Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2130 Pirates also have ideals

Looking at this familiar room, Yang San didn't even throw away his water glass, and the skeleton felt a little complicated.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?" Yang San pressed his fingers, and his joints made a "pop" sound.

The skeleton was not afraid this time, but put forward his suggestion very calmly:

"Master, since you have no plans to leave for the time being, I think there should be a government here, and what you are doing is what a government is doing, even better than them."

Yang San's eyes flickered a little, but his expression was very calm. He was listening quietly.

Seeing Yang San's expression, Skeleton knew that he had made the right bet. It seemed that Sarah was not simple, right? Why hadn't I contacted him earlier?

"Master, I think you should be the mayor of this city. Only you can truly think about the people. They need you!"

The skeleton's voice gradually grew louder, obviously a little excited.

After a long silence, Yang San finally asked: "Do you really think so?"

The skeleton nodded firmly, "Yes, Master, no one can make this city prosper except you. I will fully assist you."

Yang San finally nodded: "Don't call me master in the future, just call me Mr. Yang. Just do whatever you want and let me see your ability!"

After leaving Yang San's house, the skeleton quickly came to the street and started walking through the streets. At the end of the day, he didn't care about his work, and the bayonet security guards didn't bother him, even though there were a lot of hygiene issues today. Unqualified place.

Three days later, many boxes were placed in the streets and alleys with the words "election boxes" written on them.

The people were organized and lined up in long lines to vote. There was a name written on each ballot, and that was Yang San.

Naturally, many people cannot read, but it is very convenient to have people who can read help them write their names.

In the end, the votes were tallied up. There were about 300,000 people in the city, and 200,000 votes were received. This was almost a full vote, because the rest were minors.

Today, power and communication facilities have been restored in Port Dante, so it is impossible to predict how many people in the country know about this matter, but some media in Marseille and South Africa reported it.

Soon, the Somali government also sent a representative to express its support for this matter and issued a letter of appointment to Yang San. However, when he left, he took 10,000 US dollars with him.

Looking at the brand new letter of appointment and his Suoguo citizen household registration, Yang San grinned.

Ye Feng couldn't help but praise: "Sure enough, everyone's success is not accidental. This skeleton is not simple!"

Yang San nodded: "I'm going to appoint him as the director of the tax bureau to help me manage money. We can't waste talents."

Ye Feng also expressed his approval seriously: "This person can be used."

The City Hall was naturally established by Yang San, and many of the bayonet security guards became employees of the City Hall and began to help Yang San handle government affairs.

Of course, all plans were designated by Ye Feng, and he did not hold any position. If there was someone who must be assigned to him, it would be as a consultant.

Shark raised his body and slapped his sore waist. The area he was responsible for was finally cleaned.

The cleaner's task is to clean once every morning, and then just make sure there is no garbage on the road at other times.

Even though they are just cleaners, they actually have great rights. They have the right to fine people who litter. If someone disobeys, they can report it to the bayonet security personnel and arrest them directly.

Nowadays, the men of Bayonet Security assume the responsibility of the police and are responsible for the security and everything in the entire city.

The reason why Shark came here was just to survive, so after bringing Yang San and the others here, he did not participate in the battle.

Afterwards, Yang San did as he wished and arranged a job as a cleaner for him. If there were no accidents in the future, he could live a normal life like this.

However, people's hearts are always restless. For example, the success of Skeleton gave him great inspiration.

He was already scared to his core about the power of bayonet security. To fight against this kind of thing, he would not do it even if he was beaten to death.

But since there is no way to fight, what if your own town also goes through this? Shark's heart suddenly became alive.

However, now that his power has been completely eliminated, if he wants to imitate the skeleton, he must naturally take advantage of his power, but how can he take advantage of this power?

He didn't dare to look for the skeleton. That guy hated him so much. If it weren't for him, he would still be king here.

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure out the reason, so I could only walk back to my residence silently.

For a homeless cleaner like him, the bayonet security team assigned him a place to live, which was a small house next to the public toilet. By the way, the public toilet was also cleaned every day.

At least there aren't dry toilets on this street, otherwise he would be able to bear such a hot day.

As soon as the sima was cooked for dinner, a pirate who once knew him came over. This guy was a peripheral member of the Skeleton Gang and had been to the sea.

The reason why I know sharks is because I have supported the majesty of sharks on the sea!

This kid wandered around Shark's house more than once, and Shark had chatted with him a few times because of his loneliness. After all, he had no friends in this city.

Seeing him coming, the shark waved to him. The guy ran over in a hurry. In fact, the main reason is that he has no food to eat. This guy is usually too lazy. After losing his job as a pirate, he is unwilling to work, so he can only eat everywhere.

"Hey, monkey, you're not eating less from me now. What do you think I should do in the future?"

Shark was also very bored, so he casually started chatting with this freeloader.

Monkey is not actually his name, but the shark named him that because he had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

At least this guy doesn't have any objections. As long as he gives you food, he can call him whatever he wants. Pick up a ball of sima from the pot, shape it into a ball with your fingers, then throw it into your mouth and eat it deliciously.

Africans have this unique skill. They can grab freshly cooked cornmeal from the pot and eat it without fear of burning their hands or mouths.

Then take a bite of the pickled dried fish. There is no shortage of seafood here. Because of the backward fishing technology and lazy people, just walking around the beach can be rewarding.

It's just that Africans have something similar to Chinese people, that is, they clearly separate staple food and non-staple food.

Europeans and Americans are somewhat opposite in this regard. Even though they have bread for every meal, bread is not a staple food, but a complementary food. Their staple food is meat.

The monkey ate a few mouthfuls of sima, and the hunger in his stomach was much better. Then he took a bite of dried fish, wiped his mouth, and asked as if he had a pearl of wisdom in his hand:

"Do you know who led the matter of Yang San becoming mayor?"

Shark said disdainfully: "Why should others take the lead? Now that he occupies Port Dante, why should he let others take the lead? Not to mention the mayor, he can be the president."

Monkey stretched out a finger and waved it in front of his eyes: "Mr. Shark, although you must be brave in battle, your IQ is not as good as my boss."

The shark looked at the monkey and wondered what he was talking about?

The monkey ate a few more mouthfuls of sima, and then he let out a long sigh of satisfaction and told the whole story. The shark's eyes suddenly lit up.

He originally thought that Yang San forced Skull to do this, but he didn't expect that the whole thing was led by Skeleton. Only then did he understand why Skull became the tax chief.

To become the leader of a party, it is impossible for Shark to not have some political wisdom. He just put things together and thought about it, and he understood the key to the matter. What Yang San wants is justifiable!

Although he can do all this without skeletons, the nature is definitely different. Once it becomes an international issue, it will be naked aggression.

As for the mayor who has become a Somali citizen and is elected by the people, who dares not to recognize it? The votes are all there.

Shark began to get excited, but what he wanted to solve now was the armed force. In the afternoon, he decided to discuss it with Yang San.

Now he has decided that he cannot go. You must complete this matter yourself, and then ask Yang San to accept it, so that you can be reused.

He looked up at the monkey and said, "Can you gather a group of brothers to follow me back to my place?"

The monkey is a smart man and he immediately understood what he was going to do? So he stood up and asked:

"What benefit can you give me?"

Shark smiled slightly: "No matter what position I hold, you will be my deputy, okay?"

The monkey grinned. His status was too low to benefit from the skeleton matter, but the shark was now a bare-bones commander and would definitely need to employ people in the future.

"Boss, are one hundred people enough? All of them are armed!"

The monkey immediately changed his name and put on a groveling look.

The shark patted him on the shoulder: "Hurry up and gather us. Let's take the water route and set off in the evening!"

The monkey turned around and left. He did have a group of people who couldn't get any benefits this time. There was no way, there were too many skeletons to take care of them.

In the middle of the night, Monkey led Shark to bypass the bayonet-protected gunboat and boarded the boat at a small pier.

These are two fishing boats. They are not small. After more than a hundred people got on board, they were not crowded at all. Taking advantage of the darkness, the fishing boat quietly sailed away from the pier...

Early the next morning, the newly appointed cleaning team leader found that a cleaner was missing and went to the residence to see if anyone was there.

The captain didn't care. There was no need to report such a trivial matter to anyone, so he found someone among his relatives to take his place.

The small town of Mocha is located in the eastern part of the country. Its geographical location is not important. Although it is close to the sea, the most important thing in this country is the coastline.

Ordinarily, such a country should have a developed economy. After all, international trade has been one of the most profitable industries since ancient times.

However, the various forces in Suo Kingdom are fighting against each other for their own selfish interests. Wars have continued for years, and the people have been living in dire straits.

The difference between this country and African countries is that the various forces are not composed of tribes, but composed of pirates, because pirates are the richest group in this country.

They divided the country into spheres of influence, but did not attack the capital.

The pirate activity area of ​​Suoguo is located under the jurisdiction of Suoguo, so it is called Suoguo pirates. However, Suoguo has been in civil war all year round, which has caused the government to have no time to crack down on pirates. Now, the government no longer has the strength to crack down on pirates. .

Pirate robbery has affected all countries, and many countries have cracked down on it. However, it is impossible to eliminate pirates at a small cost.

The sea area where pirates appear is located at the intersection of the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean. The sea conditions here are complex. Not only are the waterways narrow, but the surrounding coastal areas are densely covered with ports. Pirates can quickly get rid of entanglements and hide.

The government itself has long lost the ability to control the country due to the continuous civil war. The pirates are even more powerful than the government. The surrounding countries are also weak in national and military power and have no way to fight against the pirates.

Internationally, if you want to clean up pirates, you must also consider the issue of Somalia's national sovereignty. No country can easily enter other countries' territory to carry out military strikes.

Coupled with the fact that piracy operates in such an area where no one cares, many countries are unwilling to take more control and are worried about setting themselves on fire.

The reason why the Somalia government exists is because the politicians protect themselves wisely and have reached a tacit agreement with the pirates. If you don't care about me, I will recognize your existence.

Otherwise, once the pirates are angered and people unite, the strength of this government is really not enough.

When the time comes to form a country governed by a coalition of pirates, politicians will no longer have the space to exist. Therefore, they can only survive in the cracks.

Looking at the approaching coastline, Shark grinned. Mocha was the place where he was born and raised, and he was still very affectionate for this small town.

It’s been three months since I left in the blink of an eye. I wonder how my sister is doing? He felt a little hot in his heart, imagining what his sister would look like when she saw him.

His sister has been by his side for as long as he can remember. He has never had contact with living creatures like his parents, so his sister is his only relative and the woman he loves.

As the boat approached the shore, a group of fishermen who were about to go into the sea suddenly discovered sharks. They immediately screamed and ran ashore. Some of them ran slowly and jumped directly into the sea.

The shark laughed "haha". He enjoyed people's fear. This is the embodiment of strength.

Ignoring the fishermen, Shark hurried home with them. He was a little worried about his sister, although he knew that woman was stronger than anyone else!

Everyone he met along the way bowed humbly when they saw him. In fact, he understood that they were not saluting him, but the group of heavily armed pirates behind him.

Since there was no gate, Sha Sha saw his sister washing clothes in the yard from a distance. There were several men standing next to her. These people Sha Sha knew, and they were his former peripheral members.

These people were teasing their sister, and Shark could tell from their words that these clothes belonged to them, and her sister washed their clothes in exchange for some food.

When the shark walked into the yard, several people were frightened. They knelt down and kissed the shark's insteps. All of them had earth-colored faces, and their bodies were shaking like chaff.

I'm on a business trip these days, so I promise to keep updating.

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