Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 222 Cha Hongying’s Thoughts

But he definitely couldn't refuse this, so he could only say with a smile on his face:

"Okay, then the people of Northern Xinjiang welcome you! If you don't go, I will come to the capital to find you!"

Seeing Ye Yuze agree, Zha Hongying was also extremely happy.

What they didn't know was that after they left last night, the guys all drank too much, and Munk even practiced swimming.

At least there were still many people who were conscious and managed to pull him up, thus preventing the fall of a superstar.

At noon, David wanted to go to Lao Mo for dinner. But Ye Yuze lost interest when he thought about the half-cooked steak.

After a discussion, the three people went to Donglaishun. I had the most authentic mutton-shabu meal in China.

Eating, because we are about to leave. The three people naturally said some reluctant words, and even David felt a little sad.

Ye Yuze wanted to leave some money for Wang Honghua again. Wang Honghua said angrily:

"Do you think I am you? You eat and drink all day long! I can't even spend all the money given by the school!"

Zha Hongying added. "That's right, Sister Huahua doesn't even go out, she just spends some food money."

David heard something unusual in the words and asked:

"You still pay to go to college?"

Cha Hongying thought his question was strange.

“Don’t your university give out money?”

"No, we have to pay tuition to go to school! It's three thousand dollars a year!"

"Ah?" Cha Hongying and Wang Honghua both opened their eyes. This is so scary, three thousand dollars!

Zha Hongying patted her chest and said thankfully: "Fortunately, we were not born in a capitalist country, otherwise we wouldn't be able to afford college!"

At that time, the highest wages for workers were only over fifty, and these three thousand US dollars were enough for them to save for ten years.

David shook his head: "No, we can earn the tuition fees ourselves, the school will provide some positions, and we can also work part-time outside. As long as we have a job, maintaining college life will not be a problem?"

Only then did Cha Hongying become even more surprised. "If you go out to work, don't you study? The teacher doesn't care about you?"

David shook his head. "The teacher won't care whether you can attend class or not. As long as you don't fail the exam, you will have to make up the exam if you fail."

Wang Honghua also asked curiously: "How much money can you make in one day working part-time?"

David stretched out his hands. The skin on his hands was a little rough.

"I wash dishes in a restaurant, and I get paid ten dollars an hour. I go out to work for three hours every day after school, and a full day on weekends and holidays. This way I can cover my tuition and living expenses."

Looking at this smug guy, Ye Yuze wanted to hit him.

"Your mother won't give you money?"

Ye Yuze naturally knows what Chinese mothers are like? How is it possible for foreigners to leave their own children alone?

David blushed but quickly calmed down.

Mommy will give me money, but I won’t use it to pay tuition. I will save it for traveling during holidays every year. "

"You can still travel?" Zha Hongying looked envious.

Seeing someone envious made David even more proud.

"Of course, I planned to travel all over the United States during college, but now I have changed my mind. I want to come to China and walk along the Great Wall. This building is so great. It is much more shocking than the Egyptian pyramids!"

Cha Hongying was full of envy, jealousy and hatred. She could not imagine this kind of life.

Looking at her look, Ye Yuze laughed.

"You can study abroad? Why are you looking like this?"

Cha Hongying didn't believe it, stared at David and asked:

"Are there any international students in your school?"

David looked arrogant. "Of course, there are many international students with different skin colors. African, European, Asian!"

"Then how did they get into your university?"

Obviously Zha Hongying is interested in this matter.

David shook his head. "It seems that they have TOEFL and IELTS exams in their own country. I don't know the specific process."

Cha Hongying nodded thoughtfully. She is also an idealistic person and loves literature very much.

When filling out her application form, she filled in all majors related to literature. She thought about becoming a professional writer or poet after graduating from college.

But after contacting Mang Ke and the others, her thoughts were somewhat shaken.

There is no way, their life is too hard. Everyone is so talented, but they are broke. Ye Yuze's behavior yesterday touched her.

"Ye Yuze, do you think it would be better for me to graduate and become a writer, or find a way to study abroad?"

Ye Yuze thought for a moment and smiled: "Your question itself is somewhat contradictory. There is no conflict between being a writer and studying abroad, right?

Because the most important thing for a writer is life experience, which is material.

I would like to remind you that it is best to lay a solid financial foundation for whatever you do. It’s a very sad thing to write when you’re hungry. After all, you don’t have enough spiritual food! "

Cha Hongying thought for a long time and finally nodded.

"I understand, thank you Yuze!"

Ye Yuze waved his hand pretending to be heroic.

"You're welcome, who among us is following whom? How about you show your commitment?"

Zha Hongying rolled her eyes at him: "Little brat, I'll give you a head, and you'll need to grow taller before you say this."

Ye Yuze's head was full of black lines, and he was disliked again. It seems that age has really become a flaw.

But this thing is not something to be anxious about, right? It will grow without fertilizing or watering.

Zha Hongying made up her mind to go back to school to consult on this issue. She had a better English foundation, which was related to her family environment.

In addition, my father also has a certain status in academia, so maybe this matter can be done.

"Sister Huahua, if you really could study abroad, would you go?"

Wang Honghua is obviously also a little moved, but her English is not comparable to that of Cha Hongying.

After thinking for a while, Wang Honghua shook her head. "I don't know either. I really haven't thought about this issue."

Zha Hongying looked at David again: "Can you send me some textbooks from your school?"

David nodded, no problem.

"I brought some over and will give them to you in a moment. I will send the rest to you when I return home."

Cha Hongying was extremely happy. "Then I will go to your school to study abroad!"

Ye Yuze struck: "The University of South Carolina is relatively remote. It is equivalent to Guizhou in China. Where are you sure you want to go?"

"But there's David there! I don't know anyone there, how can I, a girl, hang out there?"

David patted his chest. "If you can come to our university, I will take care of you!"

Ye Yuze curled his lips.

"Use your AA system to take care of you? You are half Chinese. Look at how I entertain you. Do you know how you should entertain her too?"

David looked confused. "Ye, wouldn't it be better to distinguish them more clearly?"

Ye Yuze had to educate him patiently: "Chinese tradition is that you can clearly distinguish yourself from outsiders.

But the distinction between family members and friends cannot be so clear. Otherwise, there will be no difference from outsiders. "

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