Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 224 Ye Yuze’s anger

Even though Ye Wancheng didn't say anything? But Meihua really didn't give him a good look.

Liu Qinghua didn't care. He also had a baby and he could understand Mei Hua's feelings.

Mother Wan and Aunt Gan also came over to help Meihua clean up the house. Zhao Ling'er even ran back and forth with her, and Liu Qinghua and Ye Wancheng did hard work together.

If there are several people with this status in the regiment headquarters who can help someone work like this, that is definitely something to show off.

Wan's mother invited a guest tonight, but she couldn't help it, and she felt guilty. Who makes him incompetent? Ye Yuze has given all the ideas, but he still can't do it well.

Therefore, she didn't care about Mei Hua's expression and was still busy happily.

Meihua finally showed a smile. After all, everyone was so dedicated, so she couldn't go too far.

But that heart has been hanging on, fearing that something might happen to his son? After all, it’s thousands of miles away!

After returning home after dinner, Mei Hua's anger that had been suppressed for a day finally broke out. He pointed at Ye Wancheng and cursed angrily.

"Tell him to speak back immediately and get his son back."

Ye Wancheng failed to coax him well, so he got angry and rode back to the company all night.

Mei Hua originally wanted to chase her out, but there were three children in the house, and two of them cried loudly during the quarrel. Can't get away at all.

The helpless Meihua had no choice but to coax her child while shedding tears. He also secretly scolded his eldest son through gritted teeth.

"If you come back, you little bastard, I'll break your legs!"

When Ye Yuze woke up, it was already broad daylight, and there were many people in the carriage this time.

Basically, there are people in every box, but at that time, as long as the conductor was open, he would never put people who didn't come together in the same box.

Ye Yuze got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face. There were many people in the bathroom. Ye Yuze couldn't figure out why there were so many people on this train?

Several young people were obviously together. What had they been discussing?

There are two middle-aged men who seem to be their leaders, and they also interject a few words from time to time.

Ye Yuze couldn't hear it very clearly, because the door of their box was open when he passed by, so he vaguely heard words like "corps".

After Ye Yuze washed up, he went to the dining car to eat. This time he was experienced and didn't bring anything to eat. After all, the food in the dining car was so cheap.

Although the taste is not that good, it is hot after all, right? Chinese people's eating habit is to eat hot meals.

Ye Yuze sat down for a while, and the group of people also came to the dining car.

Seeing Ye Yuze ordering two dishes alone, he couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

After all, a child doesn't have many such luxuries.

After several people sat down, each person ordered a lunch box and continued to discuss.

Now Ye Yuze finally understood. It turned out that they were discussing the restructuring of the Corps.

A young man said: "The number of personnel in the Corps has increased so much in recent years, but the land has been decreasing. We have lost so much money, why do we still propose to restore the organization?"

Another young man said: “They have always been in the military, so naturally they don’t want to leave the army!

After all, the state pays wages to the military establishment, and the Agricultural Reclamation Bureau is indeed responsible for its own profits and losses. "

The first young man curled his lips and said: "They just want to restore the iron rice bowl, guaranteeing harvests during droughts and floods, and working more and doing less!"

The young man's tone made Ye Yuze unable to suppress his anger. I couldn't help but look at him and asked:

"Have you ever been to the Corps? Do you know what the people in the Corps do every day?"

The young man was stunned, looking at this child and not knowing how to answer?

A middle-aged man glanced at Ye Yuze with interest.

"Young comrade, are you from the Corps?"

Ye Yuze puffed up his chest: "I am a descendant of soldiers from the infrastructure company of the 1st Regiment of the 9th Division of the Corps. Please go down below and take a look before you speak. How do the soldiers in the company work every day?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and didn't care about Ye Yuze's tone.

"Then can you introduce us to the situation at the grassroots level?"

Ye Yuze didn't know much, he just gave a rough summary of what he saw about the situation in the company and the situation in the fifth company. There is also the regimental headquarters.

In fact, what he felt most deeply about was the regiment headquarters. Although there were several animal husbandry companies, they were nervous about eating meat during the New Year.

Although he didn't know much about the situation, he knew how adults worked every day.

Only in the winter do people relax a little, and there is no time to rest in the warm weather.

It is normal for men in the infrastructure company not to go home for a month or two during the construction period. The family members also have to work on the sideline in the company.

How could they possibly lose money on the value they created?

There is also the fifth company. From the beginning of spring, all the soldiers can't wait to be in the fields twenty-four hours a day.

Although they are all mechanized operations, how could mechanization be so developed in that era?

Aren’t many jobs that machines can’t do have to be done manually?

One hundred thousand acres of land! How much per capita? And there are things like cotton that need to be picked manually.

There are also animal husbandry teams, which last for three seasons once they go out. You can only take turns to go home during winter pastures. Such people say that they only want to ensure harvests due to drought and floods?

Which of these people is not a person with a family and a career? Who doesn’t want to watch over his wife and children?

Ye Yuze was in a rather excited mood, and there must have been some impolite tone in his words.

The two middle-aged men began to look moved. Those young people who were always looking for things finally shut up.

At the end of his speech, Ye Yuze's eyes were a little red.

"They work hard and do this year after year, not for the reward, but because they are soldiers, soldiers who can give everything for the needs of the motherland!

I won't allow anyone to speak disrespectfully of them like that! "

The middle-aged man saw that Ye Yuze was so excited and quickly comforted him:

"Little comrade, eat first, and let's talk after dinner!"

Ye Yuze stood up and said angrily: "If you don't want to eat, you go to Northern Xinjiang and see those fertile fields, those pastures, those factories, mines and enterprises!

It was not built by asking for money from the country, but by the Corps soldiers saving money from their own teeth and clothes!

I don’t know why we are losing money, but it definitely has nothing to do with the grassroots fighters!

Now you are fucking saying that these people are trying to protect their harvests due to droughts and floods. Do you know that this is a loss of conscience? "

After saying this, Ye Yuze pushed away his rice bowl and walked out. He really couldn't eat anymore.

Not long after, two middle-aged men walked into Ye Yuze's box with a lunch box.

"Come on, little comrade. Do you still need to eat? Young people don't understand the situation and speak in extreme ways. Don't argue with them."

Ye Yuze had just turned around and left after being impassioned, and felt a little regretful when he came back.

It's not that he regretted saying those words, but that Hou Hai didn't eat. It feels so bad to be hungry!

Ye Yuze took it without saying a word. He took the chopsticks and put them into his mouth while purring.

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