Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2073 A woman who loves drinking

Some of the forms of marriage are because of liking, and some are because of love. Some are out of responsibility, and some are even out of necessity.

But often those who marry out of necessity have long-lasting marriages. Because necessity is human nature.

All feelings are diluted in firewood, rice, oil and salt. If you ask two couples who are struggling for life to talk about love, they will often respond with only one word: "Get out!"

Ye Shan, who has experienced one marriage, has long been disappointed with marriage. Although he and Tingting were introduced by others. But I still experienced a sweet love.

Ye Shan is different from the Ye family, mainly in terms of emotional intelligence. Therefore, I haven’t experienced any other feelings in so many years.

Qiao Hong was a complete accident, and Ye Shan had no intention of shirking responsibility. In his heart, he always wanted to marry this woman.

Today is the weekend, a rare day when I can get off work on time. Ye Shan didn't know what to do?

After thinking about it, he suddenly remembered that Qiao Hong had called him several times, but he didn't answer most of them. Feeling a little guilty, he bought some things and walked towards Qiao's house.

Qiao's house was a bit far away from his work. Ye Shan was too lazy to drive, so he took a taxi and went directly there. Because I had bought some things in advance and the road was far away, the light had dimmed when I arrived at Qiao's house.

Because the alley was too narrow, the car couldn't get in, so Yeshan got off the car at the entrance of the alley early and walked slowly inside.

The reason why he didn't call was because he knew that Qiao Hong was an honest girl. She never ran around after work and always came home on time.

Occasionally I go out for a walk, always with my mother. Compared with my wife, she is a very disciplined woman.

Tingting is not like that. Although she is a decent person, she likes to accept some trendy things. Compared with Qiao Hong, she is like two generations apart.

This alley is very residential, and most of the residents live in single-family houses, so the alley is very quiet, and the street lights have not been turned on yet, so the visibility is very poor.

When he was approaching the door of Qiao Hong's house, Ye Shan heard someone talking. He looked up and saw two dark figures standing at the door of Qiao Hong's house.

Because the light was too poor, Ye Shan couldn't hear what they were saying.

So Hayama slowed down and tried not to make any noise. In fact, this is a subconscious behavior, not to eavesdrop?

Getting closer, I finally saw clearly what was going on? It turned out to be a man hugging Qiao Hong.

Qiao Hong, on the other hand, kept struggling, pushing hard with both hands: "Don't do this, I have a boyfriend."

The man didn't listen to her at all and hugged her hard.

"What kind of boyfriend? Isn't it the policeman? He doesn't like you, so I asked him about it. He just got divorced, and he has a young girl. What's going on with a second-married girl?"

These words made Qiao Hong's struggle weak, but she still argued: "But I like him."

The man smiled: "Xiaohong, gratitude is not love. What age are you in? Are you still playing the game of promising yourself? How about this? I will transfer the house to you, and you and your aunt will move in. It is a building and you can live there. It’s more convenient than this.”

"But, then I have to make it clear to Ye Shan? He and I have done that." Qiao Hong was still resisting.

The man's lips had already moved up. The moment he touched Qiao Hong's lips, Qiao Hong's body softened.

Ye Shan watched all this silently, not only was he not angry, but he felt a sense of relief in his heart. But the resentment is still there.

He felt that even if Qiao Hong planned to fall in love with someone else, she should have made it clear to him in advance instead of saying it first and later.

Thinking of this, Ye Shan simply walked over, put the things at the door, and said:

"Excuse me, I'm here to see my aunt, so I won't go in. You continue."

After saying this, Ye Shan turned around and left. Qiao Hong's weak defensive voice came from behind:

"Haishan, things are not what you think."

Ye Shan didn't look back, waved his hand and walked out of the alley. The emotions are a bit complicated, but not sad.

When he got into the taxi, the driver asked him where he was going. Ye Shan was a little confused. He really didn't know where he wanted to go?

He didn't want to go back to either home, but what would he do if he didn't go home? Growing up, he seems to have never had any spare time activities?

"Go to the liveliest place and relax." Ye Feng told the driver that he would ignore the excitement.

The driver agreed, looked at Ye Feng's face in the rearview mirror, and confirmed that it was a young man. He said "Okay" and then sped away.

The capital city at night is undoubtedly a bar street. The streets that have been silent all day have begun to become lively at this moment, with colorful neon lights flashing, music and noise indicating that life here has just begun.

Ye Shan was a little surprised when he got out of the car. He naturally knew this street and had been there many times. It’s just that I used to wear uniforms and drive police cars.

Only this time, as an ordinary person, it was the first time to enjoy the bustling night.

As he strolled down the street, wild dance music would come out from the occasionally open shops, which made Hayama suddenly feel excited.

After all, he is also a young man, and these things with a strong sense of the times will definitely resonate with him.

Occasionally, when he looked up, the name of a bar caught his attention, "Dances with Wolves". Then he walked in casually.

Ye Shan didn’t know why he chose this store? Is it a professional habit or a subconscious restlessness in my heart? He really doesn't know.

There were not many people in the store, only a few tables were occupied. This bar is relatively large, with a small dance floor and several people on the stage adjusting the sound.

He found a table near the corner and sat down and ordered a cocktail. In fact, Ye Feng didn't understand this. He just saw that the liquid in the cup was clearly distributed and very beautiful. Just want to try it.

He is not a good wine drinker, but he has a good drinker, so these strange things are not really suitable for him.

"Open a bottle of whiskey, and ask for it to be strong. And two plates of snacks." Hayama ordered the waiter who just passed by.

The waiter smiled sweetly and immediately trotted to the bar. There is a commission here, and every waiter will work hard to sell. I didn't expect anyone to take the initiative to give money today.

You must know that whiskey is not cheap, it is still very expensive. Drinking it in a bar is many times more expensive than outside.

A plate of duck neck, a plate of spiced peanuts, an open bottle of whiskey and a goblet cost 800 yuan.

This is still a reasonable price. In this era, when it comes to foreign wine, it is infinitely higher.

Ye Shan doesn't care about the money. His salary is not low, and his mother will provide subsidies, so she has never been short of money.

The waiter poured him wine diligently, and Ye Shan generously paid for it. The waiter left with a grin on his face.

After drinking a glass of wine, his stomach was burning. Ye Shan felt a little more comfortable, and then he started to chew on the duck neck.

He likes to eat this food very much. It is said to be Wuhan style. He has never been to that place, but based on the taste of this duck neck, he thinks he should like the food there.

By this time, people were slowly filling up. The bar was actually just like a restaurant, there were only so many tables, and people wouldn’t come in if it was full.

Sometimes it is actually not as good as a restaurant, which turns over tables faster, but most of the people who come to the bar spend the whole night here, and some order very little, so the drinks are very expensive, and some even get fake ones. .

Because Hayama was hungry, he ate very enthusiastically. A bottle of wine was sold out in a short time, and this was whiskey with over 60 degrees of alcohol content.

Suddenly, two very beautiful girls came over and sat down opposite Ye Shan without even asking a question.

Ye Shan frowned, but saw that the other tables were full, so he didn't say anything.

Both girls wear very heavy makeup, one has short hair and an apple face, and the other has long hair and an oval face. On the contrary, the temperament with short hair looks quieter.

The long-haired girl snapped her fingers: "Waiter, bring me the wine I saved."

The waiter soon brought two bottles of Chivas Regal, a box of ice cubes, and two wine glasses.

The long-haired girl poured a cup for herself and her companion. She looked at Hayama's empty cup and filled it up for him.

Ye Shan was stunned. In fact, he just wanted to drink, but he was just nibbling on the duck neck before he had time.

"Handsome man, would you like a drink?" The long-haired girl held up her wine glass and invited Hayama.

Ye Shan was a little embarrassed for a moment. He had never encountered such a situation before. Two strange girls suddenly invited him to drink.

But he has already picked up the cup, so he can’t be too ungrateful, right? So he smiled, drank it all in one gulp, and then started to nibble on the duck neck.

The long-haired girl was stunned for a moment, then her eyes flashed brightly, she pointed at the bottle of whiskey and asked: "Handsome guy, did you drink this wine yourself?"

Ye Feng nodded casually, and then smiled sheepishly: "I'm hungry. There's nothing to satisfy my hunger here. I can only eat more and drink more."

Then Hayama called the waiter and asked her to bring another bottle of whiskey.

The waiter rushed away and brought it back quickly, fearing that the guest would regret it if it was late. There is no way, life is forcing me.

Ye Shan picked up the wine bottle and was about to pour a glass for the two girls. This is called reciprocity, but he found that there was still wine in their glasses. It turned out that they had not finished drinking the toast they had just toasted to him.

Ye Shanlin was there, not knowing what to do for a while.

The long-haired girl chuckled lightly and touched the girl next to her with her shoulder:

"Yingying, the handsome guy blamed us, did you do it?"

Yingying frowned, but she still picked it up, touched it with the long-haired girl, and drank it all in one gulp.

Hayama suddenly discovered that these two girls were not only beautiful, but also looked beautiful when drinking. The red lips, the transparent glass, and the orange liquid are all so harmonious under the neon lights.

The two girls finished their glasses of wine, and Hayama poured a glass for each of them. It was only after he finished pouring that he asked in embarrassment:

"This wine is a bit high in alcohol content, can you drink it?"

The two girls nodded together, and the long-haired girl was a little excited:

"There's nothing wrong with you drinking down. It's just that you've already drank a bottle today. I won't bully you."

"Nao Nao, don't show off, just let someone carry you back every time, okay?" Yingying began to scold Nao Nao.

Nao Nao raised his eyebrows: "Who drinks with me and goes out standing?"

Ye Shan was also a little drunk at the moment, and it was funny to see this little girl who refused to admit defeat. He asked probingly: "How much can you drink?"

Nao Nao shook his head: "I don't remember. Every time I drink a lot of wine, I can't calculate the amount."

Ye Shan glanced at the Chivas Regal in front of them, with some disapproval in his eyes. He was pretending to be a large drink with this low-alcohol wine. Why not drink water?

This time he simply stopped inviting them to raise the glass, drank it in one gulp, then picked up the last duck neck and started to nibble on it.

"Hey, do you know how to be polite? We are brothers when we sit together. How can we not let brothers drink their own toast?" Nao Nao shouted dissatisfied.

Ye Shan pointed to the empty cup: "You are women, don't compete with men for drinking. The alcohol content is too high. Drink slowly."

It's okay that Ye Shan didn't say anything. As soon as he said this, Nao Nao's eyes suddenly widened, he slapped the table and shouted:

"Brother, who are you looking down on? Drink, if I don't drink you down today, I won't make any noise today!"

Although Yingying didn't speak, the unruly look in her eyes was obvious, which showed that Ye Shan's words seriously irritated the two girls.

Nao Nao had a hot temper and immediately asked the waiter to get the wine.

The waiter must be very familiar with her. She didn't even ask her what kind of wine she wanted. After a while, she brought over a dozen bottles.

Ye Shan was dazzled by what he saw. Although he drank a lot and drank a lot when he was in Junken City, he really didn't recognize any of the drinks in the bar.

The colorful labels and English letters were really unfamiliar to him, a military student.

So far, he has discovered that the most obvious feature of bars is that bars with Chinese characters are generally not sold, mainly because they can't kill people.

People making trouble are not just drinking indiscriminately, even if there are more than a dozen kinds of wine. But there is something to be careful about when pouring into the cup.

Of course, this requires a bartender to come over. This kind of drinking method does not require the bartender to be cool. It just requires him to match the taste of various wines, and strive to make every glass of wine taste comfortable and not taste dull.

Hayama watched with dazzled eyes as the bartender turned into a waiter, pouring glasses of wine into glasses. While pouring, he introduced the color and flavor combinations he created.

Ye Shan listened very carefully, but didn't remember a single word. I know it sounds amazing, but when I drink it, it tastes bland. At least it lacks the most basic thing about wine, which is "strong!"

As a native of Northern Xinjiang, the most basic understanding of wine is that it will be hot as soon as it enters the throat.

With all these strange flavors and colors, is it still wine?

Hayama drank cup after cup of these inexplicable liquids. He suspected that it was impossible for him to be drunk, but he could easily die from exhaustion and had to find a chance to go to the toilet.

Nao Nao drank very generously, with one foot on the chair. Half of the guests in the bar came to watch the booze. Nao Nao was very excited.

It seems that this is not the first time for drinking this way, and Nao Nao enjoys the process very much.

Brothers, you ran away naked yesterday, don’t be cowardly, rush

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