Geyong's headset received their knocking sounds one after another.

The distance is too close and there is no way to talk, so this is the only way.

There are six sentries, and Yang Geyong has assigned their respective targets in advance. At this time, he is only allowed to give the order to shoot!

"Ready... to shoot!"

Yang Geyong's prepared voice was very long, and he waited until everyone was ready before giving the order to shoot. The last two words were short and crisp.

A few wisps of wind pierced the air, and several sentinels, still intoxicated by the smell of wine and food, fell to the ground. Not a word.

Heizi jumped up excitedly and ordered the soldiers to move forward quickly.

A dark shadow sneaked into the barracks quietly, and several people stood at the door of each tent. Heizi led people directly to the entrance of the command department, which was easy to recognize. There are tall antennas outside.


There was a sound of the gun bolt being pulled. The division commander and the guard noticed Heizi and took out their guns to shoot. Without hesitation, Heizi pulled the trigger and knocked down the two guards, then rushed into the headquarters.

What is a fat guy inside discussing with several staff officers? When they heard gunfire, they drew their guns collectively.

It was just too late. Heizi fired with the submachine guns of several soldiers. These souls of the 99th Division didn't even react at all. They all went to see God.

The teacher was still thinking at the moment he died, shouldn't I say something? Isn't it time to show the demeanor of a famous general? Why did he die exactly like ordinary people?

As Heizi's gunfire rang out, the Youth Army soldiers opened fire at the same time. What would it be like for a group of people with live ammunition to shoot at a group of sleeping people?

That's massacre! A naked massacre. But this is fine, the dead have no struggle or fear. Many are still sleeping...

When the gunfire stopped, Peng Jinsheng and the others were stunned. They arrived later because the 99th Division had many people. Kuroko and the others might be in danger.

Liu Ling, Minnie, and Ouyang Xue all arrived, and these girls who were determined to become heroines were frightened to tears.

Human life, the most precious thing in ordinary times, has become the least valuable thing on the battlefield. As for the soldiers on both sides, only by killing the enemy to the maximum extent can they have a guarantee of survival.

Therefore, no matter how strong women are, they are not suitable for war because they do not have such strong nerves.

With a division of 10,000 people, it would be impossible for Heizi and the others to kill them all. After all, there were only a few hundred of them.

But after the division commander was killed, the division had lost its soul. There was no trace of fighting spirit.

About 3,000 people died, and almost 3,000 people took advantage of the chaos to escape. There were probably three thousand people taken prisoner.

These prisoners were all in their underwear, squatting on the ground and shivering. They all saw the scene in the tent, and they were basically frightened to death. They didn't even have the courage to escape. They squatted there one by one, waiting for death.

Looking at these thousands of people, Heizi was a little worried and looked at Ye Mao. Ye Mao looked at Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong waved his hand directly: "Don't ask me, I don't know either."

The African side is basically recruiting people, but this is obviously impossible. The cause of the civil strife in Myanmar is ethnic issues. If the Bamar people join the Kokang Army, they will definitely cause trouble for themselves.

At this time, Peng Jinsheng stood up, looked at several people and said:

"Let it go. Those who don't have money will pay for it."

Ye Mao's eyes narrowed, but he immediately understood Peng Jinsheng's intention. This was called buying people's hearts, but he didn't think this method was good.

After all, if someone can put on a military uniform and fight back, what's the point of showing kindness? It would be easier to kill them all.

But he didn't want to do this kind of thing that was against the harmony of nature. He might as well let him go, but he couldn't pay the travel expenses. He would give it to whoever wanted it.

After a lot of trouble, all the prisoners were released. The 99th Division was completely crippled in this battle. Even if the people were summoned, the morale and morale of the army were completely lost.

The key is that all the equipment and weapons have been seized, especially the dozens of tanks. With the financial resources of the Burmese army, it is extremely difficult to build such a tank regiment.

The youth army began to count the loot, but the Allied forces were embarrassed to step forward. After all, this battle really has nothing to do with them.

They wiped out an ace division with almost zero casualties. This achievement has never happened since the founding of the Allied Forces.

Faced with this kind of record, even if the Allied soldiers are more senior than the last, and many of them are their fathers, who has the nerve to teach them how to fight?

In fact, many times, experience is a kind of wealth, but once people are bound by experience. Then there is no way to progress.

After all, human progress is always about breaking down those jars and jars and creating a brand new world that is unfamiliar to everyone.

With these tanks, the Youth Army decided not to go back. Who did they never think of invading? But we will never let the enemy hit our doorstep.

After careful discussion with Peng Jinsheng, he was chosen to return as the chairman of the autonomous region. After all, he had high moral standing and a mass base unrivaled by anyone.

Liu Ling discussed the plan with his father. When he learned that Warrior Steel Mill planned to open a mine in Kokang, Peng Jinsheng burst into tears with excitement.

He may have mistakes of one kind or another, but one thing is clear to everyone, and that is selflessness. For the sake of bold peace and prosperity, he can give everything he has.

The Burmese army responded quickly, and soon representatives came to negotiate with the Kokang Army. When they learned that it was the 99th Division that was completely wiped out by the newly formed Youth Army, they were all shocked.

They have negotiated with Peng Jinsheng many times and know that this person is easy to deal with. Basically, if they make some promises, the conditions can be achieved.

But Heizi was different. His attitude was very tough. Not only did he refuse to return the captured tanks and equipment, but he also threatened to stay calm if he didn't want to fight. If he wanted to fight, he would fight on the territory of the Bamar people. As long as the Kokang people are not dead, we can advance the battlefield to the capital!

The Burmese army had nothing to do with this guy and tried to contact Peng Jinsheng because he was easier to talk to.

Who knows that Peng Jinsheng's attitude is more clear: "Heizi is the current commander of the Allied Forces. The Kokang Autonomous Region has no right to order him. Either you cripple him or withdraw your troops to maintain peace. I can guarantee that the Youth Army will never invade the Bamar people." Territory.”

The Burmese army is helpless and sad. In the end, it could only declare and recognize the independent status of the Kokang Autonomous Region. Stop interfering in their internal affairs.

But it is not completely without conditions, that is, the Kokang Autonomous Region must admit that they belong to Myanmar, otherwise it will fight to the end.

Peng Jinsheng naturally did not refute this point, even though his heart did not belong to this government. But due to various reasons, he couldn't return, so he had to do this.

This battle must be calm for decades. Peng Jinsheng is not worried about what will happen in the future. As long as the economy improves, why should we be afraid of war?

What weapon can't be bought with money? Just do it, he didn't think about invading anyone? It’s enough to keep one party safe for as long as I live.

After the overall situation stabilized, they had a good drink with Wei Yuxiang, and then they set off on their way home.

Although it was only a short month, it felt like a lifetime ago. Mainly a few women, born in this peaceful era, how could they imagine that there is such a world?

Including Liu Ling, although she was born brave, she has not experienced war. Even if there is a war, it is impossible for her to go to the front line and experience the rain of bullets.

However, after this period of time, Yang Geyong and Minnie really developed feelings for each other. It's hard to tell if this isn't true on the plane.

However, Ye Mao's relationship with the two women has not made any progress. Liu Ling and Ouyang Xue were both in pain.

They began to regard each other as love rivals, but after going through the test of life and death, their minds suddenly broadened.

They completely regarded themselves as Ye Mao's women, and they could accept each other without having any small thoughts.

Back in the capital, the building is still under construction. Originally, winter in the north was not suitable for construction. However, it was a mild winter this year, and the cement they used was different, so the winter did not stop.

Adrian Smith was very happy to see Yang Geyong. This guy no longer wanted to see Lao Rou as his food partner.

The main reason is that he has seen almost all the restaurants in the capital, and he doesn't like to eat everywhere. Instead, it is fixed in several places.

What I like about Yang Geyong is his ability to drink. What a man. He drinks highly alcoholic drinks like water.

Lao Rou has a limited capacity for alcohol, and because he misses the construction site, he basically doesn’t drink.

Now Adrian Smith has smiled and played with Tiantian. The old man wishes this was the case. Although it doesn't cost much to eat and drink with him every day, it does take time.

Bu Shuli had quarreled with him several times, saying that he must have a woman outside because he didn't have an escort who could stay with him all year round. This made the old man speechless.

Yang Geyong's return just relieved his dilemma. Anyway, Yang Geyong had too much time to do, so let the two of them play together.

This was exactly what Yang Geyong wanted, and the two quickly started playing together.

Ye Yuze came back relatively late. He had to stay in the country for a while anyway, so he might as well spend time with his family in Junken City.

Ye Yuze has gained experience in raising babies over the years. He has spent half of his life raising babies.

The little grandson Ye Guigen is very attached to him. Although he can't speak yet, whenever he sees him, he opens his little hands and babs at him.

Ye Yuze undoubtedly resisted the idea of ​​becoming a grandfather. He felt that he was still young and sometimes had a young heart.

He and Yang Geyong are different from other rich people. At this age, they are mature and prudent, and they are surrounded by a large group of people when they go out.

The two of them live a more casual life, never being exposed in the media, nor following the trend of being listed on any rich list. So most people don't know them.

Although this vanity will not be satisfied, it is convenient. At least you don't have to worry about being kidnapped or anything?

But with their strength, they would probably be eager to be kidnapped by him and take a day trip to a bandit den or something.

Although Yang Geyong built the world's tallest building this time to increase his visibility, he did not accept interviews from the media.

He wants to be famous because he doesn't want to be picked up by others, but he doesn't want to show his face and be recognized by everyone. That would make it difficult to move forward.

After coming back, he was very straightforward. He had a good talk with Ma Xiao and Zhao Liying and broke up peacefully.

One person subsidized a sum of money. He had never touched Ma Xiao, but he had not touched Zhao Liying, but he still gave it to him.

The two women didn't make a fuss, mainly because they were already famous. If the sugar daddy thing was exposed, the consequences would be unimaginable. It's just as easy as going downhill.

Especially now that two people have been nominated for a foreign award. Once they win the award, their stage will not only be domestic.

At present, Ma Xiao has taken on two dramas together and is very busy. And Zhao Liying started filming the TV series "Camellia Love" again. Also day and night.

Minnie is very sensible and not so annoying. She only comes to see Yang Geyong occasionally, and Yang Geyong always responds to her requests.

Xiaoxiao and Tiantian are another type of girls. They are very direct and can talk about their pursuit of material things confidently, but at the same time they are very righteous, and they are also willing to hurt Adrian Smith and Yang Geyong.

This character suits Yang Geyong's taste very well, and Adrian Smith likes him even more. Foreigners are straightforward and not suitable for beating around the bush.

Therefore, the relationship between several people is divided equally between interests and emotions. This kind of relationship makes people feel relaxed.

During these days in the capital, Yang Geyong finally took control of his lower body. Mainly because of old age. Hormone secretion is not that strong. In this way, he saw a lot of things clearly.

Ma Xiao and Zhao Liying are actually no different from Xiaoxiao, except that the prices are higher and more subtle.

If he has no assets, he will be abandoned in minutes and be scolded as worthless. You won't even look at it twice.

He even said that they might as well smile, at least they would think of him from time to time and drink together.

After understanding all this, he was relieved. At least Minnie had not evolved to this level. Her liking had little to do with money. It was good to keep such a little girl, and he would not feel wronged if he helped.

Chongqing hot pot is the place they go to most, mainly Adrian Smith, a foreigner, who is crazy about this taste.

Plus Xiaoxiao and Tiantian love to eat, so one of the three meals must be eaten here.

In fact, the two boss sisters have been struggling with one thing, that is, they have not paid for the first day's meal.

Originally, they could just talk about it directly, but when people come here every day, they don't dare to talk about it.

These people are generous and not short of money, but this kind of people want to save face, and if they fall out, they are afraid that they will not come back!

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