Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2068 I’ll accompany you

When Ye Yuze sat in Ye Feng's car, he asked, "What happened? Is there another problem with the investment bank?"

Seeing Ye Feng shaking his head, Ye Yuze breathed a sigh of relief. After decades of hard work in the market, we have experienced many setbacks, but none of them have been as serious as those of investment banks.

The main reason was that the amount of funds involved was too large. Without Lev last time, he really had no confidence that his son would be safe and sound.

Although he never complained about Ye Feng from the beginning to the end, Ye Feng's heart is still heavy until now.

Because he understood better than anyone else that if it failed that time, it would not be just one person who would fall, but a group of people.

The key point is that the group of people are all close friends of the father, the kind who can cut off their heads in exchange for their lives. He thought he would never be able to make friends like that in his life. At least he couldn't do that for anyone.

While enduring the pressure, he also felt moved, which at least made him understand one thing. There are feelings between people, and you cannot only rely on yourself for everything.

After this incident, he began to pay attention to many people, naturally those who had helped him, and of course his relatives.

He and Wang Honghua have never been close to each other, and they have basically no contact with each other. It's not that he deliberately distanced himself, but that Wang Honghua was busy and rarely had time to communicate with him.

In Ye Feng's heart, the real mother is Yu'e, but that is a concept that has been instilled in him since childhood.

After growing up, as Yu'e returned to China, the relationship between the two naturally gradually became estranged.

Especially when Yu'e didn't come to Boston because of Ye Mao, Ye Feng finally understood that the word mother was always unfamiliar to him.

But as something happened to him, relatives and friends came to help him one after another. Including her mother, Wang Honghua, who sent her all her life's wages.

The total amount was 300,000, which was of no use to Ye Feng at all. Because there are too few.

But when his sister-in-law told him that this was all his mother's savings and she had to sell a few pieces of jewelry to get it together, Ye Feng cried.

Because he didn't want his family to see him crying that time, he drove to the beach. Lying on the beach and crying.

The cold sand and sea water wetted his cotton-padded clothes and shoes, but he didn't even know it. It was the first time in his life that he cried heartily, but it was not because of sadness.

From then on, he would call his relatives regularly, no matter how busy he was. I don't even think about whether the person is willing or not, I just think about it and hit him.

Especially for mothers, I can’t say that I beat them every day, but I definitely won’t beat them for more than three days. He chose the time to chat for half an hour each time before his mother went to bed.

Just like when I was a child, I would talk to my mother about my daily trivial matters. In fact, he didn't need his mother to give him any advice, he just wanted to talk.

Gradually, both mother and son became dependent on this kind of phone call. If he finished calling, Wang Honghua would also call.

But in the past few days, he suddenly found that his mother's phone couldn't be reached. He has always been accustomed to calling his mother's cell phone, but no one has answered the call.

In desperation, he started to call the landline, and was told that Wang Honghua was hospitalized because of SARS. Ye Feng suddenly felt like a thunderbolt.

After calming down for a long time, he drove home to find his father. According to his personality, he should have flown directly to the capital.

After hearing his son explain the situation, Ye Yuze did not hesitate at all: "Send me to the airport!"

"I'll go too!" Ye Feng said and started to start the car. Ye Yuze didn't say anything, picked up his cell phone and called home.

Because of Ye Yuze's status, it was very convenient for his private plane to land in the capital. Just let us know in advance, even during SARS.

Before the plane landed, Ye Yuze called Ye Yuji and asked which hospital Wang Honghua was staying in.

"Brother, I'll pick you up at the airport." Ye Yuji said eagerly.

Ye Yuze did not refuse. At his sister's level, it was no longer easy to see her. Especially during the hospitalization, he really might not be able to see her without Ye Yuji.

Ye Yuji drove here by herself. Although she had already been assigned a secretary and driver, she still liked to drive by herself during her breaks.

The car was a warrior car. Ye Yuze was quite pleased to see this car. If it weren't for him, official cars would still have four laps at the moment.

Wang Honghua lives in Hospital 301, which is a military hospital. Because of the special nature of SARS, the hospital has set up an isolation area to specially treat SARS patients.

The mortality rate of this virus is very high, mainly due to the sudden onset of the disease, although domestic control was very timely and isolation measures were quickly adopted. But some losses were still caused.

Ye Yuji took them into the ward wearing protective clothing. Wang Honghua lived in the ICU ward and they were not allowed in. I could only look at Wang Honghua, who was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed and her face pale, through the glass.

Wang Honghua's hair has turned completely white, and she looks very thin. Ye Yuze and others watched for more than ten minutes through the glass, but Wang Honghua did not open her eyes.

"I want to go in, and I can't let her lie there alone."

After Ye Yuze said this, he began to take off his protective clothing.

"I'll go too!" Ye Feng also started to zip up the protective suit at this time.

Ye Yuze grabbed his son's hand: "You can't go in. There are grandparents and mother outside. One of us must stay. Ye Mao is still young."

"No one is allowed in!" Ye Yuji became anxious and started fighting with his father and son.

"Keep an eye on your aunt. Don't worry, dad will be fine. I'm a doctor. It won't help if I don't go in, but if I don't go in, my sister may not wake up."

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment and looked at his father with confusion.

Ye Yuji was hugged by Ye Feng and couldn't move at all. When he saw that his brother had taken off his protective clothing, he cried: "Brother, you are wearing protective clothing!"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "Girl, I'll be fine, wait until I bring my sister out."

After saying this, Ye Yuze decisively pushed open the door of the ward and walked out.

The doctors and nurses looked at the man stupidly, at a loss. They know best what Ye Yuze's actions mean?

Ye Yuze walked into the ward, waved to Ye Feng and Ye Yuze, and told them to go home. These days he lives in the ward. Even if I want to, I can't get out.

The liquid dripped drop by drop from the bottle into Wang Honghua's blue blood vessels visible to the naked eye. The man is so thin that the blood vessels on his arms are clearly visible.

Wang Honghua was lying there, not knowing whether she was in a coma or asleep, looking very peaceful. He might just be feeling unwell, his brows furrowed slightly.

Ye Yuze did not try to wake her up, but took a stool, sat next to his sister, grabbed one of her hands, and put it in the palm of his own.

My sister's hands were pale and cold, without a trace of blood. The facial features under the oxygen mask looked a little deformed.

Ye Yuze just watched quietly, watching, looking at this woman who would give everything once she decided to do something.

Maybe you're really tired? Although Wang Honghua moved a little when Ye Yuze put her hand in his palm, she still did not open her eyes in the end.

Ye Yuze murmured: "You are tired, go to sleep well, I will chat with you when you wake up."

After more than ten hours of flying, Ye Yuze didn't sleep either. He was also sleepy at this time, but he forced himself not to close his eyes, fearing that his sister would not be able to see her at first sight when she woke up.

However, he couldn't bear it after more than twenty hours of sleeplessness. Unknowingly, he finally fell asleep.

Wang Honghua slowly opened her eyes and felt a little more comfortable. I wanted to move my hands, but found that I was grabbed by someone, a man.

Wang Honghua was a little angry. After so many years, no one dared to be rude to her. Who dared to grab her hand?

She just smiled when she turned her head and looked over. Although Ye Yuze was sleeping face down, Wang Honghua knew who he was and could tell who he was without the use of eyes.

At this time, the nurse came over. Wang Honghua gestured with her hand and asked her to help help Ye Yuze sleep on the hospital bed.

The little nurse couldn't do it alone and ran out to call someone.

Soon three nurses and a doctor came in, and they slowly helped Ye Yuze onto the hospital bed. The hospital bed was very spacious, and Ye Yuze slept very hard. I was put on the bed and lay down, and I took off my shoes without knowing anything.

Wang Honghua smiled, although the tossing made her breathless. But she felt very happy.

The doctor said with some worry: "Chief, this is very dangerous."

Wang Honghua took off the oxygen mask: "Isn't it dangerous to get him out now?"

The doctor was speechless, sighed, shook his head, and led the nurses out.

Ye Yuze slept very comfortably, sleeping from afternoon to ten o'clock the next morning.

The nurses and doctors who took over looked at this uninvited guest, curiously guessing who he was?

I don't know if it's psychological effect, but Wang Honghua, who has been having difficulty breathing, has started to get better since Ye Yuze arrived.

The doctor took off the ventilator after the doctor's rounds in the morning.

Originally, she wanted to be transferred to a general ward, but Wang Honghua disagreed and said that she still needed to be observed for a few hours.

The doctor originally wanted to persuade me, saying that observation could also be done in the general ward, and the conditions were better than in the ICU.

But when he looked up and saw Ye Yuze sleeping soundly, he seemed to have some realization in his heart and stopped talking.

Ye Feng and Ye Yuji stayed until midnight and were picked up by Han Xiaofeng. But I didn't dare to go back to my home. After all, I came to the hospital, and there were both old people and children at home, so I didn't dare to be careless. We had no choice but to go back to the small courtyard in Beihai together.

Ye Feng went to bed later than his father, and because he was young, he slept straight into the night.

After getting up and washing his face, he was about to go out and drive to the hospital, but was stopped by Ye Yuji.

"Have something to eat first. Your mother has been transferred to the general ward. You won't be able to see her again."

Ye Feng looked at Ye Yuji in disbelief, and Ye Yuji hurriedly said: "Call your dad and see if this is the case?"

As soon as Ye Feng took out his mobile phone, he suddenly remembered that his father didn't even have a bag with him, and he didn't even have a mobile phone card for use in China. So I wanted to buy it and give it away.

Ye Yuji consoled him: "Okay, let's eat something and talk about it later. We're not allowed in there, so we can only find a way to get the things in."

Ye Feng had no choice but to sit down and eat. Han Xiaofeng has completely calmed down after the last incident.

Originally, with his injury, he could lie down at home and take care of himself, and the country would definitely bear all his expenses.

However, he did not and still insisted on working in the unit. And it's done very well. It's a pity that due to physical limitations, there is no room for improvement.

However, Ye Yuji was in the golden period of his career and had become a popular figure in his unit, with a bright future.

It is estimated that he can become Wang Honghua's successor. After all, Wang Honghua is already in her early 60s. She is still working because of her high level and important position.

If she were in the local area, she should have retired long ago.

When several people came to the hospital, they found no one. Ye Feng repeatedly requested to wear protective clothing to see his mother, but in the end he was not allowed. I had to send my things in and leave.

After sleeping all day, I couldn't sleep at night, so I had to contact Yang Wei and the others. As a result, the phone was turned off.

Then I contacted Batu and found out that Yang Wei and Zhang Jianjiang had gone to Africa again.

Ye Feng shook his head helplessly. The two bosses he appointed were unreliable!

Ye Feng naturally knew about Yang Geyong's stay in Africa. As a young man, he is actually quite passionate sometimes.

But thinking about what I was carrying on my shoulders, I gave in. There is no other way. Others can choose to be happy for a while, but they have to fight in the financial market for the rest of their lives.

After all, he was not just doing it for himself, he couldn't let down so many relatives and friends who believed in him.

Batu asked him to go to the bar to hang out, but he couldn't sleep anyway, so he took a taxi there. I didn’t dare to drive. It was impossible not to drink when I went to that place.

Batu is very low-key, although he is now a well-known singer in Asia. But he rarely participates in business activities.

Especially those advertisements, endorsements and the like. According to what he said, who knows the quality of the things they sell?

There are many celebrity endorsements and hyped things on the market, but in the end they are just short-lived. It even turned out to be a lie.

Therefore, Batu never accepts such invitations, except for some large-scale performances. He would rather sing in his wife's bar. At least the money is earned cleanly.

He was the first among their group to have a child. Wang Luodan gave birth to a son for him, who was very cute.

Since having a child, Wang Luodan no longer cares about the bar. Leave it all to Batu to take care of.

Batu also likes this kind of life. He sleeps until noon, wakes up, coaxes his wife and teases his son, and then goes to the bar.

Wang Luodan has more than a dozen stores, and Batu sings in different places. After all, the star power is there, so the business of these bars is very good.

Originally, according to Wang Luodan's wish, renting out all these shops would be enough to cover the rent. But Batu was not happy. You have to do something while you're alive, right?

Moreover, Batu is also a contracted actor with Junken Film and Television. Once Yuanfang leaves, the company has to look to him for many matters.

When they arrived at the bar, Batu happened to call over some girls from the company. Several people started playing together.

Naturally, they can't let their wives know about this, so they keep a low profile. There is no way, a married woman is like a tiger and cannot be offended.

Thank you brothers, salute!

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