Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2235 The hatred of seizing his wife

There has always been an unwritten rule in university dormitories, that is, boys cannot enter the girls' dormitory, but girls are not restricted from entering the boys' dormitory.

For example, right now, it's almost lights out time. Ye Mao and the others have just finished bragging, and Da Liu is snoring like thunder when he lies down. This guy always had enough to eat and sleep well.

Lao Mo was holding a guitar and was still tuning it. He had recently fallen in love with a girl and was preparing to launch an offensive.

In that era, to chase girls, you needed to have some special skills, so that you could attract people's attention.

After all, most of the people who can get into this place are the proud ones of heaven, and it would be too difficult to just be courteous. So Lao Mo decided to practice a special skill and prepare for people to take the initiative to deliver goods to their doorsteps.

This handsome guy keeps talking all day long. I wonder what he is busy with? Didn't he just sneak back before lights out today, and no one would ask what he was doing?

Ye Mao hugged his notebook and started reading again, and naturally discovered the treasure of Qidian. Except for the required classes, he spent all other time here.

"Boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and several people were stunned. It was the habit of the boys' dormitory not to open the door. Most of the people who come to this place are people from nearby dormitories looking for something?

For example, borrowing books, pens, or simply smoking or drinking. But the key is that there is no knock on the door? Just open the door and come in.

Lao Mo asked: "When did you become so fucking polite? Come in and fart!"

Ye Mao didn't hear the knock on the door. This guy was only wearing a pair of underwear and was looking hard.

At that time, boxer briefs were not popular at that time. Both men and women were wearing briefs.

The door was pushed open, and Lao Mo was about to continue scolding, but then his voice suddenly stopped, and the handsome boy was confused.

Because what came in after pushing the door open was two beauties. No one expected this.

The scene in the room at the moment was that Da Liu was snoring loudly, while Lao Mo was neatly dressed and holding a guitar and playing.

Minnie and Wang Wenwen walked up to him and knocked on the table. He suddenly jumped up and said "Ah!"

The two girls' pretty faces turned red. Minnie glanced secretly, then glanced again, and then softly spat:


Ye Mao was startled, but that didn't mean he was shy. I’ve seen too many big scenes, so what does this mean?

So he shouted confidently: "You two women, why did you break into the boys' dormitory without knocking on the door, and still have the nerve to call me a gangster?"

Wang Wennuan pulled Minnie who was about to tell the difference, and said with a gentle face:

"Classmate Ye Mao, I'm here to inform you that there will be a show for you at the New Year's Day party. Please prepare."

Ye Mao looked confused: "Why don't I know about this? Isn't it voluntary to sign up and be organized by the class?"

Wang Wennuan looked indifferent: "This is what your instructor reported. You can ask her. You guys really don't have class at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Please come to the Propaganda Department on time to rehearse."

What else does Ye Mao want to say? But Lao Mo interrupted: "I signed up to play guitar and sing. Why didn't you notify me to rehearse?"

Wang Nuannuan said in a calm tone: "Classmate, you are applying for the class. You must be screened in the class first. Only if you are good enough can you participate in the department rehearsals."

After Wang Nuannuan said this, he took Minnie and walked out without giving Ye Mao a chance to speak.

Lao Mo looked at Ye Mao in confusion: "Didn't you sign up for the class?"

Ye Mao glared at him: "I didn't sign up!"

However, although Ye Mao didn't care about anything, he had to give the instructor some face. The calm look on Wang Nuannuan's face showed that it was impossible for this girl to lie about this matter.

None of the people in Ye Mao's dormitory were active members of the class. Except for Da Liu, who is the sports committee member of the class, there is no official.

Their instructor is a stay-at-home student named Fu Wanying, a serious postgraduate graduate. In fact, she is only a few years older than them and very beautiful.

In fact, she is not only beautiful, but also very gentle. She treats everyone like a family member and thinks about everyone when something happens, so her classmates like her very much.

Especially boys, no matter what tasks Fu Wanying gives, they can basically exceed their expectations.

Just like the first sports meeting, the sports committee of Da Liu did not appoint anyone, so the registration was overwhelming.

Although Ye Mao's performance has never been positive, if Fu Wanying assigned him to put on a show, he really couldn't refuse.

Minnie and Wang Wenwen went out, and Minnie muttered unconvinced:

"Why are you stopping me?"

The two of them quarreled quietly all the way back to the dormitory together. There were only three of them in the dormitory, and there was a local from the capital who basically didn't live here.

Back in the dormitory, Minnie was still unconvinced and told Ouyang Xue what had happened and asked her to comment.

Ouyang Xue's face turned red, she really couldn't say anything?

However, Wang Wenwen helped explain: "It's not like they saw you like this. When we entered, they were looking at the computer."

Although Wang Wennuan has a generous personality, she is still an inexperienced little girl after all. When she said this, her voice lowered.

Minnie jumped up at once: "That's even worse. I heard that their boys always watch that kind of movie secretly. He must also watch that kind of movie. Xuexue, you can't ignore him anymore. He is a gangster!"

Ouyang Xue remembered what happened that night, her face turned red as if on fire, and she hurriedly got into bed.

Wang Wenwen patted her pillow: "Xuexue, he will come to the Propaganda Department tomorrow afternoon. You can come too. The New Year's Day party cannot be without your piano."

Ouyang Xue said "hmm" like a mosquito, and Minnie reached out to lift her quilt, but Wang Wennuan grabbed her aside.

He sighed, put his mouth to Minnie's ear and said:

"Haven't you seen it yet? Xuexue has already fallen in love with her. It's not Ye Mao who has fallen in love with Xuexue. Don't make things worse."

Minnie was in a hurry and looked like she wanted to save her best friend from the fire, but she was resolutely suppressed by Wang Weannuan.

On Hong Kong Island, inside the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Li Chaohui and his female secretary were talking in the main room. Originally he wanted to register a company here.

But facing the super rich, he finally lost his courage. His little money was really not worth mentioning here.

In desperation, he had no choice but to hang out in the big family room. At any rate, the super rich people rarely come here. Most of the people hanging around here are the kind of small rich people who are not as good as him. At least he can increase his sense of presence.

"Master Li, if you are so rich, you must be a rich man from the mainland, right?"

asked a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. He is a broker who has been around the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for a long time and is very familiar with people here.

It is said that there is no market for brokers on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange because all transactions done here are cash transactions and there are no private transactions.

However, there are always exceptions, and it is inevitable that there will always be some people who are jealous of losing and sell their property.

Brokers are used at this time. They are responsible for contacting buyers and selling things as quickly as possible.

Because they were eager to make a profit, the selling prices of these items were naturally lower than usual, so their commissions were also high and their income was quite good.

These are all native Hong Kong Islanders, and their knowledge of the mainland is still at a poor level. After all, in the early days of reform, a large truck driver in Hong Kong could go there to pretend to be a rich man and support a mistress.

However, with the deepening of reform, the mainland's economy has developed rapidly. There are already countless people like Li Chaohui today, but the brokers don't know it.

Hearing the broker's words, Li Chaohui felt proud. In his circle, there were naturally few people who could compare with him. Therefore, he nodded a little arrogantly.

The broker immediately nodded and bowed in compliment, and then said:

"If there is anything you need to trade, Mr. Li, please come to me. I promise to help you sell it at the highest price and as quickly as possible!"

Li Chaohui heard something was wrong and asked:

"Why should I sell something to you?"

The broker smiled charmingly: "Well, the stock market is risky. A novice like you will inevitably make mistakes. If you lose, you have to make up for it, right?"

Li Chaohui raised his foot and kicked him on the butt:

"Go away! I haven't even started to speculate yet, you're going to curse me to lose!"

"Just in case, just in case!"

The broker was not annoyed. He explained with a smile while stuffing his business card into Li Chaohui's pocket, and then quickly disappeared into the crowd.

At this time, my cousin's phone suddenly rang. I picked it up and muttered to Li Chaohui in confusion:

"Why did my cousin call me? I usually don't look for him, but he never pays attention to me."

Li Chaohui urged: "Then pick it up quickly. We don't dare to delay Mr. Lu's affairs."

The cousin picked up the phone and said a few words before handing the phone to Li Chaohui:

"My cousin wants to talk to you."

Li Chaohui reached out and grabbed the phone and asked in a respectful tone:

"Young master Lu has any instructions, as long as I can do it, I will go through fire and water, no matter what."

Lu Ziang was very satisfied with Li Chaohui's attitude, and he didn't hold back and said the matter directly:

"A few of my buddies and I pooled together two billion Hong Kong dollars. Didn't you go to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange? We'll fly there right away."

Li Chaohui immediately became excited: "Young Master Lu, are you going to do it yourself?"

Lu Ziang shook his head: "We can't do that. It's dangerous to be discovered. The money is left with you. It's up to you to operate it."

Having said this, Lu Ziang paused slightly and then said:

"The money is all misappropriated, and the term is not long, so it cannot be compensated. Therefore, even if the money is lent to you, you have to give something as collateral."

Li Chaohui's heart immediately passed through ten thousand grass and mud horses. This is speculating in futures. How can you make a profit without losing money?

But thinking about the two experts he hired from the UK who were about to arrive, he immediately felt confident and said grandly:

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I guarantee you will make a lot of money this time. The mortgage is easy to handle, and our mining group in Jin Province will mortgage it to you. If you lose the money then, you will take over the mine!"

Hearing Li Chaohui's talk, Lu Ziang smiled:

"Then it's settled. We can rush there in the afternoon. Then we will be responsible for playing and you will be responsible for making money. I won't treat you badly in the future."

Li Chaohui was overjoyed. These words showed that Lu Ziang regarded him as one of his own.

The game between the Lu family and the Ye family is not something someone of his status can know. And even if the Lu family declines, it will still be a mountain for him.

Sure enough, Lu Ziang and the others arrived in the afternoon and gave the money to Li Chaohui, who also went through the mortgage loan procedures with a lawyer.

Then Lu Ziang and others went to eat, drink and have fun, while Li Chaohui opened an account and transferred money from the bank. His experts would arrive in the evening and they could officially enter the venue tomorrow.

The experts arrived in the evening. One of them was classmate Li Chaohui, who was a top student but a scumbag. The other was their professor, an economist and very famous in the UK.

Li Chaohui called Lu Ziang and they all had a party together.

Listening to the analysis of a large number of English words by the two experts, not only Li Chaohui, but also Lu Ziang and the others were full of confidence. It was a certainty that they would make a big profit this time.

The reason why I choose Hang Seng Index futures is because they are very volatile and can make money quickly. Of course, they can also lose money quickly. Even a billionaire can make you lose so much money in one day that you can’t even put on your pants.

Of course, traders will tell you that you can set a stop loss point. That is to say, if the loss reaches a certain amount, the position can be automatically closed.

But when you actually operate it, you will understand that it is pure deception. Because maybe it touches your point, or it may immediately rebound sharply in the opposite direction.

The value of one point on the Hang Seng Index is HK$50, and the fluctuation may reach several thousand points on this day.

This 50 Hong Kong dollars refers to one lot, and the minimum account opening amount is 50,000 Hong Kong dollars. When you place an order, you can place one lot or 1,000 lots.

Of course, if the market fluctuates by one point in 1,000 lots, it is equivalent to HK$50,000. That is to say, if you have HK$50,000 to buy up, you will earn HK$50,000 per point.

On the contrary, if it drops by one point, your fifty thousand will be gone.

Of course, if you only have 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, they won't let you buy a thousand lots because the exchange has a strict margin system.

But in general, the charm of Hang Seng Index futures lies in its high leverage. That is, you can use a principal of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars to make a profit of 1 million Hong Kong dollars.

Such high returns are really not something that ordinary people can resist. This is also the reason why Li Chaohui chose Hang Seng Index futures.

Lu Ziang and others, stimulated by alcohol and experts, also became excited and quickly raised another 5 billion in funds.

However, they had agreed on the money and would not give up for the time being, but would stay at the most critical moment to make a profit.

After all, the rise and fall of the market is actually a game between both parties, otherwise the market will definitely only be a horizontal line.

After a night of carnival, at nine o'clock the next morning, a group of people entered the main office of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Li Chaohui was quite generous and hired five traders at once, with a capital of close to 15 billion after all. It is easy for one person to lose speed in trading.

In the financial office of the brother company, Little Apple accompanied Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze to stare at the computer, and several traders were also waiting.

Yang Geyong asked: "How much money do we have?"

Little Apple said calmly, "It's almost 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. How can you deal with such a doll that doesn't even have all its hair?"

Yang Geyong replied solemnly: "The hatred of seizing my wife cannot be tolerated."

Little Apple grabbed Yang Geyong's ear: "What did you say?"

Restore the big chapter, friends, free tickets to encourage

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