Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2050 The first mission

The colleague working with Ye Shan is Lao Qiao. He is an old criminal policeman with rich experience. However, due to personality reasons, he has never been promoted. He is already in his forties this year. If there is no accident, he will have to leave this position in his life. retire.

And because Ye Shan was a deputy department member when he was transferred, he was his boss instead. Is the group leader.

Lao Qiao had a very stable character and sat in the passenger seat for so long without moving. Instead, Ye Shan went out several times as an excuse to buy a water toilet. He really couldn't sit still.

The space inside the car is too small, which makes it comfortable for people to sit in it for a short time, but becomes suffocating and uncomfortable after a long time. People like Ye Shan who are new to the job really don’t have the determination.

Now he came down to do some activities again, and the excuse was of course to use the restroom.

There is a typical phenomenon in China during this era. Ever since dry toilets were cleared from all the streets, there is not a single public toilet in public places. It's never a joke that outsiders can't find a toilet, because there isn't one.

At any rate, Ye Shan really wasn't going to the toilet, he just found an excuse to come down and walk his legs. Anyway, after Lao Qiao got in the car, he just sat there like a model and didn't move. He didn't worry about not being able to detect anything unusual.

He smoked a cigarette at the gate of the target community. There was a canteen here. He bought two bottles of water and walked to the car. Suddenly, he bumped into a short and stocky young man carrying a big box.

The two bottles of water in Ye Shan's hands were knocked to the ground. Ye Shan scolded angrily: "Don't you have eyes when you walk?"

When he raised his head, he was stunned. How come this guy was wearing a mask and sunglasses on a summer night, acting like a celebrity going out.

The young man didn't seem to pay attention to his scolding. Of course, he was wearing a mask and sunglasses and couldn't tell. He hurriedly walked towards the yard without even looking at Hayama.

Ye Shan really wanted to grab him and ask him if he was sensible? But suddenly he remembered his identity and quickly shut up.

Things like squatting must be kept secret. Once someone is aware of it, who can guarantee that no one will tip it off?

When he walked back to the car, he found that Lao Qiao was staring at the man with binoculars. As the man entered the building, the voice-activated lights inside lit up one by one.

Ye Shan also became nervous, and his mind suddenly understood the weirdness of the person just now.

However, the two people only monitored those two families. In fact, they mainly focused on the one with dark lights. Because the mother and daughter's family really couldn't figure out what connection they had with Liu Kan?

But this time they were disappointed again. The dark lamp never turned on, and Lao Qiao never put down his binoculars. He pointed at the lighted living room of the mother and daughter and said "ah" in surprise.

At this time, Hayama also saw the stocky figure in the window. He had taken off his mask and sunglasses. He had good eyesight and recognized the person at a glance as the suspect he wanted to catch.

Without waiting for Lao Qiao to react, Ye Shan opened the car door and rushed in. He wanted to rush over and block the door, otherwise it would be difficult to catch the guy once he came out.

Lao Qiao followed closely behind, but after all, he was old and could not run so fast, so he just followed suit and fell far behind Ye Shan.

Ye Shan has very good physical strength. He ran up this distance and the stairs. Although he was a little out of breath, he was not unable to run.

However, Ye Shan's voice upstairs was obviously louder, which not only alarmed Liu Kan, but also the neighbors. Fortunately, Ye Shan was wearing a police uniform, otherwise the residents who opened the door to check would have to examine his origins.

Liu Kan reacted very quickly. While Ye Shan was holding his knees and panting, he rushed out of the door. At this time, Ye Shan didn't react at all. When he saw his figure, he grabbed him, but only grabbed a corner of his clothes, and was immediately thrown away. .

Ye Shan immediately chased after him. Liu Kan obviously had better physical strength than him. He ran wildly all the way, his footsteps were like hammering, which made the corridor ring.

When they ran to the second floor, Lao Qiao and Liu Kan happened to be walking across from each other. Because Lao Qiao was also wearing a police uniform, Liu Kan rushed towards Lao Qiao without any hesitation.

Lao Qiao suddenly stopped and reached out to grab Liu Kan's wrist, but Liu Kan rushed forward and hit Lao Qiao's shoulder hard. Then the two of them fell to the ground together and rolled down the stairs.

Ye Shan took out his gun and wanted to take aim, but the two kept rolling and couldn't take aim at all. However, after they rolled to a platform, Liu Kan got up and ran away.

"Stop! Or I'll shoot!" Ye Shan shouted, but Liu Kan turned a deaf ear and ran downstairs.

According to regulations, when Hayama shoots, he must shoot into the air. He must first warn the other party before being allowed to shoot at others.

However, in the corridor at this time, if he shot in the air, it would not be certain if the bullet bounced and hit someone, so Hayama no longer hesitated and shot him.

"Bang!" The bullet hit Liu Kan's shoulder. He was shaken, but he continued to run without stopping at all.

"Bang bang!" Ye Shan fired two more bullets. Liu Kan swayed twice and finally fell to the ground.

Ye Shan rushed over and was about to handcuff him, but found that the bullet had hit his chest. Liu Kan was gasping for air with his mouth wide open and could no longer speak.

Looking back at Old Qiao on the ground, I saw that his eyes were closed, there was a pool of blood under his head, and he made no sound with his eyes closed.

"Old Qiao!" Ye Shan shouted. Seeing that he didn't respond, he quickly took out his phone and asked for support.

Colleagues and an ambulance arrived quickly and sent both of them to the hospital. The result was very bad. Liu Kan was hit in a vital part and died before he even got to the hospital.

Lao Qiao suffered injuries to his head and lumbar spine and remained unconscious. According to the doctor, with his condition, he may face high paraplegia even if he wakes up.

Ye Shan's whole body felt like he was struck by lightning. It was all his fault. If he had not been so impulsive and had discussed it with Lao Qiao before taking action, this result would definitely not have been the result.

But, is there any regret medicine in this world? The big mistake has been made, and we can only accept it.

Ye Shan was destined to be rewarded for killing the fugitive. The case was originally a case from the economic investigation department. The man was dead, so naturally there was nothing wrong with Ye Shan in the case.

Ye Shan took leave and stayed in the hospital for several days. After the operation, Lao Qiao is still in the ICU, and it is difficult to predict what the consequences will be.

Lao Qiao's daughter is twenty years old this year and works as a teacher in a kindergarten. She is a very ordinary girl. She is weak and delicate. Apparently she has not yet reacted to what happened. She does not believe that the mountain can protect her and her mother from the wind and rain. Why did father collapse suddenly?

Lao Qiao's wife was a laid-off worker who usually set up a pancake stall in the alley. At this time, she was waiting at the door of the ICU in a state of confusion.

On the third day, Lao Qiao was finally pushed out and was about to be transferred to the general ward. Ye Shan took Lao Qiao's wife and daughter and followed the nurse to the ward.

The work unit came forward to give him the single room he requested. At this time, Lao Qiao had opened his eyes, but was speechless. His wife held his arm with the infusion tube and was speechless.

Daughter Qiao Hong was timid and did not dare to come close to her. She did not believe that it was her father who was always strong and healthy lying on the hospital bed.

Ye Shan came closer, but did not dare to look at Lao Qiao. Lao Qiao stretched out his hand tremblingly and grabbed Ye Shan's hand.

At this time, Qiao Hong also came over, looking helpless and at a loss.

Lao Qiao grabbed his daughter's hand, and then held the hands of Ye Shan, his wife and his daughter in his palm, but looked at Ye Shan.

Ye Shan immediately understood what Lao Qiao meant, couldn't help but shed tears, and choked up: "Old Qiao, if you want to live, I will definitely help you if there is anything at home."

A gratified smile appeared on Lao Qiao's face, and he squeezed his hand twice, as if to thank Ye Shan, but then he lost strength.

"Old Qiao!" A heartbreaking cry came from the mouth of Lao Qiao's wife, and Lao Qiao's eyes had been closed on the hospital bed.

Doctors and nurses rushed over, and Lao Qiao was pushed into the emergency room. Half an hour later, the doctor regretfully informed them that he had passed away.

Ye Shan suddenly collapsed on the ground, unable to stand up at all, until someone from the work unit came to help him up.

The memorial service was simple but grand. The people at the police station were used to seeing separation between life and death. Everyone in the world sees them looking majestic in uniforms, but no one knows how many dangers they face every day?

When he returned to work, the economic investigation team asked Ye Shan if he knew where Liu Kan had transferred the stolen money.

After their investigation, they found that Liu Kan's stolen goods had been taken away, but they didn't know where the money went?

Ye Shan shook his head. At present, his brain was like paste and he had no thinking at all.

After get off work, Ye Shan habitually went to Lao Qiao's house. Lao Qiao lives in a large courtyard. A family of three lives in one room. A curtain is drawn to separate the space between the old couple and their daughter.

They built a small kitchen at the door, where they usually cook.

The courtyard is very crowded because there are too many privately built houses there, so it is difficult to push a bicycle in from the front yard to the back yard.

Ye Shan came here today and took 10,000 yuan. He couldn't think of how to help Lao Qiao's family, so he could only use his own savings to help as much as he could.

As soon as I arrived at Qiao's house, I found that the yard was in a mess and there was a lot of noise. After listening carefully for a while, Ye Shan finally understood that this yard had an owner.

Because of the implementation of the policy, the owner wants to take back the house. But the people living in the courtyard were all assigned to live here in a certain era, so naturally they refused to move.

In fact, there are many such things in Beijing, and most of them are caused by the allocation of housing in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. However, as the policy changed, many overseas Chinese returned, and some houses were returned one after another.

In fact, the property rights of Lao Qiao's yard have long been determined, but the people in this yard refuse to leave. Some are unwilling to leave, while others are unable to leave.

For example, Lao Qiao's family cannot afford to buy a house with his salary. Because after his wife was laid off, he had to support the family with his own salary. How could he have any extra money?

The capital is densely populated. Once it is not the turn for demolition, it would be a joke to buy a house based on salary. Especially ordinary police officers like Lao Qiao.

The person who came had a tough attitude, wearing glasses and carrying a briefcase. He should be a lawyer, because this guy has given a deadline. If he doesn't leave, he will go to court to sue.

Seeing the helpless eyes of Lao Qiao, his wife, and Qiao Hong, Ye Shan felt like he was in a state of shock. But he is just an ordinary person, and his salary is lower than Lao Qiao? What should he do to help this family?

After Lao Qiao died, his employer paid him a pension, but if the money was used to buy a house, it would be a drop in the bucket.

He secretly put 10,000 yuan into Qiao Hong's hand, and then ran away like a thief. He really didn't know how to deal with it? He clearly remembered what Lao Qiao meant by holding his hand with that of his family.

Instead of going back to his home after get off work, he went to his parents' place. He knew that if there was money at home, his mother would definitely have it. After all, my mother is the manager of an agricultural and animal husbandry company and has shares. But he really didn't know how much money he earned.

His and his wife's house was bought by his mother. As for his father's house, it must have been given by his employer. At this level, naturally he won't worry about such things.

Ye Shan talked about this with her mother, and Cuicui was silent for a while and said: "Son, I understand your feelings, but there are so many things like this. We can't meet one, so just help one, right?"

"But he died because of me!" Ye Shan was a little excited, but his wife was a little dismissive.

"That's his job. If you two change places, you will be the one lying in the hospital."

Ye Shan gave his wife a cold look: "Get out, I don't want to see you!"

If this woman was not his wife, Hayama couldn't guarantee that he would beat her.

My wife let out a "hum" and quickly disappeared from the house with her high heels and drum beats.

Cuicui scolded: "What do you want to do? Do you still want to beat your wife?"

Ye Shan sat on the sofa and sulked, craning his neck, but Ye Yufan remained silent. As a parent and department leader, I have developed a temperament of few words.

"Tell me your colleague's name and police number, and I'll see if I can think of something." Ye Yufan's words made Ye Shan's eyes light up. If dad is willing to ask about it, this matter will definitely be solved.

But the smile on his face hadn't bloomed yet, and Ye Yufan's words were like a scoop of cold water, completely extinguishing his hopes.

"There are too many things like this. The ministry's funds are limited and many funds are not enough, but we will try our best and not let the heroes bleed and cry."

Ye Shan didn't say anything else. He understood that his father's words were right. Solving things can't be that simple. And at his father's level, what needs to be solved can't be a certain person or a certain thing. Step by step, you don't know. What day will it be?

He walked out of the door with a heavy heart and drove involuntarily into the community where Lao Qiao died. When I got off the car, I found the pale little girl standing blankly at the door of the community.

Every time he saw this girl, Ye Shan would always be moved by her eyes, which were sparkling and full of expectation.

"What are you doing here?" Ye Shan couldn't help but squat down and asked.

"Wait for my dad. Last time he left in a hurry and said he would take me to the amusement park the next day, but it's been many days and he hasn't come yet."

On the last day, brothers, please clean up the monthly tickets in your hands. Don’t waste them. Don’t give them to others. Blow the charge horn! kill!

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