Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2171 Ma Rong’s reflection

In 2011, the world's national conditions continued to undergo profound changes, and my country's economic and social development took on new stage characteristics.

Based on a comprehensive assessment of the international and domestic situation, my country's development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities where great achievements can be made. It faces both rare historical opportunities and many foreseeable and unforeseen risks and challenges.

We must enhance our awareness of opportunities and worries, proactively adapt to environmental changes, effectively resolve various contradictions, and work harder to advance my country's reform, opening up, and socialist modernization.

From an international perspective, peace, development, and cooperation are still the trend of the times. The world is becoming multipolar and economic globalization is developing in depth. The world's economic and political landscape has seen new changes. Scientific and technological innovation has given birth to new breakthroughs. The international environment is generally conducive to my country's peaceful development.

At the same time, the international financial crisis has had a far-reaching impact, the world economic growth has slowed down, the global demand structure has changed significantly, and competition around markets, resources, talents, technology, standards, etc. has become more intense.

Global issues such as climate change, energy resource security, and food security have become more prominent, various forms of protectionism have risen, and the external environment for my country's development has become more complex.

We must insist on taking a broader perspective, observe calmly, respond calmly, coordinate the domestic and international situations, grasp our new position in the global economic division of labor, and actively create new advantages in participating in international economic cooperation and competition.

From a domestic perspective, industrialization, informatization, urbanization, marketization, and internationalization have developed in depth, per capita national income has steadily increased, economic structural transformation has accelerated, market demand potential is huge, capital supply is abundant, the overall level of science and technology and education has improved, and the quality of the labor force has improved. , the infrastructure is increasingly improving, the vitality of the system has been significantly enhanced, the government's macro-control and ability to deal with complex situations has been significantly improved, and the overall social situation has remained stable, we are fully qualified to promote economic and social development and comprehensive national strength to a new level.

At the same time, we must be soberly aware that the problems of unbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable development in our country are still prominent.

Mainly, resource and environmental constraints on economic growth have been strengthened, the relationship between investment and consumption is unbalanced, the income distribution gap is large, scientific and technological innovation capabilities are not strong, the industrial structure is unreasonable, the agricultural foundation is still weak, urban and rural regional development is uncoordinated, and total employment pressure and Structural contradictions coexist, the pressure of rising prices increases, social contradictions increase significantly, and there are still many institutional obstacles that restrict scientific development.

We must scientifically judge and accurately grasp development trends, make full use of various favorable conditions, speed up the resolution of outstanding contradictions and problems, and concentrate on running our own affairs well.

In response to these specific circumstances, the country's "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" was finally released. In the Standing Committee Meeting Room of Junken City, Ma Rong led everyone to study the core content of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan in detail.

In fact, many problems do not exist in Junkencheng, especially the rural issues, which Junkencheng can solve best, because employees who own land not only get rent, but also have their own jobs, so their income is more than ordinary workers.

As for global economicization, Junken City is at the forefront of the country. At the very least, compared to the exports of southern provinces and cities that take advantage of their population, Junken City's exports are purely technical exports. This model is equivalent to that of developed countries. mode.

Regarding the climate issue, it is also an issue that Ma Rong wants to discuss in detail. A series of problems caused by the so-called greenhouse effect exist in Junken City. This is the key reason why Ma Rong and Zhao Ling'er insist on controlling the scale of the city.

Now that the central government has included this matter in the 12th Five-Year Plan, it also supports Ma Rong and the others' views in disguise.

There was a bit of silence in the venue. Although they all had their own ideas, the general trend was that no one would be stupid enough to confront them.

Ma Rong cleared her throat: "The principles we adhered to in the previous paragraph are now proven to be correct. I suggest that the scale of the land that was just auctioned can be reduced. Of course, I don't want to take it back. I mean less Build some houses and increase the green area.”

Ma Rong's words made the following people noisy. To be honest, the housing area of ​​the family homes of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government was not large except for the top few people.

The opening of Junken International City has solved the urgent needs of many people. After all, we all have children, and everyone wants to enjoy family happiness. How about a bigger house and a lively and lively family life?

Ma Rong's suggestion was undoubtedly to obliterate the ideal that had just been realized, so some people began to oppose it.

Ma Rong looked at Zhao Ling'er. Zhao Ling'er did not support her as usual this time. After all, her son's company belonged to her son, and she would retire soon. She didn't want to have to deal with these things in the last few years of her term. Son, what gap is created between mother and son?

After all, the auction prices of these pieces of land are too high, and the reduction of residential area will naturally affect the company's profits, and may even lose money. Faced with such an outcome, how could Zhao Ling'er not worry?

Ma Rong saw so many people objecting, but she had no intention of giving up her principles. She is the leader and must stick to what she believes is right.

She wanted to communicate with Zhao Ling'er after the meeting, and finally reached a consensus. If the two of them agreed, she would not take into account no matter how loud the opposition was.

Because there are too many people who oppose it, and these people are not purely motivated by their own selfish interests, the shortage of housing has indeed become a serious problem hindering the development of Junchen City.

After the meeting, Ma Rong followed Zhao Ling'er towards her office. Zhao Ling'er knew what she meant by coming. In fact, she also wanted to have a good communication with Ma Rong.

When they came to the office, Yifei poured tea for them. Yifei's belly was already obvious. Ma Rong couldn't help but smile every time she saw her.

Time flies by so fast, as if yesterday I followed Ye Yuze into a cave to fry bears. Today his grandson is about to be born, and she becomes Ayi Jiang's mother-in-law. Retirement is about to happen.

My parents, who are very active, now stay in the rehabilitation center with their uncles and aunts all day long. When winter comes, they dare not let them out because there is a constant temperature all year round, a sunroom, and evergreen vegetation all year round.

Thinking of all this, she, who had been so ambitious just now, suddenly didn't want to talk to Zhao Ling'er anymore, so she just exchanged a few words and left.

Zhao Ling'er had been working with her for many years, so she knew this old guy very well, and he didn't stop her. There were many things that didn't need to be said.

Just after returning to the office, Yu Guilan came. She seemed to have a lot to say, but she never spoke.

The two have been best friends since childhood, living and eating together. Ma Rong is strong and Yu Lan is gentle, so their personalities complement each other, and this friendship has been maintained to this day.

Seeing Yu Lan's hesitant expression, Ma Rong smiled. Her best friend had never violated her opinion in her life, and it seemed that she was going to make an exception today.

"If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you so annoying?"

Ma Rong cursed a few times angrily. There was no need to be polite between them, even if their status was not low now.

Ye Qianqian angrily put two cups of tea on the table, turned around and left. Ma Rong cursed angrily:

"I called you here to help with the work, not to see you embarrassed. If you want to do it, if you don't want to do it, don't come in. No one will need you to serve!"

Yu Lan burst out laughing and pointed at Ye Qianqian's back:

"Does it look like you when you were young?"

Ma Rong scolded angrily with a straight face: "If I hadn't seen that she was pregnant, I would have had to educate her!"

"Pregnant?" Yu Lan's eyes were filled with confusion. They all knew that the couple was divorced, so how could she be pregnant? With whom?

Everyone knows that Ye Qianqian took Wang Yifan in for one night, could it be...?

Ma Rong didn't feel comfortable commenting on this matter, so she quickly changed the topic:

"You came to me about the house, right? I know your family also bought a house."

Yu Lan smiled bitterly: "You can buy whatever you want. Wei Jiang and Malu were given a set by their boss."

Ma Rong said "Ah" and then couldn't help but laugh: "Tsk tsk, this boss is not here for nothing. He has only been back for a few years, and these two children are much richer than us."

Yu Lan also smiled bitterly: "Isn't it true? What I haven't been able to do in half my life, my child has done it by himself. He is only sixteen this year."

Ma Rong patted Yu Lan on the shoulder: "Tell me, did what I did go too far?"

Yu Lan nodded: "You cannot change things that have been decided. That will affect your credibility. You must know that every decision you make does not represent yourself."

Ma Rong closed her eyes and shook her head vigorously: "Isn't this the spirit from above?"

Yu Lan and Ma Rong looked at each other: "Energy conservation and emission reduction does not mean that there is no development. We can control the number of polluting companies, but we can also minimize pollution? Isn't that what Ye Yuze has always done?"

"But didn't he express different opinions?" Ma Rong was naturally a little unconvinced.

Yu Lan hates the fact that iron cannot be made into steel: "What else do you want him to say? He is the largest private enterprise owner in Junken City. He controls almost half of the production capacity in Junken City. Now most of his companies are in other places or abroad. Why is this? ? Do you insist on waiting for him to move the headquarters of Special Steel, Junken Mechanical and Electrical and Warrior Automotive?"

Ma Rong was stunned for a moment, her face turned pale, and she murmured: "I didn't want to squeeze him out of Junken City?"

"He is the owner of a private enterprise, and you are the spokesperson of the government. As a result of your status, you can no longer talk about everything like you did when you were young. But you have to understand one thing. No matter where his company moves, the policy preferences given to him will be better than those here. big."

Yu Lan's words gave Ma Rong a blow, and she felt a little stupid. Did he really almost drive away the man who built Junken City?

Looking at her watch, Ye Yuze must still be sleeping at this moment. Ma Rong decided to postpone this matter for a while. Even if he served as an official, even if it did not benefit one party, he could not delay it.

"Thank you Lanzi. I'm still an old friend for your thoughtfulness. I've become a bit self-willed in recent years, and my communication with my friends has become less and less. If I continue like this, I really don't know what will happen?"

Looking at Ma Rong's sincere eyes, Yu Lan was also a little emotional:

"Actually, you are already very good. You have been in Junken City for so many years. You have no selfish motives and have worked conscientiously for the development of Junken City. There are not many leaders like you."

Ma Rong shook her head in shame: "I just discovered today that Zhao Ling'er disagrees with me on some things. Okay, let's not talk about it for now and go out for a walk with me."

Ma Rong decided to go deep into the streets, go shopping like ordinary people, and listen to the voice of Lao Bai. Yu Lan readily agreed.

Yida Building is the most prosperous place in Junken City today. Of course, Minzu Street is also lively, but there are more food there, because it is already winter, and Yida Building is warm inside, and there are all kinds of businesses gathered there. Naturally it has become a shopping paradise.

In addition, there are not only various shops in the building, but also many things for children to play. Junken City is a young city, and its biggest feature is that there are many children.

As a business, as long as it can attract children, then you have more than half of the success. What's more, there are movie theaters and KTVs, places that young people like.

Ma Rong came here once when Yida opened. She cut the ribbon as a guest and walked around in a symbolic circle. She never imagined that this place would be so lively.

When I turned to a go-kart stall, I saw many people queuing up. Neither Ma Rong nor Yu Lan had seen this thing before, so they stood there and watched curiously.

The chatter of several parents lining up for their children caught their attention.

Long-haired man: "I heard that Junken International City is going to downsize, right? What about those who have already paid in advance?"

Short-haired man: "Bah, those leaders are causing trouble again. They are aloof all day long and don't know the sufferings of the people. We have so many places in northern Xinjiang. Do we need to control the housing area?"

Woman in red: "Anyway, I've already paid the money. If they don't give me a house, I'll go to their company to block the door. I might as well not buy it from anyone."

Long-haired man: "I don't know why they are so conservative. After the house is sold, we have a big house to live in, and the taxes have also increased. Isn't this a win-win situation?"

Short-haired man: "Haven't you noticed over the years? Not only housing, so many factories have been turned away and moved to local development zones. How inconvenient is it? If Mr. Ye and the others were in power, how could this happen? What's the matter? It's for environmental protection."

Girl in yellow: "What do you know? The higher-ups also have their considerations. Environmental pollution is severe. Like the mainland, we breathe smog every day and drink unclean water, and our life spans will be shortened."

Short-haired man: "If you're afraid of going back to primitive society, slash-and-burn farming, everything is purely natural, but can it feed so many people?"

Long-haired man: "Yes, society is developing. If you want to make progress, you have to sacrifice something. How about strict control? Look at the many factories in our military reclamation city. Isn't it still blue sky and white clouds?"

Short-haired man: "They are just afraid of taking responsibility. They don't seek merit but seek no fault. These people should have retired long ago. They just stand in the pit and don't shit."

Yu Lan's eyes widened and she wanted to go up and argue with them, but Ma Rong quietly stopped her.

Her heart was in turmoil, and although her words were unpleasant, they were still to the point. The phrase "not seeking merit but seeking no faults" really hits the mark.

Thank you guys, you are so annoying. If you try again, I will enter the top three.

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