Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2054 Educating the Little Devil

What mother-in-law wouldn’t like such a daughter-in-law? After eating, Cuicui followed Qiao Hong to her house and discussed the wedding date with Qiao's wife.

No wonder Cuicui is anxious, she can't have a wedding with a big belly, right? Although all this does not matter in this era, Cuicui and her generation still cannot accept it.

The wedding was held very hastily and simply. A group of people came from Junken City and some people from Cuicui's unit. As for Ye Yufan, there was no notice at all.

Ye Yuze didn't know the whole thing until he arrived in the capital, and kicked his nephew in anger. After all, after several years of getting along, Tingting has already become a family member to him.

Originally, Aunt Qiao wanted to talk to Cuicui about the house. After all, she received such a big gift out of thin air, and she felt a little uneasy. But thinking about it, Ye Shan has become her son-in-law, and the house is written in her daughter's name. No more confusion.

All in all, the final ownership of this house is also the Ye family, and she is just staying in it for a while.

But Liu Mei gave her a big gift. Now her daughter Liu Liu's disease has been cured, and her life is beginning to be full of sunshine.

After working as a cleaner in the company for a while, she was quickly discovered and appreciated by Lili. This woman was so responsible that she took her directly from Yang Wei and promoted her to the manager of the Junken International City Property Company.

Changes in positions naturally bring about improvements in life. And the man who brought her all this naturally became Liu Mei's benefactor.

When Ye Shan got married, he gave him a red envelope of 50,000 yuan. Of course, Ye Shan refused to accept it. After struggling for a long time, Ye Shan finally got 10,000 yuan. It can be regarded as a conclusion to this matter.

At this moment, among the brothers' companies in Jingcheng, Lili is the only one who is most unbalanced. In a flash, she and Ye Yuze have been together for more than ten years.

Although love is something that you don't care about anything when you fall in love, but after a long time, for a woman, if there is only longing in her life, she will naturally feel dissatisfied.

But Lili is a sensible woman, and she will never get obsessed with Ye Yuze. The main thing is that Qiao Hong's incident gave her an inspiration.

In the past, Ye Yuze was enough for her, but now she had another idea in her mind. This idea was like a weed, and it quickly flourished from the beginning.

In the past, when she was with Ye Yuze, she would always take some measures. Now that she was in her thirties, she felt that she should leave something behind.

At least when you get older, you won't be so lonely.

As for getting married, although Ye Yuze never stopped her, she understood that after being with this man for so many years, how could she still fall in love with another man?

So, while Ye Yuze was in the capital for the past few days, she did not miss any opportunity. She made Ye Yuze want to run away.

Now Ye Yuji's child is five years old, and he is very cute with a tiger-like head and a tiger-like brain. The old man of the Han family regarded his grandson as a treasure, and even his working hours were shortened a lot.

There is no way, people of the next generation love their children much more than parents dote on them. Now Han Ye is the little bully at home.

If Ye Yuji and Han Xiaofeng dared to scare him, the old couple from the Han family would immediately start roaring, leaving Ye Yuji often confused. Whose son is this?

Yes, there is an aunt. Han Xiaojing is even more used to this child, and Han Ye is also close to her aunt. If Han Xiaojing doesn't come back for a few days, Han Ye will have to make dozens of calls every day.

When Ye Yuze came to the capital, he naturally wanted to visit the Han family. After all, he was also an in-law. In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to have too much contact with such a family.

Ye Yuze has always had a taboo in his heart, which is to try not to have too much contact with people in the system.

I have no choice but to put my identity here. Although officials and businessmen are two classes that are interdependent, they are also the class most prone to problems.

The reason why Ye Yuze mainly explores overseas markets is to subconsciously avoid some troubles. The environment is different, and naturally the pressure is smaller.

Han Ye is very close to the old couple of the Ye family, because Mei Hua often visits him.

However, Ye Yuze was very unfamiliar to him, and this man actually made him a little afraid. Children are very resistant to this emotion. After all, he is the boss of the family.

Today, under Mr. Han's repeated insistence, the Ye family wants to have a meal here. Of course, none of the younger generation came, there were too many people. They are the old couple of the Ye family, Ye Yuze and Ye Yufan.

In fact, this meal was also facilitated by Meihua. After all, his son would also develop in the capital in the future, and the Han family was deeply rooted here, and there were many things they could borrow from. Several sons of the Han family also rushed back.

The meal was very harmonious, the only discordant thing was the little guy Han Ye, who was basically ignorant and acted randomly.

In the end, when he insisted on letting grandma eat the chicken drumsticks that came out of his mouth, Ye Yuze finally became angry.

Regardless of the occasion, he directly carried the boy out and hung him on a branch in the yard.

Han Ye began to threaten him in return, trying to use his Galint to surprise Ye Yuze.

But when Ye Yuze picked up a branch and slapped him hard on the buttocks, the little guy suddenly became frightened and shouted to his grandparents for help.

The old lady of the Han family was naturally distressed. She stood up and was about to rush out, but was stopped by the old man of the Han family. Although the sound of branches slapping his butt outside made the muscles on his face twitch all the time.

The naughty boy shouted hoarse but failed to call for reinforcements. He finally understood the situation and began to give in.

Ye Yuze took advantage of the moment when the boy started to admit defeat and shocked him. He picked up a piece of wood as thick as his arm and punched him.

Han Ye's little mouth was wide enough to fit an egg in, and he immediately regarded Ye Yuze as his idol, not even caring about his sore butt. This kid has been a hero since he was a child, and Ye Yuze naturally falls into the type he admires.

After putting him up from the tree, I thought he would run into the house and cause trouble, but he didn't expect that the little guy would stick to Ye Yuze's side and refused to leave, insisting on learning kung fu.

Until he returned to the house, he looked at Ye Yuze obediently, asking him to do whatever he was asked to do? The whole room was surprised. Could it be that dealing with naughty children was just a matter of branches?

Ye Yuze didn't say much, he just asked Han Ye to have a good meal and wait until after the meal.

As expected, Han Ye finished his meal obediently, and then waited pitifully for Ye Yuze's next order.

Then it’s time to clear the table, serve the bowls, sweep and mop the floor. Ye Yuze didn't ignore any of the procedures.

In fact, he does the same thing in the United States. The children of the Ye family do their own housework. Although Wang Jianying is there, she only cooks, and other chores are done by the children.

Ye Yuze was embarrassed to speak to the old couple of the Han family, but warned Han Xiaofeng and Ye Yuji very seriously.

"The children of our Ye family are educated in this way. Although I can hire dozens of nannies, but when the child grows up, he must know what he should do from an early age?"

"We can give them a good living environment, but we must also let them understand that all this is not what they should be able to enjoy, and they must pay for it."

Ye Yuze's words were a bit harsh and he didn't care about the Han family's face. Old Mrs. Han was obviously unhappy, but several men showed approval.

Ye Yuze turned to look at Han Yezi: "Uncle Han, how about I take Han Ye to live in Boston for a while and then bring him back when he goes to middle school?"

"Okay, okay, Uncle Ye, I'm going to pack my things. When are we leaving?"

Han Ye's joy made the Han family stunned. Is this really a filial son born under a stick?

In fact, Ye Yuze really does it for the good of the Han family. Otherwise, if this child continues to grow like this, who knows what he will grow into?

With the power of the Han family here, this kid will really become a demon king when he grows up. The key point is that this is a country with a sound legal system. When you reach that age, no matter who you are, you will have to accept the punishment in the end.

In the end, it was Mr. Han who set the tone: "Yuze, let's keep the child at home, we can't live without it. From now on, all issues regarding his education will be left to Yuji, and we will no longer interfere."

Han Ye gave up all of a sudden, and was about to act a bit, when Ye Yuze looked over and immediately became scared.

Ye Yuze asked: "Learning martial arts, right? Your mother learned it from me. After you finish learning what your mother knows, you can go to Boston to learn from me."

Han Ye looked at Ye Yuji with disbelief. Only then did Ye Yuji understand that it would be useless if he didn't shock the naughty kid. So I picked up two chopsticks and chopped with two fingers.

The chopsticks were broken at the sound, which shocked the whole Han family, not to mention the naughty child, who looked excited and said that he could learn from his mother.

After dinner, Mr. Han took the men to the study to chat. Ye Yuze did not follow. The things they talked about had nothing to do with him as a businessman. It was more fun to beat up the naughty kid.

A day passed in a flash. When he returned to his residence, Ye Wancheng was in a hurry to return to the research institute. Ye Yuze had no choice but to fly the old couple back overnight.

After a few days in the capital, everything was done. This time Ye Feng did not come back. Ye Yuze decided to take Yuanfang back. They were already married, so it was okay not to have children.

If Yifei can't give birth, Yuanfang should be fine, right? Ye Yuze didn't want Su Xi to give birth to the child first, even though that girl was the closest to him. I have been shouting "Dad, Daddy" all day long for so many years.

But Ye Yuze still hopes that his first grandson will be a relatively pure Chinese.

Yuanfang naturally understood what her father-in-law was thinking, and she was happy but also a little worried. She had been with Ye Feng for so long, and she was supposed to have many children, but she never had any.

This matter has always made Yuanfang a little at a loss. She even kept thinking, is there something wrong with Ye Feng?

When Ye Yuze returned to Boston, he did not tell Ye Feng that Yang Geyong had returned early and just asked him to drive to pick him up.

Yuanfang's career is developing very well. After the movie became a hit, the TV series "Junkenren" also dominated the screen.

The ratings reached a new high in several years, which made Junken Film and Television's reputation suddenly and completely. Various celebrities came to invest one after another, all wanting to sign with Yuanfang's company.

Yuanfang does not have a large number of contracted stars. Her development idea is very clear, which is to develop and promote new people and cultivate her own team.

According to current statements, China's film market has become a giant baby, and young people's appreciation level is getting more and more bizarre. She wants to reverse this situation.

What touched her the most was when she read an online novel. In fact, the title was originally a subject that she had no interest in.

The title of the book is "Li Bai and I are classmates." The reason why she can continue reading this book is not how well written it is? But I was shocked by the comments.

Although the author is writing about time travel, his description of the character Li Bai is still relatively realistic.

Li Bai is undoubtedly a miracle in the history of Chinese literature. His poetic attainments are absolutely unprecedented, but his outlook on life is hard to agree with.

Regarding his origin, there is mostly no controversy. He must have been born in Suiye City. Suiye City was an important town established by the Tang Dynasty in the Western Region. It was the farthest border city in the western region fortified by any Chinese dynasty. It was also an important town on the Silk Road. .

Its former site is in Ak-Beshim, 8 kilometers southwest of Tokmak City in Kyrgyzstan. Together with Qiuci, Shule and Yutian, it was called the "Four Anxi Towns" in the Tang Dynasty.

During the Tang Dynasty, the territory was vast, but these remote areas were basically governed in a free-range manner, which was the so-called Jizhou.

The meaning of Jisi Prefecture is an autonomous region. It is better to govern itself and recognize that it belongs to the people of the Tang Dynasty. Pay some taxes and tributes, and the Tang army will protect you when you are in danger.

At that time, there were many Jizhou states in the Tang Dynasty, including Southeast Asia and most regions and countries in the Northeast, not to mention the Northwest. extending almost to Europe.

According to historical records, Li Bai's father was a Hu. Because the definition of Hu was very broad at that time, it is impossible to verify the specific ethnic group.

But according to the description of Li Bai's appearance, he is tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but the color of his eyes and hair are still black. From this, it can be inferred that he is still Asian. Based on the geographical location, he should be of Kazakh ethnicity, but what exactly is it? clan? But there's no way to be sure.

But one thing is certain, that is, his mother is Han Chinese and her hometown is in Jiangyouyi, Sichuan.

And Li Bai's surname, Li, should also be maternal. They came to Jiangyou when Li Bai was three years old and was brought by his father.

As for where the mother went? I don’t know why I came to Jiangyou. Li Bai also had a younger sister, and her brother-in-law died on the journey because he was traveling with him.

As for the claim that Li Bai's family had a fortune of tens of millions and spent money like water because his family was rich, this statement is unreliable.

His father's name is Li Ke. In fact, there is no way to verify this name, because there is a saying that the word "Ke" refers to guest residence. The Hu people's names were too long, so I just called them Li Ke.

A Hu man came to Sichuan far away from his hometown with his two children. With the means of transportation available at that time, he was said to have a fortune of tens of millions. Who would believe this?

Of course, none of these are actually important. What is important is that Li Bai has outstanding literary talent. As for martial arts, he just learned some swordsmanship. The literati at that time were fond of martial arts and paid attention to the five civil and martial arts.

Hello comrades, thank you for your hard work, comrades

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