Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2085 The big family’s troubles

Kelly gave birth to a boy. There is no such thing as confinement period in Americans. After giving birth, she went to work.

Helen trained her as a successor, so she has been slowly taking over the company's affairs.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a year, and Helen has begun to let go of many things, giving Kelly more autonomy.

However, opposition voices within the family gradually increased. The main reason is that Helen holds too many shares. Once she completely lets go, these shares will definitely be transferred to Kelly.

Naturally, the men in the family would not give in. At this time, they joined forces to create some trouble for Kelly.

These circumstances naturally caused some stress for Kelly. Not only is she responsible for the company's operations, she also has to face various pressures from within at all times.

At this time, Helen chose to let go. She wanted to see what her granddaughter's true abilities were.

After all, the big family has never been at peace. Outsiders only see their strength to act in unison when things happen, but few understand their various internal struggles and strife.

The main thing is that they do a good job in saying that family scandals should not be publicized. Occasionally, a few outliers will be quickly abandoned by the family, and no one will believe the inside story they reveal.

At present, Kelly's most favorable opponents are the Uncle Berg family. Although the uncle is already in his fifties, he is still in the prime of life.

And his son Tony is a few years younger than Kelly. He is a very capable young man. He graduated from Harvard Business School and is a person who wants to do something big.

Now the uncle controls the purchasing channels of Wal-Mart supermarkets. It can be said that everyone in the purchasing department belongs to him.

He entered the company in his twenties and has been operating in the purchasing department for thirty years. If he launched an attack, the entire Wal-Mart might be paralyzed.

This is not alarmist, because it is the truth. Even Kelly has some concerns about her eldest son.

According to Chinese tradition, generally speaking, family property will be passed on to the eldest son, and the main thing is to keep the order in order. This is a habit developed through the influence of Confucianism for thousands of years.

But Westerners have absolutely no scruples in this regard. They have always followed the law of the jungle, which is that the weak eat the strong.

Therefore, no matter what environment you are in, the weak will always prey on the strong, even if you are facing your own relatives and friends.

However, the saying that tiger poison cannot eat its seeds is applicable to people everywhere. So does Helen.

Although she was very dissatisfied with her eldest son, she still did not kick him out of the company. The final result was to let him grow bigger.

The reason why I don't like the eldest son is because Berg is very selfish and vicious. As long as his interests are violated, he will definitely encounter unscrupulous revenge.

For example, the previous general manager Al was originally a very capable manager. The result was that because he questioned the price of Berg's purchases, Berg finally joined other shareholders to squeeze Al out of the company.

This incident made Helen very angry, but there was nothing she could do about it. Although she is the chairman of the board, the board of directors has the final say in the company, and she cannot fight against the entire board of directors alone.

Also, the reason why Wal-Mart has been losing repeatedly in the battle with Junken LiDL has something to do with Berg.

After all, he firmly controls the purchase channels, so the purchase price has never been able to compare with Junken LIDL.

You must know that both supermarkets are in the mid-to-low-end market and rely entirely on price to win. The price of Junken LIDL is obviously lower than that of Wal-Mart. How can it compete?

At any rate, Junken LIDL takes the convenience store route and there are very few large supermarkets. Otherwise, it’s really hard to say where Wal-Mart would be today.

Even so, Berg still firmly grasps his own channels and does not allow changes. This behavior has actually reached the point of being crazy.

The reason why Helen was preparing to retire actually had something to do with her eldest son. Although she was known for her iron fist in the shopping mall, she was still a mother after all, especially her first son who she couldn't do anything to.

The reason why I chose my granddaughter to take over is because although Kelly has been a bit rebellious since she was a child, she is very smart and bold.

The other sons are not intelligent enough. If any of them is allowed to take over, they will definitely be manipulated by the elder brother. It is better to pass the position directly to Berg.

Helen thought for a long time before deciding to pass the position to Kelly, the only one in the entire family who had the ability to stand up to Berg.

Little do you know that it was Helen's decision that made Berg even more dissatisfied with his mother. He was ready to go to war with her mother and drive his niece away from the board of directors forever.

After driving away the previous manager, many people finally succumbed to Berg's power and became his yes-men.

The current equity structure of the company is that Helen holds 30%, each of the four sons holds 10%, one daughter holds 5%, and the other 25% is employee shares.

As for Kelly and her generation, they only have a symbolic 1% share. This share is still in the name of their father, and they can only get it after his death.

This is also the measure taken by the Wharton family to ensure that their equity is not lost. Only after death can the inheritance be passed on to children.

Of course, based on the current assets of the Wharton family, even 1% is measured in billions. Who makes the family belong to the top families in the United States?

Helen did not tell Kelly about Berg's situation. She just wanted to see her granddaughter's observation skills and practical abilities.

Therefore, she did not intend to interfere in the next fight between Berg and Kelly. If Kelly does lose, it's God's will.

Then the Wharton family in the future can only be controlled by Berg and led by him to heaven or hell.

In fact, Kelly discovered Berg's problems soon after joining the company, but she didn't seem to care and did not take the initiative to ask her grandma about these matters.

Helen was vaguely disappointed, feeling depressed about her granddaughter's concession. She thought her granddaughter was afraid. Could it be that the Wharton family was really about to fall?

Entering the office, Kelly looked around and was very satisfied. She likes cleanliness, especially in the workplace, and when it comes to getting home, she's literally a pig.

A handful of tulips were placed in a vase on her table. She had always liked this kind of flower very much. Such slender branches stood up from such a big flower, and there was only one.

She has always compared tulips to women, whose slender body contains powerful power, allowing life to bloom most beautifully in the world.

Seeing her coming in, the secretary rushed for a cup of tea. Unlike everyone else in the company, the common office drink here is coffee.

And Kelly likes to drink jasmine tea. This is of course a habit she developed after meeting Ye Yuze. She really didn't know that this kind of tea existed before.

A fully bloomed yellow flower in orange tea exudes a light aroma. This tea not only tastes good, but also has a better visual effect. Makes the whole body and mind happy.

Turn on your computer and browse the entire company's operations. Today's Wharton family business is undoubtedly an aircraft carrier, involved in many industries in the United States and around the world.

Although most of it is investment, as long as the investment is definitely in the form of shares.

Moreover, the Wharton family has a characteristic, that is, as long as it invests, it must occupy a part of the voice. I will never give my money to others and only take the dividends.

This situation has turned the family business into a group company with many branches.

Correspond to each investment company and pay close attention to all trends. Once there is any trouble, you can participate immediately to avoid losses.

Helen is the chairman of the board of directors of this group company, while Kelly is currently just the general manager of Wal-Mart and has no say in the board of directors.

Berg is involved in Wal-Mart's operations as a director of the group company and has no actual position.

As for other branches, Helen resolutely did not allow any family members to participate in the management and hired professional managers entirely.

She also wanted to leave a way out for the family, but if Berg finally took over, she would not be able to guarantee anything. After all, the power of a board chairman is huge.

If you want to do something in this position, it can generally be achieved. Although you will encounter some resistance, the most is just a delay.

In fact, if she wants to drive Berg off the board of directors now, it is not impossible, but she just can't do it. She doesn't want to cause mother and son to become enemies at this age.

Taking a sip of tea, Kelly asked, "Have you contacted all the supply companies in China?"

The secretary nodded: "I contacted them all, but they all said that the price has reached the lowest level and there is no way to lower it."

Kelly snorted: "Then why is Junken LIDL's purchase price lower than theirs? Is it bullying us because Wal-Mart is small?"

The secretary raised her head and hesitated to speak. She was just an employee. She understood many things, but she couldn't say anything because she didn't want to lose her job.

Kelly waved her hand to tell her to go out, picked up the phone and called Ye Yuze. Wal-Mart originally also distributed the Warrior Denim series, but later the negotiations collapsed due to price issues.

Today, Warrior Denim is still managed by Yu'e, but because she has been in China for a long time, the management of the European and American side has been entrusted to Ye Yuze.

Nowadays, Ye Yuze has a lot of money, how can he care about such a clothing company? The company in Boston is completely left to the manager, and he rarely interferes.

When Kelly asked him about the reason why Warrior Clothing terminated its contract with Wal-Mart? Ye Yuze thought for a long time before he had a vague impression, but he couldn't remember the specific reason.

He hurriedly called the company manager. By this time, the manager of the Boston company had already been replaced. It was a young girl named Jennifer.

In fact, the company's business has gradually shrunk now. It's not that the sales of warrior jeans are not good, but that most of the business has been taken away by LIDL.

It is only because Junken LIDL has relatively few stores in the United States that the company exists. Otherwise, it would have been completely run by Junken LIDL.

Jennifer reported the situation to Ye Yuze in detail. It turned out that the reason for the termination of the contract was the double price issue.

It was a pair of jeans that originally cost $35, but Wal-Mart mentioned it to $40. Originally this was something that would be beneficial to warrior clothing.

However, they asked Warrior Apparel to provide a yin-yang contract, which means that the actual price is still based on 35, and the extra five dollars cannot be transferred to Wal-Mart's public account, but transferred to a private account, or simply settled in cash.

This kind of thing is actually illegal and involves tax evasion. Once discovered, Jennifer, the actual person in charge, will definitely bear legal responsibility.

Therefore, after reporting to Ye Yuze, he voluntarily terminated his cooperation with Wal-Mart when the contract expired.

When Ye Yuze told Kelly the situation, he asked worriedly:

"Why are you asking about this? Do you want to cooperate with Warrior Clothing again? There is no need. Our clothes are an old brand and we never worry about sales."

Because of the birth of a child, the relationship between the two of them has directly transformed from the honeymoon stage to that of an old married couple, and their words are no longer so polite.

Kelly asked angrily: "Why, you can give LIDL to Junken, Masha and Erhong, but you refuse to cooperate with me?"

Ye Yuze quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, dear, haven't you just taken office? I'm not short of money. Your purchase channels have always been relatively stable, so don't cause any unpleasantness."

In fact, Ye Yuze is sincerely doing this for her own good. No matter how stringent the company's review is, there will inevitably be some tricks in the supply of goods.

The so-called market economy is run by people. People have selfishness and greed, and they are allowed to do small tricks as long as they do not affect the company's operations.

Unexpectedly, these words would offend him, and Kelly suddenly became anxious:

"Ye Yuze, what do you mean? You can give your goods to Martha and Erhong, but you can't give them to me, right? I also gave you a son, why should they be better than me?"

Ye Yuze reluctantly put the phone further away from his ear. He never understood one thing, that is, no matter how gentle a woman is, why are she so irritable after the relationship is established?

At present, the only one who can remain gentle to him is Lili. Even his wife Yu'e, who has such a gentle personality, has learned to glare. It's so difficult for men!

"Here, I must give it. As long as you need it, I will give it to you as much as you want!"

Ye Yuze quickly expressed his attitude clearly. He had encountered this situation many times and he already had a skilled response plan.

That's when you must agree unconditionally to whatever she says. As for whether it can be done in the future, that is a matter for the future. Because what women want at this time is just your attitude, not your commitment.

Just like when a man brags, he needs someone to praise him, otherwise there will be no sense of accomplishment?

Sure enough, Kelly calmed down instantly and asked in a gentle tone: "Are you really willing to do this for me?"

Ye Yuze's attitude was resolute: "It must be done. My son has been born. If I don't care about such a trivial matter, am I still a man?"

"Okay, since you are such a man, then help me check out Wal-Mart's suppliers in China's clothing industry. Wal-Mart is currently experiencing huge internal problems and I need help."

In the blink of an eye, the vacation was gone and the days of moving bricks began again. Come on, brothers, save money to marry a wife and find a lover.

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