Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2031 How can it be such a mess of words?

The two people got to work quickly and stewed a pot of mutton. Roast Chicken Na was a little worried: "Tsomu, what if we eat these meats?"

Tsomu thought for a moment: "What men eat should not have any impact on women. And we must eat it, otherwise it will be self-defeating if they are suspicious."

In the evening, Zuomu originally wanted to send away some of Xiaohua'er's classmates. Because Mei Ting's team doesn't live here now, some are at the construction site, and some are following Mei Ting to the market. There is no work at all in the hotel.

But those girls refused to leave, mainly because Chen Tianjiao and the others were responsible for food, drink and accommodation, so only fools would leave. And if you fall in love with these men, wouldn't you be rich for half your life? It’s not like monogamy is here anyway.

Zuomu and Shaojina were helpless and could only pray that they would eat less mutton. There is no other way, the secret recipe passed down from ancestors is still intact.

In the evening, all three people came back. Because Wei Yuxiang drank too much last night, he did not come today.

Yang Geyong is impatient, and Chen Tianjiao is also a hard-working person. When they go to the construction site, they can't just stand there and watch, but they can't help but demonstrate by themselves.

Although the engineering team is all from China, the people who do the chores are all locals, and the efficiency is very low, so they have to be given demonstrations and financial incentives to make the progress faster.

Because they had done some work, they were all hungry today, so they wolfed down their meals when they got home, and they didn't even bother to drink.

It wasn't until Yang Geyong burped that he smiled and picked up the bottle to pour wine for everyone. The women were all honest today, because the men didn't fight for wine, so they didn't need their help.

But because he drank so much yesterday, Yang Geyong poured it on all the women:

"Come on, come on, there's no need to fight for wine. Since you can all drink, just the right amount is fine. Drinking is boring when there are less people."

In fact, there wasn't much mutton today, but Tsomu was used to being frugal, so naturally he wouldn't spend too much money. Basically, the men only had enough to eat.

As for themselves, they have rice. The so-called Dalubazi is actually vegetable soup mixed with rice. As for the meat, two small pieces are enough. Anyway, the rice is served with vegetable soup, but even so, it has more meat than the domestic Lanzhou Ramen. .

Being used to seeing them eat this way, Yang Geyong and the others naturally got used to it. Ye Yuze ate a little slowly. By the time he finished eating, he had already had two glasses of wine.

Roast Chicken Na sat next to him, very attentive, and brought him food from time to time. The girls have also recently learned to use chopsticks.

However, when eating big lobsters, they still habitually grab them with their hands. Ye Yuze didn't care much about this, because the herdsmen in northern Xinjiang didn't know how to use chopsticks.

Ye Yuze put a large piece of mutton into Roast Chicken Na's bowl and told her to eat more meat and less rice. Then he took another piece and gave it to Anu who was sitting on the mat behind him.

The little girl is very well-behaved and quiet. Never ask for food from others. They always ate whatever they were given, and looked like they were resigned to it, which made Ye Yuze feel a little distressed.

But Tsomu's two children were not like this. They were noisy with bowls and would come to the table to pick what they liked. However, today they were banned from eating mutton by Tsomu, so they were very dissatisfied.

When Roast Chicken Na saw Ye Yuze adding mutton to Annu, she took the mutton away from her sister's bowl. Anu glanced at Ye Yuze a little aggrievedly, but didn't say anything.

Ye Yuze glanced helplessly at the rice and vegetables in Anu's bowl. He wondered why this roast chicken Na was so crazy.

But his sister wouldn't let him eat it, so he had no choice but to pick up a piece of chicken and put it into Anu's bowl. Then Roast Chicken Na didn't stop her.

After drinking a glass of wine, Ye Yuze felt a heat begin to surge in his body, which surprised him. At this age, although you won't become a wilting brother, you won't have this kind of reaction inexplicably. What's going on?

As a result, before he could figure it out, Yang Geyong stood up and said, "Damn it, you guys are drinking, I have to go to work."

After saying that, he took Xiao Hua'er back to the room. After a while, a foreign language that everyone could understand came from the room, very clearly.

Chen Tianjiao felt like there were thorns on his butt and couldn't sit still. He kept winking at Zuomu. Zuomu understood the situation, settled the two children, and then returned to the house with Chen Tianjiao.

Roast Chicken Na's eyes were red and she always tried to get close to Ye Yuze. Ye Yuze told Anu to go to bed, and Anu was obedient and went to his sister's duty room to lie down.

Ye Yuze also knew that something was wrong with the situation today. He looked at the food on the table and thought that neither Tsomu nor Rojina allowed their children to eat mutton. He was shocked. Could it be that these two women were trying to kill them?

As soon as his mind turned around, he realized that it was impossible. Thinking about Roast Chicken Na's performance last night, he already knew in his heart that this was most likely drugged!

At this time, the remaining girls were sitting there twisting their bodies awkwardly, looking at Ye Yuze with very strange eyes.

When Roast Chicken Na saw that things were not going well, she pulled Ye Yuze and walked towards the house. One girl stood up and followed behind, and the rest followed her example.

Ye Yuze didn't speak and followed Roast Chicken Na into the house silently. Looking at Roast Chicken Na's fiery eyes, Ye Yuze felt like a fire was igniting in his heart at this time, as if he was about to burn himself to ashes. But Ye Yuze is not Yang Geyong. At least he must have better self-control than the average person.

He calmly put the roast chicken down,

At this time, the girls also entered the room and stood aside looking at the two people.

To be honest, Ye Yuze never thought that he was a good person, but he was very disgusted with the way Roast Chicken Na and the others treated him.

The reason why humans are different from animals is that humans understand taboos and know what can and cannot be done. He can't control others, but he himself won't be manipulated by others.

He raised his hand and slashed the back of the neck of Rojina who was tearing at him. Rojina temporarily lost her ability to move.

Then Ye Yuze sat down quietly and started making coffee, and then waved to several girls: "Come over and have some drinks."

When the girls sat down to drink coffee, Ye Yuze made an excuse to go to the toilet, and then quickly slipped out of the house.

Several girls wanted to chase outside, but Ye Yuze locked the door directly outside and rushed downstairs. He wanted to take a bath and take a cold bath.

When he walked out of the door, Ye Yuze almost tripped. It turns out that Anu is squatting at the door and doesn’t know what he’s doing?

When I saw him coming out, I raised my head and asked, "Brother, what are you going to do? Can you take me with you?"

Looking at this pitiful little girl, Ye Yuze felt that his heart filled with desire began to become clear. He picked up the little girl and ran outside.

The summer nights in Pokhara are still a bit cool, and the wind blows over, giving the city a breather after a sweltering day.

Ye Yuze was not familiar with this city, but he remembered the direction of Fewa Lake. At this time, the fire in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. Even the contact between the little girl in his arms and his body made him feel more excited. idea.

Ye Yuze understood that he could do nothing because he could only choose to be an individual at this time. The best way to suppress desires is to squeeze out your physical strength desperately and tire yourself to the point of paralysis.

It was really inconvenient to run with the little girl in his arms, and the contact between the little girl and his body was really a kind of torture. So, he transferred Anu to his back and started running with her on his back, getting faster and faster.

I don’t know how long I ran, but Phewa Lake was already in front of me. There were many tourists by the lake, and they all looked at him in surprise when they saw him running wildly with a little girl on his back.

Ye Yuze couldn't care so much, so he went to a boat rental place, rented a boat and rowed towards the center of the lake.

To be honest, the people here are somewhat Buddhist in their work. No one wants to come out at night. This boatman was hired by Ye Yuze at a high price.

When they arrived at the middle of the lake, Ye Yuze asked the boatman to take care of Anu, while he took off his clothes and plunged into the water.

The lake has been in the sun for a day and is still warm. Ye Yuze had no choice but to dive hard under the water, and then he came into contact with the cold water layer. He trembled all over and felt more comfortable.

At this time, the hotel was in chaos. Yang Geyong and Chen Tianjiao both turned into beasts and destroyed everything wantonly.

The door of Roast Chicken Na and the others was opened, and a group of people walked in. The moon seemed to be covered by dark clouds tonight, and it was so dark that nothing could be seen. Only the wind was panting like a cow and making a strange sound.

Tsomu was the first to wake up. Just looking at the mess, tears suddenly flowed from his eyes.

Roast Chicken Na bit Chen Tianjiao's arm. Chen Tianjiao had completely lost his former gentleness and looked like a lion.

Ye Yuze, who kept diving deeper, began to feel paralyzed. He had drained the last of his strength.

The boatman was a very responsible person. After seeing Ye Yuze's condition, he felt something was wrong, so he rowed the boat and followed him not far away. At this time, when he saw Ye Yuze floating up, he handed over a bamboo pole.

Ye Yuze grabbed the bamboo pole, but couldn't move it at all. The boatman pulled the bamboo pole back, and Ye Yuze couldn't hold it anymore, and the bamboo pole slipped out of his hand.

Thanks to his good water properties, he could float on the water without moving much in a backstroke posture, otherwise Ye Yuze would have sunk to the bottom right now.

The boatman jumped into the water and took him to the side of the ship. How could Ye Yuze still have the strength to climb up? Just like a dead person.

Anu stood up, grabbed his arm and pulled him up, while the boatman pushed him up in the water. It took the two of them a long time to get Ye Yuze onto the boat.

The boatman used his last strength to climb onto the boat, and then imitated Ye Yuze's example, lying in the cabin like a dead dog, motionless. He did not have Ye Yuze's physical strength, so he just put Ye Yuze on the boat and made him limp.

Anu stayed by Ye Yuze's side and kept stroking his hair with her little hands, trying to dry it.

Finally, he simply sat down and put Ye Yuze's head on his lap to make him lie more comfortably.

At this time, Ye Yuze was completely awake. He looked up at the bright starry sky and couldn't help but smile bitterly. No one at his fucking age has experienced this kind of experience.

There was no anger in his heart, just some disappointment. The human heart really cannot withstand the test. He's not a good guy, but he's not a bad guy either, he just wants to be a human being.

The boatman regained his strength and rowed towards the shore. Even if Ye Yuze paid him more money to stay on the lake, he would not do it. They still want to continue living a happy life, and they don't want to be buried with him, a madman.

When they arrived at the shore, Ye Yuze gave him double the original price, but the boatman was very principled and only accepted the agreed price. Ye Yuze had no choice but to buy him a few bottles of beer, and the guy happily took them.

Anu and I bought an ice cream and took out a small ball of death. The two of them sat by the lake and ate while watching the stars.

Anu only knows a few simple sentences in English, and Ye Yuze only knows a few simple sentences in Nepali. Therefore, their conversation basically relies on gestures. But they all understand.

Ye Yuze felt that Anu's attachment to him was from the bottom of his heart, just like his father and brother.

Originally, Ye Yuze planned to leave this place tomorrow. After all, his good impression of Roast Chicken Na had completely disappeared after what happened last night.

Ye Yuze has a kind nature. As long as he knows about those who are in a bad situation, he will definitely lend a hand to help. But he hates it most when someone takes advantage of his kindness to do something that binds him.

But this little girl's feelings for him were real, and the family's situation really made him sympathize. That's why I decided to help them.

When the little girl saw that Ye Yuze was eating ice cream quickly, she handed her own to Ye Yuze's mouth. After watching him take a bite, she smiled sweetly.

The two of them stayed by the lake until midnight, and Anu was obviously sleepy. Ye Yuze wanted to take a taxi back to Zuomu Hotel, but thinking about what happened there, he really didn't want to go there again, so he carried Anu on his back to the Jidu Hotel not far away.

After opening a room on the top floor, Ye Yuze just wanted the little girl to see the whole area.

From the moment he entered the lobby, Ye Yuze felt that Anu was even breathing carefully. This was probably the first time she had seen such a luxurious place in her life, and how could she dare to speak.

Pulling her into the elevator, the little girl stayed close to Ye Yuze's body all the way. He walked like a cat, only touching the ground on his toes, for fear of soiling the thick carpet.

The hotel's elevator is a viewing elevator, but it faces the city instead of the lake. As they climbed higher, Pokhara under the neon lights appeared before their eyes.

Anu hugged Ye Yuze's waist tightly with both hands. She was scared. After all, there was only a layer of glass between the elevator and the outside. How can a little girl at this height be calm?

Ye Yuze reached out and hugged her, and could still feel the little girl's heartbeat.

"Does it look good?" Ye Yuze asked.

The little girl snuggled into Ye Yuze's arms and felt at ease, nodding vigorously. A look of happiness.

In fact, this world was originally very clean, but human beings have too many desires in their hearts, and desires make some simple things complicated. I wonder what will happen to this little girl when she grows up?

My mother is hospitalized and has round-the-clock care. Life is not easy for middle-aged people. come on!

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