Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2250 Direct sellers who live in groups

Yang Geyong was always a person who watched the excitement and was not afraid of big troubles. Hearing this, he was immediately eager to try. The pancake chef glanced at them worriedly:

"Not everyone can make money, so be careful!"

Ye Yuze nodded his thanks and walked into the courtyard of the community without hesitation.

As soon as he entered the gate, he was stopped by two young men in their twenties. Their attitude was a bit domineering, but not unreasonable.

"Who are you looking for? Is he a local?"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "We are not locals, we just heard that we can make a fortune here, so we came to try our luck."

The two young men immediately smiled: "Dear, welcome home, do you know anyone here?"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "We came here with the big car holding the annual meeting. We thought that guarding the headquarters would make us rich faster, so we found it ourselves."

"Okay, okay! You are very idealistic people, and your wishes will definitely come true."

After saying that, a young man picked up the phone: "Lao Li, two friends from Northern Xinjiang have come to us. Your team is still short of people, right?"

As a result, the call was hung up before the young man finished speaking. Five minutes later, a man in his forties ran out, followed by a little girl of five or six years old.

The middle-aged man ran out and saw Ye Yuze and the two of them, and was very satisfied, because although their clothes looked inconspicuous, they were definitely not cheap.

He extended his hand enthusiastically: "My name is Li Shengli, welcome to join my team!"

The young man suddenly became unhappy: "Lao Li, what does joining your team mean? Do you understand the rules?"

Lao Li was stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled:

"Brother, money has been tight lately, can you give me a few days of grace?"

At this point, Li Shengli squeezed his eyes.

The two young men cursed: "Fuck, I should have known I wouldn't have given it to you."

Then he waved his hand unhappily and told him to take the people away quickly.

Li Shengli looked at the two people strangely: "Don't you bring anything?"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "We are here for a meeting, so we didn't bring it with us."

Li Shengli thought for a moment, shook his head at the two people, and motioned to follow him. Then he took the little girl and walked inside.

The little girl turned around and glanced at Yang Geyong, who was staring at her, and rolled her eyes:

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

Yang Geyong glanced at Ye Yuze helplessly, and Ye Yuze couldn't help but laugh "haha".

The building where Li Shengli came out was guarding the gate. He lived in room 302 on the third floor.

When you open the door, you will see a house with one bedroom and one living room, but the room is full of people, and there is a double bed in the bedroom.

The little girl took off her shoes and ran to the bed as soon as she entered the door. It seemed that this double bed was their father and daughter's territory.

The others were all working on the floor, and there seemed to be no boundaries between the dozens of men and women. Luggage was spread out on the floor.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw a new person coming in. As if a fly saw flesh, its eyes glowed green.

Li Shengli snorted, and everyone immediately looked away.

Li Shengli turned to a beautiful woman and said:

"Feng Yun, tell the newcomer some rules."

The Qiaosheng named Feng Yun responded, stood up and walked to Ye Yuze and the others.

At this time, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were both standing by the door, mainly because they really didn't know where to sit. The ground was full of people.

Fengyun is a pretty woman, slightly fat, with fair skin, big watery eyes and bright red lips.

She pulled Yang Geyong's hand and said coquettishly: "Come and sit, why are you standing there like a telegraph pole?"

Yang Geyong was shocked all over, as if he had been shocked. He behaved like a child being led home.

Feng Yun led them to the back room next to Li Shengli's bed. There was a mat spread on the floor, for two people. Sitting on the mat was a girl in her late teens, who was also very beautiful, and looked about 60% similar to Feng Yun.

Let them sit on the mat, and then introduce: "This is my daughter Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao calls her uncle."

Jiaojiao seemed a little arrogant. She glanced at Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong and just nodded lightly without calling her uncle. Ye Yuze took a closer look at the girl and found a melancholy in her eyes.

Fengyun spoke very skillfully. She took a look at the two people's outfits and asked with a smile:

"Have you seen the size and financial resources of Golden Lion Company?"

Yang Geyong nodded: "We also saw the BMW that was sent."

A gratified smile appeared on Feng Yun's face: "Their today is our tomorrow. Look at those bosses. Which one of them didn't come up step by step just like us? And the threshold here is very low. The qualification to join is only 3888."

Ye Yuze was curious: "Isn't it only 300?"

Fengyun curled her lips and said: "Those are ordinary employees, what we call peripheral employees. They have a low starting point and limited height."

"As for us, after paying 3888, we only need to recruit three downlines to join, and 3000 will be returned, and you can become the team leader. If all three of your subordinates take the money to join, then you will become the manager. , and each of you can get a commission of 888 yuan from their membership fee."

Ye Yuze instantly understood their pattern. When he was in the capital, he was talking about selling goods, but when he got here, he was just pulling people's heads.

Of course, it is not completely out of stock, that is, after you pay 3,888 yuan, you will be given products of corresponding value, all of which are health care products.

Although Ye Yuze is not familiar with health care products, he also knows that the prices of these products are extremely high. As for the efficacy, no matter how much they are promoted, they cannot be as effective as medicine.

Where are the drug prices? If they sell them this way, it’s no different from robbing money.

Since he wanted to break into the enemy, it was naturally impossible for Ye Yuze to raise any questions. When Feng Yun asked them if they understood? Before Ye Yuze spoke, Yang Geyong decisively took out the money:

"I join both, is this money for you?"

Feng Yun's eyes sparkled, and just as he was about to accept the money, Ye Yuze interrupted:

"Can I be Yang Geyong's downline? Then he can have one downline, and if he has two more downlines, he can get his money back, right?"

Feng Yun's expression froze, and her outstretched hand stopped in mid-air.

At this time Li Shengli spoke: "You two came together. It was Feng Yun who persuaded you to join the association, so you two can be her downline."

Ye Yuze shook his head: "This can't be forced, right? I should be able to choose by myself whose downline I want to be."

At this time, Jiaojiao suddenly said in a cold voice: "My mother has been saying this for a long time, and she only has two people left before she can be promoted to team leader and get commission. You have the nerve to take advantage of this?"

Ye Yuze didn't give her face: "I'm not taking advantage of anyone. We naturally have a good relationship together. I'm willing to be his offline."

Jiaojiao glared at him fiercely: "We have been here for half a year and have no money for food. Uncle Li has been supporting us. How dare you embarrass two women?"

"Jiaojiao, don't talk nonsense!"

Feng Yun shouted angrily and reached out to hit her daughter.

Yang Geyong grabbed her arm from the side:

"Okay, okay, isn't it just 8,000 yuan? I'll give it to you, and I'll treat it as your downline!"

Seeing Yang Geyong's pity for her, Ye Yuze was too lazy to say anything else? He didn't care about the thousands of dollars, he just wanted to find out.

Yang Geyong handed the money to Feng Yun: "Is this enough money for you?"

Feng Yun nodded gratefully, with tears glistening in his eyes.

Fengyun handed the money to Li Shengli. Li Shengli was so relieved that he took her out to go to the finance department to complete the procedures. In principle, Fengyun can get 3,000 yuan of the 8,000 yuan, and Li Shengli, as her upline, can get 1,776 yuan.

In this way, only about 3,000 people have the opportunity to actually hand it over to the company.

Ye Yuze settled the score secretly in his mind, with a sneer on his lips. It’s all a trick, it’s nothing more than taking the money from the people behind and giving it to the people in front. Even so, with more people, Golden Lion’s income will be astronomical!

Her delicate and beautiful eyes kept darting on Yang Geyong, and after looking at him for a while, she asked:

"Big man, are you rich?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong didn't take it seriously, glanced at everyone and replied:

"No more, I'll pay the admission fee for you all, no problem!"

"Hey, the two eldest brothers have a cigarette!"

A short, obscene-looking man came over and took out his cigarette case.

When Yang Geyong saw that what he took out was a box of Chuncheng without mouth for 50 cents, he immediately lost interest.

He casually took out a box of soft-box Huazi, which started with three characters, and handed one to him. Not very Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze likes to smoke the special red panda. This is a habit he developed when Grandpa Wang was here. This cigarette was a special supply for a while.

Ye Yuze always liked the taste, so he asked someone to contact the cigarette factory and a batch would be customized for him every year.

Yang Geyong should have smoked this cigarette originally, but he thought it was not well-known, so he would rather smoke Zhonghua.

The obscene man's eyes suddenly brightened up, he rubbed his hands, took them with both hands, put them to his nose and smelled, with a look of intoxication on his face, but he didn't smoke, he clamped it to his ears, and ignited the Chuncheng in his hands.

There were three men in the room, all relatively young. Their expressions were indifferent and they had no intention of taking the cigarette from Yang Geyong's hand.

Instead, two women came over and asked Yang Geyong for cigarettes.

Yang Geyong was not stingy. He sent one to each of them and asked curiously:

"Women don't smoke much anymore, are you from the Northeast?"

The two women nodded and pointed to the three girls in the living room:

We are both from the same village. They called us here. The thin one is my niece.

Ye Yuze looked at the three girls. They were all young and looked a bit like students, so he asked:

"Are they still in school?"

The smoking woman sighed: "My name is Cuihua. My niece is studying in college in Shenyang. She was called over by her classmates during the winter vacation. She will not go back and called me over."

Looking at Cuihua's yellowed teeth, it seemed that she was a long-time smoker. She smoked very quickly, and a cigarette was gone after a few puffs in her mouth.

After finishing smoking, she stared at the cigarette box next to Yang Geyong: "I haven't smoked for several days, can I have another one?"

Yang Geyong threw the cigarette case directly to her and asked: "If you want to quit smoking, why don't you just buy something?"

Cuihua sighed again: "Why should I quit smoking at this age? I have no money to buy it, and I can hardly afford to eat. How can I still bother smoking?"

After saying that, she glared hard at her niece outside.

Her niece looked at her timidly and said, "Auntie, I'm sorry."

The pitiful appearance of her niece made Cuihua's heart soften, and she quickly comforted her: "But Xin, you also want your aunt to make money, but we can't call anyone. It's your fault that your aunt is incompetent, not yours."

Ye Yuze asked casually: "Since you can't call anyone, why don't you go back? You didn't spend any money on food?"

Cuihua had a bitter look on her face: "It's not easy for us to make money in Nagada. I managed to collect more than 10,000 yuan to find Ke Xin'er. After paying the three of us' share, we have no money."

The woman smoking with her looked unconcerned:

"Wait, there's no need to worry. Fengyun has enough to go offline today. God will not starve the blind magpie to death."

Cuihua glared at her angrily: "You are so big-hearted. What if you really starve to death one day?"

The woman pursed her lips at the three men: "Look at those three kids, can't they survive just one meal a day? They have been here for three months."

Ye Yuze's eyes turned cold: "Do they have no money to eat?"

The obscene man nodded and told Ye Yuze in a low voice: "The three of them only had travel expenses when they came here. Not to mention the share money, even the meal money was paid by Lao Li who looked pitiful and helped a little from time to time, otherwise he would have starved to death."

Yang Geyong was confused: "Then why don't they leave?"

The obscene man mouthed toward the yard: "Where are we going? You can't get out at all. Someone rushed out two days ago and was beaten half to death."

Yang Geyong suddenly stood up: "Are you saying that once you enter this place, you won't be allowed out?"

The obscene man said with some hesitation: "Not all are allowed to leave. Those who have paid the entry fee can leave, but they are reluctant to leave because they are already members of the Golden Lion Company. Even if they cannot be called to log off, the company may still assign them .”

Ye Yuze nodded and stopped Yang Geyong who was going to the living room. This guy has always had a strong sense of justice, and he didn't want to cause trouble before he investigated the matter clearly.

Ye Yuze stood up and took out the money: "Then am I qualified to go out and buy things?"

The obscene man shook his head: "You need a work permit. I need Lao Li to help me apply for the work permit. Don't we all have one?"

"Then what do you do with your usual meals? Does Lao Li go out to buy them?"

Cuihua shook her head: "You have registered with Lao Li, and someone will bring rice, flour, grains, oils, etc. If you want to buy some delicious food, Lao Li can go out."

Ye Yuze said "Oh" and sat down again. Yang Geyong looked a little strange at this time, looking at the three boys from time to time.

The three children were all about sixteen or seventeen years old and very thin. One of them had been lying down and looked very haggard.

They didn't speak, they just sat in the corner silently.

Ye Yuze shook his head at him, signaling him not to be impulsive yet. Only then did Yang Geyong feel at ease.

Lao Li and Fengyun came back soon, with happy faces as they both got the money.

Fengyun took out a thousand yuan and handed it to Lao Li: "I've been eating and drinking for you for a while, so this money can be considered as living expenses."

come on

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