Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2059 Conquering the Tuva Tribe

The lion was very calm, although he was a little panicked. But he couldn't let his subordinates see it.

He is a man who has seen the world. He once led 10,000 Zan troops to fight against 30,000 troops from neighboring countries.

After half a month of fierce fighting, he was well-known in the country for his impressive record of annihilating 200 enemy troops and capturing 18,000 prisoners.

That battle demonstrated Zambia's national prestige, making neighboring countries no longer dare to covet Zambia's territory.

As for why it took half a month of fierce fighting to wipe out 200 enemies? This is the African way of fighting. Basically, he lay on the ground with his eyes closed and fired.

It doesn't matter whether you can hit someone or not. What's important is to shoot out the bullet and create momentum.

After the war, the government wanted to transfer Lion to the Ministry of Defense as a general, but Lion King refused to let him go. The Ministry of National Defense was originally just an empty shell. During wars, it had to recruit troops from various tribes, so the government did not force it.

Looking at the quiet oil field station, the lion was heartbroken, but his expression was calm. Instruct the warriors to rest on the spot, eat something and drink some water.

It took three hours to get here all the way, and it was almost noon. He understands the principle of keeping a tired soldier alive and needs to replenish energy and stamina for the soldiers.

The Tuva tribe is very poor, and the Lion King's wealth will not be distributed to the people, but will only be left to the elders and relatives to squander it.

Therefore, the dry food brought by the Tuva soldiers was also prepared at home, most of which were corn tortillas, bananas, dried meat and other foods.

After having enough to eat and drink, it was necessary to face reality. The lion stood up and ordered the troops to assemble, with the company as a unit, to collectively charge towards the oil field station.

The lion has understood the situation. There will not be many people here. Even if there are reinforcements, he can absolutely crush them in numbers.

In such a situation, studying tactics is to show weakness, and just rush forward collectively. They could kill the people in front at most, but as for the three thousand people, they couldn't kill them all.

Moreover, charging will definitely cause casualties to the enemy, so they will pile them up to kill you alive!

Although the obedience of the soldiers is not good, their ability to fight against the wind is still good. After hearing that all the finances grabbed belong to him. For fear that the backward things would be taken away by others, they rushed forward in a swarm.

The battlefield was quiet, as if they had entered no man's land. The Tuva soldiers shouted and charged forward, shooting a hail of bullets into the dark night from time to time.

When the enemy entered the ambush circle, Yang Geyong's raised hand finally fell.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Continuous explosions sounded, not at the front of the Tuva team, but among those who rushed to the end.

Shrapnel was flying, dust was flying, mixed with screams and broken limbs. The land that was quiet just now suddenly turned into a Shura field.

No one in the front was injured, but they were frightened. They turned around and looked at all this, at a loss.

But the people behind were lucky enough not to die, but they swarmed towards the front with howling like ghosts and wolves. But the people in front had stopped, and they huddled together for a while, trampling on each other. How many people were killed or injured?

At this time, Mushroom's hand fell again, and a dense and violent explosion sounded. In the densest place where the crowd was huddled, explosions sounded like bullets.

After this round of explosions, the position has turned into a hell on earth. Apart from the screams of the wounded, the living people are too stupid to move, or dare not move.

Jackson watched all this with a telescope, dumbfounded, and did not dare to look in Yang Geyong's direction. This is a butcher, and he is afraid that he will be killed by that guy if he looks wrong.

The landmines are all remotely controlled. After they are planted, the explosions can be controlled freely. In fact, these two rounds of explosions only used one-fifth of the mines buried.

But the effect was better than the charge of thousands of troops and horses, and it had completely shocked the soldiers of the Tuva tribe.

At this time, three helicopters took off, and Yang Geyong asked the interpreter to speak:

"People of the Tuva tribe, as long as you put down your weapons, I promise not to kill you. Otherwise, if you move even one step, you will encounter a more violent explosion."

The purpose of releasing the Buddha was to confirm Yang Geyong's words. Several Tuva soldiers who reacted happened to try to escape.

As a result, just after taking a few steps, an explosion sounded, several people were knocked down, and half of one of them flew into the air.

Fear, helplessness, collapse, several emotions quickly spread among the crowd, and Yang Geyong's words were like life-saving straw, allowing them to see hope in despair.

As a result, weapons were thrown out like raindrops, and the bayonet security team members carefully went over to collect them, for fear of being shot coldly.

As a result, their guard was soon lowered, and the people of the Tuva tribe were frightened. They were afraid of being beaten, let alone cold shots.

Seeing this situation, the bayonet security team selected some people who looked more honest to help collect the weapons and put them out of their reach.

After a while, the weapons quickly piled up into a small mountain. But the members of Bayonet Security showed no interest.

These are fucking useless guns. I wish all the weapons from World War II were used. Even the rifling of the barrel is smoothed, so how can it be used?

After the weapons were confiscated, Yang Geyong asked them to identify their leader. But this didn't bother them.

A group of leaders headed by the lion took the initiative to walk out of the team and came to the bayonet security team.

Seeing this scene, Yang Geyong got off the plane with mushrooms and jackals. When he knew that the lion was the big boss, Yang Geyong took him into the office alone.

The lion looked very calm and showed no fear. Yang Geyong looked at this burly man and felt a little fond of him.

"Why did you surrender so quickly? There are still many of you." Yang Geyong asked.

The lion spread his hands helplessly: "There are mines all around. If we rush out, who knows how many more people will die? I don't want my soldiers to die in vain."

"Wars are about killing people. If you are afraid of death, why do you come here to fight? Don't you know that we have the legal mining rights of this oil field?" Yang Geyong said in a stern voice.

The lion was honest and told what happened without hesitation, and admitted that he did not plan to go back because going back would definitely mean death. He also asked Yang Geyong if he could take him in. He could work and take care of the food.

These words made Yang Geyong stunned for a moment. How could he have imagined that it was the chief who was responsible for everything?

After just pondering for a while, Yang Geyong asked: "You are a man, and men must have courage. Since the chief always leads the tribe into the ditch, why don't you kill him? Become the chief yourself?"

Yang Geyong's words are not without purpose. He knows Africa better. The leaders of African armed forces are generally not appointed by anyone, especially such tribal armed forces.

The leaders must be the bravest and most respected people in the tribe. Because only such people can convince everyone.

Becoming a chief and an elder requires many external factors, such as inheritance and religion. On the contrary, he is not as popular as the warrior leader.

The lion shook his head: "The chief has always treated me like his son. I can't kill him."

Yang Geyong said disdainfully: "He treats you like a son and beats and kills you at every turn. Would he do this to his own son?"

This sentence confused the lion. He couldn't argue for a while and could only look at Yang Geyong in a daze.

"You kill the chief, and I'll help you improve life in the tribe. Do you know Maasai? I'm a Maasai."

Yang Geyong spoke frankly, although the lion's eyes were full of disbelief, after all, the skin color was there.

But I felt relieved when I thought about it. There are still so many white people in South Africa. Why is it so strange that there are Asians in Marseille?

Yang Geyong didn't say anything more to the lion, but called Mushroom Jackal and the others to call the lion and they went to drink together.

For things like ideological work, it is better to ask people of the same race to do it, so as to facilitate communication.

Although they are not strictly of the same race, Europeans and Americans look at Asians the same and can't see any difference.

Mushroom naturally understood what Yang Geyong meant, and took the lion and a group of leaders to drink.

After a long drink, we became friends who talked about everything. Of course, you still have to brag about your awesomeness. This is called intimidation.

However, compared with the current Marseille, many things can be crushed without bragging. Therefore, when Mushroom told the Lions about the situation in Marseille, the eyes of a group of people were filled with envy.

Alcohol is a good thing, at least it can stimulate hidden things in people's minds.

Especially when Mushroom mentioned that everyone was equal in Marseille and the people could be well fed and clothed, the eyes of a group of leaders began to shine.

However, the lion has been hesitating. Although the Lion King only uses him as a tool, he still has feelings for the Lion King.

After all, having been the Lion King's subordinate for so many years, he has become a bit servile.

On the other hand, a group of leaders were so excited that they rolled up their arms and sleeves and insisted on killing the Lion King.

Yang Geyong quickly learned of this situation. After discussing with several of his subordinates, he asked one of Lion's subordinates to call the Lion King to report the good news, saying that the oil field had been occupied, all personnel were under control, and asked them to inspect the territory.

The Lion King was overjoyed after receiving the call and quickly asked the lion to answer the phone. The man quickly reported that the lion had drunk too much and was unconscious.

The Lion King was furious and scolded him fiercely, but after the scolding, he felt comfortable and decided to immediately take a few elders to inspect.

It's just a pity that there is only one jeep, and he still needs bodyguards and other companions, so he can only go by himself.

However, he did remember calling the people at Whitewater Company, telling them about the oil field, and asking them to have the money ready for delivery at any time.

As for the formality issue, he planned to let his son find a way to handle it after arriving at the oil field. In this country where the law is child's play, this matter is not a problem at all.

There were five people in a Wrangler, including the driver and three bodyguards.

The driver hummed along the way, and the driver was the youngest son of the Lion King. Loved by the Lion King. It's just that this guy is uneducated and has no skills, and he is the kind of Adou who can't be helped up.

The helpless Lion King had to keep him by his side. He liked to drive and usually acted as his driver and bodyguard.

The Lion King has five sons in total. The eldest is the speaker of the parliament, and the three among them are all dead. Two died in the war and one died of disease.

The Lion King's current status is inseparable from his dead son. Both sons were extremely brave.

It's a pity that none of them could enjoy their father's current glory and wealth, and died in a war-torn era.

While the car was driving, a helicopter suddenly flew in the sky. Several people didn't pay attention and were still chatting happily.

Suddenly the plane lowered its altitude, tilted its nose downwards and faced the front of the car, and then a missile flew out and penetrated through the windshield with a loud "boom". The Wrangler instantly became a ball of fire.

The plane landed quickly, and Mushroom and Jackal got out of the plane holding the lion. He was accompanied by several leaders of the Tuva tribe.

The jackal asked the lion with a smile: "How is it? Can you go back and take over as the chief now?"

The lion looked pale, lowered his head and said nothing.

Mushroom smiled slightly: "Everyone in the tribe knows that it was you who reported the good news. Now that the chief is dead, you can't get rid of it. If you don't want to die, just be decisive."

At this time, a leader stepped forward: "Big leader, if you don't want to kill each other, then we will take people back to help you deal with this matter."

At this time, the lion finally regained his consciousness and waved his hand: "Everything has to be faced. Let's go back and discuss it first. It's impossible for the bayonet security people to treat us like this without any intention at all. Let's ask clearly before talking."

Mushroom nodded secretly. This lion looked timid, but he still had some brains, but he didn't know what Yang Geyong wanted to do? We can only talk about it when we go back.

Back at the station, Yang Geyong was waiting for them again. The lion asked everyone to avoid it and he wanted to talk to Yang Geyong alone.

After all, he is a Tuva. He can betray the chief, but he cannot betray his own ethnic group. After all, that is the place where he was born and raised.

When facing Yang Geyong, he was very calm: "I am your prisoner, and my life is in your hands. But I am not a coward, and I will not betray my tribe to survive, so please tell me your conditions first?"

Yang Geyong smiled: "Don't be ashamed to talk to me here. All the warriors in your tribe have become my prisoners. After killing them all, I will slaughter your tribe. Do you think I still need your betrayal?"

Yang Geyong's words left the lion speechless because they were not exaggerated in the slightest.

Raising his head, the lion finally asked timidly: "Then what do you want to do?"

Yang Geyong smiled faintly: "I just hope that there will be no more harassment in the oil field. Not only can you not come, but if others come, you have to be responsible for chasing me away. If you can't do that, if I come here again, you will be the first to trouble you!" "

Yang Geyong's words were calm, but his tone was unquestionable. The lion understood that this man was not a threat, and he could do anything.

But after hearing these words, the lion finally breathed a sigh of relief. It turns out that their conditions are so simple. There is no need to agree to it. If he becomes the chief, he has no intention of harassing their oil fields.

However, he really needed to say hello to prevent other tribes from harassing him. This was a trivial matter. No one from the two nearby tribes dared to disobey him. He dared to vouch for this. No problem at all.

Don't cut off the tickets, don't be lazy, or your lover will run away.

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