Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2276 Pursuit

More than 700 people, divided into several trucks, and then various cars set off from the old street and headed across the border along the highway.

At this time, two hours had passed since the Youth Army set off. The Youth Army is on foot, while the Yang Family Army is in cars. So the distance keeps getting closer.

Yang Jingyun knew the terrain well, and the youth army could only go near the customs gate because that was the safest place.

After all, that place is too close to a big country. As long as their brains are not blocked by the door, no one will go there to cause trouble.

Yang Jingyun sat on an off-road vehicle and kept looking at the watch. According to the time, they should catch up with the Youth Army in one hour and forty minutes.

Although this was theoretically the case, he still wanted to catch up earlier. The further away from the customs, the higher the safety factor.

However, this road is too bad. Although it is a highway, years of war and disrepair have made this road full of potholes.

In fact, this road was built by a big country. In order to build this Burma Highway, the price paid was not small.

It's just that this road in the big country has become a highway now, and the Kokang side has not been able to maintain its original appearance for decades.

Yang Jingyun didn't care about these things. The highway had nothing to do with him. He was only interested in profit, and he would not do anything if he couldn't get an advantage.

The driver has been with him for ten years and is very skilled in driving. This is why after seeing him driving for the first time, he did not hesitate to choose him to replace his old driver.

Speeding all the way, he also quickly avoided big potholes, keeping the bumps of the car within a tolerable range.

But the car behind you can't do it. If you follow closely behind, you can only choose speed, and you can't care about anything else.

As a result, the fleet of cars seemed to turn into a trampoline, rising and falling on the road from time to time. The drivers were frightened, fearing that the car would suddenly fall apart.

A few clouds occasionally drifted through the blue sky, constantly changing their shapes under the breeze. Like a naughty child.

The trees on both sides seemed to be scorched by the blazing sun, and their green leaves hung down listlessly. Disdainful of this group of people rushing on their way.

Heizi did not sit in the car, but walked with the soldiers like several battalion commanders and company commanders, and from time to time he carried some luggage for a weak soldier.

Along the way, although it was a rapid march, the results of several years of training were finally reflected, and no one was left behind.

Heizi's only regret is that this team is good at everything, but the weapons are too weak. Except for a few light machine guns, there are basically no heavy weapons at all.

In fact, most of the Kokang armed forces are like this. Although all the people are soldiers, the weapons and equipment are too poor, and they are basically light weapons.

The reason for this is not just poverty, but also international restrictions. In a place where drugs are rampant, if there are heavy weapons, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although drugs have been banned, what if it happens again? No one can bear the consequences. Therefore, the arms dealers we fought have made a tacit agreement not to transport heavy weapons here.

The Myanmar Army is an exception. After all, it is a sovereign country and is no longer subject to restrictions.

This is also the main reason why the government remains unmoved even though there are so many anti-government armed forces in Myanmar. After all, if you shoot with a rifle and a cannon, the result can be imagined.

For so many years, various organizations have focused on self-protection. At most, they will use the name of autonomy, but they will never attack the territory belonging to the government forces.

Heizi knew very well that their first battle was likely to be internal strife, with the Yang family army. But what he doesn't understand is, why not build fortifications on the edge of the old street and attack the enemy instead of fleeing to the border?

But if you don’t understand, you still don’t understand. Orders must still be obeyed. This is the minimum quality of a military chief. Even if you ask after completing the mission, you cannot violate it.

The hot climate did not pose a threat to the Youth Army. Born here and raised here. Otherwise, the climate would be unbearable.

The only thing that makes Kuroko hesitate now is whether he should stop and light a fire to cook? Because the soldiers are hungry.

Liu Ling was sitting in the middle of the pickup truck. She has lived in China most of her life, especially in the past few years, and has been in the capital. This kind of climate has made her uncomfortable.

But this pickup truck didn't even have air conditioning, so even though she was in the car with the windows open, she was still sweating profusely.

The floral dress was soaked with sweat and clung to her body, making her figure even more curvy. Although the driver in front tried his best to restrain himself, he couldn't help but glance in the rearview mirror.

Liu Ling was also hungry. From morning to now, he had been running all the way without eating anything. But she could bear it because Ye Mao said that someone would meet them at the border.

Looking at the watch, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. At the hottest time, the soldiers were obviously very exhausted.

Although Heizi and the others did not report back to him, Liu Ling was not stupid and naturally understood the situation of the soldiers.

But she didn't want to stop and rest. It was her first time to lead an army, and she felt very panicked. She wanted to see the person who would take care of her as soon as possible. Although it was not Ye Mao, as long as it was the person sent by Ye Mao, she could feel at ease.

I picked up my phone several times to ask how the preparations were over there. Is there anything to eat or drink?

But she put it down several times because she didn't want to burden Ye Mao. Although that guy is very capable, he is still a boy younger than himself. You should protect him yourself instead of letting him be overwhelmed by yourself.

After asking the driver to park the car on the side of the road, Liu Ling got out of the car and decided to walk with the soldiers for a while. Although she was wearing a dress and high heels, which was not suitable for marching, she felt that she should share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.

Seeing her getting out of the car, the soldiers saluted one after another. Liu Ling waved his hand and told them to move on, while he stood on the roadside waiting for Heizi.

After a while, Heizi hurried over and saluted immediately when he saw Liu Ling:

"Miss, why are you down? Get in the car quickly."

Liu Ling gave him a blank look: "What kind of lady am I? It's not like I haven't gone through military training and I'm not that squeamish. I'll accompany you for a while!"

Heizi complained in his heart, isn't this adding trouble? I still have to take care of the soldiers. How dare I leave you when you come down?

But he didn't dare to say this. Although he was the commander of the first army, the young lady was the soul of the youth army. He could not have any other emotions except obedience.

Following Liu Ling closely, he suddenly noticed her high heels. Heizi said helplessly:

"Miss, you can't walk in these shoes. Your feet will be worn out soon."

Liu Ling walked for a short distance and felt uncomfortable in her shoes. After only a slight hesitation, she took off her shoes and knocked off two heels. Not to mention, it made walking much more comfortable.

Heizi is not tall and belongs to the position of a wheelbarrow man. Looking at the young lady who was even higher than her at an altitude without her heels, she felt very helpless.

Although men in Southeast Asia are generally not tall, they still feel pressured by a woman who is taller than him.

Liu Ling is actually not trying to be brave. She had military training in college, and she also consciously exercises her physical fitness. Not to mention girls, most boys are not as good as her in physical fitness.

After walking for a short period of time, apart from the sweat, I didn't show any signs of embarrassment and walked very easily. This was unbearable.

Heizi shouted at the team: "Look at Miss, look at how cowardly you are, speed up!"

The soldiers looked at Liu Ling with smiles, and they were all in high spirits, as men are like this. Being watched by a beautiful woman will make you feel energetic. What's more, this woman is still their big boss!

The smuggler soon came back with a few cows. There was a big pot in the warehouse, and Yang Geyong was an expert at killing cows and sheep. Three times five times two times, the cow will be put down and skinned by him.

The smuggler and the driver were stunned. Is this still a human being? A cow can fall down if it is grabbed by its horns, and then stabbed with a knife, it becomes silent.

Ye Mao was obviously not very good at this. He tried several times without success, so he simply peeled off the skin and cut the flesh.

Two delicate beauties, Ouyang Xue and Minnie, also transformed into little cooks, collecting firewood to light the fire. Although their faces were black and red, a large pot of water finally boiled.

Several cows cannot be cooked in one pot. There happened to be some military pots in the warehouse. Putting them up with a few rocks, you can heat the pot again.

The snakehead had to collect firewood because of his shoulder injury. At least there is no shortage of firewood in this forest.

The warehouse is about ten kilometers away from the customs and not on the main road. Ye Mao was afraid that Liu Ling and the others would not be able to find it, so he specifically described the location.

There was no positioning system at this time, so we had to rely on talk. Liu Ling, who was walking, saw the text message and raised the corners of her mouth, not knowing how sweet it was.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was only five kilometers. Heizi turned around and saw smoke and dust billowing behind him. He was shocked. Could it be that the Yang Jiajun caught up so quickly? Shall they not rush back from the front?

When things got to this point, Heizi made a decisive decision, no matter who came? The number of people watching the movement is indispensable.

So he asked Liu Ling to lead the large army and leave first, leaving behind one of his own. If there are too many enemies, he will find a way to lure them away. After all, he cannot expose the location of the responder.

This is not because Heizi is afraid of Yang Jiajun, but because he cannot put the person in charge into danger. Although Heizi doesn't know who the pick-up person is? But he understood that this person must be very important to the lady.

Liu Ling didn't show any pretense and immediately led the team to accelerate forward, while Heizi led the men to briefly arrange the fortifications and then lurked, preparing to block the enemy.

Because of the dense vegetation, Yang Jingyun and the others did not notice the young army in front. However, because the youth army also had a car, they still saw the rolling dust in front of them.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Jingyun ordered the driver to speed up. He was basically sure that Liu Ling and the others must be in front of him.

As for others telling him that the team had a thousand people, he didn't care at all. Even if there were ten thousand people with a bunch of little cubs that didn't have all their fur, he would still dare to lead the team to charge.

Soon, the team entered Kuroko's ambush circle. Although Heizi and the others were brave, they had never been in actual combat. Each of the soldiers held their guns nervously and were sweating.

Heizi's eyes were fixed on the big truck at the front, with a heavy machine gun mounted on it, and he almost cried out.

Heavy weapons, they don't have any at the moment, this is a must!

So, he took out a grenade and threw it violently when the car was about to pass in front of them.

The grenade was thrown out a few seconds after the safety was pulled. So, it exploded as soon as it hit the ground.

There was a "boom", and after the truck shook a few times, the front of the truck turned and lay across the road. Then an eye popped up inside the driver's cab. The fuel tank was blown to pieces and the engine caught fire.

Then there was a burst of gunfire. The soldiers on the truck were about to jump out of the truck, but several people were hit and fell directly.

The Youth Army soldiers fired randomly, but their accuracy was not very high. It's just that because the Yang family's army was relatively concentrated, many people were shot.

Yang Jingyun's car was also hit by a few bullets, but because his car was bulletproof, nothing happened. He was not brave, but after all, he spent a lot of time messing around on the battlefield. This small battle really didn't make him Scared.

He quickly ordered in the car: "The enemies are on both sides of the road, and there are not many of them. Everyone gets out of the car immediately, looks for bunkers, and fights on their own."

It must be said that Yang Jingyun's commanding ability is very good. With this order, the situation on the battlefield was immediately reversed.

The Yang Jiajun can be regarded as a team that knows the battle position. They immediately found bunkers in class units and began to fight back.

There were more than 700 people, and Heizi only left more than 100 people. Moreover, the Yang family's army had a lot of heavy weapons, especially those heavy machine guns that fired like a storm. The young army was so suppressed that they couldn't hold their heads up in an instant.

At this time, Heizi and a few people had already reached the side of the first vehicle. Several soldiers with submachine guns took turns to cover it. Heizi ran directly onto the burning truck, picked up the machine gun and jumped out.

Several young army soldiers also jumped down carrying bullets. At this time, the Yang Jiajun had discovered them and rushed over to outflank them. A stray bullet hit a Youth Army soldier. He fell to the ground, but he quickly moved forward on the ground holding the box.

Heizi turned around with the machine gun in his hand and fired in a burst. After repelling the Yang Jiajun who tried to surround them, the two soldiers carried the injured soldier and took the opportunity to hide in the woods.

Heizi couldn't put it down while holding the machine gun, shouting: "Quick, load the bullet, I'm going to kill today!"

The gunfire here alerted Yang Geyong and others who were cooking meat. Yang Geyong threw the shovel and ran in that direction. Ye Mao followed closely behind.

Not to be outdone, Ouyang Xue and Minnie also chased after them. They didn't run far when they saw Liu Ling coming towards them with a large group of people.

Seeing Ye Mao, Liu Ling was stunned at first, and then cried with joy. She didn't expect that the person who greeted her would be this enemy.

With a "嘤咛" sound, he rushed over and hugged Ye Mao without letting go.

Yang Geyong scolded: "When will the love between children be restored? What's going on?"

Liu Ling raised his head and explained the matter again with a blushing face.

Yang Geyong reached out and grabbed a submachine gun and told Ye Mao:

"You entertain them well, and I'll go check on the situation."

Ye Mao turned to Ouyang Xue and said, "Enter them well. I'll be back as soon as I go! Soon." (End of Chapter)

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