Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2103 Curve to save the country

Chi Na'er and Ruyi rushed back to Junken City on the afternoon of the next day, and the tractor was delivered to Alken's house on the third day.

Then it was time to discuss the wedding. It was not Ruyi who was anxious, but Chi Naer who was anxious.

There is no other way. The two little bastards are now living in other people's homes and refuse to come back.

But Chi Na'er also had a surprise, that is, she learned from Liu Neng that there was a medicine field in the village of Alken.

In other words, there are people in the village who have been growing medicinal materials, which is rare in northern Xinjiang. You must know that the medicinal materials in northern Xinjiang are all collected wild.

In later generations, with the increasing degree of agricultural mechanization, the cultivation of various crops was also unified. Including traditional Chinese medicine.

But this does not mean that all things must be wild, or that things made with pesticides and chemical fertilizers must be harmful to the human body.

Everything has two sides, let’s talk about food. Those things are used to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, and to increase production.

Of course, there are also some people who use more than the standard, either because they don’t understand it, or because they are greedy for profit, which is another story.

In fact, the same is true for traditional Chinese medicine. As a pharmaceutical factory, it is best for the traditional Chinese medicine they need to be grown, because the variety and quality are relatively uniform, and they are more suitable for large-scale extraction.

However, wild medicinal materials vary in quality from good to bad. After all, they are not suitable for eating raw or refining.

People in every place have their own way of life. The same is true for the Uighurs. They not only have their own culture and food. He also has his own unique experience in treating diseases.

Uighur medicine, Mongolian medicine, and Tibetan medicine all have many good methods and prescriptions for treating endemic diseases. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, this has become a research topic in my country's medical field.

As the manager of an agricultural company, how could Liu Neng not know this? Therefore, from the moment I saw the medicine field, I had already started thinking about it.

After the wheat harvest is over, the land will be idle, because the winter in northern Xinjiang is long and only one season of food can be grown a year.

Seeing this situation, Liu Neng asked Alken to discuss whether he could plant medicinal materials on the land and reclaim more wasteland to grow medicinal materials.

Alken looked at Liu Neng like a fool, and suddenly had doubts about his daughter marrying this man.

He wants to farm this winter. Is he crazy? What plants can survive in the ice and snow?

Seeing that his father-in-law's eyes were getting worse and worse, Liu Neng was still a little confused and continued to urge:

"Uncle, is it possible? Just tell me quickly so that I can make arrangements. When the weather gets colder, there will be nothing else to do."

Alken looked at his daughter who was clinging to Liu Neng's side, and finally sighed:

"The crop land cannot be occupied. It is the ration of the villagers. As for the wasteland, you can do whatever you want. I will ask the villagers to start mowing the grass tomorrow, and then you can do whatever you want."

Alken understood that he had been careless. He seems to be a very smart kid, but it turns out that his mental retardation only shows up at critical moments.

However, the two daughters are definitely inseparable at present, and it is useless to say so. At any rate, Zhao Xin is still normal, and having a normal one is not a loss.

Hearing Alken finally agreed, Zhao Xin jumped up:

"Liu Neng, have you taken all of it? I still want a part of it!"

Liu Neng cursed angrily: "Find a place by yourself. There is only so much land in the village, and you still want to rob it from me?"

When Zhao Xin looked at his father-in-law pitifully, Alken stroked his forehead and said, "It's not going to work anymore. He has a headache and needs to rest." Need to consider whether to kick these two lunatics out of the house?

Because of the busy farming schedule, most of the young people in the village are at home. Everyone listened to Alken's words, and a large-scale lawn mowing activity began.

Because the land is fertile, the grass here grows very luxuriantly. It is not the kind of grass that grows close to the land in movies and TV shows.

The grass here is half as tall as a person in bad places, but in good places it can drown you if you go in alone.

The big scythe used for cutting grass is actually an enlarged version of the small scythe, but the angle is slightly different.

The man stood there, waving a sickle that was taller than himself. When the sickle was swung out, a piece of grass fell down.

Immediately afterwards, someone started to bundle them, and then transported them to the drying field to dry and then bundle them again. Too much moisture will cause them to rot easily.

Liu Neng and Zhao Xin did not participate this time. After signing a land lease contract with the village, they returned to Junken City.

Pharmaceutical companies have been asking for land from them for a day or two, but the company has never given them land.

There is no other way. Do the raw materials for several factories within the company still need to be purchased outside? They are all food, and it is very troublesome to purchase raw materials. The main reason is that quality is difficult to grasp.

Therefore, when a company expands, it is natural that the leased land must first satisfy its own factory.

Wineries, food factories, dairy products factories and meat processing factories are all big land grabbers.

As their business gets better and better, they are constantly expanding their production capacity, and what they need most to expand their production capacity is naturally land and raw materials.

As for the pharmaceutical factory, since it is a three-party joint venture, the Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Corporation’s support is naturally not as strong. After all, the factory within the company is the main thing.

The money you make is all your own, and the money you make needs to be divided into three aspects. Which one is more important? If you are not stupid, you will know how to choose.

Despite this, Liu Neng was still under a lot of pressure. Unlike Chi Naer and others, Liu Neng attaches great importance to Junken Pharmaceutical Group.

Their generation's vision is much further than that of the previous generation, and they understand that only by going global can products achieve real development.

Junken Pharmaceutical is another business card of Junken City to the world. In a sense, it is as important as the warrior car.

However, although he is the manager of an agricultural company, there is also the municipal government, the Agriculture Bureau, and Chi Naer as the general manager, so there is not much land that he can make decisions about.

Therefore, since taking office, he has not solved many problems for Junken Pharmaceutical, and he has been criticized several times by Junken Pharmaceutical for this reason.

Junken Pharmaceutical is relatively independent. They grow medicinal materials and do not let people from agricultural companies interfere. Just contract the land from them.

Naturally, they want to ensure the quality of the products and are afraid that people in agricultural companies will not understand.

But it is also for this reason that the land that agricultural companies have finally leased is subletted by them at a very low profit, which is not much better than working in vain. This is why companies don't want to take care of them.

Originally, with Ye Ling and Ye Ling's reputation, no one would give them a hard time, but now that Ye Ling has retired and his successor is a doctor from Tangcheng Medical University, the relationship is much worse.

This doctor is also a beautiful woman named Zeng Rou. She once studied in the UK. After obtaining her degree, she returned to China resolutely and then applied for a job at Junken Pharmaceutical.

The reason why she came here to apply was actually because a teacher from her alma mater found her, and she knew the reputation of Junken Pharmaceutical, so she agreed.

When the pharmaceutical factory was originally established, it was a three-way joint venture between Junken City, Tangcheng Medical University, and Harvard Medical School.

Junkencheng is only responsible for the factory buildings and planting bases, while Tangcheng Medical University and Harvard Medical School are responsible for all equipment and technical personnel.

Over the years, the original pharmaceutical factory has become a pharmaceutical group, and Ye Wancheng has a soft spot for this place.

Today, Junken Pharmaceutical has become a well-known multinational pharmaceutical company in the world and is developing very well. Therefore, the demand for land is increasing.

However, due to the size limitations of Junken City and the amount of land there is, the gap in Junken Pharmaceutical is getting bigger and bigger.

After several fruitless negotiations with Junken City, Zeng Rou also tried to develop a base elsewhere.

In fact, the climate in Northern Europe is similar to that in Northern Xinjiang, but there are too many restrictions there, and labor is expensive. The main reason is that people there don't like to work, and they don't have the consciousness to be farmers at all. They don't give you overtime during busy farming seasons. It just can't be done.

The most bizarre thing is that the local government also has strict restrictions on land cultivation. Traditional Chinese medicine, something that is inexplicable to them, is checked all day long.

If a group of people gathered around your medicine field all day long to study, Zeng Rou would naturally be discouraged, decisively stop her plan, and come back to fight with Junken City.

There's no way around it. The soil and water support the people, especially for companies like theirs that rely on land. Without the soil and climate here, the things they grow will be compromised.

Zeng Rou is very powerful. She did not take over the company after Ye Ling retired, but only took office four years ago.

She initially served as the manager of the European branch. Because of her superior abilities, she was recalled to the head office as the CEO after the previous general manager resigned.

When she first took office, she had several conflicts with Chi Naer, and they even made trouble in the city.

But Chi Na'er didn't care about her at all. When she arrived in the city, Zhao Ling'er's attitude was naturally obvious.

In desperation, Zeng Rou had no choice but to keep making trouble for Liu Neng. People are like this. If you don't bully your own people, you can't do anything about them. You can only bully those you can bully.

The reason Liu Neng was willing to be bullied was because he had a higher vision than Chi Naer and the others.

Therefore, even though Zeng Rou was harsh to him, he had always endured it honestly. And he is also trying his best to help solve the problem.

However, the principle of Junken City not to expand was like a chain, strangling his neck tightly, making him unable to use it even if he had the strength to do so.

This time I hit it off with Alken, not only because he coveted his daughter, but also because he saw his medicine field.

Since they can grow medicinal materials, he is sure to contract the land. The ethnic people here have a lot of land, and the policies are skewed.

Each member of the Corps has sixty acres of land, and there are even more of them.

There are more than 2,000 acres of idle land in Alken Village. Now Liu Neng does not take this land seriously. He wants to explore a way for military reclamation and pharmaceuticals.

Junken Pharmaceutical is just a pharmaceutical company, and it relies entirely on the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Corporation for land development and leasing.

They grow their own medicinal materials. In fact, they only send technicians to guide the people in the agricultural company. Otherwise, where would they get so many people?

As for letting them rent and contract land on their own, let’s not say whether they have the qualifications or not. Just dealing with the common people is enough for them.

But because Junken City itself has shares, they have refused to give up profits in land cultivation, which is why Chi Na'er is unwilling to deal with them.

According to Chi Naer's logic, Junken Pharmaceutical is a parasite on them, only taking but not giving.

Because of the climate, the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine also requires greenhouses. You can't just leave the medicinal materials in the ice and snow for half a year. They will sprout on their own in the spring, right?

Some medicinal materials require years, because the longer the year, the longer the effectiveness of the medicine, so if you plant one crop, it may take several years to harvest.

The only solution is to build a shed for warmth in the winter, close it up in the summer, and repeat this cycle for several years.

Such medicinal materials are extremely wasteful of land and costly, and are even more unpopular with agricultural companies.

This time Liu Neng is planning to let Junken Pharmaceutical directly participate in the land contract. He can send people to develop the land and build greenhouses. But Junken Pharmaceutical has to pay for it itself.

There is no way, Chi Na'er will definitely not approve the early investment, which also conflicts with the city's plan.

Back in the city, Liu Neng went directly to Zeng Rou. Zeng Rou was not pretty, but definitely not ugly. Especially those eyes, so watery that they could drown you.

But a person with such eyes has a strong personality. From time to time, a fierce light emerges from the lake water, which is always scary.

Her figure is very "outstanding". I don't know if it is because of the supplement of foreign diet. Anyway, if you look at it from the front and back, it forms a somewhat exaggerated S-shape.

And Zeng Rou likes to wear more close-fitting professional attire. So basically whenever a man meets her, he can't help but let his eyes wander for a while.

Knocking on the door and entering the house, Zeng Rou saw him, and the lake in her eyes began to show a fierce light again.

Liu Neng quickly made a pause gesture, then sat down on her desk, and asked a question before she could get angry:

"Two thousand acres of land, how about a yearly rent of 60?"

Zeng Rou's raised eyebrows immediately lay down. She didn't care that Liu Neng violated the taboo of sitting at her table, grabbed his arm and said eagerly:

"Where are you? If you dare to lie to me, I will never end it with you!"

Liu Neng used to be afraid of this woman. Well, actually he didn't regard her as a woman. I should say similar.

Strictly speaking, Liu Neng actually regarded all women as similar in the past. There was nothing he could do about it. He came to the realization late and failed to appreciate the "goodness" of women.

Therefore, Liu Neng did not hide away, but also moved forward:

"I lied to you, I'm a donkey!"

Zeng Rou frowned slightly: "Shouldn't you be lying to me that you are a dog?"

Liu Neng pouted: "I'm not good at tools, please don't insult me. I'm the son of Northern Xinjiang."

I have been quarreling with a beautiful woman among five or six people. The key person has not been released yet. Come on, brothers, we are comrades in arms.

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