Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2188 Rescued

Wang Che burst into tears. At this age, he can be said to be a relatively wanton person with few restraints.

The family's privileges coupled with the only child naturally meant that he was loved beyond measure.

Although he still had a younger sister, that girl was less reliable than him, but he never thought that the price he paid for being willful was his life.

He was just 29 years old this year, unmarried, and had no children. Since then, the Wang family has only one daughter left.

After thinking about Yingying, Wang Chedan said softly:

"Sister, brother, I'm sorry for you. Our family will depend on you from now on. Take good care of your parents."

After saying this, Wang Chedan did not choose to face death like this. Instead, he went to the car and took out the seat covers, obligations, and everything that could be burned.

Because when I stood on the top of the mountain and looked around, I saw that there was no village at all. If I were to run down on foot, it would be better to stay at the top of the mountain.

No matter what, he is going to die, so he might as well choose a more dignified way to die instead of dying from exhaustion.

The seat covers are still a little lacking and they will definitely burn. Wang Chedan simply removed the seats, and then released all the plastic parts in the car, including all the things in the engine that could be used for ignition, including the engine oil.

Wang Chedan decided to obey God's will. If no one comes to save him after all these things are burned, he will always be a snow tower on this mountain peak.

In fact, he also knew that what he did was no different from Don Quixote, because he didn't ask for help or call the police, so no one could come to save him, it was just to comfort him.

When the fire started, I didn't care about the seat cover, so I poured some engine oil on it, and the flames suddenly rose with a "boom", but it was accompanied by a strong smell of engine oil, which made him cough.

Wang Chedan even suspected that if this continued, he would eventually choke to death instead of freezing to death.

Wang Chedan tried his best to control the fire, trying to make him burn slower, slower...

The clothes, blankets, and quilts in the trunk were all taken out. After thinking for a long time, he finally wrapped the quilt tightly around his body instead of burning it.

I don’t know how much time passed, but everything was burned down, and Wang Chedan turned into a robot, his movements became sluggish, and every movement became a subconscious behavior.

Although the fire was burned out, strong smoke was still rising, emitting a pungent smell.

Wang Che murmured: "Dad, Mom, I tried my best..."

Then he tilted his body and fell next to the snowdrift. The golden sunlight shone on his only exposed face, which was blue and purple, but with a smile.

Ayesha was riding a horse and trudging in the snow. Yesterday, Ayihan's father called in the evening and said that his old habit had happened again. Therefore, Ayesha got up early in the morning and took the medicine box to visit Dongwozi. Dad.

The snow was deep, but Aisha was used to it. She had been walking this road since she was a child, and she could find the direction with her eyes closed.

When she climbed a hill, she found smoke coming from the hill on the opposite side. She couldn't help but feel a little curious. Who would go to the mountain to light a fire early in the morning?

But she didn't care. There were no trees on the mountains here, the grass wasn't lush, and it was covered under thick snow, so no fire could occur.

After coming down from the mountain, we should have walked east along the ravine, but Aisha suddenly wanted to take a look and see who was the person who lit the fire? Why come to light a fire so early in the morning?

As soon as she thought about it, the bay-red horse seemed to be connected with her. It snorted, then turned and walked towards the mountain.

Horses in northern Xinjiang, like people, are extremely adaptable to the climate here, and they can also find easy paths on their own.

For example, now the bay horse is constantly circuitous on the hillside, not climbing straight up the mountain, but looking for the best route.

This mountain is not short, but it is halfway up the mountain from the previous mountain, so it is not too high to climb up.

There was thick white mist spraying from the maroon horse's nose, which showed that it was exhausted.

Aisha was wearing a thick sheepskin coat, which was made up of several pieces of lambskin. It was light in weight but had good thermal insulation properties.

Although the mountain was not high, it took Aisha more than an hour to climb to the top. Then she saw the man wrapped in a quilt guarding a pile of black ashes.

Ayesha exclaimed and jumped off the horse. Even a fool knew that this person must have spent the night here.

She felt like tearing Wang Chedan's quilt, but because the fire had been burning all night, the surrounding snow had turned into water, and now it had turned into ice, and the quilt was already frozen to the ground.

After tugging a few times but still not pulling, Ayesha gritted her teeth, pulled out a knife from her boot and cut a circle on the quilt.

The reason why she didn't cut it off from the top was that she knew the quilt was still useful.

Wang Chedan had not completely lost consciousness. In a daze, he saw a fairy-like face appearing in front of him.

So he grinned and wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

Aisha quickly checked his body and found that because he was wearing thicker clothes and had a quilt, there was no frostbite on his body.

It was just a face that was so purple that it was unbearable to look at it.

Ayesha quickly grabbed two balls of snow and rubbed them on his face. This was common sense, just like meat taken out of the refrigerator cannot melt in hot water, as it would damage the muscle tissue.

"It's so warm." Wang Chedan opened his eyes again in a daze, and the fairy was still there. Just now he thought he had died and entered heaven, and there were angels to greet him, but it seemed not.

The snowballs continued to turn into water in Ayesha's hands, and the color on Wang Chedan's face gradually began to turn red, revealing its original color.

Wang Chedan groaned and finally regained consciousness.

Ayesha took off a kettle from her body. Inside was the milk tea she had brewed in the morning. Because the outside of the kettle was covered with thick fur, the milk tea was still hot.

She opened Wang Chedan's mouth and took two big sips. Wang Chedan was choked and coughed violently. Ayesha patted his back and let him calm down slowly.

Because of the low temperature overnight, Wang Chedan's body was not going to be fine that easily. He definitely needed treatment, and the nearest village here was their village. Aisha helped Wang Chedan and wanted to put him on the horse.

But Wang Chedan's whole body was still stiff and he couldn't climb up at all, not even with Aisha's help.

When the bay red horse saw this situation, he lay down directly on the ground, allowing Wang Chedan to get up smoothly.

Tears flashed in Wang Chedan's eyes. After the disaster, his whole person had changed a lot.

Ayesha wrapped the quilt around Wang Chedan again, and then led the horse down the mountain. The bay-red horse kept rubbing its head against her, as if telling its owner:

"Come up together, I'm so strong, I can't even move."

Aisha turned her face to the side and rubbed the horse's head against each other, and said affectionately:

"I'll go up when we get to the bottom of the mountain. We have to go home quickly. This person needs treatment right away, otherwise he will easily become disabled."

Wang Chedan was originally looking at this pretty but heroic girl with some fascination, but when he heard the word "disabled", he trembled with fear.

The bay-red horse seemed to understand its owner's words and sped up its pace down the mountain.

Just now Ayesha took a shortcut and climbed two mountains. Now that Wang Chedan was with her, she naturally didn't dare to go like that.

When she arrived at the foot of the mountain, Ayesha got on her horse, held Wang Chedan in her arms, clamped the horse's belly with her feet, and the bay-red horse neighed loudly and began to run.

Just because Wang Chedan couldn't find the road didn't mean that Ayesha couldn't find the road. The bay-red horse knew where the road was without using its eyes. It stepped on the hard road with its four hooves and began to gallop.

Wang Chedan's body was originally stronger than Ayesha's, and he was wrapped in a quilt at this time, so it was very difficult for Ayesha to hold him, but she was afraid that he would fall, and her arms were numb from exhaustion.

At any rate, the bay red horse was so powerful that it ran towards the village without her command.

When he entered the village, Wang Chedan's eyes couldn't help but light up. They were all red brick houses, very neat, and the snow on the streets had been cleared away. It was rare for herdsmen's villages to be like this.

The horse stopped in front of a two-story building. Aisha got off the horse and shouted something in Kazakh. A fat woman came out.

The woman helped Aisha help Wang Chedan off the horse, and asked with a smile:

"Ayesha, didn't you go to see Father Ayihan? Why did you pick up a handsome boy? You couldn't have snatched him from someone else's house and made him a man, right?"

Aisha stamped her feet and said coquettishly:

"Aunt Guli, what are you talking nonsense about? I met him on the road!"

Gu Li looked at Wang Chedan carefully and winked at him:

"Do you have a wife? If you say you do, I will throw you into the mountains to feed the wolves right now!"

Wang Chedan looked helpless. Do I dare to say that you are like this?

After being helped into the consulting room, the room was very warm. Gu Li briefly asked about Wang Chedan's condition, and immediately told Ayesha:

"Take off his clothes. Don't leave any underwear on. Check him thoroughly first."

Ayesha started to take off his clothes without saying a word.

Because I had been freezing all night, my pants and clothes were stained with snow water. By now, they were all turned into ice, so hard that I couldn't take them off at all.

Gu Li brought scissors and cut the clothes in one swift motion and threw them on the ground.

When she cut off her underwear, Ayesha shouted:

"Guli Ayi, it's okay there."

Gu Li had a serious look on her face: "You must check everything thoroughly even if there is nothing wrong. This is the most basic quality of medical staff."

After cutting off her underwear, Gu Li shook her head: "That's the only bad thing about Han dolls. Why aren't they cut where they should be? But the cost is pretty good. Look at it, Ayesha."

Aisha blushed and glared at Gu Li: "I'll get the alcohol!"

Gu Li laughed "haha" and gestured towards Wang Chedan with the scissors:

"Your life was saved by little Aisha. You will be hers from now on. If you dare not to let me go, I will kill you!"

Wang Chedan felt a chill between his legs and quickly closed his legs tightly.

Next, Ayesha and Gu Li found a big basin together, got some hot water and soaked Wang Chedan in it.

Fortunately, Wang Che was not stupid enough to burn the quilt, otherwise even if he was not dead, he would still be missing parts.

Gu Li couldn't help but sigh: "You are a good doll. You know how to protect yourself, and your ears haven't even fallen off."

Wang Chedan felt a chill in his heart and thought, is this called praising others?

In fact, he didn't know that what Gu Li said was not mysterious at all. In low-temperature environments, the peripheral parts of the body are most susceptible to freezing, especially the ears. When blood circulation is blocked, they are like two pieces of fungus that fall off with a single pull.

Soaking in the warm water, Wang Chedan felt as if he had entered heaven. He felt extremely comfortable and took a long breath. Only then did he feel that this body belonged to him again.

After soaking for half an hour, Ayesha and Gu Li picked him up and applied chilblain ointment and badger oil on the areas with frostbite. This stuff has a miraculous effect on frostbite.

Gu Li patted his face: "Lie well for two days, and you will be full of energy when you get up again."

Wang Chedan asked reluctantly: "Auntie, can you give me two pairs of underwear to change into?"

Gu Li glared: "We are the only two women living here. Who do you think is suitable for you to wear?"

Ayesha covered her mouth and laughed so hard that she couldn't stand upright, while Wang Chedan looked helpless. If this fierce Auntie Guli gets a bra to wear for herself, she will be like no one else.

Gu Li went out for a walk and brought over a small basin of finger meat.

"Come and open your mouth. Eat until you are full first. Your disease does not affect your diet. The more you eat, the faster you will get better."

Wang Chedan opened his mouth and took a bite. Because his body was always stiff, he didn't even know he was hungry. Thinking about it, the last meal he had was in Yili at noon yesterday.

After finishing the bowl of meat and drinking the remaining soup, Guli Ayi smiled and nodded:

"The baby is good, but your accent is not from Northern Xinjiang. Tell me, why do you have to go to the mountains to commit suicide?"

Wang Chedan's expression froze: "Auntie, I didn't commit suicide?"

Gu Li glared: "Liar? Who goes to the top of the mountain to play with fire in the middle of the night? What is that called suicide?"

"Isn't that because I ran out of gas? I was lost and had no choice but to do that."

Wang Chedan argued a little aggrievedly.

Gu Li gave a thumbs up: "Not to mention, if you have enough brains, someone else would have died hiding in the car. Then you are just a baby, what are you doing here?"

Wang Chedan told him about building a house in Junken City at home.

Gu Li opened her eyes wide and asked, "Then do you know Ye Yuze?"

Wang Che nodded reluctantly: "Of course we know each other. Ye Feng and I are good friends. I came to Junken City to cooperate with them."

Gu Li slapped her thigh:

"No wonder, no wonder, this is God's will. I am Ye Yuze's first love..."

Wang Chedan's eyes were even wider than hers. He really didn't believe that this sturdy aunt would be Uncle Ye's first love.

After all, Uncle Ye's women Wang Chedan have met several, and each one is more stunning than the last.

Seeing Wang Chedan's expression, Gu Li cursed angrily:

"Isn't it okay that I have an unrequited love for him? It's not shameful. Why do you all have this expression?"

Wang Che couldn't help laughing, but he didn't dare to laugh. He liked this aunt's temper, a typical northern Xinjiang character.

"By the way, you haven't said what you are doing here yet?"

Gu Li then remembered that this guy's main reason hadn't been explained yet, so she asked further.

After this night of tossing, Wang Chedan has completely changed. The woman he once liked so much now feels irrelevant. (End of chapter)

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