Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2038 Layout and Waiting

Fuld stood up in shock and looked at Ye Feng in disbelief. After looking for a while, he found that Ye Feng still had a firm gaze, so he reached out and touched Ye Feng's head. He was afraid that the child had a fever.

Ye Feng pulled away Fuld's claws and continued to ask: "I'm asking you, how much does it cost to acquire Hohmann Company now?"

Fuld tried his best to hold down his heart that was about to beat out, and tried to calm himself down.

At this time, he already understood that this young man really wanted to acquire Hohmann Company. He was a person who had been immersed in the shopping mall for half his life. He understood the mentality of people of Ye Feng's age better than anyone else.

They refuse to admit defeat, and when faced with such a big setback, they will hold on tightly even if there is a straw.

Fuld also has a general understanding of Ye Feng's economic situation. In fact, this young man is not a simple person. In just his twenties, he owns a multinational insurance company, an investment company, and Facebook. Given time, he will definitely occupy a place in the American market.

It's a pity that he met me, and he took advantage of the young man's weakness of being too eager to succeed, and successfully used the golden sign of the Homan Brothers to drag him down. Now let alone the future, there is no hope.

Fuld suddenly felt a trace of regret in his heart, but it was only fleeting. The shopping mall is a battlefield. Who makes this kid greedy? If you want to take 15% of Hohmann's shares for 60 billion, isn't that pie in the sky?

As a result, now that I have discovered that I have fallen into a trap, I still want to grab straws. Such a fool would be sorry for the conscience of the world if he does not cheat!

After brewing his emotions for a while, Fuld put on a righteous posture.

"Ye Feng, although the company seems to be in dire straits, it is not. As one of the top investment banks in the United States, the government will definitely not ignore it. Do you know the history of Hohmann Company?"

Seeing Ye Feng shaking his head, Fuld began to describe the development history of Hohmann Company affectionately. Only then did Ye Feng find out that the first generation founder of the company was a cattle seller.

I have to admit that Fuld really has a deep affection for Hohmann Company. He is very familiar with the company's development history. He even remembers the dates clearly for a series of major events that happened in the company, which even Ye Feng admires.

But he admires him, but he doesn't have time to listen to this guy's memoirs. So what if he was brilliant? After all, the Hohmann Company has reached the end of its rope, and it was defeated at the hands of this talkative person. According to Chinese saying, the old guy doesn't know how to face his ancestors after death?

Seeing him talking incessantly, Ye Feng had to interrupt him. He had no choice but to listen to an old man's memoirs. He had to write his own memoirs.

"Mr. Fuld, the glory of Hohmann Company belongs to the ancestors. I don't want to hear memoirs. I'm asking you if I want to acquire this company now, how much will it cost?"

Fuld was interrupted by Ye Feng in this tone, obviously dissatisfied. He rolled his eyes at Ye Feng and said in a somewhat angry tone:

"I'm not saying this for memories, but to tell you about the value and influence that Hohmann has created for society. I don't think the government and the major banks will watch us fall. Therefore, don't think that the company has encountered problems now. If it’s difficult, you can take advantage of it.”

Ye Feng shook his head helplessly: "Okay then, tell me your price, and I'll hear if there is any negotiable value."

Fuld pondered for a moment and raised his palms: "Fifty billion, maybe. If you can come up with this number, I can make the decision and the company will be yours."

Ye Feng stood up and turned away: "With a debt of 800 billion, the company's valuation is only 500 billion. Are you asking me to spend 1300 billion to buy a building?"

When Fuld saw Ye Feng leaving so simply, he quickly shouted: "We can still discuss the specific number."

"I know why you can make the company like this, because you use your butt instead of your brain to think about things!"

The words drifted in through the open door, and Ye Feng had disappeared.

Fuld angrily punched the table, cursed, and then said "Ouch" to his fist, and it hurt.

After returning home, Ye Feng reported the matter to his father. Ye Yuze told him to keep calm. He was just trying to find out the truth. Since he didn't want to sell, he should hold on.

At present, the main task is to raise funds. At this time, Ye Feng also thought of his Facebook and discussed with Ye Yuze:

"Dad, why don't I take my Facebook public? Tencent's listed market value is already US$30 billion. Although Facebook does not currently have as many users as there, because it is an American company, its listed market value must be higher than theirs."

Ye Yuze shook his head: "Your insurance company can be listed on the market, but it is best not to list Facebook, because it is currently in the expansion period. Once it is listed, some people will inevitably be concerned about it. We will wait until it reaches a certain scale, otherwise we will suffer too much."

Ye Feng lowered his head and said with some embarrassment: "Dad, aren't you short of money now? I hear you raising funds every day."

Ye Yuze smiled and patted his son on the shoulder: "You don't have to worry about these things. Although you have caused trouble, it is likely that we will be a blessing in disguise. If we can really own a bank, then we will be completely different in the future."

Ye Feng naturally understood what his father was thinking, but how could things be so simple? Today, people still need 500 billion. How much less can it be?

Ye Yuze didn't tell Ye Feng anymore. Although his son was smart, he was still young and a little unreliable in his work. Otherwise, he wouldn't be where he is today.

But gains and losses are determined by fate, and blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. Who can know how this matter will develop in the end?

But now, things can no longer be solved by strength alone. Fuld did not brag about some of the things he said. Among the shareholders of Hohmann, there are actually several major American banks as shareholders. The current situation is that, look at Will they reach out?

If several banks are willing to share the debt equally and the government injects capital, as long as this hurdle can be passed, Hohmann will definitely be able to recover after a period of settlement. After all, they still have a large amount of overseas assets.

But now the US government has made it clear that it will not inject capital. Then it just depends on how those banks decide. Whether they plan to lose hundreds of billions as a family and invest hundreds of billions more to bet on the future, or to give up here, it all depends on their thoughts.

Ye Yuze definitely can't get involved in this kind of thing, but the fourth child has been active. He is a state senator and is running for Congress, and he has made solving the problem of Homan Company a policy agenda.

You must know that the collapse of Hohmann Company is not just a matter of the company losing money, but also involves a large number of abandoned houses. This is tantamount to an earthquake for the real estate market.

If this situation does not change, it will naturally be a challenge to the economy and people's livelihood. Many candidates understand this truth, but no one dares to touch it. The main reason is that there is too much money involved, and no candidate or the forces behind him are stupid enough to spend money.

But Fourth Master did it anyway, and now the name Fourth Master is already familiar to the American people.

The previously launched campaign to bring homeless people home has now achieved great results across the United States. There are far fewer homeless people standing on benches on the streets in downtown areas, and in some places there are simply no homeless people at all.

Although homeless people are legal in the United States, they are also a source of instability. Robbery, rape and many other cases have happened to them. As a result, many people dare not go out at night. The so-called poor public security in the United States mostly occurs in these areas.

Now that the situation has improved significantly, people naturally have a greater impression of the Fourth Master who has contributed money and effort, and many local people are naturally willing to vote for him.

And whenever Lao Si goes to a place to promote himself, he no longer has to adopt the mode of attending gatherings and handing out eggs.

And this time the policy agenda proposed by the fourth child was even more ruthless. If we say that the last action of returning home had the greatest impact on the hearts of the people at the bottom. So this time, people who are willing to repay the loan will provide you with a stable job, which will benefit many middle class people. Therefore, Laosi's reputation begins to rise.

The phone calls in his office never stopped ringing, and many media outlets that had little interest in him began to follow him and report on him.

This series of events naturally brought Lao Si an increasing reputation. There was no way, who told him to do the real thing?

At this time, Barclays, the third largest bank in the UK, announced that it would withdraw from the rescue operation of "Herman Brothers", which caused an uproar in the public opinion. This was the first big company that Hohmann Company officially announced to give up after the United States officially announced that it would no longer inject capital into the company. shareholder.

This news naturally caused a sensation. Although Barclays did not hold many shares, this attitude naturally represented a certain intention. Maybe Hohmann Company was really going to end.

The election is in full swing, and the advantage of the fourth child is not obvious. There are many highly respected people among the candidates. This puts Lao Si, a man with an oriental face, at a natural disadvantage.

Racial discrimination can be found everywhere, and it can become a force. Although Laosi's competitors dare not blatantly make a fuss about this, there is always no problem in hinting at it both subtly and subtly.

The supporters of Laosi were naturally unconvinced, and the two sides even had physical conflicts at several rallies. Among them, David, who has the highest voice in this election, is a typical guy with national sentiments and is also the most powerful competitor of Lao Si.

Often the supporters of such an elector have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely xenophobic and have a strong tendency to violence. The several conflicts that occurred in a row were basically with them.

After Ye Yuze knew about this, he called Zhou Guihua, and he and Ye Feng rushed to Lao Si's side immediately.

Of course, they will not join the fourth campaign team. Instead, they will be scattered in the audience as spectators at every rally, always paying attention to abnormal reactions.

The election of national senators in the United States actually has little to do with the people. They are elected by members of the state assembly through a joint vote. Each state has two quotas.

However, politicians are always ruthless creatures. Compared with shopping malls, which are like battlefields, they attack with even greater vigor. Basically, as long as there is a fight, one party will always be ruined.

There are three people with the highest voices in this election. In addition to Lao Si and David, there is also an old gentleman who has always been highly respected in the state House.

It's just that this old gentleman is older and has a high reputation. In fact, he could have entered the National Senate a long time ago, but he actually gave up this opportunity to others several times, which made everyone regretful but also admired him very much.

His reason is very simple, that is: "He is better than me, so the role he can play must be greater than mine!"

Now that the old man is about to retire, everyone has reached a consensus that he will spend his last term in the National Senate.

In fact, the old gentleman still wanted to do it, but no one agreed, which led to tit-for-tat confrontation between the fourth child and David.

Because the votes between the two were closely tied during the election, the only way to gain support among the people was to hold rallies to promote themselves.

Originally, such gatherings were held individually, but David was extremely arrogant. He believed that as a pure American, standing with the fourth Asian, he would crush the fourth, so every time Teams from both sides organize the rally together, so that not only the number of people is large, but the direct debate is also more eye-catching.

David's argument has always been distinctive, that is, the supremacy of the United States. He believes that a large number of immigrants have seriously affected the quality of life of local residents in the United States. Only by completely eliminating illegal and unqualified immigrants will the economy improve quickly.

And those production bases abroad should also be moved back to China. Only by increasing employment opportunities to the greatest extent can people's lives be improved.

His argument naturally attracted a large number of supporters, and these supporters were generally quite fanatical. Although the fourth child is also a deeply rooted person in Massachusetts, the confrontation between the two sides is fierce.

Today's rally is held in Weston, David's hometown. It is also one of the wealthiest cities in the United States. The per capita income has reached six figures, so it has great influence.

As an aborigine, David naturally has many fans here, and it can be said that this is his base camp.

Today, David is radiant, standing on the stage, standing on the stage and talking about his theories. But it still drew waves of applause. Ye Yuze could tell that his supporters were very fanatical. It was estimated that David would win applause even if he farted into the microphone.

Relatively speaking, although there are many supporters of Laosi, they have to be more rational, which will obviously lead to disadvantages.

Because this election does not require voters to vote, and these rallies are just to increase the popularity, let more people speak out, and broadcast it through the media, and the members will vote based on the feedback.

When David was speaking, Laosi's supporters had been listening quietly. Even if they disagreed with his views, they were not noisy.

But when it was Lao Si's turn to take the stage, before he could speak, someone in the audience began to cheer: "Get out of here, you yellow-skinned monkey!"

My parents have just been discharged from the hospital, and I have influenza A again, but I will never stop updating, come on

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