Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2098 Two young men

Therefore, even though Aruhan was beaten to the ground like a stone, the two younger brothers did not choose to take action.

Zhao Xin is an honest man. Although he has very strong business ability, he has never seen anything like fighting or falling in love, let alone experience.

Therefore, when the conflict first occurred, he was frightened. But for some reason, the girl behind Gulizana immediately caught his eye, making it impossible for him to look away.

In fact, although this girl is beautiful, she is definitely not stunning, and she is even inferior to Gulizana next to her.

But people are all about eye contact, especially a bookworm like Zhao Xin. This girl's fear and panic at this moment suddenly aroused the spirit in Zhao Xin's bones.

After all, he is a son of the Corps. Although his character is cowardly, he still has that unyielding violence factor in his blood.

I saw him yelling, turning the bench at his feet, and smashing it towards a guy who was close to Gulizana.

"Bang!" "Oh my god!"

After a scream, the guy covered his head and shook it a few times, then fell to the ground.

Zhao Xin took up the bench again and rushed towards the frightened guy at the end.

After a moment of hesitation, the guy turned around and ran away. He was frightened by this frail scholar with glasses and a twisted expression.

After Liu Neng threw Aruhan to the ground, he saw him struggling to get up, so he stepped forward and picked him up again, and then slapped him hard again.

Aruhan really couldn't move this time, he covered his buttocks and screamed on the ground. shouted:

"No fight, no fight, you don't follow the rules, you have to wait for me to get up before you can fight."

"Fuck, do you think I'm going to wrestle with you again? You bastard, you won't fight if you say you won't?"

Liu Neng muttered and picked up Aruhan again.

"I'm convinced, so I won't hit the head office, right?"

Aruhan began to beg for mercy this time, with pitiful little eyes, and finally made Liu Nengcai stop taking action.

"What a coward. You come to Junken City to cause trouble like this. Get lost. If I see you again, I'll beat you every time I see you!" Liu Neng scolded angrily.

Aruhan took his two younger brothers and ran away without looking back. At this time, the boss shouted anxiously:

"Don't run away. What should I do with my table and stools?"

Zhao Xin took out two hundred yuan and threw it over: "Hurry up and exchange it. Is the money enough? Plus the face money of the two girls."

The boss smiled and took the money, nodded and went to make noodles. He was busy with business and had no time to bargain.

Liu Neng looked at his partner strangely and found that this person was completely different today. He actually had an aura of awe-inspiringness about him.

After Zhao Xin gave the money, he said to the girl with the mole between her eyebrows:

"You guys can eat some noodles and call me if you need anything."

After saying that, he stood behind the girl and didn't leave, like a bodyguard. It seems that he is powerful and invincible.

Liu Neng couldn't help but laugh. No matter how stupid he was, he still understood that this nerd was attracted to this Uighur girl.

At this time, Gulizana came over and looked at Liu Neng with admiration.

"My name is Gulizana, what's your name? Thank you for today's events."

Liu Neng straightened up: "My name is Liu Neng, and I'm from Junken City. You don't need to thank me. No one from Junken City will stand idly by when this happens today."

The people eating all lowered their heads and looked away from Liu Neng, looking ashamed, because most of them were from the military reclamation city. Liu Neng's words hurt his heart.

It’s not that they don’t want to take care of it, the key guy can’t beat him!

Tables and stools were spared and replaced quickly. Two bowls of noodles were also served.

Gulizana glanced at Liu Neng: "My sister and I will eat noodles first. Can you take us to play for a while? This is our first time in Junken City."

Liu Neng glanced at Zhao Xin and nodded. The guy stood there upright. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to!

The two girls started to eat noodles. Gulizana had a bold personality and was very enthusiastic when eating noodles.

But her sister is obviously more ladylike, and her movements are much more elegant. She starts sucking the wide noodles from one end in her little mouth. I don't know how long she will eat them?

Liu Neng was a little helpless, but he couldn't open his mouth and drink it down. He could only wait patiently, and he didn't forget to buy a few bottles of kvass.

Gulizana finished the plate of noodles quickly. Seeing her sister's slow movements, Gulizana couldn't help but urge her sister:

"Can you hurry up? Do you have to wait for the sun to set before you can finish the noodles?"

Gulizar pouted and said, "Can't I finish it? So much."

Having said this, she looked at Zhao Xin who was poking there like a telegraph pole behind her, and blinked:

"Brother, can you help me finish the noodles? I can't eat anymore, but food can't be wasted."

Zhao Xin, who had been standing at attention, suddenly bent down like a spring. He didn't even straighten up when he was holding the plate, and just took a few bites of noodles into his mouth.

Gulizal burst out laughing, then picked up his kvass and handed it to his mouth:

"Drink, don't choke. You're stupid."

Zhao Xin took the bottle and took a few sips, then coughed violently.

Gulizal quickly patted his back, and kept moving his little hands down, as gently as he treated a child.

"That's Kvass, it's full of energy, so you can't slow down!" Liu Neng was furious.

Zhao Xin didn't look at him at all. After he finished coughing, he narrowed his eyes and seemed to feel the feeling of that little hand roaming around his body.

Liu Neng walked over and slapped him on the back: "It's dawn, wake up!"

Zhao Xin suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the sky, looking confused, as if he was wondering why Liu Neng said such stupid things.

The two girls covered their mouths and laughed "hehe".

In one afternoon, they drove around Junken City with two girls, and even went to Houshan Park specifically.

The two girls were so happy that they forgot all about the time. It wasn't until she noticed that the sun was setting that Gulizana patted her chest and said in annoyance:

"Oops, I told dad I was going back today, but I forgot."

Gulizal turned his head and glanced at Zhao Xin, who had been silent beside him, as if asking him what to do?

Zhao Xin said without hesitation: "It's okay, I'll drive you back."

When the four people came to their residence, Liu Neng raised his legs to go upstairs and said casually:

"I won't send them away. Zhao Xin, please send them home safely."

Gulizana grabbed his arm: "What do you mean? You delayed us until now and don't care?"

Liu Neng had a look of despair on his face: "Sister, you just forgot about it, right?"

Gulizana snorted: "If you hadn't taken us around, how could we have forgotten the time? You must send us!"

Liu Neng wanted to say something else, but Zhao Xin said righteously: "Are you a man? Don't you have any sense of responsibility?"

Liu Neng's head was full of black lines, and he thought to himself: "You are so obviously obsessed with sex, but you still speak so high-sounding words. Literary people are really different."

However, he could not give face to Gulizana, but he had to give face to Zhao Xin. There was no way, who could let the two be partners?

Guli's home is at the junction of Yili and Junken City, not too far away. The roads are so good now that it takes less than an hour to drive there.

Uighur villages are different from Kazakh villages. Kazakhs are basically herdsmen and don’t care much about village repairs.

The Uighurs are farmers and are used to settling down, so the whole village is very beautiful. They like to be clean, and the roadsides and around the village are full of flowers and plants.

The houses are also very beautifully built, full of exotic style. Each family has a large yard with not only fruit trees, but also cattle and sheep.

Although they do not belong to herdsmen, beef and mutton are inseparable from their homes. However, since they are only eaten and the quantity is not large, they do not need to be grazed, so they can just keep them in the yard.

Guli's house is a large house with a brick and wood structure. The front yard is not large. There are more than a dozen fruit trees planted. A grape trellis has been set up in front of the door. Long strings of horse milk grapes are hanging down from the trellis at the moment. Exudes a strong aroma.

Originally, the two of them were planning to put the two girls down and leave, but Guli's parents were waiting at the door early, and they could not refuse the invitation.

The yard is very neat, with trees, flowers and plants scattered in good order.

After walking through the long corridor made of grape trellises, we arrived at the hall of the house.

The biggest feature of Uighur houses is that the living room is relatively large, which is also related to their living habits. Hospitality is the nature of every ethnic group in northern Xinjiang.

Therefore, the large living room can fully meet the needs of gatherings.

You must know that their gatherings are not just about eating and drinking. They also have to sing and dance when they are happy.

The two of them were invited to sit down in the living room. The coffee table was filled with all kinds of food. Kazakhs like to sit on the floor around a small table.

The Guli family's living room is filled with sofas and coffee tables. If it weren't for those beautiful ethnic decorations, it would have been like being in a Han family's home.

Gu Li's parents chatted with the two of them for a while, and then went to prepare food. They would definitely not be able to leave without eating.

Gulizar took Zhao Xin's hand and stood up:

"Brother Zhao Xin, let me take you to see my orchard."

Although this Gulizal doesn't talk too much and is even a little shy compared to his sister, he is very decisive in doing things.

Therefore, when you want to do something, you don’t hesitate at all and don’t give people any time to say no. In addition, Zhao Xin did not want to refuse.

Zhao Xin today has been feeling dizzy ever since he met Gulizar.

He is a person with no interest. From college to work, he didn't even have a friend of the opposite sex, let alone falling in love.

It's not that he did this deliberately, but he was born with a missing skill. Which man doesn't long for the company of a woman who understands him when he reaches his age? He just didn't know how to make contact.

But within a few days, this Gulizal was like a gift that Yue Lao felt sorry for him and tied with a red rope to give him, making him unable to leave her from the moment he saw her.

He doesn't know if he is stupid? Being so fascinated by a girl who knows nothing?

Gulizar took Zhao Xin's hand and walked to the backyard. Zhao Xin's face was as red as a piece of cloth. The warmth and softness from his palm made his whole body feel weak, as if countless electric currents hit his heart.

Until now, he could not clearly remember the appearance of this girl. Only the black mole between his eyebrows coexisted with the memory of his life.

He had read a lot and knew that such a mole was called a beauty mark. He had never thought that any other name could be more appropriate than this one.

I thought the front yard was already very big, but when I walked out the back door, I realized that the front yard wasn't called a yard at all, it should be called a corridor.

The backyard actually covers an area of ​​more than ten acres, and is also full of fruit trees. A dozen sheep leisurely gnawed on the grass in the gaps between the trees.

One of the two cows is feeding a calf, and the other may be full and is lying in the corner ruminating.

When the three tough shepherd dogs saw Gulizana, they happily waggled their tails into windmills and rushed over, as if they wanted to pounce on her.

But after seeing Zhao Xin, his eyes became wary and he made a "wuwu" sound in his mouth, warning the stranger to stay away from the owner.

Gulizal pointed at Zhao Xin and said: "His name is Zhao Xin, he is my friend, you will treat him like a family member from now on."

The strange thing is that after hearing Gulizar's words, the dogs who were grinning just now came forward to sniff twice, and then rubbed their bodies on Zhao Xin's legs a few times, as if to say hello.

Zhao Xin knelt down and hugged the largest one. However, the smallest one knocked the big dog away and stood up, sticking out his tongue and licking wildly, making Zhao Xin's face look bad.

Gulizal drove away the enthusiastic dog with a smile, took out a handkerchief and wiped it carefully. There was a scent of lavender in the handkerchief.

Liu Neng in the room stood up and wanted to go to the backyard. Gulizana also stood up and stopped him:

"Would you like to take a look at my house?"

Liu Neng shook his head. No matter how careless he was, he still understood that a girl's boudoir could not be entered casually.

Unexpectedly, Gulizana did not give up at all and stood directly in front of him, allowing Liu Neng to be caught off guard and bump into her directly.

"You can't disturb them. Didn't you realize that Gulizar likes your friend?"

Gulizana's words reminded Liu Neng that Zhao Xin seemed to like that girl very much, so he should stop causing trouble.

Seeing Liu Neng stop, Gulizana laughed, grabbed his hand and walked outside.

Liu Neng struggled a few times, but he didn't break free, which shows how much strength this girl used.

Arriving at the front yard, Gulizana climbed up a ladder to the roof and waved to Liu Neng, asking him to follow.

At this point, Liu Neng had no choice but to go up. In fact, he liked this girl, but he had never had much experience with the opposite sex and didn't know how to get along with her.

The roof was covered with dried fruits and dairy products. Gulizana picked up a milk lump and stuffed it into Liu Neng's mouth.

Liu Neng grinned sourly. You will know what unsweetened yogurt tastes like.

Gurizana and Liu Neng walked to the back wall of the house and looked towards the backyard.

I saw Gulizar wiping Zhao Xin's face, little by little, so carefully.

Zhao Xin's body was clearly shaking, like a frog that had been electrocuted. After shaking for a while, he got the courage to hug Gulizal.

Gulizana covered her mouth in disbelief.

Damn it, there are so many votes, I’m on my knees, thank you guys, worship me

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