Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2268 Youth Army

Who knew that just after he finished speaking, Liu Ling looked at him with sharp eyes and asked:

"Can you contact Liu Zhen and the others?"

Peng Chengren thought for a long time before he realized who Liu Zhen Liu Ling was talking about? This boy is the youngest son of Liu Kuisheng, who was once Peng Jinsheng's most effective subordinate. He has unmatched brute force and is a leader among the young generation of courageous people.

When Liu Kuisheng left the Kokang Allied Forces, it was the result of Peng Jinsheng's compromise. It's just that Liu Kuisheng is now over 50 years old. Even if he doesn't leave, he will retire.

Peng Chengren wonders why his sister-in-law contacted this young man? Should I also contact Liu Kuisheng?

But after thinking about it, he nodded: "I'll ask his father. I don't have his contact information."

The call was quickly answered, and Liu Kuisheng's tone was very indifferent. I was very emotional when I left him. I felt that Peng Jinsheng had abandoned all his brothers for the sake of his own future, so I naturally felt uncomfortable.

So in these years, like his old brothers, he no longer had any contact with Peng Jinsheng. This was probably a silent protest.

When he heard that it was Liu Ling who was looking for his son, Liu Kuisheng did not make things difficult for him. Instead, he readily told him the phone number and told him:

"Let Xiao'er come home. I haven't seen her in many years."

Peng Chengren casually agreed not to talk about Liu Ling's affairs. He was only responsible for the notification. And he was extremely unwilling to offend Liu Kuisheng.

After telling Liu Ling the phone number, Liu Ling did not delay. Instead, after asking for the address of Liu's home, he said goodbye to Peng Chengren and said he was going there.

The Liu family lives in a luxurious house in the old street. Although the house is made of wood and bamboo, it occupies a vast area and is not comparable to ordinary houses at first glance.

Liu Ling came back this time with some gifts, mainly drinks. She understands that everyone here has a sense of hometown. The old Liu family was originally from Sichuan, the same hometown as her.

Of course, neither Liu Kuisheng nor Liu Zhen have ever returned to their hometown.

It’s not that they don’t want to go back, but they have no way to go back. How can people who don’t even have an ID card go through the procedures to go abroad?

In fact, this is also a shame for generations of bold people. This country discriminates against them. Although as a Burmese, let alone go abroad, even the capital of my own country cannot go. How can a sovereign country treat its own people like this?

Only then did it appear that there are a total of 136 ethnic groups in this country, but there are 135 anti-government armed forces.

Liu Kuisheng has a dark Chinese face. He is not tall but has a thick frame. Although he is over fifty years old this year, his body is very strong.

Seeing Liu Ling come in, Liu Kuisheng's face immediately showed a kind smile. He stood up and gave a military salute, which shocked Liu Ling.

People who have been following Peng Jinsheng all know Liu Ling and have hugged her almost since she was a child. She is everyone's princess and everyone's pride. That's why Liu Kuisheng couldn't help but salute when he saw her. Now he can't even salute when he sees Peng Jinsheng.

Liu Ling complained angrily: "Uncle Liu, what are you doing? I am your junior, it is my turn to salute."

Liu Kuisheng smiled "hehe": "If this were in the past, I would be your general, but your father no longer wants us. Although we don't recognize him, we still recognize you. You are the princess of all of us!"

Liu Ling quickly bowed deeply: "Thank you, Uncle Liu. No matter what your relationship is with my father, you are also my elder."

Liu Ling's words made Liu Kuisheng, a rough man, blush with excitement, as if he didn't know what to say?

Liu Zhen came back just at this time, followed by several young people, all with guns on their backs. Seeing Liu Ling, he was stunned for a moment, and then shouted excitedly:

"Ling Xiao, are you back?"

Liu Kuisheng kicked her over with one kick: "Miss, was it you who called Ling Xiao?"

Liu Ling just wanted to stop, but Liu Kuisheng stopped him, "Miss, don't worry about these things. Our tribe has dignity, otherwise it will be completely chaotic."

Liu Zhen has the same face as his father. If his skin were not smoother, he would be no different from the twins. His skin is equally dark.

Liu Ling also smiled when she saw him, and called out affectionately: "Heizi, you look so strong!"

Heizi smiled and took off the submachine gun on his shoulder, and shouted at the people behind him:

"Are you stupid? Why don't you call me Miss quickly?"

Only then did several young people react and saluted Liu Ling and said hello.

After asking, Liu Ling found out that although Peng Jinsheng asked most of his subordinates to disarm and return to their fields. But this place is a place where everyone has a gun.

The main reason is that the public security is too chaotic, warlords are fighting, there are many factions, and there are no weapons for self-defense. No one dares to live in such a place.

Although Peng Jinsheng managed the place very well, no one except Laojie could guarantee its safety.

So the first skill young people here learn is to use weapons. The higher authorities originally tried to promote Burmese language teaching here.

But he was severely rejected by Peng Jinsheng. He believed that every ethnic group should have its own language and writing, not to mention that their language is spoken by more people in the world than Burmese.

So until now, Guokang still uses Chinese teaching, and even the textbooks are purchased directly from China.

This is the consensus reached by all factions of the Kokang Alliance Army, and Shan State must maintain a high degree of autonomy.

This is when a government cannot treat the people under its rule fairly, then the nation will become a community fighting against each other.

In fact, Kokang also has several large families, which are also forces accumulated from long-term wars. These people have accumulated a lot of wealth from their drug trafficking careers in the early years, and each family has a large number of weapons in their hands.

If Peng Jinsheng wanted to, his family would be the largest, but he cared about his compatriots and voluntarily gave up these for the sake of peace and stability.

Looking at these lively friends, Liu Lingqiao finally showed a bright smile on her face.

"Heizi, have you done what I asked you when I came back last time?"

Heizi stood at attention: "Miss reporting, the Kokang Self-Defense Battalion has been formed long ago. We have been training in the rain forest and can be pulled out to fight at any time!"

Liu Ling nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, take me to see it!"

Heizi immediately answered "Yes!" and then several people walked out of the yard.

There was a pickup truck outside, which Heizi and the others had just driven back. Several people got in the car. Just now, several people were crowded in the carport. Now Liu Ling got in the car. Except Heizi who was driving, everyone else got in the carport.

The pickup truck roared past the bustling streets at lightning speed, paying no attention to the yelling and cursing coming from everywhere.

Liu Ling didn't care about Heizi's recklessness. A well-behaved young man was not suitable to live in such a troubled world.

Although the roads in the old street are cement roads, they are full of potholes due to years of disrepair. And the years of war have left the Kokang people no time to take care of the construction of this infrastructure, because in such a world, "living" is the key. Only purpose.

The pickup truck pulled out a trail of smoke and quickly left the urban area. In fact, the so-called urban area is no more than a large town in China.

The road in the countryside was even bumpier, but Heizi didn't slow down at all. He kept pressing the accelerator to the bottom and speeding away. Liu Ling, who was in the passenger seat, didn't show any discomfort at all. He looked calm and kept admiring the scenery outside.

Southeast Asia mostly has a tropical rainforest or monsoon climate, so there is no winter here.

To be precise, even if it is winter, when northerners come here, they will treat it as summer.

At this time, Liu Ling was wearing a plain white dress, with two white lotus-like jade arms exposed, and a touch of snow-white on her chest, which was particularly attractive.

Heizi stared straight ahead, not daring to look at Liu Ling at all. He was uneducated, but he felt in his heart that all the adjectives he had learned could not be used to describe her beauty.

In Heizi's heart, Liu Ling is his goddess. Not to mention blasphemy, even looking at her twice is defilement.

Over the years, he has only listened to Liu Ling's words. Since he was a teenager, he has started to build a team and train in the jungle on the Kokang border. He has endured all kinds of hardships.

The funds were naturally sent to him by Liu Ling, and Liu Ling himself was the jadeite obtained by Heizi and the others.

You know, apart from drugs, Myanmar is most famous for its jade. Liu Ling happened to be in the capital, and China was one of the largest markets for jade.

Therefore, Liu Ling used the resources in his hands to establish supply and marketing channels with several large jade merchants in the capital, and continuously channeled funds back.

With these funds, Heizi and the others have all the equipment and supplies to maintain the normal expenses of the army.

Heizi's allies were said to be a battalion, but in fact they numbered over a thousand people. They are all young people with very strong physical fitness.

The reason why they chose to be at the border of Shan State is because this is a Sangui territory. The government forces cannot reach it, and the Kokang Army cannot extend its tentacles so far. Even if other armed forces occasionally harass them, they are strong enough to protect themselves. .

Myanmar has a total area of ​​less than 800,000 square kilometers, which is the area of ​​a province in the country. It cannot be said to be a large province. Otherwise, one northern Xinjiang can take up the position of two Myanmars.

The camp is set up in a jungle. Because it belongs to the tropical monsoon season, although the vegetation here is dense, it is not a rain forest, so it is very suitable for garrisoning.

As for things like mosquitoes, flies, snakes, and rats, they do not pose a threat at all to people who grew up here.

The station is a barracks made of bamboo and trees. The environment is not bad, and it is not as dirty as other military camps. Everything is in order.

There are also some livestock raised in the woods. Of course, they are not used for farm work. They are used for nutrition and are slaughtered regularly to ensure the strength of the soldiers.

As a sharp whistle sounded, heavily armed soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms quickly gathered and quickly formed a square formation.

Heizi shouted to everyone from the front: "Brothers, on the third anniversary of the founding of our army, our leader Miss Peng Lingxiao finally came to see us!"


Fierce applause rang out. Their team was also called the Alliance Army, but with two more words, it was called the Kokang Youth Alliance Army.

On weekdays, Heizi and other leaders of the group often instilled Peng Lingxiao as their spiritual leader, so how could they not be excited when they saw that the beauty in front of them was their eldest lady?

Young people are at the age when they have dreams, no matter what their living conditions are like? They all have one thing in common, that is, they are unwilling to settle for mediocrity.

Although Guogang's living conditions are not good, the more places like this, the stronger the sense of hierarchy. Look at those children from wealthy families. They are born with good food and clothing, and even go to school abroad.

Even ordinary people can brag about their daily diet and daily life for several days if they see it once. Because those conditions are really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even a middle-class person like Heizi is someone who can walk around in the old streets. Except for a few big families who cannot be provoked, there is no need to take others seriously.

The vast majority of the Kokang Youth Army are from the poor class, people who struggle every day for food and clothing. Therefore, their injustice in adapting their fate is particularly strong.

Therefore, they train hard every day in order to become famous one day and change the destiny of themselves and their families.

The team has actually been established for many years. At that time, Heizi was only a teenager. It started with a dozen friends playing together. They and Liu Ling were both young.

At the beginning, there was no purpose. It was just for fun. I took the gun at home and practiced shooting every day.

Later, when Liu Ling came back every summer and winter vacation, he would bring some books, from Sun Tzu's Art of War to On Protracted War. And he followed them all the time.

In this way, the team gradually grew to more than a hundred people, all with very good fighting qualities, not to mention their relationship with Liu Ling.

It took just three years for the Kokang Youth Army to be officially established, and Liu Ling has not come back in these three years. Because she went to college in Beijing.

However, she would ask people to come over from time to time to take Jade there, and this appearance was the first time for most of the youth army to see their big leader.

All of his former friends became leaders of the army and firm supporters of Liu Ling. Therefore, Liu Ling has absolute leadership over this team.

Liu Ling didn't waste any time. He opened the box he carried with him and found that it was full of cash. The RMB is universal in Kokang and is still a hard currency, at least much stronger than the Kyat.

According to the current prices in Kokang, three hundred yuan will allow a family of five to live a luxurious life for a month.

This time, Liu Ling gave each of them 500 yuan. The 500 yuan was the settlement fee. He asked the soldiers to disperse home and give the money to their families, because there was going to be a big operation soon. So you must make arrangements at home in advance.

The soldiers were very excited. When they were at home, it was difficult for them to earn 100 yuan, because the income from working was only a few dozen yuan.

In other words, despite the exhausting work, the family is still struggling to stay warm. Now that I have received such a large sum of money out of thin air, which is almost a year's income, you can imagine how excited I am.

Liu Ling waited until the money was distributed before speaking to everyone: "We are Chinese, and now our homeland is being invaded by all parties. For our families and ourselves, it is time to fight!" (End of Chapter)

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