Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2186 Gathering Wool

After Yang Wei came, Zhang Qianjin naturally would not give him just one community. Although Zizi Company is not well-known in the mainland, its strength is no longer weaker than that of first-tier companies.

After sending away the first batch of guests from Junken City, the second batch of guests arrived immediately. This time Zhang Qianjin adopted a steady and steady approach. He did not call for so many people like this time, but controlled them to a certain number. within.

It wasn't that he didn't make money, but that the first batch of customers arrived in a hurry, which exposed many problems in all aspects.

Since he wants to build a tourist city, he must provide the necessary supporting facilities. Otherwise, how will you do it if there are so many people eating, drinking and sleeping and not even being able to find a toilet?

Also, the people who came this time all lived in Qinjiawan, which is close to the seaside, so they went into the sea wearing swimsuits. But anyone who has been to the beach knows it.

There is too much salt in the sea water, so it is definitely not possible to rinse with fresh water after taking a sea bath.

And those feet, walking around on the beach is full of sand, no matter what kind of shoes you wear, if you don’t rinse them in time, the sand will scratch your feet badly.

Therefore, building a visitor center to provide washing and changing places is an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

As the saying goes, one guest does not bother two hosts, so naturally these things have to be left to Yang Wei and the others.

Yang Wei would save his worries and directly hired two people who were engaged in this field from the mainland coastal cities to take charge of this matter.

Zhang Qianjin's ugly words are ahead of him. If he has no money, he has to advance the capital and settle the general ledger after everything is done.

Yang Wei also stated in advance that he would only work for three years, leaving two years for Zhang Qianjin to pay off his debt during his five-year term.

Nowadays, there are many such things. A project that was obtained by an official through attracting investment was left unattended after he was transferred.

The original promise has also become a piece of waste paper, and only the enterprise is left complaining about the failure of heaven and earth, and finally can only close down helplessly.

Private enterprises have no backing, every penny is sweat and blood, and some people don't care about your life or death at all.

Regarding Yang Wei's plan, Zhang Qianjin could only smile bitterly. It was useless to shout slogans for many things. In fact, he relied on relationships. Without Zhang Qianjin, he would not have come here to invest even if Yang Wei was killed.

The cost of building a sea view room is only 2,000 yuan per square meter, which is still higher than the local housing price. How much would this price be even if it were all profit?

It's obvious that Yang Wei is half-selling and half-giving. Although he is his brother-in-law, after all, he has no such obligation, right?

However, the black girl was clever. After knowing the strength of Yang Wei's company, she pestered him every day to help her build a hotel. The bank loan had not yet come through, mainly because the people in the bank did not believe her.

Just like this, a little girl in a village wants to build a ten-story hotel when she gets a piece of land. Only a fool will give her money.

Yang Wei liked black girls quite a bit, and after being pestered several times, he came up with a plan. That is, he will participate in the shares, the black girl will buy the land, and he will take care of the construction.

But he has to account for 70% of the entire hotel. You know, the black girl and the others only spent less than one million to buy this land.

This is because the land originally belonged to their own village, but the nature of the land use was simply changed.

But to build a hotel, this little money is simply a drop in the bucket, which is why Yang Wei doesn't like to participate.

This is not the era in later generations where every inch of land is valuable. With land, everything comes. Today's land is not that valuable.

Especially in a remote town like Donghai City, the land value is negligible.

Yang Wei is a businessman. After several years of hard work, he has already passed the age where he can do anything when his head is hot.

In particular, the largest shareholder of this company is Ye Feng. Ye Feng believes in himself and when the company is handed over to him, he will naturally not be able to act recklessly.

The reason why he was willing to invest was that he saw the huge potential of this city. Otherwise, the investment value of so many coastal cities in the mainland would be higher than here.

The biggest advantage here is the temperature difference. The reason why people from Junken City love to come here is because they can wear shorts and take a bath in the sea on cold days.

Everyone is curious. If you go to the beach in the summer, people won't have that kind of surprise because the temperature is about the same.

The black girl discussed it with her men and agreed.

After things came to an end, Yang Wei dared to invest. After all, a hotel building is different from a residence. If the foundation is deeper and firmer, the number of floors can be increased.

After several discussions with the surveyors and designers of the Construction Committee, it was finally decided to build a thirty-story hotel here.

The city also allocated the beach adjacent to the hotel to them. This was naturally a lease, but a fifty-year contract was signed at once, and the first ten years were rent-free.

This beach naturally allows them to develop some entertainment projects on their own, such as sea surfing, sailing, motorboats and the like.

With this contract, Yang Wei felt psychologically at ease and began to mobilize his troops to work hard with Seaview Fang.

The temperature here is suitable and construction can be done all year round. The only disadvantage is that there is more rain and cement pouring is more troublesome.

After all, whether it is a brother company or a descendant company. Nowadays, all frame structures are used, and the construction technology is much more advanced than that of its peers.

After all, the beam and column components of the frame structure are easy to standardize and finalize, making it easy to adopt an assembled integrated structure.

When a cast-in-place concrete frame is used, the structural integrity and stiffness are better, and the beams or columns can be cast into various required cross-sectional shapes.

This also makes the construction progress much faster. Of course, the cost will be higher, but the quality is good!

The reason why Brother's buildings have a good reputation today is because of their quality.

Although Brother Real Estate is not currently the largest real estate company in China, it is No. 1 in terms of quality. If Brothers Real Estate is ranked second, no one would dare to be ranked first.

When Yang Wei and the others got involved in real estate, Ye Yuze only asked two things. First, the source of the land must be legal, and second, the quality of the houses must be excellent.

As for things like price and marketing methods, he never asked about it.

As for Yang Geyong, he didn't even ask. Throughout his life, he was used to doing whatever Ye Yuze asked him to do.

It's not that he is lazy, speaking of it, he is much more diligent than Ye Yuze. It's just because Ye Yuze makes so accurate every decision. Since he spent a long time thinking about it, but nothing is as accurate as others, only a fool would waste his brain cells.

Yang Wei's personality is similar to that of his father, and he does whatever Ye Feng tells him to do. This made Ye Feng have great trust in him.

Otherwise, the relationship between the two of them is not as strong as the relationship between their parents. Without absolute trust, business would not be so smooth.

There is a saying in China: "It's easy to do business, but hard to find a good partner."

What I mean is that partnership business is difficult to do. If you don’t have a deep personal relationship and are tied together just because of interests, then all your thoughts will be spent on internal fighting and quarrels, and how can you care about development?

Yang Wei knew his position very well, and he didn't have enough brains to do as he was told. Although Ye Feng now has bigger business to be busy with, Yang Wei is still used to asking for instructions early and reporting late.

Let Ye Feng always know all the company's trends at the first time.

When he told Ye Feng about the situation in Donghai City, Ye Feng only replied:

"Just decide for yourself!"

Yang Wei understood that the money was too little and Ye Feng didn't take it seriously at all, so he decided to practice his skills.

This incident made Zhang Qianjin extremely happy. Landmark buildings are now popular all over the country. This thing can best express political achievements.

So he set up a leadership group to help solve all the needs of his company.

In other words, today's Zizi Company will be given whatever they ask for in Donghai City, and no unit or individual may set up obstacles for them with any excuse or reason.

It's just a matter of care and attention. When many things are implemented, some accidents can always happen. Not only were the dozen or so large trucks that the hotel was preparing for today blocked on the small road at the urban-rural fringe.

The car on the route was too heavy and too big, crushing the roadside.

In fact, the trucks are also local vehicles, coming from nearby cement plants and steel plants to transport building materials.

What stopped them was a group of gangsters on the street. At this time, each of them was holding an iron rod in his hand and transformed into a righteous man. He stood in front of them and cursed, looking like he was willing to serve the people.

One driver was not convinced and argued with them for a few words, but was hit on the head with an iron rod. At this time, he was covering his head with a towel, and the blood flowed along the towel to the corner of his eyes.

Naturally, the black girl couldn't bear this tone and rushed over with the young people in the village to argue.

But then a group of people came over from the other side. They were all construction workers wearing hard hats and holding short sticks. They were more numerous than them.

After receiving the report, Zhang Qianjin was naturally anxious and immediately led people to rush over. However, the group of people didn't care at all. They just used the road being crushed as an excuse to prohibit the passage of large vehicles.

This matter is really tricky. The most you can do is arrest the guy who hit someone, but what about the others?

What they said is correct. These big trucks are plying here day and night. The highway has indeed been damaged, and the access of residents in this area has been affected.

Zhang Qianjin was obviously inexperienced in dealing with this kind of thing. He was stuck there for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Kong Xianfeng, who came after hearing the news, saw clearly the whole story with a glance. He pointed at a guy wearing a safety helmet and huddled in the crowd and shouted:

"Mo Laosi, come out!"

That Mr. Mo was hiding in the crowd and fanning the flames. He was the boss of Dingxin Construction Company, the same boss who was developing three buildings in the city.

Although his project is not big, it does require a lot of labor. For three six-story brick and concrete buildings, he actually used more than 400 workers.

This is not surprising. Brick and concrete is a backward construction technology. Very few mechanical equipment are used, and it is all manual work.

Therefore, construction sites used to be overcrowded, but after the new technology was adopted, several buildings were started at the same time, and there were not many people in sight.

Mo Laosi naturally knew Kong Xianfeng. As one of the few entrepreneurs in Donghai City, he still had many opportunities to meet local officials.

Seeing Kong Xianfeng calling him, he hesitated for a moment and then walked out.

Kong Xianfeng was not polite and asked directly:

"Don't say this has nothing to do with you. Tell me, what's going on?"

Mo Laosi looked at Kong Xianfeng's stern eyes and muttered timidly:

"Isn't this big car crushing the road? The people are quitting. I just came out to watch the excitement."

Kong Xianfeng smiled coldly: "You have so many workers coming out to watch the fun?"

Mo Laosi nodded hurriedly: "The leaders are wise. After they saw me coming out, they also came out to watch the fun."

Kong Xianfeng nodded: "Okay, then continue reading. Your construction site can be stopped. The quality of the project is not up to standard."

Mo Laosi trembled all over: "No, leader, I will take you back right now."

Kong Xianfeng ignored him at all. He picked up the phone and called the comrades of the Construction Committee:

"I have received your feedback about Dingxin Real Estate Company's cement grade and substandard steel. Please send someone immediately to verify the situation. Housing is people's livelihood and a century-old plan. We must pay attention to it!"

Mr. Mo's face turned pale and he was covered in chaff: "Leader, I was wrong. Please give me a chance to correct it."

Kong Xianfeng said coldly: "You have been given the opportunity a long time ago, but instead of repenting, you have intensified your efforts. Now you are so rampant that you are interfering with the construction of key projects in the city. You cannot shoulder this responsibility!"

Immediately, Kong Xianfeng stood up high and said loudly:

"The city will start the reconstruction and widening of this highway soon. If the economy wants to develop, some infrastructure must be renovated. Please don't lose the big for the small. The development of tourism will be of great benefit to our East China Sea. Naturally, everyone will benefit, right?"

In fact, many people just like to watch the excitement, after all, the incident does not affect their vital interests.

Now that the leader had spoken clearly, they dispersed.

The gangsters turned around and wanted to slip away along with the crowd. Kong Xianfeng pointed at them and said to the comrades from the Municipal Bureau:

"Catch all those who beat people and make trouble, and see what these people have done? Who instigated what happened today? We will never tolerate it!"

In fact, in front of the powerful dictatorial organs, these gangsters are like chickens and dogs.

And in some places, repeated bans are not caused by how powerful these guys are, but because they have great energy and understand everything.

Zhang Qianjin looked at the old secretary with admiration, stepped forward and thanked:

"Thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do today?"

Kong Xianfeng patted him on the shoulder:

"You are very capable. Donghai City will have a new look after decades of old appearance under your leadership. Go ahead and do it, my old man will protect you!"

Zhang Qianjin's eyes were filled with warmth. Most of the old secretary's generation had a childlike sentiment, which he needed to learn.

With such strong support, the project went smoothly. Wang Shuqin specially allocated a sum of funds from the province to allow Donghai City to upgrade its infrastructure.

As a tourist city, city appearance is a key factor.

Who wants to come all the way to see a shabby little town?

And Zhang Qianjin did not want to build a community and a hotel and let Yang Wei go.

Sometimes the wool has to be pulled out by a sheep, who will make it obedient?

come on

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