Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2081 Ye's Oil Tanker No. 1

The Brother No. 2 oil field is simply a cornucopia. Every day, there is a long queue of convoys pulling oil, and a steady stream flows to the port.

Port Versailles is a small city, but it is uniquely endowed with a natural deep-water port.

At the beginning, there were not many ships here, but with the development of oil resources, it gradually became prosperous.

Ye Yuhe is now personally in charge of Versailles, and the ships in this port basically belong to Ye's Ocean Shipping Company.

The reason why I came here is because the crude oil transportation volume here is too large, and it is my cousin's business. How could Ye Yuhe let this business fall into the hands of others?

Yang Geyong was naturally happy with Ye Yuhe's taking over the business. Chinese people all have this habit of avoiding contact with strangers when they can deal with their own people.

Ye Yuhe ordered several more giant oil tankers from Brothers Shipyard. The first one just arrived at the port today and is being loaded.

When fully loaded, this tanker can reach a terrifying 900,000 tons and is 500 meters long.

As the world's largest oil tanker, it can fully accommodate 650,000 cubic meters of crude oil, and its hull design is more comprehensive. 3.5ft back with double shell technology.

Unfortunately, the full load of water is too large to operate in shallow waters, and even some important ports are inaccessible.

But Ye Yuhe doesn't care, because such tankers will only enter specific ports and will not travel around the world.

This oil tanker is seven times the size of the American Ford-class aircraft carrier. In other words, the aircraft carrier is like a younger brother to him.

Of course, this is talking about size and transportation capacity. After all, it cannot be equipped with force, otherwise it will become a warship and you will not be allowed to pass through any country's waters.

This oil tanker is another masterpiece from different brands. He has always been worried about the fact that the fourth super ship was overtaken by others. Now that he has finally won the first place in the world, he is relieved.

For this reason, the media carried out a large number of reports, allowing Bao BuTong to steal the limelight. The title of Ship King is completely worthy of its name.

And Ye Yuhe, a guy who was very happy with his success, decided to personally participate in the maiden voyage the moment he took delivery of the tanker.

In fact, he can't be blamed for this. The main reason is that the price is so high. If he doesn't experience it for himself, he won't have a sense of accomplishment?

The refinery has not yet been completed, and ships are still transporting crude oil. According to the reserves of the Brother No. 2 oil field, even if there is a refinery, it is impossible to consume all the production of the entire oil field.

In other words, the world's largest oil tanker will definitely make a lot of money just by pulling oil for the brothers' oil fields for 20 to 30 years.

Where is the oil tanker here? It was like a money printing machine. Once it came off, Ye Yuhe could count the money for a long time. It felt so damn good.

This oil tanker was named Ye's No. 1 by Ye Yuhe. The previous family business was created by his father, but Ye Yuhe regarded this ship as his starting point, which would carry the Ye's Group to a more successful shore.

Such a big ship will not treat the crew poorly, with comfortable cabins, large kitchens and activity rooms. I don’t know how many times better than an ordinary freighter.

Ye Yuhe didn't get off the boat after receiving it. He has been living on the boat these days, even skipping some of his usual entertainment items.

Now he also has two sons. Although they are still young, he is also young, right? His parents are old, and he will have to rely on himself for everything in the future.

Thinking of the beautiful Nur River in the west, Ye Yuhe grinned. Although he still likes to eat, drink and have fun, he has restrained himself a lot since he got this wife.

Nuerjiang gave him two sons, both of whom were smart. If he continued to work hard like this, he might not be worse than his cousin Ye Yuze and his family in the future.

Every time he thinks of these things, Ye Yuhe's heart is filled with energy. The whole body is full of strength.

The continuous flow of oil tankers has been loading for seven days. The tanker is about to be filled with 650,000 cubic meters of crude oil. It will take several days to unload it at the port. Ye Yuhe once grinned.

It was already midnight when the tanker was loaded, and according to the captain's wishes, it would have to wait until tomorrow morning to set sail.

But Ye Yuhe couldn't wait any longer. It took about 25 days to get to Yangcheng Port from here, plus customs clearance and unloading, which made it a tense month.

This is under the condition that everything goes smoothly. If there is a storm or the entry is not smooth, the time will be extended. Ye Yuhe cannot wait for another minute.

When the boss spoke, the crew members naturally had to obey. So, with the deafening sound of the whistle, Ye Shi No. 1 began its first maiden voyage.

In fact, it's not the first time. It was like this when picking up the ship, but that time it was empty and this time it was fully loaded.

The weather for setting sail was not good, the moon was dark and the phoenix was high, and the waves offshore were very strong. The captain was timid and tried to persuade Ye Yuhe several times, but the boss insisted on setting sail and there was nothing he could do.

The captain's name is Chen Hai, a Singaporean whose ancestors have been making a living at sea for generations. He is forty years old this year, but he has traveled to ports all over the world and has a very good reputation in the shipping industry.

An hour later, the ship reached the high seas, and Chen Hai finally felt relieved. Although the wind and waves were strong, in front of a giant ship like Ye Shi No. 1, it was nothing, just a slight sway.

Chen Hai felt relieved and became excited. The most feared thing about sea transportation is encountering wind and waves. Now that we are not even afraid of wind and waves, it becomes tourism.

The captain's mood naturally affects the crew. The composition of the crew of ocean-going companies is relatively complex, and they are basically people from any country.

Because this ship has relatively complete highly automated equipment, there are only 50 members on the entire ship, which is something Ye Yuhe is very satisfied with.

You must know that crew wages are also a heavy burden on ocean-going companies because seafarers' wages are higher than those of ordinary people.

After all, you often have to wander at sea for several months, and that kind of life is not something ordinary people can live with.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong once tried long voyages, but they ended before reaching the end point twice. There is no way, it’s so difficult.

Many people like the sea and the magnificence of the sea and sky. The boundless blue seems to wash away all the unhappiness in your heart.

But that's because you're standing on land. If you put yourself on a boat for a few months, you'll be surrounded by boundless blue every day.

And your activity space is only in Class A, so most people can't survive it. Anyway, the sea is a thing that is romantic once you look at it, but it makes you cry if you look at it too much.

Without further ado, this supertanker is undoubtedly a benefit for sailors in their ocean-going life. The comfort level is suddenly improved by countless levels.

Therefore, when the oil tanker first arrived at the company, seafarers rushed to sign up and find connections to get on the ship.

However, the number of places is limited, and every ship sails, the captain's wishes must be fully considered. After all, when the ship is at sea, everything must be commanded by the captain.

Therefore, most of the crew members of this tanker were personally selected by the captain. Of course, Chen Hai also had to take care of all aspects of the relationship.

Coupled with the need for close associates of the Ye family, among the fifty people, thirty were his hardcore, while the other twenty were from complex factions.

Ye Yuhe naturally didn't know these things, but he was more familiar with the boatswain because he came from his hometown.

You must know that Zaozhou is also a coastal area, so there will naturally be no shortage of sailors, but there are indeed not many who can go to Africa.

This boatswain is called Meng Ziang, who is 28 years old this year. He originally came to Marseille to do business with his father. As a result, Ye's Ocean Shipping Company was established, and he directly joined the fleet.

He was not familiar with Ye Yuhe, but Ye Lizuan was his and his father's common idol. Therefore, when he joined the company, he wanted to do something great and at least be able to honor his ancestors when he returned to his hometown.

The late night sailing and the smooth sailing meant that the crew members all went to rest after their initial worries.

Only a few posture personnel are left to keep driving. You have been running on the waterway for several years, and you can tell where there are reefs with your eyes closed, so you are not worried about any accidents?

At dawn the next day, the wind had stopped, the day shift workers started working, and the night shift workers went to rest after dinner.

Because the ship had just sailed, there were enough rooms on the ship, and there was no need to worry about supplies, so everyone was very relaxed.

After a few days, after thoroughly adapting to the ship, everyone became relaxed, including Ye Yuhe, who would also get together with the crew to play cards and have a drink from time to time.

Chen Hai stood in the large cockpit and looked at the sea with a telescope. Wasn't he worried about something? It’s about fear of yaw.

You must know that there is no reference for sailing on the sea. It depends entirely on instruments and equipment to set the course. Once the equipment goes wrong, it will be a big trouble.

An experienced captain can observe these errors and correct them in time simply by relying on his eyesight and feeling.

In addition, when encountering a big storm, the captain's grasp and command of the situation are also important guarantees for the safety of a ship.

Therefore, although they are all captains, their salaries are very different. An experienced captain like Chen Hai will earn several times more than the average captain.

It’s useless to be unconvinced. Chen Hai is forty years old this year, but he has been sailing for 25 years. It seems that there is no place he has not been to.

And since becoming captain at the age of 28, there has not been a single accident. Of course, when he encountered several dangers, he made prompt decisions and allowed the cargo ship to return to the port safely.

Such a captain is not someone you just refuse to accept, that depends on performance and reputation. Not bragging.

When the ship sailed near the Suez Canal, Chen Hai felt nervous again. It's not that we encountered another storm, but that this place is not peaceful.

Somalia has the longest coastline in all of Africa, stretching as deep into the ocean as a bull's horn. , guarding the exit from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean. It is also the only way for the Suez Canal route.

Although Chen Hai has never encountered a pirate in so many years, there are countless ships hijacked by pirates nearby.

Due to the long-term war, this country has almost no economy of its own, and the people are in dire straits.

And pirates have become the white-collar workers in this place, one of the highest-paid groups. Although plundering ships also carries certain risks.

But compared to the high returns, the casualties are negligible. After all, human life is the least valuable thing in this place.

And most merchant ships will not resist. After all, the goods belong to the boss, and no one in the captain or crew will fight for these things.

This has also caused the pirates here to become more and more rampant, even to the point of being crazy, killing people and stealing goods at every turn.

Of course, under normal circumstances, pirates will not harm anyone. After all, they are seeking money, and each crew member will collect a ransom.

If the goods cannot be sold, they will also make the owner pay to lose them. Of course, if they don't redeem it, they will take care of it themselves.

Chen Hai climbed up to the observation deck himself and nervously used a telescope to observe the surroundings. In the cockpit, several people were also nervously scanning the sea surface with equipment to prepare for sudden situations.

Not long after, Chen Hai's nervous voice came: "Speed ​​up, the pirates are coming."

The cockpit was busy for a while, various instructions were issued, and the tanker slowly began to accelerate.

Several small dots began to appear on the sea, and then gradually enlarged. It turned out that seven or eight speedboats were coming at high speed.

There were three or four shirtless pirates sitting on each speedboat, holding submachine guns. What's in the mouth of a big mouth that doesn't listen?

Chen Hai has returned to the cockpit. The tanker is too big. The disadvantage of its large size is its slow speed. Especially the acceleration process is just like an old cow.

Although Chen Hai tried his best, it had no effect at all.

In fact, Chen Hai also understands that even if it is traveling at full speed, it is not at the same level as a speedboat. It is the difference between a bullock cart and a motorcycle. There is no way to run.

Usually the captain makes the decision when encountering this kind of situation, but now that the boss is on the ship, Chen Hai naturally has to step aside.

Ye's ocean-going ship was intercepted once. That time, Lighter came forward and personally contacted the local government to get the ship back.

Although some cargo was lost, there were no casualties, and since then, Ye's ship has not been hijacked.

After all, being so close really made Marseille anxious, and the fate of the pirates was unpredictable.

Therefore, no matter how vicious a person is, he will still be afraid. After all, killing people and selling goods is for the sake of making money.

If he couldn't even spend the money he robbed with his life, why would he do such a thing? Unless you're out of your mind.

Ye Yuhe knew about this, so when the pirates approached, he asked the sailor to point to the flag on the freighter and loudly tell the pirates that it was a ship from Marseille.

The pirates hesitated for a moment, but unexpectedly, a young man with a scar on his face spat contemptuously.

"I don't care about Marseille, why are you asking them to come and bite me? Stop the boat quickly, or I will kill you all!"

Seeing this posture, Ye Yuhe finally panicked and negotiated in person: "How much does it cost? Can I give it to you?"

The young man looked at him disdainfully: "I will go up and get it myself. Do I have to bargain with you?"

Seeing that there was no possibility of further negotiation, Ye Yuhe ordered the crew to start resisting. But there were only fifty crew members on board.

There are more than twenty pirates, each with weapons. There are two more with rocket launchers.

Take advantage of the free monthly pass at the beginning of the month, don’t lose at the starting line, thank you brothers!

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