Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2052 Love cannot withstand separation

I'm afraid Ye Feng would be dumbfounded if he knew about this situation. His original intention was to help this ambitious woman, but because Yang Wei and the others misunderstood the meaning, Liu Mei became the uncrowned king of the cleaning team.

After finishing what he wanted to do, Yeshan devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work. The profession of criminal police is the busiest profession and is always full of danger.

And Xiaoshan's wife Tingting, who is used to living a happy life, is becoming less and less supportive of her husband's work.

Last time, Ye Shan actually wanted to use family money to help others buy a house. His wife complained about him and he lost his temper. This incident has caused a rift between the two of them.

As Ye Shan went home less frequently, Tingting also began to stop going home. Since she had no children, she was alone when she went home. She might as well be at ease in school.

Because Tingting did not have enough academic qualifications, she worked as a counselor in the school and was also the Youth League Secretary of the department. She did a very good job and was appreciated by several leaders.

Although her life in Junken City is very comfortable, it is still far behind compared with the capital city. This difference is not economic. In terms of income, today's capital city is really not comparable to Junken City.

But in terms of various ideological things, Junken City is definitely incomparable. Tingting has been in the capital for more than a year, and she thinks she has learned more than she has in the past twenty years combined.

The changes in the capital are naturally changing rapidly, and the local people know it best. Compared with ten years ago, such changes are already everywhere.

At the very least, eating and drinking whatever they want is no longer a big deal for the most ordinary people, especially children. Those things that used to make them drool now no longer like to eat.

When people become rich materially, people will naturally start to pursue spiritual things, and the so-called equality, freedom, fraternity and other ideological trends from the West begin to spread among the people.

And the university where Tingting was studying was the place that was hardest hit by these trends of thought. Although she is a counselor, she is still a young person after all, so her thoughts have changed a lot.

Generally speaking, young people after marriage, especially women, will focus on their families. However, as the number of Ye Shan's visits home decreased and the conflict between the two deepened, Tingting's energy naturally shifted in other directions.

Soon, she began to form a circle with some teachers and international students with new ideas, pursuing things that were incompatible with domestic values.

Tingting is so strong, she doesn't blindly follow anyone and shout for something? I just started to enrich myself while accepting some things. After all, my academic qualifications are a flaw in this institution.

Her original idea was to get admitted to the graduate school of this school for further study. However, during the review process, she was influenced by the circle and suddenly came up with another idea, which was to take the TOEFL exam.

This thought that comes up occasionally is like a grass in spring, which quickly grows stronger in spring. Of course, she wanted to be admitted as a publicly funded international student. After all, the school has targets every year.

Nowadays, when taking these exams, there are no longer any restrictions on things like political examination, and it all depends on grades. Although her foundation is not good, she still decided to give it a try.

In the days that followed, Tingting didn't go home at all. In addition to hanging out in the pile of books, she hung out with those international students to practice her speaking skills. After all, there was the TOEFL and the interview.

Nowadays, in domestic English teaching, there is a common saying called dumb English, which means that there is no problem in writing, but it is useless when speaking. Tingting worked hard to make up for this shortcoming of hers.

Emotions are like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat, especially for young couples like them who have been married for several years and haven't had children yet.

It started when Yeshan often didn't go home because of work, and now both of them don't go home anymore. Both of them have dormitories and canteens, so the so-called home becomes a symbol.

On Friday afternoon, because we had just finished a case, the team gave everyone a day off, which meant that Saturday and Sunday were completely relaxing.

Yeshan happily bought some vegetables and returned home early. Just opening the door and taking a look, my heart felt cold.

My wife is a clean person. Although the house is not big, it is always spotless. But now there is a layer of dust on the furniture. This means that my wife has not been back to this home for who knows how long?

Yeshan picked up his cell phone and dialed his wife's number. The ringing rang for a long time before he was picked up. Before he heard his wife's voice, a voice speaking fluent English came over:

"Tingting, your phone number."

"Just let him hang up and tell me I'll call him back later and wait until I finish taking a shower."

His wife's vague voice came from the receiver, and Ye Shan's heart sank.

A man is holding his wife's cell phone while she is taking a shower. No matter how calm Hayama is, he cannot tolerate this kind of thing. He opened the door and rushed out, driving to Capital University.

Because his home is not far from the school, Ye Shan arrived at the school ten minutes later. Ye Shan knew Tingting's dormitory, so he drove directly downstairs.

In fact, the university had banned cars from entering the campus at this time, but because Hayama was driving a police car, the guard did not stop him, so he was able to get through unimpeded.

Arriving at the door of his wife's dormitory, Ye Shan reached out and knocked on the door after hearing that there was no sound inside.

"Who is it?" came a voice with a strange pronunciation.

Ye Shan's anger suddenly surged, and he raised his leg and kicked the door hard.

The door of the dormitory was not strong, it had an old-fashioned ball-shaped secret lock. When Ye Shan kicked it down, even the card slot was kicked down.

The loud sound caused the doors all around to be opened. Because they were all familiar teachers, everyone was concerned and opened the door to see what was going on?

As a result, he saw an angry Ye Shan standing at the door, and Teacher Tingting's door was broken.

Some of them knew Ye Shan and knew it was Tingting's husband. They came over and wanted to ask what was going on?

As a result, when I looked through the open door, I saw Tingting coming out of the bathroom in a bathrobe, and a very tall foreign student was standing in the room, looking at the door in surprise.

Chinese people are naturally sensitive to this kind of thing, and even those colleagues who originally planned to keep the matter quiet have shut up at this time.

No matter how magnanimous you are, staying in a room with a man and wearing a bathrobe, you still can't explain this kind of thing.

But at this time, Tingting found out that her husband had kicked her door in and she was still furious.

"Yeshan, are you crazy? If you break this door, you will have to pay for it!"

Ye Shan, who was in a rage, was aroused by his wife's words and lost all sense. He went up and slapped her hard on the face. Tingting fell down in response, and her snow-white thighs were exposed from the hem of her pajamas.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?" When the foreign student saw Tingting being beaten, he suddenly became excited, put on a fighting posture, and rushed towards Ye Shan.

Seeing how arrogant the two people were, Ye Shan didn't care about anything. He flew up with one leg and kicked the man in the face hard.

The foreigner, who was originally looking very good-looking, was kicked in the eyes. He immediately screamed, covered his eyes with his hands and squatted down.

Ye Shan then flew up with another kick, which hit the foreigner right on the bridge of his nose. The towering aquiline nose suddenly collapsed, and his face was immediately covered in blood.

At this time, someone finally rushed forward and pulled Ye Shan away. There is no small matter when it comes to foreign affairs, and some departments safeguard the interests of these people very well. They had good intentions when they pulled away from Hayama.

At this time, although Ye Shan was not angry, he also regained some sense. He turned around and went downstairs. He felt embarrassed staying here.

"Barbaric, beast!" Several Tingting's girlfriends gathered around at this time, cursing Ye Shan and helping Tingting up from the ground.

There was an obvious palm print on the left side of Tingting's face, which was swollen.

This matter was quickly reported. After hearing the report, the hospital leader looked serious: "Call Ye Shan's leader. He is a public security officer. This matter should be handled by their unit!"

Due to emotions and reasons, this leader sympathized with Ye Shan, but he just drove a police car to the school to beat people. The consequences of this incident were serious and the impact was great, and it must be dealt with impartially.

After beating the man, Ye Shan drove the car around in the street. At this time, he was hungry, so he turned the steering wheel and went to his father's house.

Because her parents were both at home on the weekend, Cuicui was very happy when she saw her son coming in. After seeing that there was no one behind Ye Shan, she complained:

"Where's Tingting? Why didn't you come back together?"

Ye Shan didn't speak, but his face was ashen. At this time the phone in his pocket rang.

Yeshan picked it up, and the captain's roar came from inside: "Haeshan, are you crazy? Why did you go to the university, kick down the door and beat people?"

"Why would I bother others if I beat my own wife? Do you care about me when you're full?" Naturally, Ye Shan wasn't angry either.

"But you also hit an American student. Do you know how bad this impact is?" the captain continued to scold.

"You idiot, if your wife is taking a bath and there is a foreigner in the room, do you still want to invite him to tea?" Yeshan also swore directly.

The young man has a bad temper. He is so angry right now, why should he care who the other person is?

There was silence for a while, and then a cold voice came: "Go back to the team immediately. You are suspected of assaulting a foreign student, and you will be detained."

Ye Shan was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and walked outside. Cuicui took her son's hand and said, "Yeshan, what you just said is true?"

Ye Yufan didn't say a word, but his face was livid. He didn't know whether he was angry about this incident or his son's behavior.

"Let's go, Mom, go with you. I don't believe there is no king." Cuicui took her son's arm and started to walk out.

"Stop! It's your fault, and he will be responsible for whatever he does!" Ye Yufan's majestic voice sounded.

"You are just a bastard. Your son has been bullied to the point where you dare not let go. I want to go with him and have a look. Aren't you being detained? I will accompany my son!"

Cuicui, like all mothers, chooses to stand up when her son is in trouble, even if she has no ability to change anything.

Ye Shan's unit is located in the Nancheng Branch Criminal Police Team. Cuicui accompanied her son all the way to the unit and entered the captain's office together.

The captain had just been scolded by Ye Shan, and his face was livid. When he saw Ye Shan was about to get angry, he saw Cuicui behind him and asked quickly: "Who are you?"

"I'm his mother. Let me see what's wrong with my son. He's been bullied and he needs to be detained, right? Okay, then I'll accompany him."

"Nonsense!" the captain roared angrily, but there was nothing he could do. As a leader, he naturally faced his soldiers, even if the soldiers had just scolded him.

But asking him to lose his temper with a mother is something he really can't do.

"Sister, listen to me, we are a law enforcement agency, and this matter has a great impact. Although we have not investigated the full story, it is true that he beat someone."

The captain patiently explained to Cuicui.

"Such people should be beaten. You risk your life all day long to perform tasks outside, but they dare to do anything without shame. Shouldn't such people be beaten?"

Cuicui looked upright and solemn. At this moment, there was another captain who would be rude even if the minister came. This was her mother.

At Capital University, Tingting was sitting in the dean's office, and there was the international student. The dean spoke very politely:

"Comrade Tingting, we have reported Ye Shan's problem to their leaders, and they have promised to deal with it seriously. Do you have any other requests?"

Tingting shook her head: "This is a misunderstanding. You shouldn't report it to their leaders."

"No, Tingting, that's a barbarian, he should be punished." The international student howled, covering his nose wrapped in a rice dumpling.

"Shut up, why didn't you leave when I told you to? Don't you know I'm taking a shower?" Tingting shouted.

"It's just a shower. Didn't I wait for you to finish and let's watch the original movie together?" The international student shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't hold Ye Shan accountable. It's my fault. Please tell their leader." After Tingting said that, she stood up and walked out.

"Wait a minute. Since your incident has caused a very bad impact on the school, the hospital has decided to suspend you for inspection. How will you deal with it in the future? Can you wait for the school's notification?"

Tingting stopped and looked at the hospital leader in surprise. The leader's face was expressionless and he didn't look at her at all, but Tingting could see that his eyes were full of contempt.

The international student chased her out and kept calling her from behind. Tingting finally stopped and said, "Follow me to the public security bureau and tell them that you won't pursue the matter. Can you?"

The international student hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, and the two took a taxi to Yeshan's place.

At this time, Cuicui and Ye Shan were still in the captain's office. Because she refused to leave, the captain could not proceed with detaining Ye Shan.

Tingting's arrival brought the matter to a conclusion quickly. Since the injured party admitted that it was a misunderstanding and would not pursue the matter, the captain was naturally eager to do so.

Several people left the unit, and Tingting shouted to Cuicui: "Mom."

Cuicui paused for a moment: "I can't be your mother. Since you think foreigners are good, you will get divorced tomorrow. Can you respect your former husband?"

Tingting looked at Cuicui in shock, but Cuicui didn't look at her at all.

Thank you brothers, we saved the sixth place in the monthly ticket at the last minute. I will remember those brothers who have always supported me. If we are destined to have a good time in the future, we will have a good time. In the first few days of the month, free monthly passes will be distributed. Don’t waste them. Thank you.

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