Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2106 Disagreement

Chi Naer asked Liu Neng to come back just for the sake of the project team. This matter was originally under the control of agricultural companies.

The reason why I called Zhao Xin back was because I was unhappy. Zhao Ling'er's voice on the phone just now was obviously unhappy, and her tone wasn't very good either.

Chi Na'er is a person who can't stand anger. She can't disobey Zhao Ling'er, so it's okay to cause some trouble for these two little bastards.

"Liu Neng, the city asked you to set up a military reclamation pharmaceutical project team to specifically solve their land problems. From now on, the company will no longer advance funds to them, and will only be responsible for renting land as needed."

Liu Neng's eyes widened: "What the hell? Does it mean that we work for them? We have to find them as much as they want? Have they become my leader?"

Although Liu Neng was willing to help Junken Pharmaceutical, he was still somewhat resistant to setting up a department to serve others.

Naturally, he would not be happy if he had an independent company and went to work for another company.

"Do you want to do it or not? If not, go find Zhao Ling'er and stop making noise here."

Liu Neng shrank his neck and immediately stopped talking. Zhao Ling'er had absolute authority over Liu Neng.

Seeing that he was timid, Chi Na'er was still a little bit annoyed. She was her immediate boss, but she didn't have the majesty of others, but she could only give Liu Neng a hard look.

This matter is actually very simple for Liu Neng. It is nothing more than allocating a few people to an office.

Zhao Xin seems to have nothing to do with him? He asked timidly: "Boss, if nothing happens, I would like to take a few days off."

"Shut up, go down and inspect all the pastures immediately. It's hot in the summer, and livestock are prone to problems. If anything happens, I won't be able to spare you."

Zhao Xin followed Liu Neng and left. He really couldn't bear to leave Gulizar. But the wedding date has been set, it's October 1 this year, so I can only work first.

The pharmaceutical factory was very large and had several branches built. Liu Junken watched each workshop. Keep talking to people.

He did not resist the tasks assigned by Zhao Ling'er, and he thought she was doing the right thing, so he investigated in detail.

Zeng Rou followed him for one day and ran away the next day. Originally, the company had detailed data, but Liu Junken took it and just looked at it, and then did whatever he needed to do without taking the report seriously.

Zeng Rou didn't do anything about this kind of thing, so naturally she let him go. If he is not tired, what does it have to do with her?

However, Zeng Rou did not want to hide away from leisure, but followed Liu Junken's example and took root in the agricultural company.

She naturally understands what this project team means to Junken Pharmaceutical? Therefore, if you want to keep an eye on Liu Neng, you must choose the personnel well. Otherwise, the kid will definitely fool him.

Her worries were really not wrong at all. Liu Neng really didn't take this matter seriously.

Liu Neng, a capable person, was naturally reluctant to join the project team and kept it to expand his territory.

People who are just dawdling around, people still look down upon this group, what future can they have if they serve a company?

So Liu Neng simply found two aunts who were about to retire and two young people who had just started working, and gave them an office, and the project team was established.

In fact, for the company, this project team is nothing more than a brand and an official seal.

After Zeng Rou came, he was naturally dissatisfied. He dismissed the two aunties knitting sweaters and the two young men playing games.

Gritting his teeth, he kicked away Liu Neng's office and roared at Liu Neng, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and talking on his mobile phone:

"Are you trying to fool me? Just get a few cats and dogs and let them go?"

Glancing at Zeng Rou, who was undulating the murder weapon, Liu Neng got angry and cursed:

"Why are you shouting? My mother has breastfed me for more than a year, and you want to be a mother without doing anything?"

Zeng Rouqi rushed forward with a lunge, and Liu Neng jumped up with a "choke", his hands guarding his chest vigilantly:

"What are you doing? I'm a man of integrity, don't mess around!"

Zeng Rou looked at the kid's cheesy look and suddenly smiled. He teased:

"Emma, ​​you know you're keeping the festival for that Uighur girl, right? It's okay, we just got married, and they won't let you take responsibility."

After saying that, Zeng Rou continued to move forward with a shy look.

This behavior suddenly allowed Liu Neng to break through his defense. It seemed that he was still young. Compared with being shameless, he was really a little less mature.

Seeing Liu Neng calm down, Zeng Rou showed a proud smile on her face and threatened:

"Are you still embarrassed? If you have the guts, keep coming. Do you believe I can give you a shock in the office?"

"Sister, I'm convinced. If you ask me anything, I will definitely do it."

"In the future, you must personally participate in the affairs of Junken Pharmaceutical, and you must also serve as the director of this project team!"

Zeng Rou's purpose is very clear. Since you don't take Junken Pharmaceutical seriously, you will do everything yourself.

Zeng Rou still has great faith in Liu Neng's abilities. Since he took charge of the agricultural company, he has become much better than his father.

At least when it comes to the company's overall expansion and planning, no one in the entire Junken City can say "no".

Liu Neng hurriedly agreed, with an expression that said I will listen to you, finally satisfied Zeng Rou, and patted Liu Neng on the shoulder:

"This is a good boy. A good boy is obedient. Hurry up and continue the negotiation, and try to talk about a few more villages before it freezes."

Liu Neng shook his head: "Liu Junken is investigating at your place. Let's wait for him to give his conclusion, otherwise it will be useless for me to talk. Moreover, they are all land in the same county, so the contract can be signed together."

Zeng Rou gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do. She naturally knew that Liu Junken was looking for Ye Wancheng.

But now she naturally understands why Liu Junken came to the company. Ye Wancheng naturally has his influence, but the city also has its own rights.

If she still forced her way in now, people would probably do more than just research. To be honest, she is just a CEO and not irreplaceable.

Since there is no good way, we can only quickly manage the land we got. For this matter, she was actually very grateful to Liu Neng.

This time Liu Neng brought her not only land, but also a group of people who were good at growing medicinal materials, and she couldn't help but sigh.

Knowledge is certainly useful, but what is even more useful are the farmers who have been working on the land for a long time. They are the ones who truly use their own hands to continuously create miracles.

After surrendering to Liu Neng, Zeng Rou proudly walked away with her chest high. Not in the mood to waste time here, she wanted to go to the village to check on the civil construction situation.

Liu Junken's research was very detailed and very fast. But as the investigation deepened, the shock in my heart became greater and greater.

To be honest, if there were no restrictions, the development of Junken Pharmaceutical would be faster. And their biggest constraint now is the supply of raw materials.

The orders are there, the production capacity is there, but just because the land is lying flat, this is definitely unfair to a rapidly developing enterprise.

After finding out the situation, he quickly reported to Zhao Linger. Zhao Ling'er actually didn't care about the result. The reason why Liu Junken was asked to do this was because of the imbalance.

After finding out, Liu Junken had no intention of ending like this. Instead, detailed data was quickly disclosed at the meeting.

There was an uproar at the venue. The young people who had been promoted over the years were all enterprising and dissatisfied with the city's control over the direction of development.

Now that this direction has seriously affected the development of the company, this kind of thing cannot be ignored.

Next, the speeches were very enthusiastic. Although some people still supported Ma Rong and the others, conflicts had formed.

Ma Rong, who has always been enterprising, unexpectedly stuck to the established policy without any compromise. Several people in the team agreed with her, so the matter was shelved.

However, the problem of Junken Pharmaceutical has been completely solved. Although it is still dominated by agricultural companies, they have autonomy.

In fact, Ma Rong and the others have their own reasons for their persistence. Northern Xinjiang is a border province. The special geographical location and the nature of the corps determine its mission.

It's not that they should put down all their guard during peacetime, and they must complete what they should complete.

Although a large-scale modern industrial city will definitely take off economically, some things it brings also conflict with its own mission.

Therefore, Ma Rong and Zhao Ling'er decided to stick to their own principles. On the basis of ensuring development, stability is fundamental.

Because the team members were relatively united, the matter was not reported to the top. Junken City is still running on its original track.

Ye Yuji was flexing his muscles at this time. The original national highways were widened, and highways began to be built between some important cities.

You know, the most obvious feature of Northern Xinjiang is its vastness.

Unless the car travels from city to city for more than ten hours, it will not be obvious that it is Northern Xinjiang.

Although several road construction campaigns have greatly improved the roads throughout northern Xinjiang, the conditions are still much worse than those in the mainland.

At least there are a lot of gravel roads in the territory. The car will not only be bumpy when running on it, but also have trouble running. According to the words of the drivers:

People with weak stomachs often run on this kind of road. Even if you eat stones, you can digest them. You don’t have to move your stomach on your own. External forces can help you complete the task.

However, most of these road sections are in underdeveloped areas and do not have much transportation needs. Local people are also accustomed to a self-sufficient lifestyle.

However, with the deepening of reform and opening up, occlusion has become a fetter that affects development. The most direct way to break this fetter is to build roads.

The country also invested a lot in this area. There was a slogan that everyone knew at that time.

“If you want to get rich, build roads first.”

The reason why Ye Yuji was able to take office with special funds was also due to this east wind. Coupled with her resolute and resolute character, the road construction movement began with great vigor as soon as she took office.

Although the terrain in Northern Xinjiang is relatively flat compared to other border provinces, this is only a relative term.

After all, there are the Altai Mountains in the north, the Kunlun Mountains in the south, and the Tianshan Mountains in the middle. Each of these major mountain ranges is a famous mountain range, and none of them can be compared with those scenic mountains for climbing and fun.

The Altai Mountains are distributed to the north of the Irtysh River, with the eastern section in Mongolia and the southern slope of the mountain range in northern Xinjiang.

It runs from northwest to southeast and is about 500 kilometers long. The mountain is low and the ridgeline is about 3,000 meters above sea level.

The Kunlun Mountains in southern Northern Xinjiang are distributed on the southern edge of the Tarim Desert. From west to east, they include: the Pamir Plateau in China, the Karakoram Mountains between Northern Xinjiang and Kashmir, and the Kunlun Mountains mainly between Northern Xinjiang and Xinjiang.

The Tianshan Mountains in the central part of northern Xinjiang have overlapping and majestic peaks that run east-west and separate the Junggar and Tarim basins.

With a total length of 2,500 kilometers, it is one of the tallest mountain systems in Asia.

The western section of the Tianshan Mountains is in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The middle and eastern sections in northern Xinjiang are about 1,700 kilometers long and 200-300 kilometers wide. They are composed of three parallel folded mountains.

The mountain is thin and high at the east bottom, and the mountain is broad. The ridgeline is more than 4,000 meters above sea level.

For road construction, these three mountains are no different from natural chasms. It is impossible to build a road by opening one or two tunnels.

Due to technical and equipment reasons, the previous roads were basically winding roads, but this obviously extended the distance a lot and deviated from the original intention of building roads. Therefore, Ye Yuji was ready to gnaw on a hard nut.

The first is the Tianshan Mountains. This mountain range crosses the central part of Northern Xinjiang. It single-handedly divides Northern Xinjiang into two halves: the Tarim Basin in the south and the Junggar Basin in the north.

This requires the construction of north-south transportation across the Tianshan Mountains.

In ancient times, our country once built more than 20 ancient roads across the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains deep in the Tianshan Mountains. Among them, there were 9 north-south passages across the Tianshan Mountains in the eastern section of the Tianshan Mountains alone.

But now many historical ancient roads through the Tianshan Mountains have disappeared, and no trace of the ancient roads can be found. Currently, there are only four relatively famous Tianshan ancient roads left.

The ancient Wusun Road: the ancient Wusun Kingdom - Qiuci Kingdom (Tekes - Kuqa), the Xiate Ancient Road: the ancient Wusun Kingdom - the ancient Wensu Kingdom (Zhaosu - AKS); the Baishui Stream Road: the ancient city of Jiaohe ——The ancient city of Wulabo (TLF—southern suburb of WLMQ); Cheshi Ancient Road: Xizhou—Tingzhou (TLF City to JMSE County).

More than 2,000 years ago, the Cheshi Kingdom was divided into the "Cheshi Front Kingdom" (today's TLF area) and the "Cheshi Rear Kingdom" (today's Jimusar area).

Due to the Tianshan Mountains blocking the two places, over the past two thousand years, with the exchange of trade between the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, a "Cheshi Ancient Road" with a mountainous distance of about 50 kilometers and an average altitude of 2,500 meters has gradually formed.

The scenery along this ancient trail is particularly beautiful. You can see snow-capped mountains, pine forests, grasslands, mountain streams, streams and other beautiful scenery. It is called one of the most beautiful hiking routes in the country by travelers.

However, there are currently only 4 north-south roads across the Tianshan Mountains in the road network in northern Xinjiang, namely the famous Duku Highway (Dushanzi-Kucha), and the Duku Highway was once part of the Wusun Ancient Road;

The section of G30 (G314) from WLMQ to TLF; the section of G216 from WLMQ to Korla; the provincial highway S238 that goes through Qijiaojing to Mulei.

As for railways, there is currently only one railway line connecting the north and the south. This is the Southern Xinjiang Railway, which was fully connected on December 6, 1999. However, 23 years have passed, and both the Northern Xinjiang Railway Loop and the Southern Xinjiang Railway Loop have been fully formed. .

There is still only one railway across the Tianshan Mountains. This obviously cannot meet the needs of the current economic and social development in northern Xinjiang.

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